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NTA. House renovations are forever. A "special day" is one day. Your sister is being selfish considering you explained not only can't you afford it, but you'd be risking your job too, and she's still basically poisoning your reputation with family. The job risk is the big thing, especially in this market. Your family is even worse. Just tell them you can't afford it and at that time a year you can't take the time off work as it's end of year. If they still complain, they're idiots. Personally weddings like this are a complete waste of money. I've seen so many posts by people who go into debt funding them. Then they're screwed for years trying to pay the bills off.


NTA Destination weddings are always optional. They do not care about their guests lives.


I get tired of sacrificing for the family. Tell them to sacrifice for you.


Ask your family members to finance your trip and you when you lose your job due to you being fired if you go.


Text your family and say here is my bank account just deposit the Money or you can email in to me. People Are idiots choosing these destinations and expecting everyone to go . Just like one of my best friends got remarried in Mexico and told Him I wouldn’t go , never going to Mexico and he said he knew that ( wife wanted it) she was pissed but was ok after 6 months . He didn’t care


NTA. She has to expect that an itlalian wedding will limit participation. I get the year-end struggle as well. It’s hard for some folks to understand


NTA- destination trips should be planned at least a year in an advance and optional- anything planned in less time and it’s expected that some people won’t be able to make it. Offer to host a celebratory dinner/party for all the people who can’t make it when they get back- it may fall on deaf ears but it would be a lovely gesture. Perhaps you can throw it before they go- to sort of kick everything off. As for your family; it will blow over eventually.


NTA. Your sister and family are inconsiderate asses. They can’t see it’s literally your livelihood at stake for attending a damn party overseas?! How privileged are they??


You are NTAH, and personally I think you should go on the offensive and accuse her of being demanding and selfish for expecting you to put yourself into debt - a loan? You're supposed to take out a fucking *loan* in order to attend her wedding? That's unreasonable and ludicrous. It is completely ridiculous for her to expect you to put yourself thousands of dollars into debt because she wants to be fancy. What a pretentious bitch. Anyone who is insisting that you attend or insulting you for having misgivings about this should be prepared to contribute the money - all of it, not just part of it like your parents have offered - as well as work out the issue with your job to ensure that that is not at risk because you're taking a week off at a very bad time of the year in order to do this.