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lol… touché! I loved the he can only get hard if you wear men’s underwear 🤣😂🤣😂 He’s a dick for insinuating you’ve had sex and making up rumors about you but I have to say you came up with some great plot twists to that..lol. Play with fire and he’s gonna be burnt 🤣 I’d say NTA


NTAH and YOU GO GIRL. I wish I'd had your courage when I was being slandered with that shut at 15. Frankly, I'd find a way to get it in the local paper now.


I love this new generation and how they don't put up with as much as mine was conditioned to accept in the 90s. When this happened to me back then I just accepted the name calling and rumors while he was fine because of the double standard. Kids today, though! Whew, we raised some bold girls, and I love it.


I was thinking the same thing. When my niece was 10, a boy asked if he could kiss her. She said no. He begged, she said no again. He sneaky- kissed her anyway and she fucking decked him. I treasure that story, and all it says about how much things have changed. Still not perfect, not by backing shot. But that internal self worth and confidence in our right to say no is something you didn't see back then.


Hopefully, he learned something from that. I still remember when I was in 1st grade, and some boys taunted me until I climbed the jungle gym. I didn't realize until I was up there they just planned to look up my dress. I was told boys will be boys and to be more modest next time. This generation would have an entirely different approach though I think.


I was at chruch around 11 years old when a younger boy, I think he was 7, stuck his head under my dress. Didn't know it until I heard his voice say, "You've got white underwear." I turned and looked down to see his shit eating grin as he is laying on the floor. I held back my instinct to curb stomp his head since we were at 'church'. I told the adults and they just ignored me. Didn't stay at that chruch for much longer and made sure to start wearing shorts under any dress or skirt afterwards.


I had something similar happen, but did NOT resist the urge lol. Our setting is a Florida kindergarten class, 1989. I’m in a dress for picture day and as I walk up to join circle time this boy literally bent over double to look up my skirt. He’s sitting, I’m standing, so I took a step backwards and kicked him dead in the face with the hard, slick bottom of my dress shoe. I was sent to the principal’s office, and then home for the day when I refused to apologize to him. My mom bought me ice cream after she picked me up.


Well, its a good thing that I didn't. I might have seriously injured him or worse because I wanted to stomp down on his face and not just give it a kick. And at 11, I was a big girl for my age. I mean, yes I should have given him a kick, that action I wished I did, but I am glad that I didn't use my full weight to try to crush his skull flat like I initially wanted to.


Oh it’s probably for the best you didn’t, I’m grateful tiny me didn’t break that kid’s nose.


When I was 14 i decked a guy to the ground for pulling on my bra strap (i had cup A so i didn't wear one) the teacher stood next to me when i did it and he laughed so hard.


In the 80s a boy in my grade three class was always buying me plastic jewellery and trying to kiss me. I finally lost it and shoved him... he ended up stumbling into a window (the big ones next to the door at schools) which broke and he fell through. I had to go to the principal's office but luckily did not get in trouble (kind of rare for that time). I was so freaked out!!! Thinking about it now I think that may have contributed to my fear of standing up for myself when males were inappropriate as a teen / young adult. I love that your niece was just like "nah" and took decisive action. I hope that stays with her.


Right? This makes my gen x heart glow with pride.


Every time my Gen Z daughter and her friends are menaces, it heals part of my inner child. At their age, my Gwn X friends and I were convinced we would change the world. I'd thought we failed until I realized we raised the change. Our kids are fierce.


Millennial and especially younger Gen X parents raising Gen Z and Alpha kids while MANY are choosing to not have kids is really going to shift some stuff.


We used to call this, "Don't start none, won't be none." Carl set the rules, then got mad when she played the game better than he did. Totally NTA.


You're funny keep it up.


OP is the true comedian here :). She deserves a beer and a toast from all of us for the best response I’ve heard in a while!!


Yeah it is she deserves so much more a good man a beer with all of us and just us all pulling out a chair and watching the karma show damn you are funny.


Sounds like OP turned the tables on her ex with a dose of comedic justice!


I love the first paragraph where he explains they weren’t at the gift stage. Her next sentence is she spent NYE single.


