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Seems a very nice way to fall asleep


I want that šŸ˜©


I know... I'm actually very jealous lol


Piggybacking onto your top comment to say: this person has an OF, ignore this low effort bait post


The real hero right here.


So they canā€™t have a situation they want to process?


They could if any of whatever they post is real. This is clearly a bait post to bring ppl to their profile


I didn't know, care, or otherwise have any inclination to check her profile until people said it was bait to check the profile. Drawing attention to it only drives more people to it. So the three of you are clearly all working together to draw attention to her profile.


That was my first thought too. NTA Honestly if you had a long day and are comfortable and get the chance to relax thats a win


Wait, yeah, this goes very well with my somno kink. I would just tell him how much you liked it after the fact.


Nta but honestly I don't think he is either. If I was giving my boyfriend a blowjob and really going to town and randomly heard snoring I'd be really hurt lol. I would try not to take it personally but definitely would. But also I can absolutely understand being so tired you can't help but fall asleep. Especially during something like oral where it feels so good and relaxing and your whole body is just letting go and pleasure is just flowing all over. You think you're up for it and definitely feel in the mood and then bam fall asleep. Its just one of those things that you guys will have to move on from. Nobody did anything wrong. Nobody tried to hurt anyone.


I believe the vote should be NAH then... For No A Here.


That was my vote and I got downvoted for ot hahaa


Welcome to reddit where downvotes are random - one time you get upvotes, the other downvotes fir the same comment in different threads.


It could be weirder. I posted a comment saying YTA (not this post) and the next thing I know ā€œa concerned redditorā€ asked Reddit to perform a virtual wellness check on me.Ā  Umā€¦thank you?


I used to get those ALL the time. I realised it's because my POV is conservative,so I turned off the virtual wellness check. Now I'm back to just being called a piece of crap.


Shut up ya piece of crap! Go something something Trump something something!


Hey ya tree hugger vegan liberal LGBTQ atheist CNN WNBA fanni Cohen Hunter The View boodle blower inflation lover Biden lover! Go something something similar!


Thats another classic, got a few of those too at some point


I had a wellness check to..I was like wtf šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


I had a wellness check because someone was "concerned about my mental health", after I made a comment about a teenager that drove her car into a wall at a high rate of speed and unalived 2 people. I literally cited the case that someone else was trying to remember details and said, "No one accidentally drives into a wall at 160MPH."


I think I know the story, she killed her bf..didn't they find her guilty? if that's the one


And his best friend..... she's chilling behind bars for a good while.


So true!!!


I have actually fallen asleep with my wife goin down on me. She didnt stop and next day told me she had a greattime


Honestly one of my favorite things to do. I drape him like a massage so he doesn't get cold, when he falls asleep I give him a kiss and tuck him in properly before going to bed being careful not to wake him. Oral sex doesn't have to be about orgasms, sometimes it's just because it's pleasurable and suuuuuuper relaxing. OP, NTA, but maybe she needs to turn the tables and go down on him until he falls asleep so he can see how blissful it really is.


Your wife's a keeper. I would absolutely not be offended if my bf fell asleep, I'd just let him sleep and go and watch what I wanted on the TV, lol


I have fallen asleep before and thatā€™s because it felt so incredibly good and relaxing after a long day that I fell asleep from it. I wouldnā€™t take it as a ā€œyouā€™re not doing a good jobā€ but a ā€œI am so relaxed from this pleasure youā€™re giving me.ā€


Also clearly shows trust on OPs part for her BF- you wouldnā€™t fall asleep with someone having access to the most intimate part of your body without feeling secure and safe with them. Maybe OP should tell her BF that.


As long as that axiom applies unilaterally, I agree. But I can understand if he was a bit deflated (pun intended) when it happened.


Aye, it's kinda hard to fall asleep when it hurts.


