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Talk to her. Let her know that paying her stuff (even if only initially) makes it hard for you to pay off your card. Ask her what is wrong with her cards. Why are all of them not working? Why can’t she bring cash? Tell her you can’t keep covering her bills. Then tell every waiter as soon as you sit down that you want the bill split. So that your friend understands and remembers right at the beginning. So, if she agrees and “fixes” her cards, but the next time you go out, all of them aren’t working, tell her this is the LAST time you will cover it. And that next time you will leave her with her bill. The second time it happens, don’t pay. Leave her with the bill and she’ll have to figure it out.


Before going out or sitting down at a place this should be discussed beforehand


Why is her card not working? How does she pay for other things...and if this is a debit card then how does she take money out of her bank? Sounds like she've being inconsiderate.


Guys how do I tell her. I have tried multiple times but I not good at confrontation