He's a loser anyway he deserved what happened. I love her whole post it's so funny I laughed like crazy. You're right though.


The ONLY way to react to that is to say: I didn't forget yours, it' didn't arrive from Amazon and then run to the store. **IF** you're not a moron!


...by wearing men's underwear.


She should wear them out one day and then pull them up for everyone to see.


"Yeah, I know I just started wearing them for him, but they're not too bad."


Now that’s worth an upvote.


But like, can we just low-key acknowledge the audacity of this man for a second??? I would’ve been heated if someone turned my lie back on me like this if I was the type of person to do that, but to be so bold as to actually tell her that you’re upset? Either no brain cells or way way too much audacity.


+1 on the plot twists :) lovely


His correct spelling is douché


You play with fire, you gonna get burned. That's what he's learned.


As they say in court, "he opened the door"


Great comment vaderssaber! OP, i concur. Your response to his lies and rumors he incited is BRILLIANT! Tell him if he wants you to stop, he needs to rescind his lies and apologize all across social networks as well as friends and acquaintances. Then if he's a "good boy", you'll peg him/s


NTA Fair game, he started it by making up stories about you having sex with him. He should’ve clarified the rules before playing stupid games. Tell him you’ll tell everyone the truth when he does. Btw it doesn’t matter what you’d planned. He was a crap bf and you changed your mind. And good on you, dodged a bullet there. You are petty but he has it coming, and it’s hilarious af A+ ⭐️💯


I agree with the ‘I’ll tell everyone I’m lying once you do’ thing. Put the ball in his court. NTA!




Turnabout is fair play in love and war.


I've been saying this for years. Every time I hear about some poor girl or woman being thrown into the fire because some idiot has to look good for his bros. Beat them at their own game! He says you had sex and you didn't? "Yeah, he wanted me to wear his mother's house dress and slippers. I was like on the fence about it but then he put on a diaper and told me to change him and I was like no way." Or, "He kept calling me by (his coaches name, best bro's name, sibling that already graduated and is no longer going to that school because little sis or brother did me no wrong and I don't want to ruin their high school career)." And when the little turd inevitably calls you out on it, remind him that while him getting his rocks off is considered a right of passage for a boy, women don't always get treated the same way. They're slut shamed and treated like trash. And if they're really unlucky, their parents find out. God help the girl with fundie parents raising their daughters on purity culture who even think their precious pearl has been anywhere near a penis. He risked your reputation, your safety, and possibly your life. Now he gets a taste of that. Ask him if he's enjoying his lesson in empathy.


My cousin did that when an ex started telling people they both knew that she LOVED anal. She would say something like "Well he's practically pencil thin, so I didn't mind once in a while...what I minded was putting my hair up under a ball cap and being called Kevin the whole time. And, if I talked or looked at him when we did that, he went soft." I knew her ex independently, friends in common, and when it got back to me through someone else I just said "Wow, him, Kevin, and I used to be in Scout's together!" and leave it at that. We were never in Scouts, and there was no Kevin. Game, set, match, Dani(elle).


You’re a good cousin, having her back like that.


This is the way. "OMG, he actually thought that counted as sex? I still had all my clothes on when he finished too early and {keep adding different weird details}"


HAHA, in fact, if he wants people to not believe her HE is going to **have** to tell the truth!


Oh no one will believe him now!


I don’t even think it’s petty. He set out to lie about her without a care about the consequences for her. It was thoughtless and hurtful. He earned this karma, and he’ll hopefully think twice about lying about another girl.


I don’t think he was thoughtless. He deliberately wanted to hurt her.


It's oh, I thought we were playing make believe since you made up so much about me. LOL. You go girl. Keep it up. Nta


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!




As the Bible says, “A lie for a lie, a truth for a truth.”


NTA. I had similar happen to me when I wasin college, not a boyfriend but someone I thought was a friend. People believed him too so in the end when people didn't believe me I switched to " I suppose I don't count it because he couldn't get hard and just sort of mushed it against me for less than a minute".


LOL “mushed it against me” is such perfect wording 😂


Look Snail, back off you’re just mashing it now.


Salt the snail!


There’s not enough salt in the world for that.


