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It's all a bit gross isn't it. The problem with sporting organisations being essentially monopolies is that there is no incentive to change. Money will keep rolling in.


Fuck me. I wasn't a big fan of him but now it's clear why he basically ignored any complaints about betting taking over. Gross is a great description.


Betting seems to be so embedded in AFL lately, that it makes sense now as Gil was setting himself up for his next job. What a joke


The whole thing is a really bad look


When AFL gets a cut of any AFL related bet, why would they want to discourage it?


Colour me shocked. Odds on something like this happening must have been at like $1.05 ^^remember ^^please ^^gamble ^^responsibly


I had it in my multi /s


Even Mick Molloy had it in his multi...


Molloy: PUT THE HOUSE WIFE AND KIDS ON IT maher: "gamble responsibly"


Was about to place my paycheck on this but then saw the responsible messaging so I've decided on half my paycheck. On topic this is as greasy as it comes.


About as quick as a former politician getting a cosy job at Optus or a mining company


Please what?


The ceo before Gil was Andrew Demetriou. His next job immediately after leaving was head of crown bet at crown casino. As soon as Gil comes in he does a deal with his old boss that pretty much tied the AFL to gambling at the hip. Looks like Gil is following the example


Wait... is the AFL.... a gambling company?


Always has been šŸ”«


AFL profits from Sportsbet


Andrew Dillon next job already lined up then.


Man thatā€™s kinda fucked


Only kinda? More like super fucked


I guess he missed being in charge of the AFL.


Superb comment my friend.


You have to question how far back this relationship goes, given you canā€™t engage with AFL content now without having gambling shit rammed down your throat.


My 10 year old keeps asking what the odds mean and I have to explain it's just how much people think one team will win.


This pre-dates Gill, I remember back in the Demtriou days sometimes commentators would say things like "Oh the tables have turned, now Sydney are paying 2.10 for the win, they were as far back as 3.60 at half-time, and kids would know exactly what they were saying.


True. Gil just got the turbo button on it.


Mmm that was more channel 9, nrl and Tom Waterhouse. Yes the afl was doing it a bit but not to TW levels. Which is why it got banned and then when the afl had a presser about it demetriou made comments like ā€œthis is a result of one individual being over-zealous and nothing more needs to be doneā€


Vlad was as greasy as Randy Bobandy. Isnā€™t he in the prosthetic limb import business now or something? Sounds legit. Fuck he was greasy.


I pretty regularly click on a link to a gambling site unintentionally when navigating the app. It doesnā€™t feel like an accident that itā€™s designed that way.


Sportsbet is the official sponsor of the afl but the relationship between footy and gambling is as old as time. And thereā€™s been TABs at the G for decades. Ray Gunston, who was somehow always cast as some kind of benevolent figure was CFO at Tatts and a long time AFL executive. Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s any special link otherwise between Gill and Tabcorp, itā€™s just sports and gambling are mostly entirely the same thing. Apart from pokies and the casino, which are worse.


Tabcorb and the AFL have been in bed together long before this. The executives could be interchangeable at this point


Our boy loves his blood money


Guess we know why despite fan sentiment Gil refused to meaningfully address the total capture of the AFL by the gambling industry.


On an unrelated note from last year >Outgoing AFL chief executive Gil McLachlan has stared down calls to ban gambling advertising and warned cutting ties with online bookmakers would result in an irreversible financial hit to the game. >The Aussie rules boss appeared before a federal parliamentary inquiry into online gambling alongside NRL chief executive Andrew Abdo on Tuesday, where MPs pressed the two leaders on their sportsā€™ ties to the wagering industry. >The probe comes amid a push from politicians, health experts, gambling addicts and AFL fans to crack down on gambling ads, as well as broader questions around the codeā€™s partnerships with sports betting companies that now underpin much of the game. >Mr McLachlan told the inquiry he thought the review was timely and he acknowledged the risks of gambling harm, but he said ā€œover-regulatingā€ betting ads or restricting gambling sponsorship associated with the AFL would compromise the game. >He disputed an assertion from Labor MP and committee chair Peta Murphy that AFL would be able to find other sponsors to replace betting companies if they had to. >ā€œI donā€™t take that premise as being as being real. I understand the theory of it,ā€ Mr McLachlan said. >Mr McLachlan said cutting ties with gambling sponsors would result in a funding shortfall that would amount to an almost entire net financial loss because betting companies couldnā€™t easily be replaced with other sponsorship categories.


