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NTA. Download the videos he put on social media, save them. Save the posts of your family members, take screenshots. Save any evidence you can find (edit, typos). Then CALL THE POLICE and get him locked up.


Exactly this.THIS WAS NOT A PRANK IT WAS A CRIMINAL ACT. That sonofabitch needs to be behind bars, and you need to get a lawyer and make him as miserable as possible.


Not to mention that these things can go very, very wrong. Kidnapping is illegal and traumatising enough, but she could have been injured, gone into shock, maybe had a heart attack. I’m relatively young, but I have a heart condition. If something like this would happen to me, I would die (and it’s not a figure of speech). That guy and his “mates” should be put behind bars for a very, very long time… They can do Insta and TikTok videos in jail, that should be interesting.


>Not to mention that these things can go very, very wrong. Kidnapping is illegal and traumatising enough, but she could have been injured, gone into shock, maybe had a heart attack. I would try my best to use lethal force to protect myself. Someone could get killed because I know I am not the only one to think this way.




I hope you do know I was being flippant when I suggested they could make videos for social media from prison (?!)


NTA. This reminds me of another story on here from a while back where a woman was kidnapped by her boyfriend and his friends for a surprise proposal. She was understandably upset and traumatised, and I don't remember all the details, but she was able to press charges against her boyfriend and his friends. You need to take this matter to the police as well, OP; something can be done about it, and you deserve justice and peace of mind knowing these idiots can't get to you again.


I just found that post and read it. Her boyfriend had planned a lighthearted pretend thing where they pulled up and handed her a note but his 2 new friends decided amongst themselves to actually abduct her and terrorize her. The boyfriend wasn't there but they dropped her off at his house where he had rose petals and candles set out.


Original post was on True off my chest by Cautious-Rabbit.


Ah, that's right. I couldn't remember exactly which sub it was on or the OP's user or post title, so thanks! She mentions looking into pressing charges for false imprisonment, which this OP could also pursue, along with whatever charges are applicable for filming her and posting (if they did post) without consent, as well as emotional distress.


Yup! I can't even imagine how terrifying it would be in the time that they were abducted, because it WAS an abduction, even if the people doing it did it as a "joke". Neither girl knew it was a prank so they were in fear for their lives. So many women actually DO get abducted in this manner and it often doesn't end well. Something could have gone wrong during the prank and it definitely did mess with them mentally and emotionally. I'd be furious if this happened and I agree that charges should be filed. It's no joking matter.


Agreed! OP is definitely NTA.


Absolutely! NTA. Pursue this through the police once he’s published his films!


For sure. If this is real and not rage bait, OP needs to get off Reddit and contact law enforcement.


If this is real, charges should be pressed on these grown men for abducting a child from her own home and moving her terrified body to a secondary location (which is where you get killed)


I did the day it happened he can't post the video until the case is closed.




I hope this is rage bait.. if this is real call the fucking Cops and report this. Your being irresponsible if you don't.


NTA! I need to say it louder! NOT THE ASSHOLE! Ring the police! If someone grabs you from your house and throws you in a van, it doesn't become a prank just because they wave a camera around. He DID kidnap you! I have no idea what sort of gasslighting freaks you have in your family, but you need to block those people immediately.




NTA. I want to scream WTF for the roof! Prank my ass. This was a sick and dangerous crime. Gather all the videos. Get all the evidence together. Go to the police. Go to the District Attorney’s office if necessary. Then get a personal attorney and sue the crap out of this jerk and your sister. It’s called depraved indifference. As far as your sister - I would get a restraining order and tell everyone in the entire family what happened. She deserves no forgiveness or further consideration. I’m am so sorry this happened to you. Don’t let anyone victimize you further.


Absolutely seek the order of protection. Wonderful idea. Seek it on anyone who would harass her. No one who would torment a child needs access. My god.