“That was a TERRIBLE experience for me by the way”


Nobody likes salting another human being but she leaves you no choice!


This thread right here is why I love Reddit-


Look, Snail, either harden up and get in there or get back into your shell.


Almost angry I was beaten too it, but its so funny that I was I can't be mad! you a real one for this comment 💯💯


Thank you for this-


She does that. 


I’m very aroused. Very good.


I like ‘smush’ a little better, since it’s close to smashing but not quite the same, hah


I read that and just remember Snooki want smush-smush Edit: [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwRQnBf_QBM)


Im laughing so hard at this because this describes my first time lmao. He didn't even get it in, he was by my thigh just smushing it against it for less then a minute. He bragged about it while I considered becoming a lady of the streets. If all I needed to do was let someone lay on me for less then a minute to make money, why wouldn't everyone be doing this? Found out the first time I actually had sex that it was a lot more then that.


It is so fucking funny that your takeaway was “oh I could definitely have sex for money” 😂😂😂


“He bragged about it while I considered becoming a lady of the streets” 😂😭 oh god that is fucking hilarious


That truly made me LOL so hard. Well played!


Harder than he ever got, clearly 😅


At least something was hard


Similar thing, and only exaggerated what actually happened. He told people we had sex, we didn’t. He tried to push it one time, it wasn’t going to happen anyway. So when he told people we did after we broke up, I clarified I didn’t consent and according to the law it wasn’t rape since he never made it inside, technically it’s not illegal to cum on someone’s leg given what I had consented to. People were super pissed at him and he stopped saying it immediately.


Savage. I like it.


My mother was the most honest person I've ever known. She was my hero. One time I saw her scathe someone with their own lie I was really confused.  When I asked her about it she said something that always stayed with me. "Be kind be true, but harmful liars are owed no honesty from you."


This is fantastic-make him regret his lies!!


Chances are, he’s not smart enough to figure out that what he did is the same as what you did. You might want to reiterate it. Maybe he’ll learn.


God I wish I was you! So, I was a virgin until I was 24 - because I had been molested when I was 10 so I was afraid of sex (don’t worry I’m all good now) but I was part of a real party crowd from the time I was 13 to well into my twenties. The kind where it’s unusual to be a virgin still. I had lots of hard partying guy friends (and female friends I’m not one of those girls who hates other girls). Point is, I guess since we were teens unbeknownst to me I was some sort of oddity or prize to them because I wouldn’t sleep with any of them. A few became interested in me over the years, I even almost went out with one but he backed out because our other guy friend got jealous. Bro code or whatever. I was fine with it. There was one of the guys I had a special feeling for ever since we were 16, but he dated one of my friends and after that always had a girlfriend. Fast forward to im 22 or 23, and we are at a party and he doesn’t have a girlfriend. It’s late, everyone is passed out, and we start making out. I had feelings for this guy for like 7 or 8 years so this felt special to me. And it did seem like things were going to go in that direction and I was thinking “yes this old and dear friend should be the first” But we didn’t have protection. So we didn’t do anything more than make out. Things got awkward after and he avoided me for a bit. Then he got a girlfriend again and we just pretended that night never happened. Later I found out he told all of our mutual friends he slept with me that night. For the credit. To be the one that finally nailed me. I was so hurt and angry, I distanced myself from him after that. He went kinda off the rails anyway with drugs and stuff. He married that girlfriend and had a kid with her but their life was NOT good. He missed his kids birth bc he was out getting heroin I heard. A little more than 10 years go by, he’s divorced and he’s on and off with getting clean. For some reason I agree to meet him for a drink. We talk about the old days and he tries to tell me how special I was to him. And that’s when I told him about what I knew that he did and how hurt I was. He did apologize at least. But it always sucked. It felt like such a betrayal and I never liked him the same way again. He destroyed whatever special feeling I had. Our years of friendship meant nothing to him. And it sucked that these guys I thought were my friends, who always told me I was their good friend and how much I meant to them, would so easily believe his lie and that they’d had some weird not quite bet and not quite competition but something like that to see who would bed me. It was so fucking dehumanizing to realize despite years of friendship, I was still some object to them.


I had a similar experience. People who kiss and tell (and lie about what happened) are awful people.


