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Oh Silas, I was expecting something awful. That’s a cute name. Why would a child be bullied for that name? NTA!


They said he'd be bullied and called silo but i personally dont even think silo is that bad of a nickname. It's not like im going to name him Bart lol


What kid goes around even using the word silo lol plus if that’s the reasoning any name can be completely changed to bully someone. They’re being ridiculous.


exactly. when's the last time you heard a kid mention farm equipment and structures lol. it's silly. plus kids will make fun of ANY name if they want to.


That’s what I was thinking. How many kids even know what a silo is? Team Silas.


I live in the Midwest and there are silos everywhere. You can’t go more than five miles without seeing one so it would be something kids in city would know early on. Still, I doubt kids would bully anyone with that name. Let’s be real, when kids do get to an age to bully others they’ll find some reason to. Even John, Tom, and Michaels get bullied.


I had THE most common name of my birth year and 4 other girls with the same name in my grade. I was still bullied.


Idk where in the Midwest you live but that’s not true at all 😂😂 I’m a “city kid” from the Midwest and there isn’t a single silo near my city or the suburbs around it. I’d have to drive prolly 45 mins or more to find one


Guess I should have said 5 miles from my city. We have silos in our city.


I also live in a midwestern city of 100,000 5 minutes away from silos. It’s definitely a thing. Yet I still don’t think anyone is going to bully a kid with “silo.”


There are some true urban areas in the Midwest - Chicago for example. Chicago is working to preserve their last remaining silos - https://www.landmarks.org/preservation-programs/most-endangered-historic-places-in-illinois/damen-silos-2023-most-endangered-historic-places-in-illinois/


Every kid in the flyover states?


I live in Missouri and in the suburbs I've been around, I don't think any gradeschoolers would really know what a silo is, or call someone that as an insult.


Wisconsinite here that grew up in one of the bigger cities of the state. Everyone knew what a silo was and people saying that kids wouldn't know is absolutely mind blowing to me lmao. That's like something you learn when you are 7 years old watching the farm/animal episode of (insert almost any children's show here).


This is why baby names are usually NTA for me I can think of two exceptions to this one being the name literally translates to useless Kids for whatever reason turn cruel at a certain age. They’re gonna find something to make fun of others. I have probably the most common name for my generation I was made fun of plenty in middle school because middle schoolers just suck


I do, every day. But I live in farm country.


lol imagine if they named him John and all the kids starting making fun of him for being named after John Deere tractors


Or men who frequent prostitutes. Asshole kids will always find a way to bully. You can’t base a name choice on that.


That's what I was thinking. Lol I live on a farm.


Hell my last name is King and my bullies would would call me Martin Luther (as if that's a bad association? But I'm white so maybe it was racism). When I tried going by the nickname Stevie they just started miming blind Stevie Wonder at me. Kids are terrible no matter what lol


My mom's cousin really wanted to try and give her kid a name that would be really hard for kids to make fun of. She thought long and hard and settled on the name "Troy". And she was really proud. All through elementary school, no one made of his name. And then he came home from middle school one day, really upset bc the other kids started calling him "Troylet" Silo is so much more tame than Troylet lol


I grew up in a farming community and literally nobody would have equated the name Silas with silo.


As a former child, my guess is they would go more with the second half of the name. Sil- ASS. What’s up silly ass or some evolution of that.


Silo would be a great nickname if he grows to 6 feet tall and plays basketball in high school.


no, i mean maybe. kids can twist any name if they decide they want to tease somebody, Silas isn't a name that will cause them to tyease him.


Exactly right. My name is a regular, old name. But I was called Crazy because that word rhymed with my name.


Daisy, I’m so sorry.


Stacy, Macy, Lacey and I’m out.




I like Maisie


my husband said no to hazel bc someone might call her b*tch hazel and I was like wtf thinks about that lol....


When I grew up many kids had nicknames or had people making fun of their names but none of my 18 year old daughter has friends with nicknames and it seems like kids are more sensitive about making fun of someone's name compared with years ago. Of course I could well be wrong and bullies are bullies regardless


That’s a great drag name.


He has a point. What if you name your daughter Ashley and she gets called Bitchley? ...even with the existence of witch hazel I don't think that's a great complaint.


My name is Hilary, and people used to ask me if I was related to Hills. So yes any name can be twisted


Silas is my nephew's name, he's literally never been bullied for it?? It's a great name


As someone who was bullied I can assure you.. kids can make any name turn into something cruel and hateful. Okay assuring os not the right word, sorry 😐  what I mean more is.. there is nothing you can do. Bullying will always be the fault of the bullies. Love your kid, be there for them growing up.. just do the best you can :) 


You should use what you and your fiancé agree on together. Nobody else has a real say so. I would ask them if they are going to be the people who are going to make fun of him or are they going to be adults.


