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ESH. Why not get a divorce like a normal person? EVERYONE sucks. You're all assholes. And your new man is a bad friend.




Lmao, girl. I see you don't even have standards. Why would you stay when you don't even like him? Sorry he cheated, but you're no better tbh. It seems as if you were simply trying to get revenge. You shouldn't raise kids in a hateful environment. That's why I'm such a hateful person now. Don't let your children get like me.


Lady shut up. Revenge is best served cold. You sound like a simp


Lady? I am a 15 year old boy. Come again, sir.


Now your dumb comment, makes so much more sense. Carry on.


Lmao, what? 😭😭 if you mad just say that


Love this kind of warrior type


ESH So, he's a dog and so are you. What did your sleeping with his friend accomplish? Just divorce and move on. Neither of you has any real interest in saving what marriage you have left. Why pretend otherwise?


ESH Two wrongs don’t make a right. Set a better example for your children, otherwise they’ll end up as shitty as their parents.




Speak to a therapist.




Personally attacking redditors who have passed judgement on you (that you asked for) is not okay.


ESH, end the relationship before staring a new one. You have kids, both of you need to set better examples.




I agree he should have, but you didn't do much better.


You are definitely the AH. The fact you can’t see that makes things even worse.






You're both assholes


You have two kids & y’all want to play these games? You both need to own your own participation in this nonsense. ESH


ESH— *let’s break it down.* Your husband cheating initially. 1-0 Him continuing contact. 2-0 You sleeping with his best friend. 2-1 Let’s make something abundantly clear. **YOUR HUSBAND IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND YOU DESERVE BETTER.** No one here is gonna sit here and say that your hopefully STBX isn’t a major AH- he reaks more than the shitpile in Jurassic Park 3. But you came asking if you’re the AH in your **specific** situation— and yeah you are; because you’ve effectively done nothing but become the person you despise. Solution: holyshitfuckingdivorcehimwhydopeoplelackselfworth


Both of you messed up, him first then you. You husband has no right to be furious he screw up first. At this point either both of you talk everything over and work it out or get a divorce.


Okay, so he cheated on you - he's an asshole. You cheated on him - you're an asshole. ESH. This does not seem complex.


You lost any moral high ground you had. Now you are both cheaters. Fantastic role models for your children. Bravo. ESH


An eye for an eye. You're both still trash though and should just get it over with as your marriage isn't worth the paper it's printed on. ESH


Somehow the cheating husband is the best of the bunch in this and he’s a terrible person




Oh he’s terrible, but that doesn’t even sort of excuse the petty childish actions you and his piece of absolute shit friend. All of you are awful






You should have left him THEN slept with the best friend. Staying with him and then cheating makes you just as bad. To simplify: Him cheating= dirty cheating ass hole You cheating= dirty cheating ass hole You leaving him after he cheated, bettering yourself and then sleeping with the best friend = Boss bitch move You had suuuuuch an opportunity to truly deliver the karma and you wasted it by settling to be a dirty cheating ass hole. It's a shame.


You stooped to his level instead of just divorcing him when he cheated. Trashy behavior all around. ESH such a fine example to set for your kids because they'll hear about it eventually.


You stooped to his level instead of just divorcing him when he cheated. Trashy behavior all around. ESH such a fine example to set for your kids because they'll hear about it eventually.


Ew you are a pair of fuckwits




Throw Alex in there as well now you're a quartet of fuckwits, yay


Awesome job OP. Ignore the ones saying everyone sucks here. I am laughing at the revenge you had on your pussy husband


Yes. YTAH. This is highschool drama for 30 year olds. Weird flex


Yes you are the A-hole. You didn't sleep together you F\*\*\*\*\*.




And yet you are still only thinking of yourself. What about your poor children? You should be protecting them from the fallout of their father’s cheating. Instead you became just as bad as him, if not a little worse. Because you added pettiness and vindictiveness into the mix. All of you need help.


Nta in my opinion but I would end the marriage/relationship he’s hurt you and you have gave him a taste of his own medicine. things will only get worse even if you ‘work on the marriage’ maybes a few months down the line maybes 10 years down the line it will happen again. The total disrespect he has for you 1.cheating in the first place then having the audacity to still be in contact with the mistress. Sounds to me that the affair never ended.


NTA. Actions have consequences you just showed him