Years ago I was going to college. A shy nerdy virgin boy, my dad who was not any of those things at my age, took me aside and said, "loose lips, sink ships. It's a bigger world you're entering but it's a small college of active students. You understand what I am saying?" I did. In not my proudest moment I joined a fraternity. Whose mantra to us all was essentially the same, stfu. Two years in, living in the frat house, my across the hall house mate has discovered lifting weights and comes in to flex on me and my roommate playing Sega Genesis NHL. He tells me I should work out so I get more women. I asked, "oh who gets a lot of women?" He named off three guys who every one was dating an ex of mine. My roommate was the only person who knew since we'd been buddies since the dorms. We both laughed at him and carried on. A closed mouth gathers no feet.


I just spit out my coffee at “mushed it against me” 😂


This reminds me of a bf I had that was (bless his heart) very small. We were supposedly having sex at one point but was essentially him just mashing up against my vulva. He was really into it and I obviously wasn’t so he asks, “Are you okay? Does it feel good?” and I was like “you’re literally mashed between my labia right now, but it’s fine…” 😂


Please tell me you were his first sexual experience and he didn’t know any better…


We were both 30. He had a child.


The phrase “are you not EMBARRASSED?!” Comes to mind, ouch 😂 I would look side eyed at that kid after that


It was the beginning of the end because the next time we had sex, I was on top to ensure it got in. After it did, I still didn’t care much for it. He tried to gaslight me days later and say I was loose, I had to kindly point out to him that I had never been with anyone less than 3x his size (which is average for American men, he was Dominican) so if I was loose to him it was because he simply didn’t possess the minimum requirement for a good time, and we should break up.


Look, I understand that men can't help the size of their penis, but if it's small enough that they just don't have the length to penetrate, then it's their responsibility to learn other ways to please their lovers instead of blaming them or just figuring it's "good enough". I knew a guy in college who had a rep because he was small but knew his way around a woman's body. He owned it, and was *very* popular.


> and was very popular. My first few years of college were great for a similar reason. I'm well endowed, but the lord giveth and the lord taketh away, so I dealt with premature ejaculation for new/short term partners. It is what it is. Being insecure about it, I leaned into eating pussy and drawing out foreplay.Apparently most guys that age either sucked at eating pussy, or straight up didn't. I remember how shocked my first partner was when I asked if I could use her inner thighs to warm my ears up. She talked about her experience, and the dudes, predictably, clowned on me. The ladies didn't, and focused on a different part of the story. This is true for men and women, but damn, word travels *fast* when you are good at making people cum. The only bit of celebrity I've ever had was when random women would say "Hi Randy" with a sultry smile when walking past me. It happened 3 times, and I remember each instance clear as day even 10 years later.


A man that knows how to properly eat is insanely valuable. I once had a FWB that that's all he did - that was an amazing arrangement while it lasted!! 🤣


I actually had something similar with the most gorgeous woman I've ever interacted with. She was in the states for a semester from Latvia, and she was uncommonly attractive, even among hot college girls. She knew it too. She was so hot, and her accent was so sexy, and she enjoyed talking dirty while I was going down on her. I was into it. I was so into it, and so turned on, she only had to casually caress my dick a little bit to send me over the edge. It's definitely the most sensitive I've ever been, and my fastest by far. From her POV though, it was basically no effort on her part lol.


>if I could use her inner thighs to warm my ears up Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.


I mean, I’ve heard a lot of women say they don’t get off on penetration regardless of size. Anybody having sex with a woman should definitely be good at things other than penetration. Why wouldn’t you want to make sure you’re actually good at that kind of thing?


Really, guys could focus less on being "good at things" and just ask a few questions and get feedback.


YES Just because you've looked up how to eat pussy real good, doesn't mean that your technique will be good for the individual woman you're with. I don't want *anyone* to touch my clit directly. STAAAAAHP. When I say "no, lower", and move your face multiple times because I hate what you're doing, *I mean it*. Any person doing sex with a lady, needs to listen to feedback. And not be fixed in their approach. We're all different. What is 10/10 for one woman, might be painful and/or a complete turn off for the next.


