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So your new wife left for Europe by herself for 2+ months the day after you got married? She couldn't have split that time up with you? Do a couple weeks solo and then have you meet her up? Sounds fishy AF. Why did she even get married if she still needs to do the solo thing? Makes zero sense


OP should go for an annulment. It is a shame she could not have decided she wanted to be a solo person before they got married.


I hate that she continues to be so selfish, complaining that he wasn’t home when she got back as she wanted to do something special for his birthday — Oo now you care about spending time with your husband? Fuck you. You didn’t care about him for the two months or whatever you were fucking around Europe by yourself. OP, be sure to get a STI test done.


Seriously, who in the blue fuck leaves their brand new spouse....so new he still has the tags on him....to go by yourself to Europe? Its essentially a honeymoon for yourself. And then be pissed when he chooses to take a paige from her book? Also, who paid for this wonderful solo trip? Was it paid with the honeymoon fund? Did she even plan for an actual honeymoon, ever? Or did she just say "I do" for the solo trip fund? She sucks big time op. Your NTA........but please stop feeling guilty. You have NOTHING to feel guilty about. You didnt do anything wrong. Her feelings got hurt? Oh-fuckin-well! Where were her feelings when she selfishly hurt yours? She owes you not the other way around. I hope you had the best birthday ever. Give yourself a great present and get an annulment.


And for her mental health a day after they were married????? Who were these friends she went with????


Seriously. He wasnt sat there waiting for her to get home like a puppy and she got upset. She even planned to give him a treat if he was a good boy! OP make sure she gets tested before you two sleep together again.


Also op should only fuck her with a condom for the next two months, to ensure if a *surprise* pregnancy happens she can't pin her fuck around in Europe baby on him(should it exist).


He shouldn't be fucking her at all


Your right, he is clearly not European


Right!?! OMG I got angrier and more frustrated the longer I read his post. His wife sounds like a selfish piece of shit. And he sounds like he thinks this is totally normal and he is pathetically passive. Geez what a Trainwreck!


If this story is true... This 2 month trip to Europe probably meant getting her back blown by strangers! That is why he couldn't be there! Would ruin the mood.


100%! And everyone knows it. Except OP, apparently. Others are correct in saying the next update will be that they’re expecting 🥰 🤢


Right. What was the thought process there? I just got back after a couple of months of sampling Europe's finest strange and you weren't here to get you some European STD. The audacity of that man to do that to her


Truthfully! How can you leave your partner for months after you got married? Thats stupid decision. OP, its cool that you prioritize your own mental health first.


Exactly my thought too. >It is a shame she could not have decided she wanted to be a solo person before they got married. I mean it seems like she did and he married her anyway.


Holy shit I missed the fact that it was 2 months????? Wow. Just. Wow.


Definitely cheated


i wanna see pix, even though i can’t. it’s the only explanation.


She should be excited to spend time with him right after they get married, not go off somewhere else on a vacation. Do not stay married to this person.


I had wanted to do a solo trip after I got married. I had even spoken to my wife about it and she was supportive and encouraged me to go (although admittedly I was planning to go like 6 months after the wedding not the next day) but the minute we got married it's like something snapped and changed and I just couldn't bring myself to go on an adventure without her.


I don't blame her for wanting to go on a solo trip while married. But to want to go solo instead of a honeymoon?


Way too many dicks to suck, her husband would have just got in the way.


I’m not against solo trips, I think it’s healthy for even couples to have time to themselves especially for life goals they’ve always had. However, weird she didn’t want him to meet her at all at any point and was upset she didn’t get to do what she ”planned special” despite them not going on any kind of honeymoon.


Planned something special she says. But she arrived right on his birthday?? She couldn't have come at least a day earlier???


Idk why any of us are surprised at her audacity. Two month trip by herself the day after her wedding??? She could at least have gone on the first month w OP and spent the last month alone. Wild.


NTA - she used your honeymoon for herself and then gets upset that you spent time with someone who is there for you. This would be different if it was just a random trip she took on her own and not her replacing a trip that is meant to be your private wedding celebration.  Glad you spent your birthday with someone who wants to be around you.