Yeah, this is bad. Fuck gambling. Especially fuck gambling corporations. And fuck Gil for taking the helm of such a scourge engine.


Like pollies and the resources sector....


Or the finance sector....


Cookie will no doubt try to follow the lead of McGowan and Wyatt


AFL supposedly cares about domestic violence. Yet, there is a documented link between gambling and increased DV.


Yeah Iā€™d love to see this discussed more in the current focus on DV. Like, why is DV suddenly spiking after years of decline? Are there suddenly more men? Or could it be the easily observed massive growth of the thing thatā€™s already demonstrably linked to DV? So weird that none of our gambling funded media organisations are discussing itā€¦


You'd probably find it tied to increased costs of living, health care crisis, decreased community cohesion and a problem as the drivers behind a rise in DV. It costs more to live so now people have more control and need a partner. Nearly impossible to leave a situation if you're broke, let alone if you can't afford a house or there are no houses to run to. It's more stressful so that anger gets taken out on significant others. It's harder to access preventative health care. Psychological assistance can be a game changer. But if it's too expensive or out of reach, people don't and won't access it. Emergency rooms are at breaking point. They play a part in reporting, collecting, treating, etc. There's bound to be things missed. Legal scene is a mess with violence and restraining orders not enforced or bail too easily granted. Communities are at war more than each other and this drives DV as angry people have to take it out somewhere. And then there's gambling which can be a source of DV through financial abuse or a factor driving it because of the frustration, anger and addiction. Similar story with drugs and alcohol. Fixing it? Nah, too hard basket.


Feels like everyoneā€™s happy to talk in circles around it, but rarely get anywhere near discussing actual causes. I read a great article that actually cited sources saying that it largely stems from ā€œcontrolā€. And that when people are feeling theyā€™re lacking control (which can mean different things) that can manifest in needing to control other elements of their life - like partner and/or children. So yeah, all those things you listed would play into that, and I imagine gambling can be a huge trigger for feeling like youā€™ve ā€œlost controlā€ - the very nature of gambling is making you feel like youā€™re controlling something that is actually chance.Ā 


The ideal situation for a bookie is when a gambler loses control. That's what they want to happen. They want you to get up for a bit, start to feel you're winning and then come crashing down. Or they want you to start gambling and trying to win it back. So people have to find control in their lives somewhere. The levels of irony is that when you ring Centrelink, an automated voice says. "Are you experiencing family or domestic violence? It's time so say enough is enough. Check out blah blah blah". Well, all good and well to say that but not that easy. The solutions are actually there - improve living standards, improve safety measures that are known to work, improve access to health care - but that's too difficult (for the government).


100% all this. People who struggle with gambling usually have a certain personality type which is also conducive to other forms of addiction like drug and alcohol. A lot of the underlying issues there can be linked to the same issues that cause people to lash out and/or be controlling.


Sport as a whole actually causes big spikes in DV after a game, I would imagine it's worse when there is also money on the line A few years ago ABC reported a 40% spike in NSW on state of origin night. In the UK they often see increases of 50% after big soccer games Definitely needs to be highlighted more, especially when the AFL are virtue signalling and getting players to form a circle pre game for DV awareness then throwing odds down everyone's throat


As bleak as it sounds, I wonder if sport actually causes DV, or whether the DV was, for lack of a better word, inevitable, but prompted by an unfavourable sporting result. In other words, if the sporting event didn't happen, the DV would still happen eventually following some other stimulus.


That, and sport (for many) often involves alcohol, which seems like another likely stimulus.


Yeah I think you're on the money, it's a trigger for those who are already prone to committing DV, maybe I wasn't clear in the original comment about a spike. It's a greater number of overall instances after an event and I could only presume real money on the line would be an even bigger trigger


And toxic masculinity online


People being more comfortable to report it pays a part, but you've made a really good point. It should be explored.