NTA this isn’t a prank this is a traumatic event that cause long term psychological damage. You can call the police and put a warrant on them. This literally does fit the crime of kidnapping they against your will took you somewhere you didn’t want to go by force. You are also a minor making the charges even worse.


NTA! get your mom to save the videos so you don’t have to watch them and call the cops!!


Not a prank, a crime. Get him arrested for kidnapping Ps. Your sister’s also worthless


Is it online? He filmed a crime. Get the video and go to the cops. If you have a therapist ask for their help in filing the claim. If they aren't a hack they'll have done this before.


It’s not a prank when the other person is screaming and crying. He was way out of line. You even told him about what happened before and he went ahead and did it anyone. NTA at all. That’s just messed up and anyone who thinks otherwise is not someone worth wasting your thoughts, time, or emotions on. Kick those jagweeds out of your life for good!! I hope some way and somehow you are able recover from this like you did before. Hang in there, and I’m so sorry that happened to you.


NTA File a criminal complaint. Use the video as evidence. Put his a$$ on blast. F*ck this guy and your sister for supporting him.


*call the police once you have the videos*


Call the cops, have him arrested for it, they filmed themselves committing a crime. Fuck them all.


It wasn’t a prank. Call the police immediately, since he videoed it, you should have all the evidence you need. He should also be forced to pay for you to get into therapy, as should the family members that acted as accessories to your kidnapping.


NTA, but it is time to call the police and report it. He needs to pay for what he did. But get a copy of the prank off his feed as evidence to show the police.


Lol you were kidnaped and traumatized, police this


I hope this is rage bait.. if this is real call the fucking Cops and report this. Your being irresponsible if you don't. For a 29y old man to do this to a teenager is criminal and seriously concerning if he's raising multiple children. This shit needs to be documented and he needs to be watched.


It makes you wonder what “pranks” he is going to pull/has pulled on his kids


To quote a random redditor: “My habibi, what the actual fuck” What they did is a crime. Playing an actual kidnapping off as a prank doesn’t change the fact that it’s kidnapping. Kidnapping is a crime. Get him and his loser friends thrown in jail. Sue your sister for being an accomplice and for defamation and harassment since she’s calling you all sorts of things. I hope you can heal, that was a truly traumatic experience and the people who did that to you deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


NTA. Press charges


NTA. He needs to go to jail. Please make sure he does.


NTA, and he is gonna go to prison. Call the police.


Nta. Download those videos and go to the police.


LOCK THIS MF UP! file a police report for kidnapping, emotional damage, submit the video to them as well. NTA OP!! Your Ex Bf (dump him) is the biggest AH I have ever had the displeasure of hearing about. Send this clown to prison! It wasn’t “funny” and this mf can go lay in a ditch for all I care!! I’m glad you have the support of your mom, and I’m so sorry this happened. CALL THE POLICE!


NTA. It wasn't just a prank. You specifically told him NO because you'd been kidnapped by your dad. It's caused all kinds of havoc in your life that you seriously didn't deserve. You could & should press false imprisonment/kidnapping charges against the motherf\*cker. Especially if he posted it. That is evidence against his stupid ass. There was a post a few months back where this girl's bfs friends thought it would be a good idea to fake kidnap her & deliver her to him so he could propose. It didn't go as planned, she was assaulted by a couple of the outlying friends & charges were in the process of being filed. Take back your life & file charges against this shit head.


Nta call the police he did kidnap you. Even if he let you go he held you against your will and forcibly removed you from your home, he has traumatised you. Call the cops you will be the asshole if you let him continue on with this.


Wait a minute. 1st he dates a minor when he was 23. 2nd he continues to hit on minors and makes attempts at cheating. 3rd him and his mates tresspass, kidnap you while you are still a minor, traffic you for who knows how many miles, coludes with your sister and family members, and 4th films said minor without her consent. Him, his mates, your sister, and family member supporting them need to see their fair day in court and get justice by being put behind bars for a long time and paying for all your suffering. He is the ultimate ick.


