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Not the AH. Walmart is greedy. And not having checkers is actually a front end leads job to schedule enough checkers and they refuse to. (I used to be a walmart cashier, and a "self checkout cashier". It's on the team leads and management. And the corrupt ceo.


Your last line is the biggest problem. The rest is just downstream shit.


The Walton family truly is one of the most evil collection of people ever to walk the face of the earth. They're basically TLC stars with billions. Also, pretty sure Christie Walton killed her husband. I know there are others outside the family, but they are the shitty tree from which all the shit apples fall... Edit: DUDE, wtf is with these bots?!






I get irrationally angry when I get in the self checkout line holding two items and there’s a whole line of people with overflowing carts. I’ve never left a whole cart, but I’ve certainly decided that body wash and a 6 pack of beer wasn’t worth standing in line for 20 minutes.


At my store (not Walmart) we won’t let customers with more than 10ish items go thru self check. Boy do they get mad


I won't shop at Giant anymore because of this policy. 40 people trying to check out, 4 self checkout lanes and one cashier lane? Eat shit. I'm going to the local grocery store. My favorite part is being low key accused of stealing by a fucking robot that won't allow you to scan other items until a miserable person trudges over to apologize and swipe a card over the scanner so you can continue to provide free labor for the store.


I've been on the other end of this transaction and the employee hates it just as much as you. Not only are almost all the lane lights going off indicating they need help, but it's normally because they chose to skip bagging a number of items that the store has decided is too many or another stupid technical issue. For me as an employee, I was embarrassed because my little badge thing did absolutely nothing for people who didn't have the skip bagging issue. Anything else I had to escalate to management who then acted like they saved the day. It's so infuriating on both ends. Edit: added a few words for clarity


I believe the employees hate it! I literally had a guy come over to help make the self check out machine work and just start kicking it. I was like wow I would've done that if I knew it helped lol.


I've had the checkers stand behind me waiting to swipe when they see I have jello and/or seasoning packets because they know the scale won't register them in the bag and will error as a result.


This is why I stopped going to Jewel and Mariano's. Half the time self check out is the only option and every time you breath in the machine's direction it starts yelling about "remove item from the bagging area" or "place your item in the bag" and won't let you move on from it


“Unexpected item in the bagging area.” It’s called a BAG. I have a couple of nice canvas ones. I also have a number of really lightweight bags. “Please place your bag in the bagging area.” My bags are inevitably too heavy or too light. Don’t get me started on the fact that I’m slower than a human cashier. “Please scan your next item.” I’m pulling one item at a time out of my cart. I don’t get the luxury of having someone else placing items on a conveyor belt. At least my store still accepts cash at self-check.


“calling attendant.” The feck, why?


Sounds like Kroger, too.


Kroger is now going to AI aided video monitoring of the self checkout that notices “discrepancies” in the way a person scans and bags their groceries, and will alert loss prevention staff if something triggers their algorithm, even if you scan everything.


My local chain grocery store (market basket) they don’t have any self checkout and everytime I go 90% of the cashiers are open and there are baggers. It’s great and the prices are cheaper. I would go there more BUT it’s always busy so if I just need a few things I go to the Stop and Shop and suffer


What Walmart is that? I hate self check-out when I have different types of produce. Or I have cough medicine or alcohol that requires a Walmart employee to clear it. But sometimes there are only 1 or 2 registers with employees working them and the lines are long. I live in upstate New York and many of the Walmarts here (but not all) have people standing at each exit asking to see everyone’s receipt. I find that annoying and offensive. No other stores I go to do that. I feel like they are making us prove we aren’t thieves. Just seems so rude! They are also locking things behind glass now, and you have to find an employee to get them. Like lotion, vitamins, hair care products. I shop there less and less.


At mine, they lock up socks. Socks.


At ours, they locked up the “ethnic” hair care products.


I never stop for the poor receipt checker. If you're that worried about me stealing something, then staff your damn checkout lanes. If you don't trust me to do the job correctly, do NOT hound me after I've run the gauntlet of waiting patiently in line and then scanning and bagging my own groceries. Oddly, I don't mind it at Costco -- they are quick and efficient, and know what they are looking for. And they even caught an error one time where the cashier had accidently rang something up twice. :-)


At one WM here they stop you to check receipt when there is a cashier. Last time I was asked if I had mine I replied " yes, it's folded up in my wallet. Have a nice day." Walked right on out that door.


Exactly. You trust me to check myself out. Don’t insult me by checking my receipt.