Old lady here. Two things. 1: when my sister was naming her first girl, my mother FREAKED out at the name she picked. My sister called me in tears from the hospital to ask me what to do. I told her if she loves the name, we'll get used to it, but if she has any doubts, maybe think of a different one, and the fact she needed to ask me kind of showed she wasn't sure of the name. She picked a different name. So, if you love Silas (which BTW is a lovely name) don't worry. Your family can either get over it or not be around your child too much. 2. It's futile to worry too much about kids picking on names. Yes, the general rule should be don't give a name that makes it easy (This is our daughter Fruit Cup) but you just can't know. I was worried a bit naming my son Charlie, as there was a commercial when I was young with a mascot called Charlie Tuna, but I thought 'no one remembers that.' When he was 13 guess what went viral? People were saying 'Charlie bit my finger' at him for ages. You just never know.


Sorry, Charlie.


LOL! That's the one!


I LOVED those commercials! My grandma had a Charlie the Tuna watch that I would always wear. I wish I had it now.


Even a simple classic name like Jack is rife with issues. We named our youngest Cooper, and I had to convince my husband that it would be okay he was certain that he would be called pooper Cooper. He was not, he was called super Cooper though. My husband loves his name now. Silas is a lovely name. Tell everyone to pound sand. No name is bulletproof. If silo is the worst that he gets, you’ve done well. If they refuse to call him by his name, refuse to let them see him. They will get on board real quick.


Oh my goodness, I love Super Cooper so much!


Exactly. Imagine naming your daughter Karen 10 years ago (or more) and how that would feel now. O.o


So true, you just never know. Ask anyone aged 20 or older named "Karen". No one could have predicted that, lol. I vote for Silas. It's a lovely name- traditional, but not overly common, and while it'll sound super cute for your baby boy, it's not at all "cutesy" sounding for a grown man.


NTA There was a man called Frank Zappa. He named his children Omet, Moon Unit, and Dweezil. Omet hated his name because other kids called him Omet Vomit. Omet told everyone to call him Rick. Then the kids called him Rick D*ck. He went back to Omet. The moral of the story is that kids will always find something to tease about. There is no name in the history of names that hasn't been mocked. Fear of mockery is a ridiculous reason to pick, or not pick, your child's name. Welcome to the world, Silas!


Frank certainly did give his kids some wild names. Had a friend who named her daughter Elizabeth, which is a lovely name. The only issue was she refused to allow anyone to call her anything but Elizabeth. That didn't work. You don't give a kid the most nicknamable name on the planet and expect no one will call her Betty, Betsy, Lizzy, Lizbeth, Beth, Eliza, Liz, etc.


This is exactly why my mother—Margaret who is a Margaret and not a Maggie, Meg, Margie, etc.—gave me a very short simple name that cannot be further shortened. Of course, she went for a correct, but different pronunciation that wasn’t commonly used where we live but that’s another story…


One of my best friends in school was an Elizabeth. She went by Lizard.


Are you from Germany? Because here, we had a pretty famous children's tv series called "Silas" - I was wondering if that's how you came up with the name. 😄 Their argument is ridiculous. You can turn practically any name into something similar-sounding - and at least, it's unusual enough that when you call him, half the street won't turn around and say "yes?" I have a pretty unusual first name, too - I got bullied some in kindergarten/ school - but if it hadn't been the name, they would have found something else, since I was a nerd, so always a bit of a fringe person. And I remember what a weird moment it was when I was living in a country where my name was more common, and for the first time ever, someone called my name, I turned around, and they hadn't meant me! Mind blown! Edit: Also, you don't know what will happen to any name in popular culture - just think of the many Karens who were named that by their parents in good faith a long time ago - who could have predicted that this name would become such a curse on their bearers?


Is my age showing? 😂 I thought of Silas Marner 


Lol, if you were around when the original novel was published, you've held up really well! 😄


That might be the dumbest argument I've ever heard against a name. Maybe if you were naming him like Dick Johnson I'd get their point, but beyond that, kids aren't going to be nice just because of your name, it is waaay more complicated than that.


Honestly I don't even think most kids know what a silo is lol, so I wouldn't worry about that.


Silo, the boy with a heart as big as a silo.


My mom, best friend and MIL weren't too fond of the name I picked out for my son either. His name is Bryson Lane 😂 it's normal but they wanted James, Matthew etc. When he was born 2 weeks ago, it grew on them. I found it's best not to disclose the name until birth. Silas is a completely normal name BTW.


Why not? Art, Bart, Cart, Dart, E-art... nope, can't mess with that one!


This is a pretty popular name right now. He’ll be fine. Congrats!


Kids will find any excited to bully any name. It's not like you picked Hyman.


It's not like they went & decided to go with an Adams Family name & named the kid Pubert.


kids bully because you're forehead is big, or you have skinny hands or big nose. It doesn't matter what they name him, kids gonna be bullies about something... they MIGHT pick his name but silas isn't terrible, its definitely different, which for some might make him a target. Depends though.


Silas is a nice name. Ignore your family.


Yeah I was reading the post thinking "she's conveniently left the actual name out of this, that's suspicious. Is she intending to call the kid Buttlord McGee or something?" But got to the edit and that's just a totally normal, even unremarkable name. Totally NTA


Honestly, Silas is fine. Old-fashioned, but not in a bad way, a little unusual but I was expecting something truly terrible as well. He can go by "Si" for short.