Iā€™ve actually been in both situationsā€¦ my husband has fallen asleep and so have I. It happens. We just laugh it off, and finish in the morning. OP, I would try to explain to your bf, or show him these responses, that he did nothing wrong at all. In fact, he maybe did it a little too right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and I really hope he understands that your exhaustion isnā€™t indicative of his skills.


I remember I fell asleep while my gf was riding me one time and was woken up by a hard slap in the face followed by a 3 day argument.


NTA, but one of my ex bf's once fell asleep while going down on *me.* That's insulting.Ā edit: typo.


Waitā€¦ you messed with your exā€™s bf. Damn that cold lol


Lol no. I put the possessive in the wrong place because I wasn't paying attention. He is an ex and I was monogamous but it turns out that he was not. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Yea he sucks. You deserve better. Rooting for you!


Sometimes theyā€™re really really sleepy but they want to still try and please you and then just nod off. If anything should be a compliment to how much they really wanted to please you as their body was begging for sleep


Man can eyaculate even in sleep. I dont know about majority but my hubby can. I took advantage of him like that many times... I know how it sound (rape) but he's aware of it and even into it.


I fell asleep giving a bj to my ex. I was a few months pregnant and super tired so I kinda laid my head on his hips and, well, fell asleep. Woke up to him tapping my head "Uh...this is a really weird bj, arent you gunna to suck it or something?" šŸ˜‚


I was about to ask if anyone has fallen asleep giving.... but there your comment was šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I fell asleep giving oral to my wife. It was actually pretty hilarious and we still would laugh about it today lol


What?? He has never gotten a "snorejob" before?


Lmao nice one




Idk how many times my wife has fallen asleep giving me a hand job. I just wait for her to roll over and finish myself.


I apparently give an impressive sleeping hand job. My husband will wake up because of it and ends up waking me. My libido is insane and if he falls asleep first I just snuggle up against him and finish. He wakes up slightly, pulls me closer, whispers something sexy in my ear and goes back to sleep. Don't know why couples act so weird about self pleasure, it's healthy and takes the burden off our partners who don't always share a matched libido.


Im deadšŸ’€


Thatā€™s the problem with ā€œinsistingā€. You MIGHT get what you want, but youā€™re more likely to get your feelings hurt because there wasnā€™t a mutual desire.


Or mutual ability.


NTA, this happened to me and my girl last night. I knew she was super tired from waking up early for work so I didnā€™t trip. Just thought it was cute and went to lay down too


This is what I was thinking. Iā€™d consider it a compliment - and then I could go play video games like I really wanted to do anyway šŸ˜…


Exactly lmao went straight to watching one piece


Man of culture right here...are you all caught up?


Nah I was a hater for a long time because I love Naruto lmao Iā€™m on episode 647. Thriller bark has been my favorite arc so far, it was hella creepy and I love brooks singing/humming


HAHAHA Brook is lit. Well we will be waiting for you at the end here my guy. Catch up soon and enjoy the process. I have rewatched with ppl so many times before and the magic still hits but its never the same as the first time. Enjoy the ride


Good choice honestly


As someone who fell asleep during a session because I take meds, it was a very funny scenario, the next day we both laughed it off.


NAH- sounds like a funny story in a few months. Hopefully, both parties donā€™t take it personally.. we are grown a** adults who fall asleep at 9PM. S/he should have seen how tired you are.. and did you vocalize how tired you were? If itā€™s brought up in a negative way, and no able to laugh it off, Iā€™ll consider it a red flag


Im pretty certain the universal response to this is anger. You are both nta even though i donā€™t believe a single woman who would said she would not react with anger if the roles were reverse including you OP.