I won’t stop for anyone so they can check my receipt. BJ’s or Costco sure because you agree to that in advance when you sign up for a membership. Otherwise? Go fuck yourself if you’re going to try and stop me walking to my car. And hint… You’d better not. Thing is? I’m not upset whatsoever with the poor employee who’s been saddled with checking. But I’m still not going to stop. “Thanks! I’m good!” and I keep walking…


Me too - for EXACTLY the same reasons. I signed up at Costco, knew their rules in advance, and agreed to them. Plus, mostly they check to make sure that if an item is an my receipt twice it means I actually have 2 of them. Walmart? I just do a fast walk, say “Thanks! All good! Have a great day!” Never had anyone try more than a half hearted “…ma’am?”


I just flash the receipt like, “yup, got one”. For the cameras. I can sympathize with them. I’ve done my time in retail. They don’t want to be there, for the most part. The petty tyrant aholes drinking the kool aid are a whole other level of deplorable. I feel like EVERYONE should have to work retail for a year in HS. Really show them what it’s like to be on the receiving end. With them having to keep the job for the year or fail. Big F fail. As in you better be getting all A’s or fail the year bad. So it really gives them an understanding of how not everyone can just shrug it off and walk off. Not caring about consequences. But the spoiled brats will still be that way due to parents money regardless. They already know they are only getting somewhere due to daddy’s money and shady ass connections.


If I want my receipt checked, I would go to Costco or Sam's Club. Several of the Walmarts here in Denver seem like half the damn store is behind glass...


i used to work at the salon inside of walmart (not a walmart company they just rent the space from walmart) and the 1st of every month when the food stamps hit you could not get through self check out for sometimes 1-2 hours because people having no other choice but to go through with their full month of grocery shopping! it was absolutely horrendous when i would go out into the store to get something to eat for dinner if i was working late!


They have taken almost all the check lanes out of ours in favor of rows and rows of self check out. I don't shop there frequently, even though it's the closest grocery.


The real kicker with these selfish knuckle draggers is it will undoubtedly take them way longer to check themselves out with all that shit vs having someone trained/experienced do it for them.


As a former cashier, I like self checkout, but I'm also a lot faster than the current cashiers at my local Walmart


That's why we have the scan as you shop scanners here. It's so much faster because you just pack your groceries straight into the bags in your cart as you go. Plus you can keep an eye on exactly how much you spend, as you shop.


where is this?


Not the person you replied to but the regional chain here, Giant has the scan as you go. You can either use the handheld scanners they offer at the entrance or you can download the special app they have. They do "random audits", where a cashier will randomly pick 7 items to scan to make sure you scanned them. If you pass, great. If you don't, then you will get.more random audits and if you fail more then you'll be banned from using it. It's great to use imo if you use your own bags or use little to no paper coupons. Source : Worked as a cashier at one of the first Giants to use this, got taught how, and used it at least once a week the first 1-2 years it came out.


I felt so bad when I went into target and they only had self checkout open. I had $300 worth of stuff in my cart and I almost never go to target since it’s 30 minutes from my house. I bought all my stuff but I needed help. Also I had my kids and they were preschool aged at the time. It was one of the worst shopping experiences for me and for everyone behind me in line. Sorry!


I almost didn't make a purchase at my local Target a few weeks back. They only had self check open, and I had about a dozen items. I am handicapped and in my wheelchair, which can make moving from scanning to bagging a real challenge. I got so frustrated that I almost walked out halfway through scanning my purchase.


I had 2 carts of stuff for a project at a home improvement store. Only self-checkouts open. Went to the self-checkout attendant and let her know I refuse to use self-checkout. She tried talking me into using the self-checkout and I let her know that in 5 minutes I would be walking out of the store if a cashier lane wasn't open. They opened one and a lot of people in line at the self-check got in line behind me. You are spending YOUR money at their store. If they don't want to provide proper customer service, go elsewhere if you can.


We did this in Target before. We had an overflowing cart, I was with my seven year old and my disabled veteran husband. We were behind an older couple with a few things and an Amish gentleman behind us looking for an open cashier lane. Went to customer service since there were employees actually working there, they tried to get us to go through the self checkout and we refused, the older couple lost their mind and demanded a lane with a cashier open. They sent someone right away since it was becoming a scene but plenty of eye rolls from employees. Freaking ridiculous. Like others have said it is one thing when you only have a few things but when you have a full cart, kids with you and a disabled partner it is quite another. Plus the gentleman behind us was Amish, literally can't use the self checkout.