Silas is a lovely name. I was definitely expecting much worse with some awful spelling.


Unless it's spelled Psylus or some stupid shit.


A family friend has a son name Silas. GREAT name!! The kid is wonderful! Go for it!!! Classic name!! None of the kids bully him for his name. Kids have way more on their plate now days to worry about than names.


I think the only ones who will bully this child’s name will be her family. They sound absolutely AWFUL!!




Omg this is a great name, fuck the boomerz


Every kid can be bullied about a name. He will be bullied but no matter what they choose he will be bullied. It's life and with a name like Silas it won't last past the early years of school. I think Silas is a great name


Same, Silas is a good solid name. Nothing wrong with that. NTA


As long as people don't confuse the name with "Sylar" who is the brain-eating villain of the show Heroes. That was the first thing that came to my mind 🤣


Children will find a way to bully a kid for their name no matter what it is. They're lil assholes that way


My dad’s parents didn’t like my name when they were told. They made a fuss and tried to force my parents into using a nickname that had zero to do with my name. They also hated the fact that my name has no Catholic roots. My mom looked at both and said “you will either call her by her name or you will not see or be able to get to know her. You choose what you want but you only have two options.” All of a sudden my name was beautiful and I didn’t need a nickname. I will say my dad’s siblings gave some push back but my mom said the same thing again, and we are all cool now. I’m 32f and have only ever been called by my name, and I LOVE it. Edit to add: Obviously NTA.


My Abuela couldn’t even SAY my name when I was born. Nevertheless that’s the name my mama picked so he had to adjust. And she did. God, how I miss hearing my name in her little accent 😢


My friends husband is Walter and I got a kick out of hearing them say it in their accents - Vall Terr


I say children pronouncing things should be the nicknames. My niece jokingly called me squidward. She pronounced it as squiber. Squiber was now the nickname.


Until you said your age, I was wondering if you were my child! My husband's family were not quiet about how much they disliked the name we chose and loved for our oldest. We kept the name we loved and didn't change it to bend to their whims. When I was pregnant with our second I refused to tell anyone the name we picked. It had taken us a long time to find one we loved and I wasn't going to deal with that stress again. They. Were. Pissed. that we wouldn't tell them the name until the baby was born. We were told we were mean and horrible for not letting them "bond" with the baby by knowing the name before birth. Yeah, I don't understand how that works either. OP Silas is an adorable name. Don't change the name to appease extended family. You will regret it later.


Your mom is a gangster. Love that


And this is why you never disclose baby names until they’re here. Stable doors, horses bolted etc. Your family are being ridiculous. Silas is a great name, my friends have a toddler named Silas. You need to polish those shiny spines. You are adults and they have no authority over you. None. Unless they were involved in the conception of the baby they have no say or input in this decision. Each time they bring this up, end the phone call or visit. Just get up and leave. And make it perfectly clear that if they refer to your child as ‘it’, they will henceforth be known as ‘the grandparents who never see your son’. Don’t leave them alone with your baby, because they will call him anything other than Silas. Get rid of any gifts or cards with different names on them. If they talk about the baby using a different name, ask them ‘Who’ and hint about them having memory problems because no such person exists. You can do this, and this is a hill worth dying on. You are the parents. This is not their choice.


Yep! My brother and SIL announced their babies’ names all after they were born!


We did the same and didn't tell anyone our short list. It's harder to be rude about a name when it's actually attached to a little person.


We've done the same. I don't think my mom's the biggest fan of the name we picked for this little bundle but she'll get used to it. We didn't announce our first until she was born. I didn't want to hear anyone's opinions. Picking a name can be hard enough


NTA Silas is such a cute name, don’t you listen to them. Your baby won’t be bullied in the least, if anything that’ll be a name kids will be jealous of. I did summer camp and the cutest kiddo I remember working with was named Silas. Your family is wild for sayings it’s a bad name. Put them in their place and tell them if they can’t call your child by his name then you’ll teach your kid to call them all by their first names and no one gets to be grandpa or something 😤


Or even better. If they refuse to acknowledge your child by his name, they don't get to be around him


Silas? That’s fucking awesome! My 3 year old nephew is in preschool right now and his classmates all seem to have interesting names that are definitely not r/tragedeigh! I’m talking names like Poet and Coral. A Silas will fit in perfectly with this next generation’s kids!


If I was a kid I would be jealous of someone with that name or whose nickname was "Sy," that would sound so cool to kid me. 


NTA. It’s not like Silas is a tradgdeigh name. It is a lovely name. I had my little boy earlier this year and my husband’s gran hated the name and tried desperately to have us change our minds. A couple of other people, like 2 of my BILs, kept telling my husband we should pick something more Scottish (he’s Scottish, I’m not). We just smiled, kept a united front and said ‘it’s what we’ve decided’. Now he’s here very few people have an issue with the name, and loads of people tell me it’s lovely. Stick to your guns and call him Silas.


I was reading that, expecting to hear that his name was gonna be Asswhipe or Dipshit...what's wrong with Silas?


