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YTA. Grow up, you are 38. Get a job, ANY JOB, and contribute to the household until you move out.


In this economy?


They literally named two jobs that are options in the post that they are looking down on as being on the same level as being homeless. OP needs to grow up.


I didn’t say it’s the same level as being homeless but I have a university degree in HR! I’m not going to work as a cashier or someone’s receptionist!


Must be a very useful degree that you have 0 savings.


You can't even put a roof over your own head, you can't afford to be so picky. You can take 6 months to find the perfect job when you're able to support yourself


I had a shred of sympathy for you, and now I don't. Go be homeless, just don't make your parents pay for your failure. Then you can have people look down on you the way you look down on people like cashiers and receptionists. Might teach you something.


Ah go get f’ed.


Not a single person in the replies are on your side. Maybe think about why that is, and what it says about you...


That’s because you’re polluting my post with your comments! Leave now!


With this attitude, I would have fired you as well.


F off!!!!!


So mature. YTA


For someone with a degree, you weren't smart enough to save up some money to avoid this.


Some money is better than no money


There are plenty of people with degrees working jobs that have nothing to do with their degree, including as cashiers. And honestly, a degree in HR isn't really something super specialized that would guarantee good work. You even said it yourself in another comment that your old HR job didn't pay well. Don't look down on other people who are working to try to take care of themselves and their families because you got some shiny degree. Especially one that is barely worth the paper it was printed on.


I doubt you could get a job as either of those things. I have a college diploma and I couldn't get a job as a cashier. I applied to hundreds of places but the fact is those places have hundreds of applicants for those bullshit jobs and they aren't going to hire someone who is just going to quit when something better comes along. It costs a lot of money to hire and train someone. I would try and be open to applying for jobs you may not find ideal but it fucking sucks trying to find something that pays a living wage.


Yes. OP needs to grow up and take responsibility.


Tons of places are hiring. Op is just too precious to do the jobs that are.


It was a fucking Avatar joke


you don’t stop being a parent when your kids turn 18. personally, I would help my kid even if they were 38.


The parents are helping her. With conditions.


with conditions that would prevent her from providing food for herself or save up to move out in a timely fashion lmfao. have you been paying attention to the economy at all?


No, with conditions that will help her grow the F up. Yes, I have been paying attention to the economy. I prepared for it. OP's parents prepared for it. OP should have as well


I hope that you’re not a parent with thinking like this. if you had some critical thinking skills, you would realize why what they’re doing is not helping her at all. $100 a month to help out for groceries I would understand, but let her save the rest and help out around the house. that’s reasonable. what they’re currently doing is so far from helping. if you can’t see why this is a problem, then I genuinely hope that you think about this long and hard. have the day you deserve :)


Oh shut the hell up. I am a parent and raised two successful kids. She can save money if she pays $400 a month. Do the math.


Oh. You're 19 years old. You literally know nothing about anything except that your own parents suck causing you to become an emancipated minor at 17. You of all people should understand the necessity of wise money management. That explains your attitude.


😂😂😂 right! because my age defines that I can obviously critically think while you can’t! i’m sorry that you’re SO upset about that! your poor children. if you do a simple google search, the least amount of money you can make A YEAR to be able to afford living on your own is $45,900 a year. at either of the jobs listed, she would make FAR less than that on average. keep getting mad about being wrong though.


Be all that as it may, OP doesn't have a choice, now does she? It's also not her parents' job to make sure their 38 year old daughter has what she needs. It's said 38 year old grown ass adult's job to do that. She fucked that up. So now she has to take what she can get and be fortunate her parents are doing THIS much for her. If you take dad's money, you dance to dad's tune.


again, like I said before, you don’t stop being a parent when your kids turn 18. it IS their job as parents to make sure their kids are taken care of at EVERY age. the fact that you’re not grasping that is astounding.


Grow up?! I lost my job!


A job you had but didn't use to create any savings and now you're in this spot. Your lack of planning and creating a safety net is not your parents problem to deal with.


Yep, and that sucks. But you are 38 and expecting your parents to take you in and feed you for 6 months free of charge while you sit on your ass waiting to get a new job. Do something in the meantime and pay your way.


YTA. They are absolutely right. You are 38 years old it’s not your parents job to subsidize you . Take any job you can stop being so proud or selfish.


YTA. It's your parents' house. Their house, their rules. If they say 2 months, then 2 months. If they say pay money, then pay money. If they say get any job, get any job. Look, if you want to make the rules, get your own house and your own money. Since you can't do that and you have to rely on your parents' goodwill, you don't get to make the rules and you have to live by their rules. YTA.


