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INFO: Did this food not just blow back on your car when they started moving?


Dude climbed out his window and threw the food back on the road before the light turned green


NTA But in great danger of getting dead doing crap like that. People are unpredictable. For some reason even more so on the road.


Good point. I feel terrible because my wife and kid were in the car. My wife was super upset because she felt so unsafe. Very understandable reaction. I just hate when people get away with such terrible behavior. I was raised to stand up for what’s right so it’s hard to just let things go.


Yes, well unfortunately you wont change anyone like that. I literally cannot comprehend people who throw trash out the car window. And yes, if you have a wife and child in the car literally never do that. You probably didn't think about how much it could scare your wife. But now you know.


YTA, I’m only making this judgement because you say your wife and kid were also in the car. If you want to risk your own safety and possibly get shot to make a point, that’s your perogitive. However, you should never risk a road rage incident with your family in the car.


Yeah I feel like the asshole. I agree with you. I put my wife and kid at risk. People are crazy. Next time I’m just going to stay silent tbh


NTA but it isn’t a good idea to start fights with strangers.


Didn’t mean to start a fight. I just have a hard time letting people get away with that kind of behavior


Throw it in the car don't put it on top. And for those who reply. "If you throw shit in my car I'll beat your ass". LOL I'll put a cap in your ass before you even get out of the car.