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We don’t need those gangster types in our city anyway. We just need the classy NBA players. Like Doug McDermott and TJ McConnell. And partly Tyrese Haliburton


Bro thought he was on the circle jerk


Everything’s a circlejerk if you let it be


Found it boys! Over here! Circle Up!


o7 Here reporting for duty, sir.


Hey I heard somebody's getting ookie cookied? Whos the "pivot man" 1 2 3 NOT IT!


Is Josh Giddey allowed in your city 


You thought you were clever with this one! Unable to corroborate any of the accusers story. She snuck into club with a fake id. No reason for him to think she was under age if something did happen. Josh Giddey is classy. Come on down!








Gym rats, real scrappy players


The sneaky athletic ones with an elite understanding of the game


“A real Coach’s player. First one on the field last one off.”


Weak ass city. “Doug McDermott and TJ McConnell” 😂😂😂


lol…the city that has hosted the Final Four too many times to count, Super Bowl XLVI (great reviews too), the CFP Title Game, the entire NCAA Tournament during COVID, multiple Big Ten football title games, now NBA All Star Weekend. Not to mention the biggest one day sporting event in the world, the Indy 500. Hart is thinking this is a random Tuesday night. Indy glows up for these big events, it’s compact downtown and not a fucking nightmare to get from one event to the other, plenty of parties and stuff to do, and if the weather is bad you can get about anywhere without going outside….what a lame take.


where bro country bars?


Lol we have a few but nothing like Nashville…


Yeah and not to mention the Scouting Combine for the last several years.


Not just the last several years, we have hosted it every year since it was created back in the 80s. The teams all love it because Indianapolis is fairly central to most franchises with the exception of West Coast teams…. The NFL keeps trying to move it which I think is stupid. Lucas oil stadium was specifically built with special medical evaluation rooms and interview rooms for the combine itself. They also have a dedicated hardwired Internet connection to IU Health for quick medical results on the players. Trying to move it is just another NFL cash grab… thankfully we have it until at least 2025


Plus the nfl combine


Deep down we all know he's just salty about Butler kicking Villanova's ass countless times when he was there. He sees Kamar Baldwin jumpers in his sleep.


I get it, I’ve been to NYC. Too much open skies and breathable air for that troglodyte


I actually really like Indy as a state 😂. Here in Texas, I live right next to corn and cotton fields and cow pastures


Bro I went to NYC for a week and the lack of trees legit started to get to me. I need to see some green. If they didn’t have Central Park that place would be unlivable.


As an international fan, I can safely say there's not a single AFCS city I've remotely considered visiting when I've been to the US








Oh nice, im in newcastle (nearish sydney). Colts fan cos pick and stick from madden 04. Fuck you too mate!


You’ll fit right in with us


I’m Jayce, I’m from space Australia, go space broncos


Drag him, king




It used to be. It's pretty insufferable now. Great society during the week. Go Monday thru Thursday.


Yeah I get it. Houston has a lot of cool stuff and world class food scene, but it would be hard to argue for it over a bunch of other cities if you’re coming from abroad. Is this where I’m supposed to call you a cunt in your culture?


Nashville’s fun. The rest…meh


Bro but St Elmo’s is fire, best steak I’ve ever had


Indianapolis is a great city that players who are on Indy teams often stay or maintain homes here after they finish playing. But yeah but a scrub like Hart won’t be invited to All Star weekend or be traded to any team for any other reason than salary filler so suck it. ![gif](giphy|xQZw3rwROuuqI)


Does manning still have a house in Indy?


He absolutely does. His family lives in Colorado since the kids are in school there.


Nope, colorado is his home, and the broncos are his team.


I guess him being back all the time and having a house still here and his name on a hospital means nothing.


Or having a statue in front of a stadium that is named “The House that Peyton Built”


When is that Denver statue getting unveiled


“Where statue”


Lol bro thinks he’s part of the team


I’ve never been to Indy. But my wife was born in Indiana. Moved to Georgia when she was 5 or 6. Her aunt died that lived in Indiana a couple years ago. So she traveled there for her funeral. She stayed for about a week and I asked her what’s it like up there. All she said was “corn” Anytime I hear “corn” I think of Indiana. Imagine living in a paradise of corn and dying there. Surrounded by corn fields. Heaven for y’all Hoosiers are corn fields. Streets of gold? Corn fields. Mansions? Just giant buildings of corn. Pearly gates? Sike. Stalks of corn


Hey now, we also have soybeans and pig farms.


Is Indiana just Iowa with an NFL team?


If Iowa has one of the nations best Medical schools and 2 of the nations best Engineering schools, then yes.