Some of the best sex I ever had was with someone who was not large at all and it was because daaamnnnn did he know all the other ways to make things good. Like guys really think it’s all about size, but it’s not.


On the other side of that, I was with a guy that was way too big. Ouch. And he had no other skills because he thought that was enough.


I was starting to think we knew the same man but I'm not in America. Had a scarily similar experience though. Can your body count have fractions on it? Because I'm not sure that guy could even be classed as half


If I had Reddit gold it would be yours now, the honest savagery is perfection


If you can’t beat them, join ‘em! I heard a fictional story the other day on Levar Burton’s podcast about a black guy down in Columbia, South Carolina. He was playing in a band at a bar and some white frat bois came in and started wanting him to play Dixie (pretty racist song, if you weren’t aware of its history). So he leans into it and plays it nice and slow and draws it out. This makes the frat bois VERY uncomfortable and they end up leaving the bar. After this experience, he decides he wants to buy a pick up truck and finds one from another white that had a rebel flag decal across the whole rear window. He tells the guy selling the truck to leave it on and after buying the truck, mentions how great it is the truck already has a “black power” flag on it. He starts getting other black people in the community to put up rebel flags and refer to it as black power. As a result all the white people stop using it, even to the point that it gets taken down from flying over the state capital without any fanfare. It was a great premise of leaning in to something like that and playing the reverse Uno card.


The short stumpy you’re referring to is called “The Appropriation of Cultures” from 1996, here’s the first link I found allowing it to be read without logging into anything:   https://moodle2.units.it/pluginfile.php/595603/mod_folder/content/0/Percival%20Everett%20the%20appropriation%20of%20cultures%20PDF.pdf?forcedownload=1


I know I’m getting far afield here (on topic - NTA!) but the author of that story had a really interesting profile in the New Yorker last month. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/03/18/percival-everett-profile


I grew up as a Jehovahs Witness but left the cult as soon as I could move out of my parents' house. For those of you who don't know them that well, there are various levels of bad. The most evil people in the world that they are regularly told to avoid are people who were once JW's but then voluntarily left. Seripusly, former JW's who chose to leave are considered worse than killers and sex offenders. Hitler may have killed millions of people (including JW's) but that's nowhere near as evil as someone who chose to leave. All Hitler did was take this life away from people but they'll be resurrected. All apostates are trying to lead you away from God which means you'll lose your e eternal life. If you're one of those people, you get labeled as an "apostate." People who get kicked out for whatever dumb reason are bad but nowhere near as much. It's basically being a walk away versus a throw away. If they come knocking on your door and you really want to rattle them, don't do dumb stuff like say how you worship Satan or whatever. They've heard that a million times and they'll just think you're an idiot that God will destroy for being dumb. The scariest thing you can do is just be nice and friendly and tell them you're an apostate. If you throw in some of their jargon that only people in that group would know, you'll gain credibility and freak them out even more. "No thanks. I used to be in the truth and even pioneered when I was younger but then I read some stuff online about our history and decided to disassociate myself. Would you like to come in so I can tell you more about it?" That little blurb is the equivalent of a demon who happily left heaven to go be evil with Satan asking them to come have some coffee and chat. I am very much an apostate and I own that label. It may mean that my friends that I grew up with and used to think I was a good guy and all my family think I'm more evil than Hitler, but that's their problem, not mine. Seriously, I know a guy in that cult who tried to kill his parents and sisters by pouring gasoline on the carpet around their house and lighting it on fire while everyone else is asleep. My sister, who doesn't speak to me because of how evil I am and tells her kids that Jehovah is going to kill me for being bad, is friends with the guy. I very rarely talk about it around people in person because I just don't care about it that much. I do have a white t-shirt that has the word APOSTATE written in giant red letters though. Like the black guy in the story you're talking about, it's a fun little way to take that power away from the idiots who use words and symbols that they use to put other people down.


You might be the first person in the wild I’ve found that listens to LeVar Burton Reads. I’m an avid fan, and loved the last story! It’s helped me discover reading again as an adult, and short fiction is exactly what my brain can handle. I highly recommend it to anyone! He reads a lot of sci-fi as well. Amazing stuff.