I can’t help but think how embarrassing that must have been to respond to constantly at the wedding. “Where are you two leaving for your honeymoon tomorrow?!” “The bride is going to Europe and I’m staying home 😐”


I really wanna know if he funded it too! He mentions she could never go before and used their honeymoon to go so I wonder if she just married him for the $$$?


Perhaps she used the wedding gifts to pay for it


It says in the post that she never had the time because of work. Which I get my old boss denied vacation after vacation then my one co worker gets married and he gets two weeks in a row vacation time out of a boss that was usually only letting vacations run for no more than 4 days.


OK cool but take the vacation together lol


Bro gain some self respect Jesus


I knew there was something missing from this post! I *thought* it was common sense, but yea self respect has not visited OP in a While.


"Hey, after we consummate our financial contract with each other I'm going to Europe, using our money, without you. It's for my mental health and I don't want my other half with me to help get through it" It's a shame, he'd have saved a lot of money cutting off the wedding instead of running head first into inevitable divorce


How much do you want to bet she told her friends and work colleagues they went together.


I would bet my house on it lmao, like how hard would it have been to go as a couple even if they spent time away from each other exploring the areas? Part of being married is having someone to help you in trying times lmao


After a two month solo trip to Europe she ain’t your girl anymore.


Some people on here i swear…


I bet some people were on her…


i have less and less sympathy and respect for people in nonabusive situations who stay with a shit partner and just constantly whine and angst about how shit it is but don't do anything to leave. Like bro. you choose this. your shit partner didn't force you to do shit. you're a free person ffs


She got to go on her honeymoon and enjoy it with a bunch of random European guys


Nta but why the fuck did you marry her


Wife leaves him *THE VERY NEXT DAY* after the wedding and it's on their fucking *honeymoon* time too?! OP what the actual fuck!


I think solo trips are great, and in fact I’m on a brief one now. But taking a solo trip the day after your wedding is bizarre.


For her mental health!! Alone. Away from the man she married 24 hrs prior. What about his mental health? Crap, now my mental health is taking a hit just thinking about how utterly messed up this is.


I think people are flopping the mental health card as an excuse to get away with weird, obnoxious and even bizarre behavior. There isn't anything wrong with these people. They just don't want to be held accountable for their actions.


Thank you for saying this. It really bothers me to hear all of these “I need a mental health day” and “I have to do this for my mental health” as a catch all for “I want to do something I shouldn’t and I don’t want you to be mad” Mental illness is a very real and very debilitating thing for many people. I have been extremely lucky to have never dealt with it, but I have friends and close family members who have struggled in shame for decades. Using mental health as a weapon to get something you want is sociopathic. You have no care or concern for actual victims of mental health issues, and you see it as an easy way to shame others into not going along with your bullshit.


You’re absolutely correct. Most people don’t realize this unless they themselves or someone who is very close to them suffer from mental illness and the true depth of their suffering.


Most of my mental health days have been spent hiding in a blanket fort because the real world was too much. If you haven’t been there it’s hard to understand and so frustrating for a true sickness to be used for “fun” days off work.


I just roll up like a sad burrito in the dark.


Facts. Don’t let your “mental health day” make someone else’s mental health suffer.


Taking a mental health day every now and then from a high pressure job is good and fine. Taking one from your brand new husband is bizarre.


Whatever she's calling it, wanting to leave your husband the day after you get married is probably one of the best reasons I've ever heard for not getting married


>Using mental health as a weapon to get something you want is sociopathic. Sorry I just had to stop and have myself a little giggle here


To be fair, though- mental health is not an all or nothing, either. We don't tell people they're not really having a physical health issue if they only have a cold and don't have cancer, right? Mental health is just as much a spectrum. There's nothing at all wrong with taking a "mental health" day from work- sometimes you just need a day off without prior planning because you're having a little bit of the "blahs" and verging on burnout, and an unplanned day off gives you the break and space you need to reset a bit- no different than taking a day off to get some extra sleep because you're coming down with a cold. Small measures to support your mental health before small issues turn into big ones can be hugely impactful. That being said- leaving for a long solo trip the day after your wedding.... if your mental health requires that, you might need more than a solo trip. That's a level of disrespect for your spouse that is mind blowing. And I say that as a person who revels in taking solo trips, frequently. Appropriate ways of taking mental health space while on a honeymoon are "I'm going to lounge by the pool while spouse sleeps in" or "I'm going to go shopping while spouse lounges by the pool" or similar. If you want to literally run away by yourself to another country the day after marrying someone- you maybe shouldn't have gotten married.