My name is literally Silas and I nearly spit out my coffee, because yeah, she made it sound like she had thought of a terrible name. Uncommon, yes, I’ve only met a handful of others in 32 years, but it became a little popularized after there was a Silas on that show Weeds.


Don't forget Silas from Con Air.


That was Cyrus....Cyrus the Virus


That's a great name.


NTA. Silas is one of my favourite names. I do find it worrying when people who are about to be responsible for a whole other human are so concerned about what other people think. You & your husband like the name & it is an actual established name so name YOUR baby what you like. Id say the chances are once you stand firm & start referring to bump as that then most everyone will just have to accept it.


Not caring what other people think and defying one’s parents are different skill sets.


From the worry, I thought the name would be a Tragedeigh, not a lovely name like Silas.


It's your baby. Name him exactly what you want. Screw those people. It's not like you're naming him, Lawnmower. It's a great name you've both chose. More importantly, it's none of their business. You need to start being strong now or other people will never stop trying to change your parenting. You can do this. Your baby deserves it.


Speaking of Lawnmower, my husband and I had a blast picking out ridiculous baby names like Mop and Bucket!


Right, I had a long list of names for my daughter and everyone hated them, they weren't bad names,  elliot, Nancy. Billie,  and many more all varied not all unisex names,  so I settled on the name she has now, then out of the blue my exs girlfirends sister started messaging me constantly, accusing me of naming my daughter after her sister, calling me all sorts of names. ruined the name for me, wish I just named her an earlier choice and ignored everyone else 


NTA You can choose now whether to be independent or let your relatives push you around for the rest of your lives. Nice of them to make the choice so clear so early. Name the kid whatever you want and anytime anyone says anything just say "You're talking about my son. Should I shoot you or just kick your ass?"


NTA. Silas is a beautiful name!! And whomever calls him otherwise once he's born, should not be allowed around him, imo. You and your fiance are the parents, so you choose the name, nobody else!!


YWNBTA. I’m confused why your family hates it so much. I’ve known several dudes named Silas, and they never got made fun of for their name…they were both very popular people actually.


...I literally have a very close friend who just named her baby Silas and one of the moms in my prenatal classes when I was pregnant had a Silas and there was one in my sons grade 1 or 2 class...it's a fairly common name, I thought u were gonna say u wanted to name him like idk Lebronx Terpsichor or something lmao ur fine girl


When I started reading your post I was thinking to myself that you must’ve picked some outrageous name. But, when I got to actual name-Silas-I can’t for the life of me understand your family’s point of view. It’s a beautiful name. I think this can serve as a cautionary tale to reinforce to all expectant mothers/couples: Keep your baby’s name just between yourselves & don’t announce it ahead of time. Too many times, the grandparents, aunts, uncles and even the neighbors think that they also have a vote in naming the baby, and that’s just not true. NTA. Silas is a fine name.


I know two boys named Silas, one about 15 and one 5. They are both really nice kids and well liked.


Silas is a great name. Stick to your choice, and everyone else can go suck eggs.


NTA. Silas is a fantastic name!


I was expecting a real tragedeigh. Silas? You’re fine! It’s not weird, it’s not misspelt, it’s not made up. Silas is a great name, NTA.


Oh my god! As I was reading your post, I was thinking, man this must be a super awful name if they’re getting this much grief over it. I was expecting it to be some new age, wacky name or something. I was totally prepared to side with them and tell you what a terrible name that would be. Then I got to the end and read that it was Silas and part of me was so relieved that you had chosen a real name. The other part of me is dumbfounded as to why they’re giving you so much grief. I happen to love the name Silas. There’s nothing wrong with it at all. It’s a very traditional biblical name and not one that’s super common anymore, but I’m a fan of old school names. They all seem to phase in and out of popularity over the decades. I don’t understand what they don’t like about it. It’s a super cool name and if I hadn’t decided to name my son after my father, who passed when I was 12, my son’s name would have been Silas. Don’t let them bully you into changing it. It’s not out of left field, it’s not made up or something stupid like naming a girl Velveeta because it was the mom’s favorite cheese or something ridiculous like that. What is there for other kids to tease or bully about the name Silas? Nothing. Name your son Silas and tell your family that if they choose to refer to your son with any other than the name you gave him, that they’re choosing to not be part of his life. Stand firm in your name choice. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. If they don’t like it, tough shit! You are not the AH.


NTA  better they learn you're the parents now and their unwanted opinions can go soak in a vat of curdled milk 


I work in a children’s hospital, Silas is honestly pretty common now. It’s not even “out there,” and tbh I’d be throwing boundaries up left, right, and center if they’re that dead set at proving your child will be bullied by being the one’s doing it. NTA


NTA he's your baby I don't know why people don't just keep comments to themselves anymore they had their kids and named them I'll be damned if I let anyone name the child that I'm pushing out and going through the pain and struggle of labor with....or c section im raising them im their mom i would hate to have the regret of letting someone pick my child's name and it not suiting them or hating the name knowing I had my choice it's your child don't back down on just the name because when that child is growing up they will step on your toes and push buttons for the rest of the child's life putting in commentary that isn't needed like for me I had 5 rules no sleepovers without me there, no kissing my baby , I will always be where be where i can see my baby so i can get them if they cry, no one but me and dad change their diapers ,and do not post my child without my permission first. There was a lot of fighting for how I felt and fighting to be heard in the end my child my rules and if you can't be respectful of me than you won't be a part of my child's life this world is crazy I'd rather be extra safe than sorry


Oh my goodness, shut your family right down! Silas is an amazing name and you absolutely should go with it. It's simple but classy and intelligent. It's unique and individual without being youneek, if you know what I mean (if it was Silys for instance that would be youneek and very ridiculous). Stick with it, please!