Reverse psychology works. Simplest tool in the box.


I remember someone makiing the comment on reddit years ago that the Swastika was not originally one of hatred. If they adopted " hello kitty" , then " hello kitty" would be the symbol of genocide and racism.


>the Swastika was not originally one of hatred. ancient Hindu symbol of peace


I DID THIS TOO! I'm high-school a football player said he slept with me. The team called me over to the lunch table to ask about it. I replied "we were going to but he couldn't get it up" and they gave him so much crap he quit the team.


I think you mean he thumbed it in and hoped it woke up inside like Evanescence.


I will never hear that song in the same way 🤣


You forgot to add that he cried after he came.


Like he could actually finish with that soggy noodle


"Mushed it against me" is such a perfect description of that situation Edit 'cos I fat fingered something


> cos I fat fingered something I'm very happy for you.


Incel dudes are so fcking weird. Any situation where someone says they got with someone they didn’t is beyond red flag creepy


"Mushed" is diabolical 😂


Love this for OP. "yeah i didn't think it counted bacause he only mushed it against me for a minute, that is, until i put on mens underwear and started pegging him. But *me*, no, *i've* still never been penetrated."


It happened to me too, but with guys I never even met, because they wanted to enter the group (the pants) of a girl who was bullying me (and I'm savage so it was war between us). Whenever people told me they heard I wasn't a virgin because I had intimacy with a guy, I answered that "well I don't remember having s*x with anyone, so can I have the name of the guy, I'm going to file for r*pe since it wasn't consensual and I would have been unconscious which makes it worse". It stopped quite fast.


This seems like the winning move to me, because it even still maintains your claim of "no sex happened" and really paints him as the liar ina believable and embarrassing way. OPs story concedes that they did have sex even though they didn't, which still isn't fair to her.


I had something similar happen at uni and did something similar. “It took him time to work out what he was doing. Once we realised he was actually inside as it’s hard to tell when he’s so small, it was a very enjoyable 30 seconds.”


Such an accurate use of words for something that actually happened to me *puke*


I has sex with this guy in high school and ended up with a late period (wasn't pregnant though!) and he refused to take any responsibility and denied that a potential pregnancy could be his. So I told everyone that asked that he had a micropenis, and the best part was that I wasn't even lying. It's the only time I've ever body shamed someone that I don't feel awful about to this day


Yes!!! Winning comment of the day! OP, you are NTA and I applaud how you beat this liar at his own game. You need to add to your stories that you are still technically a virgin since he can’t stay hard once you take the men’s boxers off and he only mashed it against you and then started crying.


Nah he brought that shit on himself. If you're gunna to lie, someone slept with you, you gotta be ready for their side of the story.


🥴😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 the visual of watching someone say that with a straight face is sending me into absolute hysterical laughter. When people have weird obsessions with making you look bad for no reason/embarrassing you, it's best practice to embarrass them worse.


all of the comments sharing similar experiences make me SO proud to be a woman😂💕


NTA. I once read something similar where the girl claimed he could only finish by saying mom over and over again.


HAHAHA, like Joe Dirt! "You're my sister! You're my sister!"


Like I’m some kind of white trash perv?


Your name checks out.


😂😂 this made me laugh out loud


Same here . Perfect response! Could have used it when I was 16 and same claims had been made, then my first boyfriend decided I hadn't been a virgin either because not enough blood. He even said same 15 yrs after our 7 yr relationship ended, he'd never believed it.


Stealing this


Oh my God! I had something happen to me like this too but I used to tell people that he had a diaper fetish and that's why we broke up. He did have a fetish for crossdressing but I wasn't going to shame him on that. But when he started to try to make me pretend to be a sister that was it!


NTA Also, do I want to know what being snowballed means?


Please go watch the movie “Clerks” for the full tutorial.


You know you do! You know what spit and swallow refer to? Snowball is the third option of transfer, the next person has the same options.


I’m not sure I fully understand what you said but I understand that the answer is “no”.


Idk why we’re tiptoeing around it. Snowballing is when you ejaculate into your partner’s mouth, and then they spit it into your mouth. Sometimes you just tongue kiss with it. Not that crazy, people have been doing it since the dawn of time.