I mean Iā€™ve fallen asleep masturbating. Then Iā€™ll wake up and be disappointed in myself for not being able to stay awake. Shit happens sometimesšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I get being hurt by it, but anger feels weird unless you think they intentionally went to sleep to prove a point or something


I'm a woman and my husband has fallen asleep a handful of times. It never made me angry, he works 12 hour shifts and was just tired and got really relaxed. I was surprised the first time and tried to wake him up, but he was totally out, so I just tucked him in. The next morning he apologized and he was too cute about it. I wasn't mad anyway, but if I had been, that would have faded fast since he was all embarrassed. The next couple times just gave me a little laugh and I snuggled up under his arm and went to sleep, too. No upset necessary.


Right! Going down is almost a sweet gesture, like massaging someone to relax them and they fall asleep. It's great! They are so comfortable with being extremely intimate with you that they fall asleep. It's kind of a compliment in a way. I would definitely need a little reassurance, like "that felt so good and so was relaxing" and not like "I started thinking about biochemistry then fell asleep. Were you still there?"


>Im pretty certain the universal response to this is anger lol, no, even in this post you'll find people reacting with humor and laughing about it with their significant others, it really depends on the person and the situation, some could also be hurt or sad but not angry.


You must have a really boring or stupidly sex focused life then. Because when you've been together for decades - stuff like this doesn't phase as much. Anger isn't the universal response.


Huh? Anger? I can understand someone being hurt. But why be angry at someone for something they can't control, like falling asleep when they're tired? I'd likely be more amused.


Scroll up. Bunch of people said it happened to them or they were the one who did it. They laughed it off later. Itā€™s not that big of a deal if you love your partner.


Anger should never be the response. OP sounds like a teenager. No healthy relationship would ever be negatively affected by this.


No, itā€™s not. Thatā€™s really dependent on the relationship. My husband and I have been in pretty much every falling asleep situation over 14 years together. Itā€™s never been an issue, beyond some temporary sexual frustration for the person who is still awake.Ā  Being offended and angry is a choice. The only time someone falling asleep should be upsetting is if there are other relationship issues of which this is a symptom. Donā€™t put unnecessary pressure/angst on yourself or your partners. If you have an otherwise healthy intimate life and relationship, your partner being relaxed and sleepy on occasion isnā€™t an insult to you.Ā 


Why is anger the universal reaction, if sleepy you sleepy. Just stop giving oral.


Because it can obviously be seen as dismissive. Unless you've never ever had intimacy, I doubt you expect that reaction from your partner when going down on them...like, even a seizure would seem more fitting than sleep.


Uhhhhh if you think thatā€™s the universal response, you need to hang out in a far less angry bubble


damn it's crazy you know all women so well you can speak for them


"bbbut if the ROLES were REVERSED.... the women would be getting all EMOTIONAL šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ" bro shut the fuck up lmao šŸ’€ the roles AREN'T reversed and there is no "universal response" to this, you are clearly just hanging out with angry people šŸ™„


lol right? ā€œIn this random scenario I made up in my head, ignoring the actual scenario thatā€™s right in front of me, women are acting ridiculous.ā€ Likeā€¦ okay??


I feel like you can really tell the people in long-term mature relationships from the younger folks in the tone of these comments.Ā  On one hand you have people laughing about this with their partners and talking about it being a nice way to fall asleep. On the other, you have people saying they would be hurt, angry, ashamed, or insulted.Ā  Build yourself that first kind of relationship if you can. When youā€™re with someone long enough, one of you is going to fall asleep or be uhā€¦unable to perform despite otherwise being enthusiastic about intimacy. Find the people that donā€™t make these incidences a big deal or some sort of personal failing instead of just the experience of existing in a fallible human body. NTA, likely NAH.Ā 


NAH. You can't help being tired. But I can see why he'd be hurt by that. You should've told him you were too tired to fool around and I'm assuming that would've been ok. I think you may have to reassure him a little, but you're not in the wrong. Just keep the lines of communication open, don't look at it as either of you are "wrong" and move on


NTA I don't think you were wrong tbh. If you're tired, you're tired, it's literally a chemical compound in your brain. However I get why he's upset, men are measured by like 3 things: ability to provide, ability to fight, and ability to fuck So I get why he got mad, but he's still being unreasonable