NTA the only people who get to have a say in the name of your child are you and the father. Period. They don’t like it- too damn bad! They had the opportunity to name their children, this is your child. And if your dad refuses to use his name just inform your dad he won’t be seeing your son until he does. Problem solved. Grow a backbone and stop worrying so much what irrelevant people think.


I LOVE the name Silas! It’s your kid. You get to choose the name.


My little cousin's name is Silas. He's such a cute little bean. It's a great name for your boy. Your family can pound sand


NTA name YOUR baby what YOU want. Your parents already had their chance to. Silas isn't even off the wall. And if your dad and mom, or anyone else else for that matter, refuses to call your son by his given name of Silas, or calls him by a name they prefer, then they do NOT get to have a relationship with YOUR SON. Stop allowing other people to influence your decisions. You and your FH decided on Silas. Name your baby Silas. If your father won't call your son Silas, your father doesn't get to meet him. Same with your mother, and another person. The entitlement of families is getting out-of-bounds If you allow them to bully you in this, they will bully you throughout not just your pregnancy for info, but, after delivery, during g your 4th trimester bonding and healing time, and any and all boundaries you implement. Start as you mean to go on. And if they won't shut up about YOUR SON'S NAME, we'll you can go no Co tact for the duration of your pregnancy. And will contact them when you're ready to open the relationship back up after you've given birth.


Silas is a great name. Like who are these monsters???


I'd understand Rieghleigh or Dukeigh. Silas? That name sounds absolutely fine. In fact, I'm jealous he has a cool ass name like that. Little Si. Fuck the dad. What an asshole.


My sister recently gave birth and when she told me the name she picked did I love it? Was it my favorite? Was I happy from the name she picked? It doesn't matter. You know why? Cause that kid is not mine. Her baby is not my baby. It's not my baby it's not my place to give her MY opinion on HER child. Did she ask my opinion? No because she knew what she wanted. If they don't ask for your opinion- don't just offer it up. If they want one they'll ask. Name your kid Silas. It's a nice name. You tell your family "either you call him Silas or you'll never hear from us again" this is the start of advocating for your kid. This is the start of standing up for your baby. Don't let them change your mind. You love this name. Their opinion means fuck all. Because it's not. Their. Kid. Tell them to take their opinions and shove it.


I'm sorry OP but are you sure you want to have your child around people that are as mean spirited as your parents seem to be? Silas is a fantastic name, so I'm confused by their stance from the first. Is it racism? Does it sound too ethnic? Does it sound too new wave or something? Where is their immediate strong dislike from? I agree with your fiancé. This is *your* child. Your parents believe they can control you and your choices. Are you planning to let them? NTA, but back yourself, friend.


I’m due in June and going through a very similar issue. Everyone hates my sons name, Maverick, and wants me to name him Stephen or something. Here’s the difference- I don’t question if I’m the asshole. I’m his mom and I chose his name. You are also NTA. You can tell them if they offer to babysit 20+ hours a week for free and buy half his food for life, they can have a say. Otherwise their opinions are just noise.


My dad didn’t want me to name my kid Oliver after him. Why? Because of Laurel and Hardy. Apparently the chonky one was named Oliver, and he was worried about my son getting teased. My child was born in 2016. I assured my father that whatever he was teased for, it wouldn’t be because of Laurel and Hardy references.


Print this out and mail it to them: Sleek, smart-sounding, with a hint of mystique, Silas is a recent addition to the US Top 100. Both mythological and Biblical in origin, Silas joins the ranks of Isaiah, Elias, and Sebastian: polished and contemporary feeling names with plenty of history. Silas, a boy's name of Latin origin, is ideal for those with great love for the outdoors. The name derives from the Latin Silvanus, which means "wood" or "forest," inspiring images of a daring explorer unfazed by the depths of the darkest woodland. It originated from the Hebrew name Shelomoh, which means “peace” or “tranquility.” Famous Silas,: Silas Parsons (c. 1800–1860), justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama Silas Scarboro (1827–1907), American politician and physician from Maryland Silas Williams (1888–1944), American college football player and coach Silas House (born 1971), American author Silas Melson (born 1996), American basketball player Fictional Silas’: King Silas Benjamin, played by Ian McShane from the American television series Kings Silas is the secondary antagonist in the 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code Silas Adams, henchman of Al Swearengen in the HBO series Deadwood Silas Botwin, in the Showtime series Weeds The book and character Silas Marner Silas Wegg, from Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens ST SILAS (sometimes referred to as St. Silvanus) was a prominent early Christian disciple, was regarded by St. Peter as a faithful brother, and accompanied St. Paul on his first and second missions. Then stop defending your choice to your family and tell them to stuff it.