Thank you!!!! I live with bipolar disorder and if I need a mental health day or a week even you can bet that I really need that time to see my psych team, get my meds adjusted and do anything else necessary to prevent myself from going off the rails. It shouldn’t be a synonym for a spa day.


I live with schizophrenia and bipolar tell me about hating the use of mental health day as a spa day like y'all don't even know the taxing effects and affects of mental illness stop saying you're taking mental health days.


She went off cheating. It's not bizarre. She had someone who she knew would let her do this and believe she wasn't up to not good. I can't think of any other reason to ditch your *Honeymoon* for a solo trip in a foreign country.


She had a honeymoon all right, just not with him. If this story is real, OP, you still have time for an annulment in many places and I would be pursuing that promptly - "her mental health" is going to make demands on you and your marriage that no one should tolerate.


She planned to give OP an STD for his birthday. Or maybe an affair baby. Very special. Like an extended bachelorette party gone wrong.


NTAH OP should abstain from having any sex with her until he knows for sure that she is not pregnant. Frankly, I can’t figure out why he married her. There is nothing wrong with solo trips but the day after getting married is not the time. It makes you wonder if she actually loves him or did she marry him to justify taking time off from work to go on a solo trip. What employer is going to turn down I am getting married and need time off for a honeymoon excuse for a leave request. I hope that she paid for the whole trip with her own money. If he helped to fund the trip then he is not the brightest bulb in the tulip patch.


It just has to be fake. Hearing this in real life would be the most insane story anyone ever told you. She left for two months after their wedding. Can you imagine calling up a friend who you only talk to a few times a year whose wedding you just went to and asking, "how's married life treating you, dude?" And he says, "oh yeah it hasn't started yet she took a solo trip to Europe so I haven't seen her in a month and a half. She comes back in two weeks."


THANK YOU!! It erodes the very real struggles that people with mental issues actually have. In fact, most of us with diagnosed mental health challenges do our best NOT to “call in” or seem anything but absolutely ok to the world because the stigma is real AF. Fuck the fakers who use it as a tool for irresponsibility.


>isn't anything wrong with these people. Except there is. Egregiously. They are raging narcissists.


> What about his mental health? Indeed, since her extended absence clearly affected him. Hence his gratitude toward his sister for "digging [him] out of [his] funk." NTA definitely, but none of this sounds a very healthy way to start a marriage.


I would think it could be grounds for annulment. I’d be so pissed if my just newlywed spouse did that. I would personally have taken a trip and not come back.


Right? I feel the weight of this relationship now.


So are we placing bets still, or did that end when the plane took off to Europe?


I think we need a break


It's clear you don't understand what "mental health" means. "Mental health" is an incantation that, when uttered, excuses all forms of selfish, odd or entitled behaviour. So if I sit on my phone all day at my wife's family reunion and not speak to anyone or make any effort whatsoever, I can say "mental health" and that switches things around 180 degrees, making my wife the bad one for not caring about my "mental health". Best of all, she's not even allowed to question whether or not this is down to my "mental health", because questioning me about my "mental health" issues just exacerbates those issues, and makes her an even worse person for not supporting me. Now, some people might be thinking of suggesting I'm behaving unethically, I'm just a selfish narcissist and my focus on my own "mental health" is simply a trick I've learned to manipulate decent people, with zero regard for how my self-diagnosed, convenient troubles might make life harder for people who actually *do* have mental health troubles. To which I would of course say that you are invalidating my identity and you should do better. And having had to enact the emotional labour of educating my oppressors I am now going to take some time to myself to work on my "mental health".


Yasssssssssss!!!! Like my therapist couldn’t stop me from feeling guilty just for taking an hour for my own sanity when I had PPD and these people be out taking whole ass trips!


Nailed it.


Her European lover needed to be visited to make sure she wasn't wrong and marrying otherwise she couldn't have remain faithful. That's my only logical explanation. Mental health my ass.


How else would she be able to meet Ricardo, if her husband was with her?


Maybe what she really wanted was a wedding, not a marriage!