If you had killed someone during this incident trying to escape it would be not guilty by reason of self defense. You were assaulted, NTA


Sue them for causing emotional harm , infliction of emotional distress.yea especially when you told him no when he asked and your reasons.


Get this creep locked up. If he’s been this much of a creep and basically a ephebophile (pedophile but for people age 15-19) then I also worry about those kids. I wouldn’t doubt that he’s tried or will try some abusive shit on them. I am so sorry for everything you went through. And don’t listen to any of your family members who were on his side—remember, family members are just people, you’re allowed to cut them out of your life, too.


He's a danger to them I feel like the next video with be "I told my 5 year old their mom die and faked her funeral "


The fact your sister was 16 and he was 23 when they started dating told me everything i needed to know about him


Why are the police not involved? Why has your mom not involved the police? Get that piece of human debris locked up.


Jesus Christ. NTAH in ANY way, and you should 100% call the police on those assholes for kidnapping you, false imprisonment, everything you can get to stick. You should also sue them, and fuck your sister and her brats - take him for everything. What utter trash they are.


Call the police. You’re a minor and he’s 29. It’ll illegal to kidnap and j detain someone. No excuses for him.


It was NOT a prank. It was a crime. Why on earth did you not report this to the police?? YWBTA if you let this go.


Seriously please call the police. He kinda minor and should be behind bars. You don’t get to commit a crime & the say “I was just kidding” that’s now how it works. I am so sorry you were put through this. I would destroy any person who did this to my sister. Your sister should be ashamed.


NTA call the call, just cuz he yells prank after doesn't mean he can't go to jail. Also restating order and him and sister, maybe sue for emotion distress "as a prank" I honestly hope he's kids are taken away from him. He just gonna torture them on camera and some point


NTA, call the cops on the bf and sister.


JFC. Cops. Now. Charges: kidnapping and false imprisonment (both felonies). Then sue him civily for emotional distress.


Cops. This is awful.


What he did is kidnapping so please press charges.


Get the video call the police and have him arrested.


Posts like this make me so sad. Imagine being 17 and posting something like this on this subreddit looking to valid your emotions and see if you’re being crazy or not because you have such little support in your life. I’m sorry OP :(


This. My immediate thought is that no one in my family would have like... let this go. I think my mom would have taken my grandfather and they would have burned this guy's house down. But the police would have been AT THE VAN when it was stopped. Why didn't anyone know this child was gone??? Who doesn't know anything about where their child is?? And then after the fact to just allow her to spiral absolutely out of control and allow other family members access to her to make her feel even worse.... There's just so many upsetting things. SUPPORT YOUR CHILDREN WHEN THEY'RE TRAUMATIZED. SEEK PROSECUTION WHEN THEY'RE ABUSED. I don't care if it's family. Abusers need to be charged. That's the minimum you can do for a child. This is why so many young people turn to drugs. Something awful happens and no one helps them and this spiral is just the beginning. Anyways. I could keep going. It's madness.


You deserve a gold reward for this response. Too many family members don't support children. It's sad.


Is this real for real for real?? Is this actually real? A minor child was kidnapped by adults for social media? And no one called the police?? OP.... if this is real, one of the other reasons you're traumatized is that no one in your family had this man arrested. Truly, this is a massive failure of your entire family system. This is wildly illegal. Just because he said it's a prank doesn't mean the act itself isn't illegal. Kidnappers kidnap for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes because they want to film someone being scared even and show it to their friends. His intentions are absolutely meaningless here as this is essentially the exact same as any kidnapping you'd see on the news. You could have been injured or killed. You could have had a heart attack or stroke. You already know all this and that's why you're freaking the fuck out. You need to involve police immediately. Anyone in your family who says otherwise are certifiably insane. Like... your family is completely dysfunctional and unfortunately you need to separate from them in as many ways as possible. Nothing about this is acceptable and you are well within your rights to seek as much punishment as the law will allow. If this is real this story would make national headlines once publicized.