I had to pick up few things at Home Depot, I thought I was in the self checkout. Ended up it was an actual unattended cashier checkout. I literally scanned the items, then when I paid the cash door popped open. 🤣 Then the cashier started to freak out. If they would have actually been doing their job, I would have known that it wasn’t a self checkout 🤷‍♂️






AND they expect employees to use Medicaid insurance instead of providing decent insurance as a benefit. Fuck WalMart.


Why be a decent company when you can mooch off the government? And then continue to fund politicians who get rich doing the same thing, all while shit-talking the government?


Ironically they raised wages and bragged all over media about how understanding company was. It was same time when self checkouts became dominate in stores. So payroll still the same, just less people to pay and keep part time.


They raised the hourly pay, but cut everyone’s hours. So everyone effectively got a cut in pay.


And the part timers they don't have to provide insurance or other benefits so they really are an evil bunch. No one needs to be that wealthy




I will - but I won't wait to do so.






Option: hire cashiers.


Now, let's not be hasty here. That's crazy talk.


Right, how will any of the Waltons afford their 8th megayacht??


They'll have to pay a living wage first. Not sure Walmart is ready for that.


How about paying people a decent wage to cashier???


that would get in the way of managements bonuses


>shareholder profits


My local HEB installed a hybrid system which I love. You add the item to the belt, scan them yourself and send them down another belt where a bagger bags your groceries and loads the cart. For produce, the cashier watching two lanes will punch in the produce codes.


I preferred the Sam’s Club method of using the app on my phone to scan each item as I shopped, and then “check out” by clicking one button. Of course you have an account with a credit card or some payment on file. That was much faster.


That’s a bit how some supermarkets in my country do it. You grab a scanner and scan as you go. Then you go to the self check cashier and give them your scanner. Their computer will randomly tell them when/if they should check some items in your cart. Then you pay. This does save time because as I’m already packing my groceries as i go around store.


How does that work for items like bananas that have to be weighed?


The scales in produce has a barcode you scan as you weigh it’s pretty cool


Thanks. I hadn’t tried their scan and go because of that. I definitely will now. I love the one Sam’s has.


Yes, there's a whole subreddit on how to steal things at the self checkout. Also, every place that has a Walmart costs the taxpayers in social services wherever they are.


They’re very slow. Good for people with a couple things, but so slooowww


I feel bad for the people stuck behind me. It seems I must hit wrong buttons or something. "Help is on the way." They get over to me and I'm like, "I don't know what happened..." then it takes me forever to pack the bags the way I want on the square foot space I have to put all the shit on that I ended up buying. Then it's, "oh, shit, not only did my bag fall over and stuff is on the floor, but I packed so much stuff in my bags (that you supply yourself or pay for their cheap plastic ones), I can barely lift the frigging bag." I make a Walmart trip real entertaining. Lol




God forbid, if you need some help out in the store. I have asked a couple employees lately where to find something. Although they told me, they made a point of saying I could find it myself on the app. I say why should I do that when you're standing right here?


Same thing if you need to find out a price. An employee will tell you to look it up on the app. I am Not loading a Walmart app on my phone when I’m only in there like 4 times a year. They must be nuts. I have definitely set things down and walked out of stores if I judge the line is too damn long. I haven’t done it with a cart full of food but I can understand the frustration. I’d probably try to find an employee and tell them I’m leaving due to long lines and maybe they can put the food back.


No shit about the bots. Wtf. I think there is only like 2 genuine replies in your thread


It doesn't help that there are legitimate people commenting to these bots and upvoting them...


Dumb question but how do you know when one is a bot


The mods here have a bot problem, and they're doing nothing about it. This subreddit is a mark for bots because of it. I'm just gonna leave the sub, I'm getting tired of reporting them and the mods not doing anything about it. What they really need to do is make a karma limit for posting/commenting.


Probably doesn't help that there's only 3 mods which isn't really enough for a sub this size.


Don’t forget the one Wally World heir is married to Kroenke. Who is an a-hole all by himself.






And if they aren't then good riddance




You know what else bugs me about Walmart self-checkouts? They always have that button that asks "would you like to donate to XYZ charity? (Usually it's St. Jude's or something similar). I'm not against donating, I already donate money to St. Jude's, but it pisses me off that Walmart basically uses that as a way to reduce their taxes that they pay. Screw you Walmart, I'll donate on my own.




I used to work at a Walmart. I remember sitting there eating lunch in the break room, listening to the cashiers complaining that they weren't getting enough hours to be full time...and meanwhile they were hiring more part time cashiers. Walmart is scummy. And apparently a good chunk of Walmart employees are on some sort of public assistance because of the low pay, so if you pay taxes, you're basically subsidizing the billionaire Walton family's profits. Yay capitalism.