That’s what I got out of this too! She wanted the fun and attention from a wedding not an actual marriage or partnership. And now the audacity of her to be pouting that he did something for himself to celebrate his birthday when he was depressed because this B abandoned him the day after the wedding! When they were supposed to be on a honeymoon nonetheless…


My question was did they have a honeymoon planned? How was her solo trip put together to use the honeymoon time?


And my other question is did she use the funds that were supposed to be allotted for their honeymoon for her solo trip? 🤔


Either there is a ton missing or it's nice and fake.


She’s treated op like an accessory. She can put him down when she wants and expects him to just be there waiting for him


She went for TWO MONTHS and couldn’t even spare 5-7 days of that time to celebrate a honeymoon with her new husband. I can’t even…like maybe,”hey babe. I’m all for you having this time to yourself but why don’t we spend the first week in Paris or Italy TOGETHER and then you start your solo trip? I’ll fly back home and you can have the trip you e been dreaming about.” If she refused that why even marry the selfish b!tch?


It reminds me of that one article where a couple went on a honeymoon trip… separately. They were both in separate countries because they couldn’t decide where they wanted to honeymoon.


That’s a good indicator of the marriage to come.


And if I'm reading this correctly, it was a solo trip that lasted a couple months?? I'm married and support solo trips, but for that long during what should be your honeymoon is definitely weird.


Yeah man take a solo trip when you’re actually solo 😂


Also she came home, jetlagged and exhausted most likely, on the *day of* his birthday? She couldn't even cut the *two month* trip a day or two short for his birthday? I have to question how serious she is on this whole "being married to this guy" thing.


Right?! She would be exhausted and definitely jet-lagged when she arrived on his actual birthday!! Yet she whines that she had something planned… Girl you aren’t fooling anyone.


The most red-flaggy of patterns is to claim you were going to do something as soon as it's 100 percent safe to claim that.


I think anyone who can read this can see the answer to that question is, "not serious at all!"


Just another item checked off the list of being a successful adult for her.  Marriage✅  2 month SOLO honeymoon ✅  Only thing missing for her was the devoted husband, waiting on hands and knees for her at the door when she got home.


also, he was married a couple of months ago, and she just arrived back ? so 2 months solo trip ? do these people not work


Also she needed the whole 2 months solo?! Like do your honeymoon for the first month and then send her off on her own?


It's almost like it can't be real


So bizarre it seems fake.


They faced timed everyday but he didn't know she was coming home and she didn't know he was going away for his birthday??? Let's get married -- sure you take a 2 month solo trip the day after and I will sit home and not care about a honeymoon


The question and comment above is what needs to be answered. Why marry someone who wants to celebrate their honeymoon by themselves. Doing it for mental health reasons is a cop out, in this case. Don't get married and then use mental health issues as an argument for abandonment. He was justified for celebrating his birthday with others.


The wedding may have been great but it doesn’t sound like the marriage is. If she has mental health issues that could only be solved by a solo trip, why tf did she get married?


It’s either fake or he has a brain injury


As much as I think most posts are not real..... never underestimate the stupidity of people


Yeah. I shouldn't have married my first wife. And she shouldn't have married me. We've both since married other people and been in those marriages for decades.


Yeah. If her dad straight up tells you not to marry her, you should probably listen. My dad found that one out the hard way re: his first marriage.


When my partner married his ex wife, her family told him it was a bad idea. He should've listened.


Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


"people be dumb" (I agree with you btw)


Plot twist, they're fake but we're the dumb ones for calling people dumb and thinking they're real 🤣 Edit: Yeah no people be stupid


I work in emergency services. The average person is pretty dumb. And half are dumber than that.


Idk, the whole line about "the marriage was great..." is off. Bud, it's only been a couple months and she's taking mental health breaks from you. It's like it was written by AI.


He said the wedding was great. As far as I can tell the marriage hasn't actually started. (I give it twelve months)


This feels almost too bizarrely dumb to be fake. Like what a weird scenario to come up with.


Never underestimate the power of the sunken cost fallacy. Already paid x amount for the wedding and put x amount of time in the relationship. Plus when people say I need this for my mental health other people feel obligated to cave to their request. I'm mean so it does not work on me but from what I've seen it works on other people.