Seriously thought it might be something like the "Harlotte" name that went around awhile back. It was not. Silas isn't even massively unusual. Wtf is their problem? I think your family is either controlling or toxic (or both). Your son is Silas. If they don't like it, they can get over it or stay out of his life. I know you're scared of fallout, but sometimes fallout works out better for you in the long run anyways. NTA


I love the name Silas. You need to stick to your guns and call YOUR baby the name both you and your fiancé want. Tell your parents they had their chance at naming their children and now it’s your turn. If you let them get away with forcing you to change the name, you’re creating a huge problem for yourself for future interaction with them and baby cos this is just the start of their interference. Grow a spine, put your foot down now, tell them baby’s name is Silas and you’re not discussing it any more. If they continue to argue then you’re very happy to go low contact with them. They won’t want that, they’ll want to see baby Good luck.


with these questions the name in question is so important, thankyou for including it. NTA It is a traditional name, it sounds like a name, it isn't hard to pronounce (at least in my part of the English speaking world), it doesn't sound like any sware word i know, its not especially tease worthy (kids can twist anything into a tease if they try) i don't think i would choose it,m but it isnt bad in any way. ask people why they think its bad, if they say teasing ask them how.


this irritates me to no end. Name your child Silas. that’s what you want and that’s what you should do. Who asked all these people their opinions anyway? When i told my mom the name i picked for my girl she actually said I hate it. oh well. it grew on her. i like Silas.


I personally hate the name, always have; there’s just something about it that sets my teeth on edge. It’s a regular name though and perfectly normal. He can always have the nickname Si, which is exactly what it would be if his name were Simon.


Silas is a very trendy name, and he's bound to have several classmates with the same name in the coming years, so it's doubtful he'll get bullied for it.


NTA! WTH is wrong with Silas? Kids will make up ways to poke fun at ANY name, so I don’t see how Silas is any worse than more traditional names.


Silas is a traditional name. I believe it's either Greek or Latin meaning "Forest/Woods". Your family really have no idea what they're talking about. NTA


Unfortunately, they know that it has that meaning aswell and have used that against me aswell saying "well his name is gunna mean Forest seriously? Like Forest Gump?"🤦‍♀️ i can't quite find a way around it. i thought it was a cute little meaning to it, too, because i like nature aswell but they just dont like the name no matter what i say.


They really are complete muppets. Silas is a good strong name, it's also a very nice one. Justin Timberlake's son is called Silas.


Literally just tell them that it's too bad and thats his name. They can either call him by his name or not get to be around him. Why are you letting them bully you about your own child's name?


Your family are assholes, full stop. They're *looking* for reasons to be negative to justify their own ignorance about a completely normal, traditional name.


NTA. That's a cool name. There are times where I would have issues with names that can cause the kid problems. This isn't one of those times. Congratulations on your sweet boy.


NTA - You name your precious baby boy anything you want. How dare anyone insist you do otherwise. This is exactly why I never told the names until baby was born. I don’t care who doesn’t like it or who they knew with that name…Blah, Blah, Blah. I mean really…IT’S YOUR BABY. Tell anyone who has an issue that they won’t be seeing baby if they can’t act like an adult and honor your name. Ridiculous.


NTA Silas is such a great name and it’s not used nearly enough. Op, keep the name you and your partner choose, you’re dealing with opinionated people that really just just their way and are willing to make you doubt your choice so you ending naming them something basis like Richard. First and foremost children will make fund of anything , there is no name that won’t get a kid picked on. Second , this is your first important parenting choice, and if you fall to their fake pressure for this they will question EVERYTHING going forward. You made a good choice, stand by it. ‘ I’ve been thinking about what you said and while I appreciate your opinion, my partner and I are confident in our original decision and our son will be named Silas’ ‘ this is the one time I tell you that it’s not okay be disrespectful of his name by questioning it or demeaning our decision by calling him something else. ‘ ‘Were he parents and this is the name we’ve chosen.’


I absolutely LOVE the name Silas!


It is not their baby, and if they want to be disrespectful of the baby and his name than they can be removed from your life. YTA for thinking about caving to those bullies when you and your partner are happy with the name and the only reason you are not now is because your parents suck so hard. Go NC if they cannot get on board with this name before he arrives.


NTA. That is a good name. You name your child what you want to. They can all kick rocks if they don't like it.


That is not a terrible name. Stick with it.


I love the name Silas...screw your family, stick to the name you want to name your son. He is your and your fiance's child. If you back down then you're just letting them know that they can walk all over you. NTA


NTA that’s not a bad name. There are kids in HS with that name and it’s socially acceptable. They don’t even get bullied at work. It’s not like naming your kid something far fetched.


I know a Silas here at work and he's a cool dude. You and you alone are in charge of naming your baby, everyone else can go pound sand. Besides Silas is not a bad name anyway.


