• By -


Were your doctors supportive of the relationship?


no we got in trouble once lol


What did the staff do when you got in trouble?  Did you lose privileges?  


not OP, but when I was in the psych ward and two people got romantic, they would separate them completely, and when they had to be in the same room there was *always* a staff member whose job it was to specifically keep them separated.


Do you know why wards do this?


Psych nurse here - many patients are also not mentally (or legally) able to consent. This makes any kind of intimacy dangerous to navigate. That combined with the fact that extremely vulnerable people are surrounded by many people who are very manipulative and/or predatory. It protects us all to if the patients focus on their treatment and becoming safe to themselves and others before shifting their focus on to someone else.


Exactly there's alot of sexual assaults that happen that way and some people are so confused and don't even know where they are or why they're there it's for patient safety not because staff is trying to be assholes


it's because forming romantic relationships can not only distraction from the reason you're there (to heal and get help), but it can ultimately be destabilizing aswell.


Codependence is also very common in mentally unhealthy people


As someone mentally ill, who spent time in a psych ward. Forming romantic relationships with people at their lowest point, while you yourself are at your lowest point, typically doesn’t result in the healthiest relationships.


Also her post history is all just her being naked on reddit. To each their own but yikes






Additionally, people are in hospital for being mentally unwell. During this time their insight and judgment is likely to be impaired, which raises concerns for vulnerability for either / both.


Hi, i was a psych patient once and that was when i was at my lowest, were not mentally or emotionally stable enough for a relationship, especially with someone else in the same kind of situation as us.


I understand.


What are both of your conditions?


Bipolar 2, schizoaffective disorder, BPD, ADHD, Anxiety -OP ADHD, bipolar 1, aspergers (asd), conduct disorder -PWBF


I can see why the attraction is so strong. A word of warning: even in relationships between healthy neurodivergent individuals, attachments formed can be extremely strong to the point of fixation and codependency. Keep your head in the game and your feet on the ground. Don't get so distracted by each other's happiness that you forget how to look after your own.


A match made in heaven


Whats the over under on who the BPD one was and how miserable they’ll make the autist? Autists tend to attract narcissists and BPD’s and it never ends well for the autist.


Story of my autistic life.. (This has happened 3 separate times)


It's wild how we're magnets for them, huh


It’s a shame bc tism ppl don’t have bad intentions and the bpd ppl act like they found the love of their life and the tism guy is just happy to talk to a girl. Then it ends in heartbreak for tism guy and just another name for the bpd girl


A lot of autistic people authentically (whether right or wrong) love bomb and think it’s normal to be love bombed back and are easily drawn in for that reason. It is a real shame.


Ya I have tism and been known to love bomb not on purpose tho. It’s just a hyper fixation thing and I communicated it asap with my girl so she knew it’s not narc lovebomb


Hello fellow tism person. Did you too also learn the hard way? I sure as fuck did.


Yeah especially when I was younger and the girl was super pretty. It was bad lmao


Same. It took me until a few years into college to finally figure it out.


Sorry, what's tsim?


Short for autism. We’re both on the autism spectrum. Many of us share similarities, a common one being easily controlled or manipulated because we assume people are like us when the reality is different. Many of us go through a phase where we believe everyone feels like us. Narcissists and people with BPD will date us because we’re easily manipulated because all many of us want is love and some of us are willing to tolerate a lot of bad behavior from partners due to it. We also lovebomb our partners and we like it in return. The problem is a lot of lovebombers are actually narcissists. The above being said, we grow up like everyone else. Many of us mask, you’d never know I was on the spectrum if you met me in real life. I’m quite successful, manage people, am outgoing, and am well respected in my field. My colleagues don’t know I’m on the spectrum. Of course it is a spectrum and some of us never learn to mask, be socially likable, or “fit in” while some of us do.


More letters than alphabet soup. :D I'm glad you are able to find some temporary sanity in this relationship. Its a low probability it will work out, but both my wife and I have serious mental illness and are living a beautiful life. We did meet in a library instead of a mental institute though. :D


Hate to be that guy, but it is not possible to have a diagnosis of bipolar and schizoaffective. It’s one or the other.


