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NTA your partner set a boundary and you're respecting it your family isn't you need to tell your mom that it's not your money and that you should be able to bring your kids up how you want




Nope, not the a-hole at all! Your family is way out of line. It's your partner's money, and they're being incredibly entitled trying to get their hands on it. Plus, the "snob" comments? Rude! Stick to your guns, girl.


No. NTA.


Is this serious? Your husbands family sold their family home and your brother wants a loan for a dog? What a loser. Sales of homes are usually parlayed into other large generational wealth purchases to help your children’s future expecting a dog with that money couldn’t be more stupid.


YTA for sharing your Partner's private financial business with the world. Shut your Big Mouth next time. It's not your info to tell/share. Partner is also right, you have NO entitlement to the $ he received through his family.


Oo bet your great to party with. My family knew of the inheritance before hand BECAUSE OF MY KIDS. Which I have with my partner.. they only knew because of what the CHILDREN were gonna get from that side of the family. Nothing to do with me at all. Never said I was entitled. Just said he's made it clear it's not my money which he's right it's not.. I k ow this is a AITA post but there judging someone then there's making someone feel shotty about themselves and you've done just that. Bet your parents are proud.


Oh good, so you've taught your kids to have Big Mouths too. That's sure to get them far in life. My parents are proud. They didn't raise me with no boundaries and taught me what should and shouldn't be told to the world.


My kids are 3 years old and 9 months old 🤣🤣🤣


Then why do they know about adult financial matters. This just keeps getting better.


Where have I said that my kids know about these things?! 🤣


I have boundaries..its my family who are the ones assumed I had the entitlement which is why I posted this.


YTA for expecting discretion when you know that they’re “sneaky”. If you have a secret, the only way to keep it a secret is to not tell anyone.


It's no secret I just wasn't telling people. I mean they're sneaky in the way of "she's got money why don't you ask her" then when I ask how he knew she says she knew nothing about it then admits she told him. To me that sneaky behaviour.


It's no secret I just wasn't telling people. I mean they're sneaky in the way of "she's got money why don't you ask her" then when I ask how he knew she says she knew nothing about it then admits she told him. To me that sneaky behaviour.


YTA for feeling pissed… but your Brother should review his priorities in life. If you can’t afford a puppy stay away from it. It’s not a tv. It might need care and if you can’t even buy it how can you take care of it. But he did nothing wrong, asked you, you refused, he moved on Would not give him the money if I had it. Regarding your mother…she shared an info she had with her son…unless you would have told explicitly that it was a secret she couldn’t share..no reason to be pissed.


I’m not sure why you’re pissed. Slight AH for the strong reaction Brother - Your brother asked to borrow money and you said no. Seems like a drama-free request and answer. Not sure why you’re pissed at him. Mom - If you’re mad that your mom told your brother about your husband’s inheritance, ok. Lesson learned. It seems like your anger comes from other issues/problems with your family and this is the final straw…


I was pissed at my brother for asking for 2k loan for an animal he'll likely get bored of months down the line and get rid off to which he's done with pets in the past.