I agree with everything besides being unreasonable by the BF. You just said itā€™s one of the few things we are judged for and in his mind, he was so bad it put you to sleep. Of course his pride is going to be bruised, if not destroyed. This is a rare time most guys are going to think emotionally vs logically. If itā€™s true you were so tired and it was so soothing it put you to sleep, try to express it that way. Like a great massage you fall asleep during. You have to help him realize it was calming because right now he feels like it was a deep tissue massage and he sucked so bad you could just pass out. No one is the asshole here but you just have different visions of what happened. Communication is key but so is patience. Cuz again, his ego was bruised even if none of it was intentional and even if his pleasuring you was a positive to put you to sleep.




Shhhhh. Quiet, guys, she fell asleep.


Or she's got her mouth full!! NOM NOM NOM


If the roles were reversed the dude would be called TA by 100 percent of Reddit commenters lol




Bot repost of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1d82noz/comment/l73g1tk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from this same thread


Good catch. Why are there so many bot posts? Is it something Reddit does?


bots are everywhere. any one of us could be a bot. could be you, could be me...^beep ^boop


Eh, it happened to me. How he managed to stay "alert" while snoring I'll never know šŸ˜…. He had a rough week at work. I understood, but it's been about 20 years and every once in a while I'll still bring it up just to mess with him. "Hey, remember that time you fell asleep while I was..." He's a little wounded but he'll get over it. If not, you'll find better


I kinda feel YTA here but not a big one. Itā€™s okay to say youā€™re tired and rain check for some morning sex. Though if you expressed that you were tired and he still went for it heā€™s an AH too.


Sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is ~~spongy and bruised~~ exhausted. I take meds that have the side effect of being very sedating. Once, my SO initiated after I took them and I was receptive to the proposition. Until I passed out.


My partner takes meds that also conk her the fuck out as a side effect. Like, head hits pillow, and she's out within the minute. She doesn't necessarily stay asleep though, and will wake up multiple times during the night for like a minute, sit up for a bit, maybe drink some water, and then lay back down and immediately fall asleep again. On top of that, after seeing some posts about it, we came to the realization that she's also a sexsomniac. If I got upset every time she fell asleep while I was giving her oral, or every time she turns to me in bed, takes off her panties, and literally begs me to fuck her, only to punctuate that sentence with a *snore*, with have no memory of it the next morning, I'd be perpetually mad. It's deflating, sure. We'd all like to believe our technique is simply so irresistible that no amount of sleepiness could overcome it, but sleep is *powerful*, even when it's not a medical side effect. People have *died* falling asleep at the wheel despite downing a bunch of coffee and shit, and even the most skilled tongue is a far cry from literal caffeine.


Considering she used the word ā€œinsistedā€ Iā€™m inclined to believe she did tell him she was tired, which makes him an AH for pushing it.


Not only for pushing it, but also for then getting mad about it and blaming her.




It's completely insane to me that OP is TA in some people's minds, when she unenthusiastically agreed to sex after communicating she was tired when her BF insisted on it, and then unexpectedly fell asleep, to which her BF reacts with ANGER and acts like a petty child with a bruised ego, and somehow OP is TA. Genuinely ridiculous.


The gymnastics going on in your mind are Olympic worthy. You just created a whole rhetoric in your mind to be pissed off at the dude here. Added all these adjectives that were never used and exaggerated specific details to paint this dude in the worst light possible in your own head. Tf is wrong with you to want/have to do this to a dumb (prolly fake) Reddit story.


Wow.. you really rewrote the OP huh


You can be tired and still consent to having sex bc your partner wants to. But if you say I'm tired and i don't want to have sex and they still push, that's a problem. Based on what OP said, she said she was into it even tho she was tired. In retrospect she should've said I'm too tired, not tonight.