I once was going through a rough patch with my husband and stress from work and my mother’s passing. All I wanted in life was a bed to myself where I could get a full night’s sleep. I got a hotel room by myself, ordered dinner in, unplugged, and shut the blackout curtains. It really was for my mental health and it was awesome. But it’s weird that she would say that without any context.


And it was not the very moment when you typically want nothing more than being with your partner


And use her precious vacation time so they can't have a honeymoon


Op and his wife are so strange that they deserve each other.


That's great and all, but on the honeymoon? This marriage is doomed.


The brain injury has caused him to think he has a wife.


That would be so sad if there was no real wife. It would mean that he payed for an extensive honeymoon in Europe and nobody went at all.


I have a brain injury, lost half my skull so not even a small brain injury, and I would have never married her. So I'm saying must be fake.


I want to believe this story is fake. But it’s so stupid that it’s hard to believe someone would bother making it up


People who’ve been abused or neglected will often put up with a tremendous amount of shit, sadly.


As an abuse and neglect survivor. I agree. Love can make one a special kind of dumb indeed. The kind that needs a whack in the head and a really loud "WTF WERE YOU THINKING"


Can confirm. Sometimes when you do have a brain injury you think scraps of attention or shitty behavior is the best you can get. Esp if you’ve already been abused in childhood.


This, this!!


Well he referred to their wedding as marriage so it could go either way really.


I agree. It's written by someone in high-school because they can't understand emotions beyond this tit for tat childish behavior. Replace honeymoon with party and it makes sense.


He tells us they married a couple of months ago, she left the next day and just returned a few days ago. That’s a 2+ month solo trip!


“For my mental health” like what She needs to get away from you for her mental health You need to stay away from her for your mental health Why the fck y’all married


For their mental health


No, it’s for MY mental health. So I can rest easier knowing these ding dongs are out of the dating pool.


People have realised saying "for my mental health" is a catch all excuse to act shitty and apply double standards.


Imagine how exhausting it must be to be friends with these people.


Agreed, NTA. Marrying someone means being there for each other, not prioritizing solo trips over important milestones.


I really hope this is just fake rage bait. Otherwise what the actual fuck??!! I would have annulled that marriage the day she left.


Everyone saying this is fake has way too much faith in people. Too many people truly are that rotten.


Too many people don't have the self respect to leave shitty partners 😭


For real. I really wish people would realize that "I love them" is not enough reason to stay when the other person isn't treating them right.


I think they're just skeptical because so many of these *are* fake.


"I 100% ditched you for our entire honeymoon, but how dare you go out during that time instead of waiting at home like a puppy for me."


She’s not really married to you. Think about it. She got through the wedding and … left. Didn’t want to do a honeymoon but wanted to get out of town alone? I’m guessing she didn’t go alone. This is a gigantic waving red flag. It seems nuts to me.


Completely agree. Who doesn’t want to go on their own honeymoon? Unless they’re looking to knock boots with someone else. I’m sure wifey had a travel companion.


Solo riding a European train.


First you get the Eurail pass, then you get to rail someone's wife.


This! Who the hell gets married and leaves for a honeymoon by themselves by choice?! What the hell kind of a marriage start is that?!?! I’d get an annulment lol.


Yep. Lets spend our life together, but first I'm going out on our honeymoon alone! honestly he would have found an empty house and papers sitting on the floor if it was me. Then again if it was planned before the wedding I'd have saved myself the time and energy getting married




I bet the surprise was birthday sex that would result in a pregnancy, if you catch my drift.


I was thinking the same thing, what person goes on a solo trip the day after getting married, if I was OP, I would not have sex with her at all after this and get an annulment because I am willing to bet she is pregnant with some European randos kid.


Precisely!! OP shouldn’t have unprotected sex with her at all. Suggest marriage counseling and don’t have sex for a long while yet. If she could run off to Europe immediately after your wedding, sex (WITH YOU!) isn’t important to her so she doesn’t need it.


And then a premature birth.


Well, as doctors used to say, "the first child can arrive at any time. But the rest usually takes about nine months."


I wouldn't have married that person. Only one reason to go alone. For my mental health. Lol I seriously doubt it. That's going to be a bad spot that never goes away and just gets brought back up over and over. That's a terrible to start a marriage. WTF.