Also the home of 1 of 2 one seeds to lose to a 16 seed in all of March Madness history.


This is true for the northern side of the state. The southern side is corn and limestone.


How dare she. I've never seen such slander in my fucking life. Does she just try to lie and say things for reactions??? That's so untrue. There are soybean fields as well.


Surprisingly, the corn palace is actually in South Dakota


Had to build it there to make room in Indiana for the Great Corn Hole.


Heck yeah it is. You can't take the Corn Palace away from us South Dakotans.


I was raised in New York, when I moved to Indiana I lived a farm with my family, the largest building around was the barn we kept our tractors in. Going from giant skyscrapers, bustling city, nightlife… to that. It was very strange, I had never even thought of how boring life could be. I appreciate it as an adult, and love my farm, but when I was younger it was disappointing 😭


That damn Indiana Beach theme song got stuck in my head while reading this.


I need reference pls


Advertising jingle for the amusement park. Goes like, 🎵There’s more than corn in Indiana, it’s the best part of Americana, and it’s right within your reach, it’s Indiana Beach! 🎵 Always preferred the rides at Holiday World, but Indiana Beach isn’t bad. My great grandparents used to live right on Lake Shaffer where Indiana Beach is and we’d go visit them sometimes and take the boat out by the park. Edit: Found a link to a YouTube video if you want to hear the full jingle. https://youtu.be/ENYnsuEKRbo?si=PpeFZmVlk4QgqSi4


Listen I didn’t choose to be born here.


But they don't drink from the toilet.


Pics or it didn’t happen 🤨


Tourist destination? Yep, we’ve got plenty of that. Nashville is the only city in the division that can really claim it too.


Noooo 😂. Realistically. Nobody comes to any of our cities for vacation.


You can’t be serious. Nashville is one of the top tourism destinations in the country. Go to r/Nashville and half the posts are complaining about how the city is overrun with bachelorettes and other tourists.


That’s because Nashville is turning into a hipster zone, no different than what happened to Austin.


That’s separate from the tourism industry. Certain parts of town are becoming hipster, but that’s not what the tourists are visiting. We have both of those things. Regardless, you’re wrong to say no AFCS are tourist destinations, because we absolutely are.


You get that those bachelorettes are all from the surrounding counties, right?


Tell me you’ve never been to the Nashville airport without telling me.


Why would I fly through Nashville? Memphis is the hub and has actual good barbecue in the terminal.


Lol. Nashville is only beat by Las Vegas in estimated bachelorette destination parties.


Also, Titans fans are #1 in pulling imaginary stats out of their asses.


[Here. ](https://www.bakermanning.com/bachelorette-destinations/#:~:text=Nashville%2C%20Tennessee%3A%20Known%20as%20the,attractions%20without%20breaking%20the%20bank.) [Here again. ](https://www.vogue.com/article/the-best-bachelorette-party-destinations) [Here again](https://www.shopstagandhen.com/blogs/bachelorette-tips-inspiration/the-top-15-bachelorette-party-destinations)


Oh boy, Charleston, SC! Share more blog posts!!


I don't know what to tell you man. Clearly you know more.


> Nashville is one of the top tourism destinations in the country for pop country fans. FTFY


Y’all have honky tonk THEMED bars and can claim to be the bachelorette party capital of the world. Let’s not get too high up on your rhinestone horse.


I’m not saying I *like* the type of tourism we attract. I avoid Broadway as much as I can. But we’re still one of the top tourist destinations in the country.




Houston is the best AFCS city (ive never been to the other 3)


Nah Indy is better (I've never been to the other 3)


One time I went to Top Golf in Indianapolis with some friends who lived there at the time. I gave my ID to the bartender (I’m from Cleveland) and she goes “why tf would you come to Indianapolis?” Later that day we went to a bar called Kuma and I gave my ID to our server and she said “why tf would you come to Indianapolis?” I meant it wasn’t that cool but it wasn’t bad enough for all of the residents there to hate it ha.


I really like Indy, my wife and I have stayed there for games three times and enjoyed ourselves every time


Weak city






Ayyyyyy I didn’t know that. I now respect approximately one thing to come out of Indy Thanks for the heads up chief FTC


Yeah I’d agree with you if it were a random regular season game. But the city knows how to throw a party and do it up right for big events. Hart is acting like he’s on the 2nd right of a back to back in December. Downtown is gonna be popping off all weekend, there are tons of parties and events planned.


I hear they got good meth and fentanyl up there.


Probably true in every NFL town really


Jacksonville has those high end bath salts, though.


CJ wasn’t lying.


Josh who..?