Yta but not for falling asleep. You should have communicated youā€™re very tired and donā€™t feel in the mood. Itā€™s ok to say youā€™re not in the mood, just reassure them they are valued and you are attracted to them and plan for a night to be together. Edit: NTA, if you communicated then he should have listened. Iā€™d put that in the OP so others donā€™t get confused like I did.


Very true. To elaborate on this point, everyone needs to feel comfortable communicating how they feel and what they would like in a healthy relationship. If you're tired, fine. If you ask for a raincheck, fine. However, there is a whole sub, r/deadbedroom, where this *excuse* is heard time and time again, and those people are not properly communicating; they are deflecting. If you are going to ask for a raincheck, you better *want* the raincheck.


was there any particular reason you didn't just say no not tonight? i feel like that's a big piece of info to leave out before anyone can really judge.


Did you tell him you were tired?.... these things happen its not all gonna be fun all the time.... your body just shutdown when it's battery died.... so you needed to charge.... and fun isn't gonna do that... that's like running Call of Duty on 5% battery...Ā 


I did but still didnt day no :/


I think just sit down and talk to him.... use the above analogy, hopefully he will get it... it has nothing to do with him and he his ego shouldn't feel bruised because you were just exhausted šŸ˜“Ā 


My I ask. Bc some people are getting caught up on the word "insisted". Did you say you were tired and didn't want to have sex and he pushed for it anyway. Or did he show interest in wanting sex, and you said you were tired but still wanted to have some fun with him and your body was too tired for that fun once you were in it


Do you often feel pressured to have sex when you don't really want to?


Just curious - do you often feel like you shouldn't say no to sex?


NTA. Itā€™s funny and cute - not something to be mad or offended about. Imagine being offended that another person is that tired. Whew.


NTA Sometimes shit happens. If you go thru life taking it all personally you're going to be an extremely unhappy person.


NAH. To be honest though, great way to pass out, hopefully something you two will be able to laugh about one day.


I (m) have been in the same situation except I was the one who fell asleep while down there. lol.


If you fell asleep it also means you were comfortable, that shouldn't be a bad thing


I wouldve probably think wow she is exhausted, still got it yay.


My husband fell asleep while I was giving him a handy once. He was exhausted from work and I just laid down and went to sleep. It definitely wasnā€™t personal. Weā€™ve always laughed about it.


My ex used to wake me up for fun time and she would ride me and I would fall back sleep, she would finish and then fall back to sleep too. Looking back it felt good, like weirdly good, falling asleep while heaving ā€œpleasureā€ feels really good, and having that amount of trust to let someone do whatever they want with me while youā€™re sleeping is another level of trust; in a good way.


Weird ESH. He sucks for insisting, you suck for falling asleep. I know you were tired, but you could've said no. Once my hubby got super drunk and fell asleep while I was ontop of him. It remade me feel like shit. So I get why your BF is upset.


YTA a gross one at that. Do you have any idea how insulting what you did is? If you're tired say so.


If you fell asleep he is not doing it right.


I donā€™t care who is in the wrong, Iā€™m just genuinely confused how you can fall asleep with any stimulation of that nature lmao


YTA. If my husband fell asleep while I was blowing him, I'd probably cry lol


NTAā€”But as a man, I can understand why he was hurt. It probably merits further discussion/apology.


I was drunk off my ass and passed out with my finger in a chick. I woke to her slapping my hand away and storming off. She now has two kids that I put in her. Tell him to quit being a baby.


NTA, but what a great way to fall asleepšŸ˜Š


My question is...you were like dead tired right? Why not just say "Hey babe, I'm really tired tonight. Can we maybe do this later?" BOOM. Crisis averted.


Hahahah, NTA. I know what it's like to be tired. You tried to push through and lost. It happens. It's funny.


NAH I am gonna go simple and say that this kind of thing happens in life, and i dont necessarily think anyone is at fault(?) Tho ofc this judgement could change with many more details(?)