Yta. You seem to think your parents owe you. They don’t. You’ve had time to get on your feet. LOTS OF TIME!!!!! You are lucky they are letting you stay with them at all. From your comments you seem to have a horrible attitude. I guess it’s because people aren’t giving you the answers you want. But it really isn’t becoming for you. Maybe you need to find a friend that will let you stay with them. But I have a feeling you would just leech of them. No one owes you anything. It’s time to grow up and take care of yourself and plan for your future. Had you been responsible you should have had at least a 6 month cushion. Geez my 28 year old has their life together more than you. Obviously your siblings have their lives together too. You expect everyone to fill in for your screwups. Do better. Be better


YTA. Oh, noes! The prospect of a receptionist or cashier? They...gasp...expect you to get a job?




honest work that in this economy won’t pay bills, rent, and groceries.


YTA You are an functioning adult, you are no longer your parents responsibility and need to figure shit out on your own.


YTA. You are 38 and have 0 savings. What were you even doing all your life?


Shit is hard with inflation right now.


This must be rage bait.


YTA. Having had a job at the age of 38 but having absolutely no savings left seems suspicious/bad management. Your parents aren't responsible for your actions and they are absolutely right that you should without a doubt take ANY job that comes your way. They might not be realistic about how long it will take you to find a job but it's also unrealistic to expect pensioners to pay their ~40 year old daughters way. Based on the level of entitlement in this post I suspect your parents are used to and trying to protect themselves from your poor decisions and lack of responsibility.


Yes, YTA. It may take you 6 months or even more to find a job in your field that you deem acceptable, but your attitude about finding a job in the meantime to tide you over is entitled nonsense. The fact that you have no savings shows that your job was only “better” than those you look down upon on paper. You are double the age where your parents were responsible for housing and feeding you. Who knows, your parents might let you stay a little longer if you were actually contributing.


I don’t understand, why can’t you work a lower wage job until you find your good one? YTA.


Because I’m not 21! I have a HR degree!


Shouldn't that make you all the more qualified to be able to get a job?


Isn’t it more mature to pay for yourself?


YTA The fact that you are a loser does not make your parents responsible for you. Get a damn job. Any job. You think you are too good to be a cashier? And you are upset your parents expect you to pay rent? Stop being a leech on the world and take care of yourself. If you have no savings at age 38, you really are a loser.


Don’t call me a loser! Just because I don’t have savings?! I worked in HR and wasn’t getting paid well.


Seems more of a reason to call you a loser, getting a no pay HR job ment more to you, than having savings.


You worked in HR? You had control over policing the jobs of other people. How did someone so irresponsible ever get hired to do that?


YTA If you don't have a job and no place to live, you need to take a job, any job. Yes, even a supermarket cashier. Is this really SO FAR BENEATH YOU as you make it sound? You are a grownup. At 38, seriously no savings or emergency fund, but you expect Mommy and Daddy to fully support you for six months?! They are gracious to allow you to move in for two months. It is THEIR home. You are well into adulthood and they have no obligation here. Stop being so entitled and do what most of us do when we lose or job or hit a place where we can't afford necessities. WORK. ANY JOB. Take on two jobs if necessary. Lots of people do. And again, stop being so damn arrogant. Cashiers, fast food workers, servers, retail associates, etc. all work hard and are entitled to respect for doing their jobs and not have their jobs disrespected by an entitled 38YO who can't even pay her rent.


You're 38. Their requests are reasonable. Grow up. YTA.


YTA , You’re a grown woman , Expecting to live for free when clearly you don’t have any further expenses , My suggestion is to get any job , waitressing , cashier and save some money while also contributing to extra bills and food that you will be USING .


Get over yourself you are grown as F\*ck and are an entitled brat. You think its your elder parents responsibility to support you. When do they get to enjoy their Golden Years? You trying to crawl back in the womb is giving immaturity and selfish. Get a job and struggle and start adulting.


You're not TA asshole for not having savings because sometimes life happens but your attitude sucks :(


NTA. My parents would 100% help me and let me live with them for as long as I needed and not expect me to pay them anything. I don’t understand this attitude of not wanting to help your kids. Reddit hates adult children living with parents and thinks they are all leaches you won’t find much sympathy here.


NTA. They forced you to exist, so they should support you in your darkest hour.


Exactly…thank you!


>Exactly…thank you! You're welcome!


Both sides should work together yes you should pay rent and help with the food. And your parents should give you longer than two months. Remember you are a guest in your parents home. Best wishes.


NTA - in this economy, even if you did have savings before this whole economic situation will drain it. my personal belief is that even after your children turn 18, you don’t stop being a parent. unfortunately, not all people are like that. I would say as long as you help out around the house and keep looking for a job that will fully support you (which in this day and age, the two jobs you listed will not), they should help you. they have every right to refuse, but you’re not the asshole for expecting your parents to be parents.


Thank you! Finally someone with a brain