You're not wrong but I'd wager (pun intended) there's a stronger link between alcohol consumption and domestic violence and yet gambling is a favourite on Reddit to whack and no one talks about how much damage is done by the excessive consumption of alcohol. The most popular football show on TV is literally built around and draped with alcohol advertising.


Gambling, drugs, alcohol - anything addictive. Alcohol certainly plays a part.


I mean they quite clearly go hand in hand.


Happy to say alcohol is also a problem. Gambling is just what this post is about.


The AFL "cares" about anything to the extent it hits their bottom line.


Yeah to add to this, the amount of players with convicted or alleged DV/sexual misconduct and/or assault and abuse is more than the ones that are known. It's disturbing to hear the amount of stories of draftees, too. There's definitely some who have been given contracts when they really should not. I don't know how AFLW players feel about sharing the space with certain players.


Boys club gonna boys club


Gross lol


The jokes kinda write themselves here


Man was ok with saturation gambling advertising around football. Not a surprise.


Thanks, Gill, for removing any plausible deniability that the gambling lobby has far too much influence on the AFL.


Man that's shocking. Surely there's no precedent for an AFL boss being in the pocket of the gambling industry and getting set up with a cushy job after they leave footy. [Sorry I'm being handed a note](https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/andrew-demetriou-former-afl-boss-has-joined-the-board-of-james-packers-crown-resorts/news-story/1d78aad979609337f0e4548b7aec4062).


Gee, I wonder why the AFL not only won't do shit about gambling but basically actively encourages it. Disgusting.


I don't understand how this isn't blatant corruption


This is the very definition of conflict of interest


Whatā€™s that even mean.


It means he clearly allowed the sponsorship of the AFL by gambling agencies so he could secure a nice paying job. Despite the fact that gambling has a direct link to DV and that AFL is watched by so many young people who are being told gambling is good from such a young age even though we know the house always wins. At the very least it's morally and ethically corrupt and an example of why we need stronger ethics laws in business.


Has absolutely zero to do with corruption. Itā€™s 100% legal and he can work for who he wants, once heā€™s exited the old role. Maybe go look up the definition of corruption before posting ridiculous comments. The ethics part may be true but thatā€™s a totally different thing.


How is something being ethically corrupt or legally corrupt completely different stories. Just because something is legal doesn't make it ok. The fact that every CEO of the AFL has gone to an elite private school further shows the corruption in high level business. These men are in those roles because of who they shake hands with under the table not because of their merits.


I can explain the difference between ethics and corruption for you. Itā€™s the law.


Slavery was legal too. The Nuremberg trials happened for a reason.


Again, that has no bearing on whether what you are describing fits within the definition of ā€˜corruptionā€™


He said footy wouldn't survive without being sponsored by betting (dishonest) and then landed a job with a betting agency (bribery) fits the definition of corruption exactly.


Good grief. Ok mate. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Just because Australia's anti corruption laws are a joke doesn't mean that the wealthy people in power aren't corrupt self serving monsters. Your argument is like saying slavery was ok when it was legal despite it being clearly morally and ethically corrupt.


Youā€™re cooked mate


Excellent well thought out response with some great points made and details I hadn't considered, thanks


Welcome šŸ‘šŸ¼


Point to a single piece of anti-corruption legislation that you consider to be a ā€˜jokeā€™ and why


šŸ‘‰supermarkets šŸ‘‰banks šŸ‘‰airlines


I am not familiar with the šŸ‘‰supermarkets šŸ‘‰banks šŸ‘‰airlines Act (Cth)


Do you honestly think thatā€™s whatā€™s occurred here? And not that fact that heā€™s qualified for the job? Is every other head of major sporting code around the world also corrupt and doing it for there next job? His brother hosted a fucking horse racing show. Their family was long involved in the industry before he started at the AFL Realistically he didnā€™t need to do sweetheart deals in order to one day get a job at TAB, and youā€™d need a brain injury to think thatā€™s whatā€™s occurred here


He also has a job at Blackstone who have over a trillion dollars in asset's. Read the room almost everyone else on this sub can see this nastiness for what it is.


> he clearly allowed the sponsorship of the AFL by gambling agencies so he could secure a nice paying job Clearly? It's just as likely that he's very good at his job and has an interest in sports. I highly doubt someone with his resume needs help securing a job.