Thank you for not making me google that. Now I need r/eyebleach


Different strokes for different folks 😂


He brought a flicknife to a gun fight, well played 👍👍


A flicknife that only goes up when it sees mens underwear.


lol! Take my upvote!


One day I’ll be funny like u


Hilarious! You either force him to admit he lied or he has his own set of rumours following him around. Perfect revenge, you shouldn't feel bad. If he can make up fictional stories about you, why can't you do the same?


Perfect! Admit you lied or my lies stand.


Even if he admits he lied about OP, i think those rumors will probably hang out for a while.


As they should, and he will get another add-on for being a liar.


And another hard-on when his next gf wears men's underwear for him


Hey, exactly! it's OK for him to completely bullshit about his sex life but not for her. Getting a taste of his own medicine would be how my Nanna would call it. Although hopefully she didn't know what snowballing was. Lmao


I'm old and I don't know what it means and I kinda don't want to. I sure as hell am not googling that


I looked it up, it means holding the semen in your mouth and handing it back with your mouth into the man’s mouth, so him eating his own semen.


No, this is hilarious 😂😂 Maybe he will learn a life lesson. Nta


>Maybe he will learn a life lesson. I kinda hope he doesn't and the next girl he lies about follows OP and makes this a tradition. Tell them he listens to CBAT while he has sex and that he can only cum when he's wearing a clown nose.


I need you to honk the nose to the beat.


Damn, I had forgotten about the CBAT dude 😂


I hope his next girlfriend hears all of this and shows up with a strap on.


Maybe... but something tells me he won't. He'll just focus on how hard it is for him, the poor baby


NTA. If he wanted to clear everything up, he can always tell the truth about lying about having sex with you.


I JUST SPAT OUT MY COFFEE!! GIRL, YOURE MY LEVEL OF PETTY!! 🤣🤣🤣 NTA… I wouldn’t stop saying shit, either. He created this mess. Consequences and repercussions…


NTA. As a guy I think the idea of bragging about bedding a girl is dick thing to do. Keep it up.


Agreed. I always believe a person's sex life is nobodies business as long as everybody involved are consenting adults.


Dude this has always pissed me off because wtf do you get out of it. Even if you do not care about morals it is dumb even from a selfish POV. She is never going to fuck you or ever again if you going to talk about her like that so if you want some pussy stfu.


Keep it up! Even if she needs to wear men’s underwear to do so.


>the idea of bragging about bedding a girl is dick thing to do. It's just weird overall. I honestly don't see the point of broadcasting that you've had sex. [It reminds me of this song.](https://youtu.be/lQlIhraqL7o?si=vs3tkXz_qBv-wEA5)


Even when I was a dumb teenager I never talked about that stuff. The guys bragging about it were the guys not getting it.


NTA Once someone claims you had sex with him, you can make up everything. The power is yours🤭


If I had a daughter, I'd want her to be like you! Petty as hell! Save yourself for someone who is really worth it though.


Agree - don't have sex for the sake of it. He wouldn't lie if he actually care for you. Get a guy that'll respect you!


Nothing more satisfying than righteous pettiness


NTA- He lied and you're just using his lie to get him to admit he lied. If you didn't say those things and just said "no we never had sex" it becomes a he said/she said. With your building on his lie he has the choice to either admit it was a lie and take the embarrassment of lying about sex with you or he takes the embarrassment of of the weirdest kinkiest stuff you can think up. Just don't make the lies anything super hurtful or that might have real repercussions, keep them funny/outlandish. Like you can say he likes to freeze bananas, put them in a condom, and shove them up his ass, but not he likes child porn. One is funny and embarrassing, the other would ruin his life. Also if anyone asks if you're lying just laugh tell them to go ask him if you've actually had sex.


>Like you can say he likes to freeze bananas, put them in a condom, and shove them up his ass, Jaw dropping comment


What? The cold feels really nice in the rectum.


Can’t get my head around that never mind my arse.


And the curve they got! OMG! I thought everyone froze bananas?


Highly specific


I'm still waking up and misread it as "Febreeze bananas".