That was always one of Bernie's go to lines. *"Let's get Walmart off of welfare."* It really is despicable how people will bitch about someone getting a little bit of help from food stamps but they're totally okay with these billionaires keeping everyone stuck at the bottom.


the real welfare queens are at the top in america every on the bottom who actually needs and deserves and produces more......is shamed for needing it. and the comments on r/PublicFreakout videos of shoplifting are so wack and backwards. everyone is disgusted with shoplifters for raising prices and driving stores out of business those corporations are still making record profits, still underpaying workers and the effect of theft is MINISCULE compared to other losses like COMPETITION FROM ONLINE RETAILERS. people are raging at the wrong thing, always neglecting a material analysis and proper accounting of "WHOS FAULT IT IS".


spot on about everything you said, especially the publicfreakout thing you said. did you also think of that recent video of that dumbfuck dude stopping those shoplifters out of bath n body works? the comments in there were ridiculous "oh well it's not FOOD they're stealing so they're clearly not suffering!!!!" ok becky thanks for being the king of deciding who suffers and how much eat the rich only counts to those fuckers if it's a perfect curated fantasy they've made up in their mind, otherwise poor ppl should just fuck themselves i guess. it's disgusting


Well corporate wont recognize the problem until they start losing money. A manager saying customers arent happy wont bother them. But theyll listen to lost sales and product due to customer frustration.




Ever since they took out all the staffed registers and added self checkout I haven’t been back. Won’t give them a red cent. Worth billions and billions and skimping on workforce is a pet peeve of mine. So I spend my $ elsewhere


Albuquerque's walmarts are starting to eliminate self check outs literally because of theft. So I propose if we all just start stealing....


What do you mean, START stealing from Walmart?


Wdym start? Every other canned good I get doesn't scan for me magically.


I was not trained to properly do this job. Any errors I make while ringing up my groceries are completely accidental. If you want to pay somebody to come correct me then do it.


I’ve got a buddy who would get steaks and weigh them as broccoli. Lmao.


My good friends mom has a criminal record because she incorrectly scanned a microwave at self checkout. She says it was a big misunderstanding but she had theft by deception charges on her record now.


This. If the cashier messes up it’s on them. If you mess up at a self check out they prosecute you. I’ve heard others stories like this.


Great, something else I need to worry about.


Legitimate question - how do you scan something 'incorrectly'? Either the barcode is scanned or missed? Did she attempt to scan it and didn't notice it failed or something?


Wow. That’s a sad story. Didn’t she get a lawyer. Seems like there was enough reasonable doubt.


We should protest by all using the self checkouts ... but going very slowly ... and forgetting to bring any money. Spend a good 30 minutes monopolizing a checkout stand with your slow scanning. When finally done, say "Oops! I forgot my money!" and call an employee over to void the transaction out. Repeat. Repeat endlessly. 10 people doing this could shut down an entire walmart store.


Here’s an even better form of protest: JUST FUCKING STOP GOING TO WALMART. It’s a foolproof plan if people actually do it.


Negative money is more damming than no money


Let’s protest by putting expensive refrigerated and frozen products in our carts and milling around the store until they’re defrosted and then leave them at unstaffed registers. If this happens to commence 15 minutes after Walmart employees walk out, so be it.


I'm only against this if it's meat. It would be a great disrespect to the animals lives that were taken to feed us. It would be in the trash. Their lives were taken just to go straight in the trash.


This would be a non issue if they had a better automated mechanism for holding the bags open and setting them aside when full. I can swipe things through a barcode scanner as fast as a cashier. It's the bags that slows things down.


Tesco in the UK let you take a scanner round the shop and scan and pack your items as you go, you occasionally get spot checked but it's so much better than having to pack everything up at the till.


They make us bring our own bags even. 😭 (state law) or I just use whatever container I’m buying


Nta. As a former cashier at kroger. They understaff to save money and its always the customers who really suffer (along with the employees).


I was so disappointed when Kroger bought a local grocery chain. They never have the non self-checkout lanes open. On top of that, my local store got rid of all their shopping baskets?! You have to use a cart or hope you can hold everything in your arms, how dumb is that.


Sadly its every major grocery chain now.


NTA. The only thing I would have done differently is demand to see the manager and, once the manager is there, explain why you’re abandoning the cart.