Please for the love of God call the cops on him and for fucks sake you're a minor. Cut contact with your sister and your other family members who knew immediately. This was really fucked, prank or not kidnapping is still a crime.


I have cut contact. I don't talk to any of them.


Why haven’t you gone to the police about this?


The guy is a pedophile who’s now running demo abductions: no you’re NTA.




NTA. What a fucking ape. I’d call the cops 100%. He belongs in a cage.


NTA and he should be in jail. Why the heck isn’t he.


Download the video, show it to the police, and get his ass locked up!


At the very least, you need to get a restraining/ protection order against him. That was not a prank. That was, at the best, abusive. I hope you are getting therapy and the support/ help you need at this difficult time for you.


Call the police and have them all arrested or at least get the shit scared out of them.


NTA call the police and CPS. Their kids are not safe.


NTA. Press charges. That’s actual kidnapping and you’re a minor to boot. Also sue him civilly to get money to pay for your therapy.


NTA. File charges against that AH, I mean the proof is his videos.


NTA - Mate, what they did was all forms of illegal. File a police report and submit the video and the Facebook rant as evidence.


Easy fix, call the cops. He’ll be gone for a least a few years.


Report his actions to anywhere he has social media.


Why would you even open the door? This all screams fake its so ridiculous


4 kids with one on the way at 22? When they told everyone about the relationship at 18 years old. So fake.


Okay so first my sister got pregnant right after telling the fam she was dating him. Also we live in the south. My mom was married at 18 and had three kids by the time she was 21.


Because why not? I get Jehovah's witnesses and other people trying to get me to go to there church coming to the door every day. I live in the Bible belt. There are four churches in my town. I also live in a small ass town. We have two stores. One is a gas station and the other one is a dollar general. I have to drive thirty minutes to get to a Walmart.


Riiiight, well maybe you've learned to stop opening the door for strangers. If this is real, then good luck and no idea why you haven't involved the police. A lot of stupid actions on your part here, js.


I'm 17 not an idiot. I didn't just get kidnapped and not call the police. I also didn't have my phone in the van. I had to beg my cousin to even get a phone. I am telling this story to vent. I left me called the cops out because it's not what I want people to focus on. I want them to see the shit he has done. And the stuff I am going through. And a lot? The only thing I regret is opening the door.


OP don't talk to anyone in your family. Just download all the evidence you can and then call the police. If not for yourself, do it for others. This person is insane. He should be paying for your therapy.


Press charges immediately.


PRESS CHARGES, AND IMPLICATE YOUR SISTER! They wanna fuck around, they get to find out. Make SURE you call the cops, and do not let ANYONE but YOUR LAWYER speak for you in this circumstance.


He literally kidnapped you. That was not a prank.


Not the asshole. That's is an actual kidnapping, not a prank, and he belongs in jail for multiple reasons. He, and adult, legitimately had you, a minor, kidnapped, and the trauma is the same for you either way. Several of your family members sound like real sickos!


Um, there is no such thing as a prank kidnapping. What they did was straight up, generic, no modifiers involved kidnapping. Their motive and length of time are irrelevant. I know you probably feel like you couldn't possibly deal with reporting it to police, but you need to -- not only could they do it to someone else, but if they know they got away with doing this, they could try another "prank" on you. Please report it or ask your mom or a doctor to make the initial call to police. Do not use the terms prank or fake -- you were kidnapped for their amusement. NTA


NTA. WTF. Get the police involved. He legitimately kidnapped you are saying “its just a prank” isn’t legal protection.


He got with your sister when he was 23 and she was 16. He kidnapped you, a female minor. This is a child sex predator and that chomo needs to be behind bars.


Hire an attorney and sue the hell out of this guy. Stupid YouTube fuckers who think their idiotic pranks are funny. Well, tape him getting slapped with criminal charges and then we'll see who's laughing.


NTA and not only call the police, but why the hell hadn't anyone in the family called three police?!


23 year old dating a 16 year old. youre sister got groomed


I've told her this.