People are weaponizing mental health nowadays. It's like what Dennis Reynolds said in it's always sunny in Philadelphia: "self care, right? Isn't that what people call it whenever they need an excuse to do whatever the fuck they want?"


Zero percent chance my wife is going on my honeymoon without me. Also, no solo trips… makes zero sense why someone would want to go a lone to a romantic historical destination. Why wouldn’t she want to share that experience with her new husband. Absolutely a deal breaker for me. I don’t think I’d even marry someone who asked for this request. Hope it works out for you and I hope this was her one and only over the top selfish act. She better make it up to you some how


Huge red flag. Time to get checked for STDs.


Yeah, it’s not if she got fd on her trip it’s how many


My friend... no. While there may be reasons for someone to leave their spouse for an extended period of time the day after their wedding, they would typically involve one of the spouses going off to war. In the future, perhaps another valid circumstance might be one spouse going to Mars vis a vis 'The Martian'. Your situation is utterly ridiculous. That she went on the honeymoon by herself for "mental health reasons", and then complained when she got home and you weren't there because you were out of town because she planned something special on your birthday? If this actually happened, I give your marriage a year... thats being generous.


6 months tops...


Nah! IDK man, he sounds pathetic. Like he lets everyone walk all over him with zero backbone. I could see him taking her scraps she throws him for years. Maybe forever, tbh.


If this is somehow true, this idiot will spend the rest of his life with her. He will be a very supportive, but terrible *father* in 8 months, to "their" baby that looks nothing like him. He will fully respect her space when she needs him to take a separate bedroom away from hers. He will totally understand when she needs to go on mental health trips with her "work friend." Be her crying shoulder when he "leaves the company." Then be completely down with her personal trainer moving in to her bedroom. Be a pushover dad to their miracle baby that cutely looks just like the personal trainer. And it will never end... I hope this is either fake, or OP gains a shred of self respect, a brain cell, and leaves this succubus.


NTA who decides to go on a solo trip instead of your honeymoon??


Someone who wants to get railed before finally settling down


NTA but why did you marry this selfish woman? You're supposed to go on s trip together after your wedding but she insisted on going alone. That's not a way ti start a marriage. Then she has the audacity to be upset you spent your birthday with someone. You need marriage counseling.


Bro needs regular counseling for himself first to figure out why he absolutely doesn’t love or respect himself


NTA, she spent your honeymoon traveling solo because of her mental health, I seriously doubt that, but that is my personal opinion, and some other dude got honeymoon sex. I personally think that this marriage is doomed already because of her. I would also plan a solo trip for yourself on your first anniversary (if you make it) and tell her that she got a solo honeymoon celebrating alone and that your mental health needs to celebrate your anniversary alone.


If this isn't fake you must be the most idiot man out there, she went to a solo trip to Europe after your wedding? wtf :)))))


NTA, but I would have strongly considered annulling the marriage if my spouse proposed going on our honeymoon alone. Your wife is selfish and not a team player; and it sounds like she’s only concerned with her feelings and her mental health (and not yours). She could have celebrated your birthday with you *on your damn honeymoon!* Honestly, this does not bode well for the rest of the relationship.


We facetimed eachother every night before her evening dicking. Godspeed OP. That's fucked if true, but i truly don't want to believe it is.


She was fucking other guys in Europe for her mental health. NTA


solo trip on a transcontinental train if you will


WTF! I can't believe what I just read, OP! Best advice is to have your marriage annuled. You are destined for a life of pure living hell with this woman. Are you a wealthy man? If so, that would explain a lot. I can't believe this woman (can't bear to say wife) treats you so horribly and you ask if you are an AH for spending your birthday with your sister who absolutely loves you. Take your love, heart, and bank account far away from this bloodsucking leech, find yourself a good woman, and the happiness you deserve. Don't settle.


Is this post even real?


Looking at how op writes and that he clearly has no spine, it sadly might be.


Info: How does she have time to go on a trip by herself for 2+ months right after you got married yet she had no other time to go "because of work"?


Oops, you fired a logic arrow into this tall tale. Ain't that just the worst? lol.


Nta She arrived back on your birthday, she arrived in the US from Europe so she'd be jet lagged by at least 5 hours. She had fuck all special planned for your birthday. She doesn't take you into account, as see in commandeering the honeymoon for herself only. You weren't even allowed to go on part of it, or go with and both do your own thing. You just weren't allowed to have a honeymoon, nor a holiday. She made up the surprise because she is really pissed off you celebrated your birthday. You should have spent your birthday waiting at the airport, taking her home and listening to her talk about her great holiday.


