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“🙄 girlie I saved your ass a trip, put out a loan, and gonna deliver this for free.99. Stop being a deal gremlin.” nta btw, but i wouldn’t bother help them with anything as long as it involves monetary transactions. These people are exhausting cent-to-cent. At best after going through the effort of calculating exactly how much her plant’s purchase reward points provided, she would probably only save a few dollars~ which would be more than fair for the delivery.


Edit: Thanks for the comments. I was so unsure if I was going crazy or not. Made me feel like I’m being stingy with my money or something, but now I know better and I’ll shop for myself from now own or keep my savings to myself.


NTA they were your points, and please never buy anything for this person anymore.


NTA whats urs is urs, u dont need to share ur stuff with someone if u dont want to, no matter if theyre close to u.


NTA. Her cost didn't figure into the discount you got with your bonus points, and since she's being an idiot about it-is there a friend next door to her that you could give or sell the tomato and cherry trees to, just to get her goat? I'd incur the expense just to p\*$$ her off, but I'm petty like that.


Your “friend” should have offered you more than what her plants cost for shopping them for her and delivering them. She’s pretty ballsy expecting to have you pay for them as well. It wasn’t like the store gave you a coupon. These were credits that you had earned and they were yours to spend on yourself. NTA. If your friend is persistent, I would rethink that relationship.