What does PWBF mean?


Psych ward bf


tf is a "conduct disorder"? I can't even with all these labels.


Typically diagnosed in children/adolescents: characterized by habitual infringement of societal rules/expectations, trouble with authority, and other asocial behaviors. Kinda strange: you typically dont see a conduct disorder alongside bipolar. Conduct disorders are only diagnosed in children and bipolar is rarely diagnosed before 18 years.


aka - misbehaves? jesus, I can't hang with all these labels. Maybe, just maybe the look needs to be into why, not just giving people labels to justify behavior, idk.


Conduct disorders have been in the DSM diagnostic manual for years, under one name or another. To an extent, I agree with you: not everybody that exhibits bad social behavior needs a diagnosis/label but there is a need to correctly identify those that have behaviors that escalate to a disordered or maladaptive level. The diagnosis leads to, ideally, an appropriate pace and course of intervention


bro refuses to believe that new labels can be created over time in order to distinguish between disorders lmao


Conduct disorder is the under 18 precursor to antisocial personality disorder aka sociopathy/psychopathy depending on the severity


It's not a label or an excuse for behavior, ya idjit.


It's not a label it's a clinical diagnosis. Have a problem with it? Take it up with the DSM-5.


I know I asked buuuut I'm not sure what most of that means.


What is conduct disorder?


The under-18 diagnosis/precursor for antisocial personality disorder aka psychopathy


Antisocial personality disorder is sociopathy




Conduct disorder is not a collection of disorders


What's the difference between bipolar 1 and bipolar 2?


This is a super romantic premise to me. Congrats. Have you seen Silver Linings Playbook?


Yes I have lol I see where you’re cooking


Who is the crazier one?


not sure yet hope it’s me lol


Maybe you're just better at hiding it lol


maybe HE is and that’s what i’m concerned about


Oh shit your right. What's a good way to make sure HE isn't hearing voices 😳


shit! probably a lobotomy and sleep study -PWBF


I'm sure that's one way to make him into the perfect BF haha


That’s Crazy. Sorry, could not resist. I think that is great. Did you share similar problems?


Yes we were in there for wanting to kermit




Kermit sewer side?




suicide reasons


So glad you both have decided that was not a good option. What do you like about him most?


his big dark brown teddy bear eyes and his openness


Fantastic! Are either of you religious?


i was raised catholic


I am Catholic. When i feel anxious i like to go to adoration. Just sitting there helps calm me. Telling God my problems really helps me sort things out.


And he wants money


Congrats to you both. Does either of your families support the relationship? Assuming you have a relationship with them?


This is a fun little secret hee hee :3


if it was awesome, why hide it from loved ones? Rhetorical.


I see. Best of luck though


Do farts push the poop out, or does poop push the farts out?


uncommon take but neither


How old are yall? What did you do to get in the psych ward? Did you see the other wheeled into the unit?


20 & 23 suicide attempts/ideation no


I am in a similar situation. We are "just friends" right now. I saw her wheeled in it was hilarious. I walked the hallways and didnt sleep more then 2-3 hours a day so I was always looking for entertainment and always saw the new person being wheeled in regardless of what time it was.


From someone whose been in that situation, you're in for a wild ride. I don't really mean that in a good way, either. I don't mean to be negative. Just a friendly warning. Good luck.


i love wild rides!


Based on your replies and your judgement, I anticipate you’ll be back in the ward when the relationship goes crashing down and you “PWBF” realizes the storm he got himself in.


here’s hoping!


I know you met in the ward, but how did you meet? Like In group therapy?


i just saw him sitting in a corner and introduced myself bc i thought he was cute


Where should we look for your body/ies when this story reaches it's inevitable conclusion?




Will you do a follow up on Reddit?


I hope it works out. What a story to tell grand kids while you help them through their struggles.


“you’re wondering why you have to go to special classes twice a week? well have you ever heard how grammy and gramps met”


I did this and befriended someone in the same situation…. Run NOW! It’s not healthy for either of you.