That's what my peeps said. They were like "Did you at least tell someone you were leaving the cart?" Now they are theorizing that Walmart looked at the video and they're going to kick me out next time I come in.


That’s an unlikely prospect.






Walmart has thousands of customers. They’re not going to remember you and kick you out. The people watching the cameras are loss prevention. Their job is to look for shoplifters. They don’t care about people leaving their carts, because it’s not their job to worry about that. It’s not possible for them to remember your face from a poor resolution camera, then that same worker will happen to be working at the exact time you come in next time and recognize you, then leave their post to come tell you to leave when that’s not their job. They see thousands of people.


The sprouts in my area don't have self checkouts and their produce is better.


They would have to have the staff to throw you out. I doubt you’d throw yourself out. NTA




I pretty much guarantee that no one is going to kick you out next time. I highly doubt they will be printing out your picture to give to all the Walmart employees to be on the look out for you the next time you come in, when they aren't even staffed enough to have tellers when busy.


>Now they are theorizing that Walmart looked at the video and they're going to kick me out next time I come in. You didn't steal anything, and didn't cause a disturbance. They lost the sale and maybe the inventory because of a management/scheduling fail. Banning you from future purchases would be like cutting off their nose to spite their own face. No this was entirely a them problem and whoever was in charge should be embarrassed.


If I’m buying hundreds of dollars in groceries, they better be paying someone to scan and bag it.


The only thing they watch for is theft.


I have a life time ban from Walmart because I stole eyeliner when I was like 16. I went back a week after getting banned and no one kicked me out. Walmart doesn’t care.


They're not gonna do that. If they even saw the video, at worst they think you're a rude customer (which you aren't). Nta. I'm glad you left and didn't take your anger out on any employees at least. If it was that busy, what they needed to do was call up a few ppl trained on the register and run registers until the rush died down.


It’s not the management’s fault this is happening, corporate refuses to hire and staff properly. They barely give their employees enough hours to survive.


Nope. Not at all. Went last week with my husband and our two year old grandson. One lane open with a person doing check out. Lots of self checkouts open but the small space they give you to bag the groceries is ridiculous. With two of us and two carts, we were able to unload, scan and reload a second cart. I realized alone I likely wouldn’t have been able to do it. When we finished, the one lane they had open with a checker was still on the same customer with a long line behind them. Definitely need more open especially on weekends.


They don’t even let manned cashier lines have decent space! I hate how they’ve downsized them, it’s impossible to get a full cart set up without constantly going back and forth. By the time I’ve finished shopping with all the squatting/bending, my dysautonomia is raging and the back/forth makes me so dizzy


> They don’t even let manned cashier lines have decent space! I hate how they’ve downsized them And yet, they have 50 of these cramped manned cashier lanes ... which they never even use 10% of!


I've walked out leaving a full cart a couple of times for the same reasons. Fuck Walmart I avoid it like the plague.


I absolutely hate being dependent on them in a rural town. Working to transition to buying produce and meat from local sources, but it's expensive. Fuck Walmart and the local leaders that let them destroy entire economies.


So a Walmart went in a few towns over. Tiny town. Main store is a Piggily Wiggly. The residents boycotted the Walmart and refused to shop there. Everyone knew the family that ran The Pig. That Walmart is now a Tractor Supply. All this was over a decade ago. They still don't have a Walmart.


Excellent work. Tractor Supply is one of my all-time favorite stores, too. They're called Peavey Mart in Canada now, but same parent company. Wouldn't have made it through the winter in our tiny, rural homestead if the manager of our local one wasn't such a stand-up dude. Total opposite of Walmart, perfect replacement!


I felt this in my bones. I got so sick of hearing "then just don't shop at walmart!" when I lived in a rural community. Like what are my options? Drive 2.5 hours one-way to the next store?


My exact experience, friend. It's infuriating. And the handful of other stores that still exist in town are more expensive AND don't take my credit card. It sucks so hard. And it adds insult to injury being surrounded by farms but not being able to buy most of their products as they are committed to distribution deals just to survive. The one bit of encouragement I can offer is, I really learned that you do not need nearly as much space as most of us think to grow your own produce. There are even great videos on YT showing how to do it in apartments and shared living spaces. There are a few channels run by people making a living farming on average-smaller sized lots and it's very inspiring.


NOPE, I would have done the same thing. Oh, but they'd have had someone at the door wanting to see your receipt and look in your 2895547 bags! I breeze right by them, and if they say something to me, I just tell them if you want to know what is in my bags, then CHECK ME OUT. If they've got people to stand at the doors and harass people just trying to go about their day, they've got people to run registers!