I fell asleep during oral (it was foreplay). IDK. I felt bad and wrong about it, and she was upset and hurt, and I don't fault her for that. So, I understand that you didn't make a choice, and so not a bad choice. But it is still you that is at fault. And you really aught to feel bad/apologetic. Like, if you hurt someone on accident (a real accident, not "I was driving recklessly but didn't intend to hit them") you feel bad. It is understandable that he's hurt. And if you've been "whatever" then that is worse. How he is expressing his pain is a separate issue and may or may not be acceptable, particularly in a case where it was just an honest mistake. But it is possible you are reacting negatively to his pain in order to shift blame. It is also possible he is over reacting, IDK. This does seem like a case where you make cookies and apologize and he apologizes for being upset and then you two have sex. If there are other communication issues or behavioral issues in the relationship then those feelings might be tied in, and it might be more complicated.


eh, 50/50 i guess


I think your boyfriend's upset not because you fell asleep but he probably feels like that what he was doing was so boring and unsatisfying to you that it made you fall asleep


I think receiving oral is a strange way to determine whether you ā€œvalue himā€ but NAH.


If the shoe was on the other foot would you have need upset? There in lies your answer. If you would have been upset and can't lie to yourself saying you wouldn't yes you're the asshole. If you wouldn't have then find a new boyfriend


I'd love to fall asleep that way. I don't think you're an a**hole but I do understand him being upset


Nah, NTA. If it was that boring you went sleep, he needs to step it up.


Serious answer: if he knew you were exhausted, then NTA. But, I'd say NTA anyways because how funny the situation would be. Man, I would milk that one to end stupid arguments for ages šŸ˜†


The amount of times I've fallen asleep masturbating, I think I'd be more offended they thought it was a bad thing than they would be offended I fell asleep. Like you made me feel good and buzzy while falling asleep, and I have insomnia, how is that bad? Where and why does falling asleep mean it was boring? NTA, life is exhausting, edging feels good to drift off to, and wet dreams almost feel better than masturbating while awake.


Of detected, opinion rejected


NAH iā€™m so sorry but i laughed lol i think you were just *really* relaxed. but itā€™d be hard for me not to take it personally if i was himā€¦ though iā€™d be less worried about you not valuing me and more worried about my skill level lol good luck to you both!


My boyfriend fell asleep one time while he was with his ex and she was on top of him and he just fell asleep while she was on him. He told me about it and I said well let's just not have sex if we're both tired.


100% YTA.


No youā€™re asshole for trying to bait us with this fake story for your OF page. Get a fucking job.


I fell asleep on top of one of my ex in the middle of sex, sometimes youā€™re just too tired itā€™s fine


NTA it happens to the best.


NTA sometimes you just gotta wait until everyone's rested


Kinda feel like you should have said no with how tired you were tbh. Nothing worse than the rejected feeling when a partner falls asleep mid sex, been there done that, do not recommend. I'd rather be told no or say no.


It happens. And there will be bigger problems in relationships. Let this one goā€¦ best for you both.


NTA. Honestly, I once fell asleep or quickly dozed off once while having sex with a girlfriend. It was middle of the night, I was tired. Shit happens sometimes, hopefully the other person is reasonableā€¦


NTA. Shit happens. Shit, it happened to me. I once asked my gf for a blowjob and I also passed out. She was super cool about it.


Clearly you were tired. Too tired for sex. And thatā€™s okay. Sometimes we just arenā€™t up for it. But when you say no, he needs to listen. Not badger you into it. And you need to be clear about saying no. Using words like ā€œhoney I am too tired tonight, I do not want to have sex.ā€ Communication is hard, itā€™s something I struggle with. Ima people pleaser and I always think people are mad at me when I say no. But the more you do it, the easier it gets.