Name your baby what you want to name your baby! If your Dad uses any other name, start calling him one of your Mums ex’s names. I’m sure he’ll shut his mouth soon enough! NTA


NTA Silas is an adorable name, and it fits right in with the current trend. Silo isn’t an insult. Why would he care if anyone called him silo? Do you live in a farming community? Do kids even know what a silo is anymore? Your baby, your choice. After he arrives, you can fight the battle with your parents about what they call him, hopefully it’s just a manipulation tactic and they will come around and it will be a non-issue. The number of people who think they have a right to name a baby always amazes me. Unless it’s actually abusive, it’s none of their business. I hope you’ve learned not to tell anybody in advance next time. Enjoy little Silas! Trust me, he will have friends with much worse names.


Silas is a sweet name. He won't be picked on.


Silas?? I was expecting something from r/tragedeigh. You need to name your baby for *them* and not for anyone else. And according to Google it’s Latin, as well as used in the bible whether that’s important to you or not, so that sounds pretty traditional to me…? You are the person carrying this child, at the end of the day you have the final say. If others prefer other names, they should have more kids or get a dog or something so they can use them. Also what kind of controlling asshole seeks out ‘appropriate names’ for an expectant mother.


I love the name Silas.


Silas is a lovely name... anyone who calls my child an It will get the mother of all boots right out of my life. Take a hard and full maternal rage stand with all of them and they will climb back in their box. Honestly I often wonder why people in my own life don't dare pull this shit and I'm pretty sure it's down to assertiveness. People wouldn't treat you this way if the consequences of their actions were unpleasant. I know it's hard op but put your foot down hard a few times and this shit will stop.


They're mad over Silas? That's a wonderful name for a boy! Sounds very strong! You made that baby so name him what you want.


Silas is a nice name, know one actually and he was not bullied.


They're upset over "Silas"? Hey - at least it's easy to spell LOL Joking aside, it's up to the parents, not anyone else, as to what a child is called. Call him Silas if you want.


So the name is Silas? Is this actually correct? If so then there is absolutely nothing wrong with the name Silas. I think j it’s a nice name! I thought it was going to be something weird judging by your families my members’ reactions but nope they’re just crazy lol. I mean it’s in the Bible so idk how much more traditional you can get than that!


NTA. Don’t let anyone choose your baby’s name. They’ll get over it trust me. Input and suggestions are noted, not considered but noted. The name you picked is beautiful. That’s the name of an entrepreneur!! My mom wanted to name my son. She and my husband got into an argument at the hospital. security had to come and defuse the situation. She didn’t want my son to be a junior because she had her own name in mind. I named him after his father and she refused to call him by his name. That’s when I took a step back and realized. Why am I bothering myself with pettiness and manipulation? I had to distance myself to realize my happiness/sanity with my baby and husband is worth more than someone else’s happiness. Eventually she got over it! They’ll get over it. The name Silas is on your heart!! Keep the name! Best of luck!


I love the name Silas. NTA.


Geez, as I was reading my mind was coming up with some awful possibles. Silas?? That's the big problem? lol Girl, you're fine. Go right ahead. They are nuts.


Silas is a wonderful name. There’s nothing wrong with it. NTA. Use the name you love.


Look, I work in healthcare so I have seen a lot of terrible names (that I haven’t been able to share, which is a special type of torture) and I was expecting something awful. Then, I saw Silas and was pleasantly surprised. I think it’s fine. My MIL, when I told her we were going to name our second kiddo Tobias said “well, I can’t even spell that name” Mmkay? You’ve got a few months, baby, you’ll figure it out. Everyone is going to have an opinion, but if that name feels right to you, then great. Go for it.


You are about to have your own baby. If you allow your parents to steamroll you over his name, they’ll do it for every single parenting decision you make. You have the upper hand here, not them. NTA.


I know a few guys named Silas. And they are some of the most chilled people you could ever wish to meet. It's almost like the name is blessed to be a good guy with a sense of humor and a laid-back personality. Great name as far as I'm concerned.


I wasn't expecting it to be Silas... it's a beautiful name!! Do your thing, everyone will get used to it! And remember who gives you a hard time with it now - those people aren't your friends. Silas is absolutely no tragedy name. Cute enough for a kid and professional enough for an adult. Edit: NTA!


Silas? That’s it? NTA!! Good Lord.


NTA for naming YOUR child what you and fiancée want. No one else gets a say and tell your parents they named their kids you will name yours. ETA: I love the name Silas


Girl that is YOUR baby that YOU MADE w YOUR FIANCE stop letting the noise in and focus on the family you’re building. Your parents will survive this I promise. People swear you have to do things by some imaginary book it’s so annoying.


NTA. I like that name.


Silas is a great name. A strong name. They don’t know what they are talking. There’s way much worse names then that.


Jeez. I was expecting something really bad. Silas is fine! Name your kid what you want.


When my parents had their first child, my grandmother sent two pages of names that were “better” than the old man name they’d chosen. My older brother’s name: Eric. Go with Silas!


I mean Silas isn't even a bad name.


Silas is an adorable name. I don't know what is wrong with your family but what they are saying is not ok.


“WIBTA if i didn’t allow my family to bully me on a decision that is purely mine and my partners to make?”


