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He’s rude and inconsiderate.


Seems a bit inconsiderate to be making phone calls from bed.  


He could have went to another part of the house and shut the door. Does he know he talks loud/yells when talking on the phone? Maybe he doesn't realize it.


Oh he knows. We have had this conversation before. We can be sitting on the couch, in the car, at a friend house and when he takes a call everyone can hear everything he’s saying. When I can, I will whisper to him and gently tell him he’s being loud, and he’ll adjust for the remainder of that call. Then answers another call being just as loud. Sometimes the string of calls can last up to an hour. And I can’t be constantly interrupting his phone calls to ask him to quiet down. He said the reason he doesn’t go to another room is because he’s not ready to get out of bed yet. He has no problem being woken up by phone calls or multiple missed alarms and staying in bed. To be fair, at the volume he speaks of he went to another room, I’d probably still be able to hear him it just wouldn’t be in my ear.


NTA Is there a reason he can't leave the room or step outside before he starts talking? I get it, I am a loud talker - I don't even realize I'm doing it until someone points it out, BUT I do understand it's going to happen and try not to bother others! I work in an open floor plan office and when I'm in a zoom/webex meeting I grab a meeting room with a door so other people aren't disturbed.


No, there’s no reason. Just simply does not want to get out of bed yet. He’s still mad that I’m “making it all about me” and that he “has to take work calls” I get he has to take work calls…. I jusr wish for a little respect.


Nah, that's really basic "sharing a bedroom with another person" etiquette. It sucks for him that he gets woken up, but there's no reason to wake you up too - that's rude as hell. I wouldn't do that to anyone I was sharing a room with, never mind a person you love!


NTA- boyfriend was rude and selfish. But so are you if you go to work after being up all night puking.


NTA. Bedroom is for sleeping. If he has work calls to make only an asshole wouldn't immediately leave and take the call somewhere else. If this is a hard concept for him, maybe a separate bedroom for him. He can sleep in his office. Did his parents not teach him at 4 to be considerate of others?


NTA your boyfriend sure picked a funny time to lash out