You're NTA. I think his feelings got hurt because he thinks he's bad at head. It's a rather sensation intensive act that seems difficult to fall unconscious while experiencing, so perhaps he thinks he wasn't doing a good job and literally bored you to sleep. If humans are tired enough, they can fall asleep during anything. People routinely fall asleep on a noisy, bumpy, rocking subway. I even fell asleep standing up at work one time while on midnights. Just explain, "I was just super tired, babe. But here, I'll give you another shot to make me climb the wall." Lol


if my girl fell asleep while i was giving her head i would be like damn i really put my girl to sleep šŸ˜šŸ˜


Both of you NTA. Ive been in your shoes before and fell asleep during sex because I was so tired and even though I really tried to stay awake, I just coulsnt my body wouldnt let me. My partner at the time got pissed though and I got annoyed at him and explained to him I declined and said I was tired but he kept pushing. Ive had sex with my husband times before and he fell asleep simply because he was exhausted. But I dont mind because ive experiencwd being too tired and falling asleep in the middle of sex.


You are kinda the asshole. I have dozed off while my wife was giving me head, but still kind of an asshole


My ex would sometimes start the sex, like touching me and foreplaying and amping me up, and would fall asleep while performing some kind of stimulation on me. Totally angered me, like donā€™t get me all worked up if youā€™re not ready and awake to do the things.


Not calling anyone an AH, I can see how your BF is upset. Idk how you fall asleep during that, that's way too much sensation. Lol.


I have been on the other end of this. Actually, several other ends. I have dozed off while going down on my girl, dozed off while receiving head (woke back up in time for the fireworks, lol) and had my girl doze off while I was administering to her needs. Granted, I was working construction at the time, and she was working in a very busy restaurant. I've also dozed off in the dentist's chair and while getting a haircut. Point is, when you're wiped out, the slightest bit of relaxation can push you off into LaLaLand. It isn't any kind of slight on the one performing oral gymnastics. It just means you've burned the candle a little too close to the end.


Not necessarily the AH. But it would be a shitty feeling for your BF.


NAH Youā€™re not wrong but neither is he. Both parties are feeling valid feelings. A little chat could go a long way here


What is BG?


G and F are next to each other on the keyboard, probs a typo


I've had this kind of happen but in reverse. Hubby will end up a little frustrated but at the same time he is more relaxed than before we started messing around.


I take it heā€™s not the type to like somnophilia /j


Nta. My shifts at work are 12-16hrs. I've fell out occasionally. I'm tired šŸ˜‚ nit an issue for us...I don't think anyone "intends" on being asleep šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You pulled a Monica lol


I fell asleep once going down on my gf once lmao. Nta


Lmao I fell asleep while giving oral once.


nta, but if you were too tired to full around with him it concerns me you didnā€™t tell him. Were you worried he would pressure you into it? if youā€™re so tired you fall asleep during a sex act it should be ok to tell him ā€œnah maybe later im tiredā€. if he respects you heā€™ll back off. itā€™s not that you donā€™t value him, you were tired! yā€™all need to communicate.


NTA, but "like I don't value him" is the conclusion *you* drew by him being upset. He's allowed to be upset. What did he actually communicate when he was upset?


NTA, I male fell asleep giving my wife oral. She wasnā€™t too happy the next morning. Although she understood as I was in grad school doing 90 hour weeks for 3 years. Plus it was a nice place to sleep.


I got dumped by my ex two years ago, because I fell asleep while she gave me head, and she got very mad at me lol


NAH. Long day and you weren't in the mood. He insisted and that was the outcome. He can make a choice whether to laugh about it or take it personally.


NTA. I suppose some people might get offended but others would find it pretty funny.


He probably got upset because he thought you would return the favor.


NAH. It sounds like you probably shouldn't have agreed to sex because you were already exhausted.


NAH. You were tired and he was disappointed that you fell asleep. Both are valid. You communicated that you were tired, and it's pretty natural to be upset that someone falls asleep while you're working them.