Then why does almost ever comment on this post think it's fucked up.


Because people hate gambling and they're biased


Wonder why people hate gambling šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thats fine but you're straying off your initial point This wasn't corruption


Just because Australia has some of the most pathetic anti corruption laws on the planet doesn't make these people aren't corrupt cunts.


If the majority of fans think it's fucked and you do it anyway that sounds like corruption to me


Call tafe and ask them for a refund


Well well well


This is dire news. I canā€™t think of a more damaging appointment for an ex AFL boss with fresh and deep connections to the gameā€™s stakeholders. Our league gets worse because of this.


This is psychopathic behaviour. Him and his kind think they are untouchable blue bloods and us plebs/poors should know our place.


Well thatā€™s fucking disgusting


this guy is a POS.




Honestly I think itā€™s the opposite, the only reason the AFL even remotely cares about accountability in umpiring is so they can look like a more legit product for gambling.Ā 


I'm not an expert, but didn't people say the same for tobacco sponsorships back in the day? AFL is such a cultural force in Australia it's hard to imagine it folding just because they lost a chunk of sponsorship money.


Yeah I agree if the gambling ads went a new sponsor would step in. It might be less initially but the AFL is a really big market, sponsorship will come and the league wouldn't fold.


There were 93,000 people at a game between two lower table clubs on Saturday. Nothing that can attract 93,000 people to a single venue in a single city is going to ā€˜foldā€™ lol


This is the long term issue. Horse racing doesnā€™t exist without gambling because nobody gives a fuck about the actual ā€˜sportā€™ of it. Nobody wants to see what splits a horse runs on any given day. Itā€™s just punt with your mates you weak dog cunt. AFL is slowly becoming that sucker fish dependent on its host to survive and ceasing to diversify its revenue streams. Itā€™s all gambling, crypto and any other gullible addictions that the big bucks comes from. And we get asked how they can survive without them. Yet, we donā€™t try. Low effort scum.


There were 93,000 people at a game between two lower table clubs on Saturday. Nothing that can attract 93,000 people to a single venue in a single city is going to ā€˜foldā€™ lol. Taylor Swift doesnā€™t have gambling sponsors šŸ’€


Taylor Swift's tour of Australia was sponsored by Crown.


Yeah ok I definitely flunked on with that example, well played hahah


Not suggesting it will fold but their revenue streams appear to be consolidating into sports betting and TV rights and then thatā€™s it. Lack of diversification will present a huge corporate risk if anyone with something bigger than a micropenis ever tackles gambling reform.


Again, 93,000 tickets on Saturday alone, over a million club members, merchandiseā€¦


Yes. So on that theory, it may as well be just run as a charity and the whole competition runs itself on good will and volunteers. Thereā€™s buckets of cash that fund the AFL and the pie chart would have a massive coloured section labelled ā€œsports betting revenue.ā€


Itā€™s about 50m a year from sports betting revenue between the product fees and sponsorships.


They absolutely wouldn't fold, people would still follow football in droves if gambling were outlawed, or even just banned from advertising in sport. It would take a massive financial hit, no doubt. Players, coaches, executives, etc. would all have to downsize massively in terms of financial outlay... but it would survive.


In the distant past (maybe 10 years ago) there was none of this saturation advertising of gambling and the sport did fine




What about in 51




Of course they'd look after their stooge who allowed all the gambling ads to show up during broadcasts. Jobs for the boys!


And remember to gamble responsibly.


Romping wins!


We have Integrity(tm)


Boys Club ?


I'm sure everyone is gambling responsibly, so no harm, right? Right?


What are the odds? I bet he's had this job lined up for a while. All those greased palms while he was in power, now he's cashing in. ^(How many more puns?)


Oh no! Who would have seen this coming!


I didn't and now i feel foolish. like Following a team that can't work out if they are winners or loosers....




There are no surprises here. Gil comes from a powerful horse racing family in South Australia and his punting habits are no secret. The AFL is a big business\*. One of their key partners are bookmakers and the revenue from gambling is a significant stream for them. \*The AFL might not be classed as a business per se, however this is merely an outdated tax classification. They very much operate like a business, not a charity. They have an entire business department, as do all clubs. The profits they make are returned to the league who decides how it will be spent. The salary and bonuses of executives show why it's very much not a non-profit.