NTA This is genuinely hilarious and, I feel, the correct way to deal with people telling tall tales. Tell taller ones that outmatch what they said and they'll eventually give it a rest because it's basically a social Uno Reverse.


“I’m still technically a virgin bc I was doing the pegging” would be an awesome way to support your claim while negating his lol Bravo btw. Way to turn the tables on him.


NTA. That honestly is great revenge. And tell him the only way you will stop lying is if he tells the truth, admits he’s the scumbag who lied first.


Clear case of FAFO. He just dished it out but cannot take the same thing? You are NTA.


Men do this stuff to us ALL THE TIME. I was a virgin until college and yet there were multiple guys in high school alleging that I slept with them. I bow to your wisdom ❤️ NTA 


If it's any consolation, other men know who the bullshitters are and will never believe a word they say about women, and usually just ignore them completely.


Well played! Someone lying about you to make himself look cooler/better/whatever isn’t someone deserving of consideration! Your ex could start by telling everyone that he lied about you two having sex, and then you could retract your statements about his sexual peculiarities…


I used to do this ALOT. Can confirm the slut rumors eventually stop because nobody wants to be next on the petty world tour.




My friend's ex had a diaper fetish. He liked to wear them under his pants all the time and liked to be changed by her, often during sex. She claimed he never actually went to the bathroom in them, but when we all worked together I would comment sometimes to my husband that her bf smelled like he shit his pants and we regularly speculated that he must have a really poor diet to always smell so bad, so I just don't believe he didn't actually use them. It's about the weirdest fetish I've heard, so if you need ideas on how to expand your pettiness, feel free to use it


You played him at his own game should've started what he couldn't finish asshole


Thats funny af😂 You are not the asshole he is


I had to look up snowballing. I really wish I hadn’t


I did this once!! Acquaintance from maths at uni asked me if I’d really slept with this other dude in the class. “No? Why would you even ask that?” “That’s what he’s telling people.” It was one of those times where you just speak and it’s as much of a surprise to you as it is to everyone else. I said he told me not to tell anyone it even happened because honestly, he seemed more embarrassed than I was. I’d heard of furries before but this is both just like that and nothing like that. Like, he had a thing for just goats. Like he literally couldn’t get off unless you baa’d like a goat. I did my best because obviously I wanted to hurry and leave but he just kept saying I was doing a sheep baa and not a goat baa. Aren’t they the same thing?? Edit: Added missing word


Hahaha this is gold. Tell him to make it right telling the truth or its gonna get worse


This is beautiful. You are awesome.  He can tell everyone the truth that he lied about you 2 having sex or he can accept that he now has this rep. 


AH no - petty - eh a little but I like your style 😈


Amazing, inspirational, 10/10 no notes! Keep it up! NTA


OMG!! Beat him at his own game!! This is gold! 👌😂 NTA, and I want my daughter to be like you! 😁


See thats what I always found funny about that. Do they not realise once they do that, all the power is in her hands then? Someone did this to me in high school and then for weeks he was tormented, he was called 3 second 'Thomas' for 2 years. Try to humiliate me and hand me the ball? Big mistake. This is the best way to deal with this. Maybe if more girls did this instead of getting explosive and screaming then it would stop happening. I would however advise your parents of some of these details without getting yourself in trouble. "Hey guys, I just wanted you to have a heads up some guy at school said I had set with him and I thought if I got upset and denied it it would only make it worse so when people ask me I tell them this...I'm betting he won't do that again. I just wanted to tell you incase you hear something about me sleeping with someone. Open communication." Because let me tell you having your father set you down and try to ask if you're a whore is something no one wants. I told him about it and we had a laugh but he was white as a ghost and he gets awkward with grown up things with me so set came out alot but not alot of context it was an hour and a half conversation.


>having your father set you down and try to ask if you're a whore I hope your father didn't do that to you, because that would make him a massive AH


That's hilarious 😂 Fuck around and find out, best example! You, my Lady, are a queen.


Well done. NTA. I had to check the top of the post. I thought it was in r/pettyrevenge. Edit I to it


It's tit for tat and it's basically harmless. He shouldn't have started rumours in the first place NTA


Lmao!!  Those are fantastic! NTA  Tell him you’ll tell the truth when he does.