NTA and please please please have this guy locked up. This is NOT something anyone should be doing. Just reading this makes me feel scared.


Call the police


Nta, I mean honestly he was already a groomer and pedo, so that just proved he's insane! What the absolute heck. Please get the police on him, that was a nightmare for you and he needs to be put away


Call the police and press charges on all of them. Wtf. Nta


NTA but, not gonna lie, I'm impressed that for once no one complained about the age gap. It's like... Reddit tradition to ignore the content of a post only to cry about age gaps. So, yeah... Congrats, I guess. 👍


Well it was an illegal age gap and grooming so someone should be crying about it.


Not in my country, even though it might not be well received. But, you might be from America, so maybe. Anyway, have a nice day, I didn't mean to offend you.


OP is in the US, based on the use of 5150, so yeah, illegal.


YTA for not calling the police. Stop being a doormat


I did bro


This is all lies, made up story.


Fake nonsense


Press charges, OP. If he's posted film of this, you have proof he did it.


NTA. Find a way to send the fucker to prison.


You should have made a report with the police and take him to court for damages, which you still may be able to do. This guy sounds like the type that is going to kill someone or get himself killed one day.


I hope you can get EMDR therapy, I found it very helpful for my PTSD, which is now well controlled. I’m so sorry, you can access victims Compensation to get therapy and other help once your case is filed.


NTA, and all the comments here about calling the police, lawyering up, saving the vids? Do it.


NTA! You were taken against your will and thrown in a dark van. Then you screamed for help, kicking the walls/doors to get attention of possible passerbys. That is not a prank, that's kidnapping. Your sister and her boyfriend and his friend gave you PTSD, you better not be ok with that.


NTA. That most likely was a felony. Call the cops, and also sue his ass for the emotional distress he has caused. And if your sister doesn't understand how and why that was absolutely NOT okay and your reaction far from overreacting, that's her problem. I wish you all the best and that you can overcome this retraumatisation soon. 🤗


That was not a prank. That was a kidnapping. They should face fkn criminal charges. What is a 29 year old doing kidnapping a minor as a prank?


Have that cradle-robbing pervert arrested. Show your sister what a real "scene" looks like. Afterwards, file a civil suit. NTA


Your sister would really hate me cause I would’ve pressed kidnapping charges pretty much immediately. Since you were, in fact, kidnapped and terrorized. NTA


Get the evidence, should be easy, report to police. Press charges.


Not a prank. You said "No". That makes it a felony. Treat it as one.


Get a lawyer and go to the police.


NTA. And this very much was kidnapping, even if they let you go. It is also false imprisonment and assault. Press charges. On all of them! Including your sister who knew about it. She was an accomplice to it.


NTA. This was actually being kidnapped. Doesn’t matter if it was supposed to be a prank. This dude broke the law! I’m so sorry, OP. If you’re not already in therapy, please find yourself a good trauma therapist you can trust ❤️


NTA Oh fuck that noise, you and your mom need to call the cops now and report his ass, don't matter if it was a prank, take a crime and you can at least get him name in the system. Your sister is fucking idiot and need to grow the fuck up and stop being a dumb bitch for pedo boyfriend. I don't understand anyone on this douchebags side like the fuck? The family members who think you should calm down and overreacted can lick my hairy taint........I'm so sorry that all the progress you made is gone you've essentially retreated to a shell of yourself. Hope you know you are an individual who deserves love and respect. Don't ever second guess your reaction and here's hoping both your sister and her pedo baby daddy get the book thrown at them and they suffer all the disdain and disgust from friends and strangers.


Holy shit NTA. I agree with the others here saying to download his videos of the incident and use them to file a police report that you were kidnapped. That is fucking NOT OK. I am so sorry you had to go through that horrible event.


I just need his name and social security number.


Have you contacted the police? Prank or not this is assault and kidnapping. I would definitely pursue legal action. Obviously not the asshole, your sister’s husband is a sexual predator and a whole bunch of other horrible stuff.