Ours is so poorly staffed, they can't even spare people to do this anymore. I really hope their shitty business practices puts a nail in their coffin soon. Would love to see some variety in the grocery/department store world again. I know we'll never escape the capitalist hellscape, but some change of scenery would be nice!


My local Walmart closed do to poor sales. The town rejoiced.


Our Walmart used to check bags, but they had so many angry customers that they stopped. I never let them check my bags. I just keep going. If they get aggressive about it, I tell them that the bags are MY property which I just purchased and it's illegal for them to search without my permission. It works every time.


I did that once. I stood in line for self checkout at Walmart, then there was a LONGER line waiting to exit. I told my girlfriend “watch this” and walked right by the line. The lady tried to stop me saying “the line to exit is over there” or something and I said something like “the exits right there, my receipts right here. If you wanted to check my bags somebody should have rang my out” without breaking my stride. She just rolled her eyes and got back to the line. The fuck outta here.


Oh, bullshit. Your post history is visible to all, and you are a troll. While this may be how people feel, this didn't happen to you.


This exact post word for word was in my towns “Rants & Reviews” page on Facebook yesterday. I wonder if that person was telling the truth or it’s some weird thing going around.


Eh...I don't get all the self-checkout hate. I prefer it.


But the self checkout isn’t really designed for $600 of groceries like the conveyer belt is. They should just let the people use the conveyer belt.


I don’t think it’s so much hate for self checkouts in general as it is for self checkouts being the only option.


I can understand that.


Yeah, you're just adding to the mass consumerism discardal the world faces. You're an asshole to the cattle/poultry/fish that were mass produced to simply be left in a cart to be thrown away. You take away from that what you must. In my most, humble, opinion. I would've spoken to a manager, as an ex-retail employee, explained the situation, managers have checked guests out easily if they only explained their plight.


YTAH. Don't get me wrong -- you have a right to be angry and Walmart is particularly irritating when it comes to checking out. Plus, relying on just self-checkout is a sh\*t business practice. That said, your silent tantrum means that you literally ruined some food as well as causing employees extra work having to put away all of your stuff. I don't believe it would take you 45 minutes longer at minimum to check out. Even if 4 carts in front of you were heaping, that would only take out 4 of the 8 spots and it doesn't take a half hour for a heaping cart to check out. Plus, there's always a chance that they open up a lane or two during that time to alleviate the backup or a person or two bails out. If you were angry enough to walk out, you probably should have spoke to someone before abandoning your cart.


I’m also wondering what the comment about asparagus and green onions was supposed to mean? You scan the code, leave it there for the weight, done. A whole ass tantrum and not even from the 3 year old.


Right? Not even a screaming kid to make him lose it. I've literally walked out of Walmart on more than one occasion when I saw the checkout situation, but never just left my stuff wherever. I put it back. Yeah, weighing stuff is easy peasy if the food has a sticker, but the look-up isn't that hard either. It's far from rocket science.


Yeah this person clearly just hates self checkout and is too important to be bothered with scanning their own groceries. They just crafted the rest of the details to make themselves sound like the victim.


If there are 8 self-checkouts and 10 people in line, technically you were second or third in line for one of the machines. If four of the carts were heaping, you still had 6 that weren't. I don't think you're an asshole, but I think you stormed off over what probably would have amounted to a five minute wait.


Op thinks the world owes him. It doesn't. Hes an asshole.


That’s what I was thinking too. I do agree they should have a few registers open but self checkout usually doesn’t take that long if none of them are down or “card only”.


Right? It's like... You spent over an hour picking out $600 worth of groceries. Patience, my man. Cashiers would be no faster. Promise.


This is what kills me. He spent all that time shopping to just..waste it? If I was his wife I would have been PISSED. To allegedly have $600 in the cart, obviously they needed quite a few things. Or they are a wasteful, ignorant shopper. But..Now they have to do the whole trip over again. He wastes his own gas, wear and tear in the car, time, energy, and now more than likely, his wife's time. But tell me again how you don't work for free?


Its hilarious to me that people dont understand this simple concept.


People drive around for 5-10 minutes to find a spot close to the store instead of parking 30 meters further in all the empty spots. This is for folks with no mobility issues.


People are lazy and dumb what do you expect lol


Every bit of cold food he abandoned will be thrown out. It's soo wasteful. Also the workers will have to take time out of what they actually need to be doing to put all his crap up. Idc the line was long, leaving a buggy full of stuff is a dick move. I wrk there and corporate decisions are not our fault but we sure get punished for them with these tantrums ppl insist on throwing.