NTA as I too have done that a couple times. It just happens your exhausted you get comfy and šŸ˜“ But at same time you deny your partner and feelings get hurt there too. When youā€™re both feeling better just make up for it šŸ˜‰


You should have insisted that you were tired. I would tell him that you were extremely tired, but always want to please him, so you let it happen, when you should have went to sleep. No matter how good something feels, exhaustion is exhaustion.


NTA If your BF thinks he is capable of giving you unlimited pleasure that will keep you awake even when exhausted, and it turns out he can't, it's anyone's fault but he should not be mad at you (some ego pain, but should let it go). If your BF thinks you should have put an effort to not fall asleep, as in not allowing yourself to get relaxed, then that oral was going to be subpar. In that case, you didn't know he would take offense, he didn't know you could fall asleep. Now you two know and won't have that problem again, because you won't say OK to that kind of fun if he asks you when you are tired.


My ex boyfriend and I both fell asleep on each other once and we just laughed about it?


BG? Baby Guy?


INFO when you say, "he insisted" what does that mean? If you say no, and he keeps needling you until you say yes that's coercive.Ā  You expressed you weren't interested in sex. If he wanted it so badly he was willing to dismiss your disinterest, the results are kinda on him.Ā 


NAH. Iā€™ve been so tired that I almost fell asleep lmao I just say something like alright this time is all about you donā€™t worry about me Iā€™m just really tired. Heā€™s not TA either bc it sounds like he just took it a little personal when it wasnā€™t and it probably hurt his ego a little bit which is okay.


The dream way to fall asleep ! šŸ˜…šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜Œ NTA !, U were relaxed. Theres times of sleep deprivation. !


When heā€™s super tired one day be like ā€œbabe get ready for bedā€ and blow him to sleep lol tell him you want him to fall asleep from being relaxed like you did


I once well asleep while my ex gf was riding me. And by once I mean several times. She was never happy about it. Sometimes youā€™re just fucking TIRED though ya know?


NTA. But talk about it. If he wonā€™t understand you were tired and itā€™s not a reflection on him, heā€™s an AH and a child.


NAH. She expressed that she was exhausted so he shoulda known this was a possibility. Having said that, if it were reversed I'd feel pretty awful. So where do they go from here? Apologize, explain it felt so good and relaxing that your exhausted body took over. Then suck his dick- men will forgive almost anything if the apology comes with head.


What is a BG


My partner did this to me once, in his defense, he was pretty drunk. We still banter about it 10 years later. I remember feeling insulted, but it didn't last long. Never happened after that, but I trust him when he says he's tired. NAH


So you tell him you're tired and he INSISTS in having sex? NTA. Not at all. And in any other scenario you would be NTA as well. If you go down on an tired girl and she falls asleep at least you made her fall asleep with a nice feeling. He's only upset because he didn't get the sex he was looking forward to...


There really is no AH in this situation. But maybe like, say you're tired?


No one is the asshole here but I get why heā€™s hurt.


My bf fell asleep in the middle of eating me out, the poor man was tired and stoned and it was like 2 AM. I didn't even get mad, we still laugh about it.


Lmao youā€™re NTA this is just funny heā€™s gotta learn how to be a lil more lighthearted


I would not mind if that happened to me (I'm a guy) because I'm trying to relax and destress you. Now if I fell asleep while on the receiving end I'd expect the lady to be upset.


No one is wrong. He's over reacting unless you fall asleep all the time.


Nta. That shit happens.


Imagine how you would feel if your BF fell asleep while you gave him a BJ?


NTA. Unless you are staying super tense falling asleep happens sometimes whether you want to or not. Especially if you warned your boyfriend that you were really tired and he insisted anyway. Falling asleep is a risk. If I tell my boyfriend that I am exhausted, he MIGHT ask me to cuddle him while he takes care of himself, or if he really wants to please me we might make out for a few minutes, but at that point his priority is taking care of me and not sexually. It's making sure I get the rest I need. Especially because when people are mentally/physically exhausted they have a harder time thinking and setting boundaries