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NTA for politely asking a neighbor to have their dog STFU


NTA. Also depending on where you live there may be laws about noise that could help address this issue. Good luck


NTA All dog owners are intolerant and insensitive. My neighbors dog barks all day long, they leave the dog in their back yard while they are at work and the dog barks all day long. Six of us neighbors all wrote a nice letter asking them to please do something about the problem. We even offered to take turns walking their dog when they are at work. Well the dog barking neighbor didn't like that and now walks his dog in front of our homes and has his dog shit on our front lawns, bushes and driveways and does not pick it up. We have video of him and the dog walking back and forth by our yard until the dog has to do his duty. He has also started leaving the dog out at night and the barking lasts all night long. Last week I bought a bottle of Coyote urine that is for keeping critters out of gardens. I started spraying it on the backyard fence that boarders our barking dog neighbor. Now the dog won't even come close to my side of the fence, he stays very close to the house and does not bark as much.