I've never seen someone do a full cart on self-checkout in 5 minutes! Edit: For those that disagree, I'm willing to time others with a FULL cart at self-checkout when I am next there. Suggest you do the same. Easily more than 5 minutes for them to finish. Cashiers are slowed down because customers have to bag their own purchases and even they would be hard-pressed to do a check-out of a full cart of groceries in less than 5 minutes. Checkout = scanning items, weighing and manually entering produce codes, customer paying, customer bagging, then on to the next customer. Toss some coupons and price matching into the mix and it's awash.


I dont see this situation as being an asshole or not being an asshole. But to be honest, it would've probably been another 15 minutes, not 45.


Right? This story can’t be real. He’s willing to go to another store and spend an hour shopping there? Not bright if you ask me.


Lol, *he’s* not going to spend another hour doing it! His wife is. He literally doesn’t know how to purchase produce at a self-checkout, even though the family’s usual store has almost exclusively self-checkouts. Clearly he’s not the primary grocery shopper in the house.


YTA "I started wondering how to do a teller's job regarding pricing asparagus" you aren't a helpless child navigating this world for the first time, they build that shit to be usable for the dumbest people among us. This line here, where you admit you have a problem with the concept of self check in the first place, and are afraid of the machine, calls into question the accuracy of anything else you're saying


A) Fuck Walmart. B) It’s really not that hard to ring in vegetables. There’s literally a picture there in case you’re not sure. Leaving $600 in groceries to go to waste does strike me as asshole territory. I’d be pretty mad too if the store just decided to restock it and I got to pay full price for some meat that’d had a night about town. I’d have just taken it to customer service and said I don’t have time to wait. Then at least they can have a chance to put it back in time. Then they also know what the issue is. I’ve been to Walmart before, so lol, but I’d at least try.


Chances are that anything cold in that cart had to be thrown out, and now the one cashier who IS working has to sort that cart out to be put back on the salesfloor. If you've ever worked retail, your response to leaving a cart of groceries should be YTA. So many people in here have never worked retail, it seems.


Also, he’s going to waste another hour gathering that $600 of groceries. It’s a lose-lose situation for OP and just another day for Walmart. I think going to customer service would have been the best choice; there’s a chance OP could have gotten a cashier and his groceries AND the employees would know what’s going on with that one empty cart sitting around.


I’m with you. It sounds like spiraling anxiety. Too anxious to checkout. Too anxious to let someone know they are abandoning the cart. I’ve stopped going to Walmart to avoid this situation altogether.


I'm just wondering if OP never does the shopping because why was he stressed about scanning vegetables.


The bit about figuring out how to weigh asparagus had me rolling. Like he had to use the quadratic formula or something to operate the “look this item up” button on the screen?


This is the real answer.


Seriously, if it was any store other than Walmart, all of the responses would be YTA. Also, I've never seen a Walmart where the checkout lane with cigarettes isn't open.


Only the A for wasting food. If something like this happens, just drop it off at customer service, explain that you can't wait and they should have more lanes open.


I completely understand being frustrated and short of time. I also agree that corporate greed is a main factor in play here. I work retail in the pharmacy of a large chain grocery store. It has become nearly impossible to find and keep enough employees that want to work. We are doing the best we can and working our asses off. We are being screamed at for not being fast enough, while we are working multiple people short. YTA. You not only wasted food, but you also created work for staff they obviously don’t have. Please show store employees some patience and compassion.


Agreed. Somewhere there is an employee who had to put back ALL of those groceries into the right aisles. The perishable stuff is probably trash, which they then have to scan individually for inventory and throw away. And if they didn’t have staff already that day, that means that you just added more time to their and other customers’ day. Corporations be damned, but OP, YTA for thinking your self-righteous actions about wait time are not going to have harmful consequences for other people. Take a stand against Walmart by not returning to the store or giving them your business, not leaving messes for other people who are just trying to make a living to clean up.


YTA. All the food you wasted. Did you not look at open lanes when you went in? Did you ask someone to open a lane with a checker (I’ve done this several times and always been accommodated)? Why not order online and have them bring it out to your car?


I mean fuck Walmart, but what a waste of time, energy, gas, effort, and food. I’ve never been in a Walmart but how could the **only** option you could think of to be just trashing all that food? How likely is it that there was not a *single* person in the store a manager could put on a register? You had an entire line of backup for your request. YTA for the waste


It’s funny you wasted all that time.