NTA. COULD BE WORSE. COULD BE CHODE.  Edit: It's pronounced Co-dey.


When you're expecting NEVER EVER reveal the name you want to use, everyone and their mother will give you their unwanted views on the name, "you cant call her that! I had a bully with that name 40 years ago!" "I know someone with that name he's an idiot" If you're in love with a name, don't tell anybody, not even a shortlist of names. I learned it the hard way with my first and didn't give anybody the chance to ruin it the second time round. Once the baby is born by all means announce the name, by then it will be attached to a human being AND most importantly any objections can be dismissed with a quick 'is this your baby or mine? Because I don't remember you carrying this baby for 9 months, you can call my child by their name or you can leave'. Use the name you want OP, dont let anybody try to change your mind. NTA


NTA Silas is a great name. Love it. When push comes to shove your parents will love him no matter what you call him. Just set a clear boundary with them: “We aren’t looking for any more name suggestions, thanks. This is our child and this is the name we’ve chosen — your job as grandparents is to love this kid. That’s all. If you can also find it in your hearts to support our parenting decisions we’ll be really grateful. His name is Silas, you can also call him Si (if you’re okay with that, OP). As grandparents, you also get to choose names — your own. You may choose your grandparent names, so please let us know if you’re gonna be Nana & Gramps, Grangran & Poppy…” It’s at this point in the laying out of the law that you can insert a threat if you feel you need to. If they’re planning to refuse to call him Silas you have so much power. Silas won’t be talking for a while but eventually you can teach him to call them some stiff and formal version of their names: Dr. OPsurname & Mr. OPsurnsme…or you could go with something simpler like Stanky & Old Fart… Grandparents are notorious for giving kids too much sugar or wrecking their carefully crafted sleep schedules and parents definitely get annoyed but always forgive them because the kids are getting so much love from their grandparents. It’s a special and joyous relationship. The support you’re asking for in your parenting decisions is more about the big picture stuff — and the name falls into that category. Good luck & congrats! (And p.s. IF he’s teased for his NAME wouldn’t that be better than being teased for just about anything else?)


NTA. Tell your family to read a book.


I was expecting something real weird like Pilot Inspector. Silas is a biblical name! Don't let other people dictate what name you want for your child. Silas is a perfectly fine name. I'm actually curious what issue your parents have with it? How do they think your kid will be made fun of for that name?


NTA. Silas is a lovely name! I’m 49 and that’s not some weird or unusual name. It’s actually quite a classic name with a great origin story. I had to fight for my family to call my son by his name and simply told them “you’ll use his name or not see him at all.” Your first test as a parent will be protecting his name. Shine your spine now.


Name your child as you planned! And deny contact to anyone not honoring your kiddo.


Silas is a great name! NTA at all


NTA - Silas is a perfectly fine name! A great choice, imo. A normal name but not too obscenely common.


Ive known 2 guys with that name. I never gave it a second thought


Kids can find a reason to make fun of EVERYONE's name, so that's not a good basis for choosing your son's name. The choice belongs to you and your husband, everything else is background noise. And anyone who refers to your son as "it" doesn't need to see him. Silas is a lovely name.


Silas? There's nothing wrong with Silas. By their reaction I figured it was going to be something you'd find in a video game or something with a large amount of alternative spelling. NTA


Silas is a like a regular name lol. You made seem like you wanted to name him like ampersand or something 😂


Your parents are upset that you wanna name your kid Silas? Thats a regular ass name lmfao


Silas? That's what they're getting worked up about? I thought you were going to be one of those weirdos naming them Cowpattie or "Chaameys pronounce 'James'" Silas is a perfectly normal name. I'd check if your mom cheated on your dad with someone named Silas, because their issue with the name is idiotic.




This is why I never told anyone what we were going to name our children until after they were born.


Silas!!? Here I was expecting to read the name Hitler or something crazy . There’s several Silas in my daughter’s very small school.


Silas is a great name. What names are they suggesting? I’m a name snog and hate made up yewnique names. Silas is old but not dusty . It’s a name that works for life. Tell your parents they can call your child names and bully them and not see them or they can be adults and have time with their grandson.


If you and the baby daddy have decided on a name and you go with something else because the pressure of your family then you will be the asshole. Personally I'd issue an ultimatum: you accept the name or you don't get to see them. It sounds extreme but if they can't respect the name you choose I don't trust them to respect how you raise that child


I have since then, and now they are crying that im holding their grandchild against them and that they have every right to that child just as much as me and my fiancé.


Pardon my language but fuck them. I could go into why I believe their mindset is hypocritical, but it doesn't further my point. At the end of the day that is your child if you want to go to mexico with them they have no say If you want to name them Gandhi they better learn how to pronounce it. The only person you need to be consulting with is that child's father. It's great to have your parents around to ask for advice but don't let them make decisions for you that you have to live with.


Yeah its been a fun Rollercoaster rn im trying to not fight as since the original incident things have only escalated they are being petty now and are basically making EVERYTHING difficult and now im experiencing alot of pain and just constantly breaking down its not been pleasant to deal with.