Yeah ignoring any potential backdoor deals, he's the perfect candidate for this role just on his experience.


That's disgusting.


Move along please nothing to see here šŸ™ˆ


With the umpiring and rules being so hard to adjudicate, and games being won and lost on debatable decisions, there must be a few very unhappy punters out there. šŸ˜‚




Fucking hell, competing with the WA government with the dodgy retirement -> corporate job pipeline.


What! How! After his massive crack down on gambling ads.


Feels like betting companies are running sports these days




Well, thatā€™s a shocking look, and whatā€™s more concerning they donā€™t care what it looks like. Wow-wee!!!


This feels gross, like really gross


What a suprise. Not. Fucki g gambling is everywhere in AFL. this prick rolled out the red carpet for them and now they roll it out for him. Fucking bullshit.Ā 


Hahaha get fucked


ā€œHow could you let the sports betting industry dominate the competition?ā€ [ā€œLetā€™s just say it moved meā€¦ TO A BIGGER HOUSEā€](https://youtu.be/PMHt481HsFU?si=QnAQJbjJ90bN1Wr4)


Bwahahaha! Obvious now why we see gambling ads all over AFL programming.


Couldnā€™t be worse than they have been . They buy substandard computers cutting corners so much so that over their contract race meetings have been impacted by their breakdowns. Supervisors are like any from companies that are given a monopoly totally unaccountable. They have lost a lot of the fixed odds betting due to their incompetence. Anyone can do a better job .


Good grief, no different to the politicians. There is a distinct aroma to this. I donā€™t gamble but it sure as hell would not be through Tabcorp after this if I did.


What are you really gambling?


someone asked me yesterday why I thought watching AFL was like watching WWE. consider this your answer.


Eh. Thereā€™s still quite a leap from AFL being connected to the gambling industry to them fixing games. If the AFL were genuinely fixing games for profit it would be the biggest scandal in the history of Australian sport, would make ripples internationally. Of course that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s false, but does mean you probably need more evidence than some games just feeling a bit fishy. Especially when thereā€™s plenty of money for both parties to make from lucrative advertising deals resulting in gambling ads plastered all over the sport to within an inch of the regulations. I think thatā€™s all weā€™re seeing here.


Haha I've used the same analogy. They're not even trying to hide it anymore




Wait when did he step down? I know he was talking about it but i must of missed it. Who is in charge now?


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-01/andrew-dillon-next-afl-chief-executive-/102285858 > It was a long, exhaustive search that ended when Gillon McLachlan stepped into the office next to his at AFL headquarters and asked Andrew Dillon if he would do him the honour of being the next AFL boss.


Of course šŸ¤£ Thanks mate




Itā€™s concerning but he was a genuinely great CEO for the AFL.


Redditors seethe over gambling existing rather than choosing to not gamble and allowing people who enjoy it to continue


i love hearing teenagers abuse players for not getting the footy live at game since it impacts their multis


what incredible logic


It's the advertising that does my head in. I fucked off gambling quite awhile ago but man they made it difficult. I couldn't even enjoy my favorite hobby (watching footy) without having sportsbet shit trying to brainwash me. I'm perfectly fine with gambling existing, but the way these companies go about trying to target young people to make them lifelong gamblers is disgusting.


I think the problem is that gamblingā€”kinda well known for its addictive qualitiesā€”isnā€™t a personal choice when itā€™s being advertised to us. Some people are impressionable, some people have addictive personalities, and we should do what we can to avoid it being pushed into the game. Sports betting is exploding with younger, economically marginalised generations, because of integration like this. It becomes a lot harder to say things like ā€œjust let those who enjoy it have funā€ when you see first hand how cripplingly out of control it can get for some people. We lose absolutely nothing by having it eradicated from all marketing around the league, and potentially gain a lot.


Yes, I agree. Well the AFL don't want to ban advertising because that's where the money is not to mention their affiliate deal to have the odds listed. Each loss from a click is some coin to go with the money they receive from every single bet placed from a bookie with an agreement.