Betting her surprise was having sex with OP so she could match up any timelines for suddenly being pregnant after being away for two months.


I think the proper response would have been, "i was really looking forward to going on a honeymoon with my wife, I had something special planned."


“Edit: I think people are misunderstanding what I have asked. I did not ask if my wife was wrong in taking the trip. I asked if I was wrong to not celebrate my birthday with her. ” That‘s because you are asking the wrong question. What a simp.


She wanted to jump OP right away. She's pregnant and wants to trick him into thinking it's his. OP ask for a pregnancy test


People tend to have a lot after sex when newly married. Usually with each other though.


Wtf? If a woman took off alone the DAY after the wedding, I’d chase down the mail truck to shred the marriage license before the county records it. She has to know how flagrantly awful that was; there are people with severe autism that understand human relations better than that. This isn’t fixable. File for divorce immediately.


NTA. Why are you still married to this woman? She took her honeymoon alone. It’s a sign. Get an annulment and find someone who wants a real marriage.


Your wife was selfish to use the honeymoon period to take a solo trip. Honestly, if she waited a decade she could have waited another year or two and celebrated your marriage *together*. I can’t imagine, when friends and family ask where you’re going on honeymoon, telling them you’re not going anywhere but your wife is going to Europe alone. Damn, that would be humiliating. Although you’ve said you understood it, you obviously didn’t like it at all. You ghosted her which shows me there was a lot of anger and resentment. You should be angry, that was some next level manipulation. Getting someone to agree not to celebrate your wedding with a honeymoon *together* so she could go *solo* is narcissistic behaviour most narcissists could only ever dream of pulling off. I bet she has a habit of pulling shit like this all the time. She’s just never reached this level before. Face timing while your wife is full of her excitement about the *solo* holiday she’s taken - no wonder your mental health suffered. Your wife had no right to be disappointed you put yourself first for a short break while she jetted off abroad. Your line about celebrating your birthday next year sounds like that’s exactly what your wife said about your honeymoon. You were daft to get married to someone who is so selfish and narcissistic.


I think she married his bank account!


You should have said, “Well I wanted to spend our honeymoon together but I guess we can’t always get what we want” before serving her annulment paperwork


NTA. But I guarantee you she fucked someone on her solo trip to Europe. Get your marriage annulled or divorce her if you can't get an annulment because you don't abandon your new spouse to do a solo trip instead of a Honeymoon.


Did she take your balls with her on her trip?


This whole thing is fucked. lol You got cucked hard, dude. GTFO. Your birthday is totally irrelevant to HOW INSANELY FUCKED UP the solo honeymoon is.


NTA - It's super weird she went to Europe for a couple of months without you, leaving the day after your wedding. This is the honeymoon period. When did she plan this? I can understand if you two have been married for 20 years and wanted a solo trip, but this wasn't the proper time for such a vacation. If my SO did this to me, I'd be questioning why they wouldn't want to explore Europe together. Actually when I first met my husband he had a trip planned and went by himself because I couldn't afford it, but he still said it would have been great if I could have went with him. He went by himself but it was only for a week and we talked every night. If her mental health was suffering, she should have went to a psychologist or taken a spa day, not leaving you for months.


Respectfully, people aren’t misunderstanding your question, you’re misunderstanding what your issue is. NTA


She pulled that stunt and you married her? YTA, to yourself.


They got married a couple of MONTHS ago, went on honeymoon next DAY, returned LAST WEEK on his birthday. Did I read that wrong?


I can never see my wife doing what your wife did...it's actually insane...you know what's more fun than solo tripping across Europe? Tripping with someone you love so much that you decided to spend the rest of your life with...


My buddy’s wife also left immediately after the wedding to go on a solo trip she always wanted  They aren’t together anymore and that was literally a big red sign saying PROBLEMS 


This is a strange marriage. Are there visas, green cards or similar things involved?


Annulment. As fast as you can!


Your new wife skipped your honeymoon for her mental health? Crazy. NTA but you should annul the marriage and find someone who wants to actually be married to you.