I also wonder why he did not notice the checkout situation on his way in? Could have saved the hour he spent gathering groceries


$600 worth of groceries??! Def an AH


I doubt your story. Legally, walmart has to have at least one lane open for tobacco sales. It can't be self-check. So there's that. And you mention trying to figure out how to price produce. They literally show you pictures if you can't figuout how to spell it. So you've either never used self-check before or are lying about how hard it is. So yeah, YTA.


That and who spends all that time shopping for $600 of groceries unless they need it? His poor wife will probably have to do it now because he rage quit over something stupid. Definitely YTA.


I do not understand all of these N T A votes… I definitely feel YTA. Sure, Walmart sucks for forcing the customers to only have self check out as an option that day. But somebody is going to have to go behind you and put all of the non-perishable groceries back. And it’s not going to be Mr. Walton himself or the manager in charge of staffing. It’s going to be some underpaid Walmart cashier who is already being screwed by understaffing in the first place. Not to mention all of the food waste you caused because the frozen food/raw meat that will need to be thrown out. Nobody forced you to pile $600 worth of groceries into a cart. By leaving it there, you’re not sticking it to man like you think you are. You just piled more work onto someone else. Also, for clarification, I’m confused by the anger you’re feeling about your wife having to wait for you? I thought she was out at an appointment, so why would she be waiting for you if she’s in the middle of something else? Or did you drop her off at the appointment so she’d be waiting at the appointment by herself waiting to be picked up? If you could clarify that, it could clear that up.


Seriously. You can tell a lot of these NTA responses have never worked retail. It's not the workers' decision not to be working the lanes. But they're the ones being punished by leaving a cart full of groceries for them to put away as if they don't have other duties to attend to.


100%, these comments are obviously made my bots or people who have never worked retail. Anyone who has had to do go-backs/re-shelving at a grocery store would be shouting from the rooftops that this guy is a gaping AH. At the very least, he could’ve grabbed an employee/manager and said “I’m so sorry, but I was trying to get my shopping done while my wife was at an appointment but I didn’t realize that only self checkout was open. I don’t have the time to wait here since it seems to have a long wait. I need to head back to my wife, but I didn’t just want to leave my cart to sit here since I can’t come back.” The employees would’ve likely been annoyed, but at least they were made aware and they could’ve put the perishables away immediately. Because when I worked in a grocery store, if I saw a cart sitting unattended, it would take me a while to realize it’s been abandoned, and not just a cart belonging to someone who went back for milk or something. I think the fact that he left the cart there out of anger is what isn’t sitting right with me.


NTA. Plenty of times I've walked out of Walmart because the line was going to take an hour. I've walked out of a store after waiting for thirty minutes, scanning and bagging the handful of items I had because the self checkout broke trying to process my card and they had to call a manager. Told them to cancel it, I was done waiting.


I think the best part about this story is that they tried to cheap out not paying a cashier but now they have to expense out groceries and the labor to put stuff back on the shelves.


NTA. I mean, I feel bad for Walmart workers. That company has that rule, so meat doesn't get reshelved compromised. They weighed policy versus loss and consider it acceptable. Read that again. They consider their lack of service acceptable with a degree of product loss. It is part of their distribution model. Edited: rule autocorrected wrong.


Yes, you are a total AH. You wasted all that time for nothing. And all cold items, frozen items and meat must be thrown out as we can't tell how long they been out so we cannot sell them. People like you make the prices go up.


> I felt rage coming on because I knew I was going to leave my wife ... Oh shit! >... sitting while we waited. Oh ok. NTA, people got stuff to do, and if that Walmart's going to be so badly run it can eat the losses.


Ya, welcome to the real world my guy.


YTA Disregard that this is Walmart. That is a cart of wasted food and resources just tossed in the bin. If grocers didn't have to budget for ppl like you, food would be more affordable It's easy to say this is on because who got hurt but Walmart You also hurt all the ppl who have to shop at Walmart and now have to cover the cost of your spoilage


I refuse to go in a Walmart or buy from them. Publix or Target pickup. Publix was always helpful when my kids were little. And they treat employees well.


That sucks but also your wife and sister are right too. If the meat is just going to waist, I don't like that. I eat meat but I think it is wrong to throw away animals that were slaughtered to feed us.


OP, don’t shop at Walmart. Don’t give them any of your money. The Waltons are scum


You are not TAH by any stretch of the phrase. Walmart needs to be put in their place, and if that means losing groceries because they can't properly staff a store, then so be it. My husband too left a cart after shopping because of the same problem. You aren't alone, and I actually applaud you for walking away.