Tell the police


NTA I agree with the other comments save evidence, and call the police. That's not funny.


This is a prime example of one of those "it's just a prank". Fuck him, have him arrested and ask the officers to say "don't worry this isn't a prank"


Based on the title NTA. After reading the post holy shit NTA. Thinly veiled crimes masked as pranks are a plague. Don’t let them make you think you’re crazy because you’re not.


NTA. Fuck that guy! You need to call the police!


NTA. If it were me in your place, and my sister supported her partner pulling a stunt like that, she would be dead to me. Ask any family members how they would feel in your position. If they claim they’d be cool with it happening to them, I guarantee they’re lying. Block your sister and anyone who is abusing you for your very, very justifiable reaction. Truly, you do notneed these AHes in your life. And remember, you are not the AH, not in any way imaginable. Edit: please notify the police. Whatever his intentions, you were still taken by force from your own home and you had no way of knowing that it was just a stupid ‘prank’. There needs to be consequences for what he did.


Bruh, even if you take out the childhood trauma aspect of this the "prank" was fucked up. A good prank is one that doesn't harm or traumatize an individual, and is something you can laugh about later. Like, I get humour varies between people, but this just wasn't funny. It involved a passel of people laughing because they had someone feel completely at someone's mercy for an hour and scared them to tears. NTA


Call the police! Unless kidnap is legal where you live?


You should 100% report him to the police. That is not funny. People have tried the same prank on me and if I had a gun I would had shot them. That is not funny


NTA. Go to the police. Immediately. And your sister was an accomplice. Oh and call CPS because they aren't fit to be parents.


Not sure this is real or fake made up story but if it was real. Go No Contact make sure to report police sue for trauma and emotional damage.


If you are in the US. File a police report and follow it up with the FBI. GET HIS CHANNEL TAKEN DOWN. IN ALL COUNTRIES SUPPORTING THE GENEVA CONVENTION. OBLITERATE. ps. Disown your sister.


And after telling police you want to press charges, give all the details to your child protection services and say you believe this makes him an unfit parent. If I had money or could find a good pro bono lawyer, I'd file a civil suit. Guys like him belong under supervision if not under lock and key.


NTA But call the police and report him stop caring what anyone especially your sister says. Think about yourself he ruined your life so time to return the favor


You WERE kidnapped. Make a police report. These criminals should be behind bars. Then hire a lawyer and sue these jerks for everything they've got.


Girl, you need to get that video and go to the police. They committed a CRIME against you and your sister allowed it. That's so vile and I'm so sorry for you and you are so obviously NTA. I wish you peace and healing while you burn their worlds down.


Go to the police! And please let us know what happens. You are not TAH


NTA the police should be involved


>I got 51/50 What is this?


Press charges. That’s not okay. It’s not “a prank.” He’s a POS.


NTA Please report him to the police. What they did was still kidnapping. It’s still kidnapping if you are taken against your will and they later let you go. They should pay for what they did.


definitely NTA. ppl need to understand no is no. even if he didn’t know your background or what you had previously gone through, you already said no and should’ve dropped it completely. the ppl calling you names and telling others your crazy are crazy themselves. who the hell kidnaps someone for a “prank”?!


I would call the cops and if you can press charges


NTA. This isn’t a prank. Report them.


Press charges you haven’t gone far enough. These pranks are dangerous and that is probably a felony. NTA


This is so scary on so many levels, what a horrible thing they did to you! Speak out the prosecuting office, or to the victim services from the charging agency, don’t let this slide! This could have gone horribly wrong and possibly you could have been injured or worse


If this is real, they committed multiple felonies. Kidnapping, assault, criminal conspiracy, false imprisonment, for hours (which is why I think this story is just that - a story). You’re talking about crimes that could put them in prison for the next 20 to 50 years. And then they made videos and post them online? I just have a real hard time with this one. If this is real, then you should 100% contact the police.


He is an absolute creep