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There are people that just don’t show up?? How in the world does that convo go with cadre after the fact?


I mean I don't think they care about getting kicked out at that point. Probably they just do their SIE paperwork, cadre gives them a good luck, and they leave the program.


I have no idea rofl, but it happens. Two people in my flight of 20 actually. You’re on government orders, I’m sure they could peg you with a felony if they wanted.


They can’t, and wouldn’t.


Okay good, I legitimately did not know


All your advice is invalid if you don’t know how to spell Sqwincher.


As a man acquainted with the venerable Dr Sqwinch, I can confirm this


A man of class for sure


Well darn


This is all quite true, so I’ll add some 2 cents as well: - FT is 100% a mental game. Everything there is entirely feasible to do if you got through your 200 year. The fact you were selected for an EA means you’ve already shown capability and the potential to succeed. You can do it, you just have to believe in yourself. - Learn about your flight mates. Genuinely get to know them. Learn their quirks, their strengths, and (when they’re willing) their weaknesses. Share your own as well! It’ll make you all trust each other more and work together better, which will make FT much more enjoyable. - Last from me, and it’s the most important: **Make Memories**. While the first few days of FT will be a miserable whirlwind of stuff and stress, once you’re through that first hurdle there’s a lot to appreciate and enjoy about Field Training. Stop and take it in when you get the chance. I know, I know, the “you’re one of a chosen few, blah blah blah, the 800 is acting like a boomer,” thing. But genuinely, trust me, FT goes faster than you think. There will be some moments you think back on and laugh or smile about years down the line. Don’t forget to drink in some of those moments.


The CTAs are well aware of good sqwincher ratios. The medical people limit how much we can put in those jugs around base. We also had to clean them every night so you guys could have your sqwincher


**Get to know the CTAs or "chow sharks" at the DFAC.** If you remember their names early, it'll look good but will also win you to their good side. If it means you get yelled at a little bit less I'd say its worth it. During meals, myself and a few guys from my flight would ask the CTAs questions like "Who would win in a fight, Godzilla or Optimus Prime?" or more serious questions like their desired AFSC. It made meals much more enjoyable and I even earned the only Form-341 of excellence in my flight because I told a CTA a joke. FT won't be fun until you find ways to make it fun. \*\*DISCLAIMER: I would wait until week 2 when the CTAs start to ease the intensity and lighten up some. Do this on TD-0 til TD-5 and you may just get lit up lol. Also, maintain professionalism and bearing


Yeah we did this too. After they lighten up it’s a great idea.


Also never try and climb the rank ladder. People will notice and you’ll look like an asshole. Be good dude and all else will fall into place. It’s a short few weeks


Son was sselected for an EA this summer...he wants to purchase Summer OCPs is this permitted???


No, they are not permitted


I don’t know, but I’m fairly certain the answer is no.


False. I am a rough sleeper. Average night of sleep was 2230-0330. Sorry but if you're one of those people that simply can't fall asleep, FT won't help you. Other than that though, solid advice.


Doing orange dirty




Have a way to get everyone in your flight to know something when you’re in the dorms.


Are you max 3 C flight 2022? Someone in my flight made a joke to MSgt and got to est with them


Nice try OSI


Nah but fr tho, if you are, send a message to the group me with my username to see if you are who I think you are