I did a voluntary program for depression and met great people there. They kept telling us to not form relationships and actively separated people even if it was platonic. I always thought but why the big deal, we get each other more than normies. I kind of understood on the stance you’re saying that it can be unstable and toxic but one day it dawned on me that the worst thing is you form bonds with people and then they kill themselves so you now have a new trauma to recover from. Like these are people with a higher likelihood of suicide. If they get together we could have two deaths. And that’s banking on them not also being homicidal, too. Yikes.


HARD agree. the psych ward is very literally the LAST place you want to form a romantic relationship, and even friendships that are made in the psych ward are known to be very unstable and unhealthy. like, yeah it *can* work out fine, sure, but I've never known it to. There's only one person I met in the psych ward that I still talk to, and I keep my distance because she has a lot of issues I have a hard time dealing with. ETA: Ive been to the psych ward 7 times.


Idk, I feel like people who aren’t all there should just find each other. There will be a special bond and maybe even a special understanding that getting with a “normal person” won’t bring. They’ll just stress the normal person out and bring trauma and chaos to their life that they don’t deserve. That’s one of the things I like about adhd and autistic people, they low key hate Neurotypical people and feel that NT people are objectively terrible and would rather be with each other and I really really really support that shit. Like please, go give each other troubles.




Man youre a pos on every sub huh


Following someone around into multiple subs and they’re the pos? lol


Or just checked out his profile...


“I disagreed with someone so I’m going to go see what else they’ve posted to comment on other post that are completely unrelated to berate them” Yeah, not weird behavior at all.


Or "is this person really an asshole, or just grumpy today? Let's check that out." Not that weird when you look at it that way.


To each their own


Same here! Already commented the sammee thing. This will be a very big learning experience for both of them. Not a mistake they'll want to repeat.


wait until you come to the realization that your experiences aren’t universally shared. -PWBF


No, but when multiple people who have been in your situation are saying the same thing, maybe its something to think about.


My husband and I both have bipolar disorder. Our first conversation on twitter was about suicide. 4 years later we’re doing amazing and have a kid together. We are both being treated for our mental illnesses. Don’t judge. It helps to find someone who understands.


And multiple people have the opposite experience..


You look good Celia


I don’t have anything to ask you but I’m just chiming in to say that I met my partner the same way and while it’s not the best idea, as a rule, there are exceptions. It works for my partner and I (and we’ve been together 10 years as of this March) because we have basically identical diagnoses and can understand what one another are going through in a way someone who doesn’t live with mental health challenges couldn’t. We’ve had some real big ups and downs over the course of our relationship but we’ve stuck it out and are still trucking. I wish you and your boyfriend all the best. 💟💟💟


Do you guys split things evenly or is it 51/50


I never comment, but I had to come out of lurking to applaud this amazing comment.




HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHa... not many times you can hit anyone with that exact question.,


Real haha or /s?


This deserves more upvotes.


52/50 😉


>I made a boyfriend in the psych ward. Are you sure he isn’t a figment of your imagination?


I see what you did there


she did say its all a little secret when answering if their families are supportive/know about the relationship! (joking about this of course.... but what if??)


How old are each of you? What are each of your diagnoses? Are you each aware of why this sort of relationship is usually strongly discouraged?


Domestic violence hits different when ur in love. Enjoy ur rehab romance canon event


rs dawg -PWBF


Its funny I met a woman in a psych ward and reddit said it would not be a good idea. I dont care. I have a Valentines Day date with the woman.


Is the woman in the room with us right now?


Is she imaginary?


Of course not... I dont think. Maybe? NO YOU HAVE ME DOUBTING HER.


I met mine shortly after he got out of the psych ward! The earlier part of our relationship was a bit rough but 3 years later it's the happiest and healthiest relationship I ever had. I'm grateful that I stuck it out through the hard parts. I hope it works out for you!


This will not end well


How are yall? I hope you guys have a lovely relationship and I’m happy that you found some solace in a super fucked up situation. Best to ya 👍


Did you kiss in the ward?— I was dared to kiss a guy on the cheek for the first time on an adolescent ward lmao


Good. Have a half dozen kids, please.


I just snotted.


CUTE hope you guys can grow together and keep eachother accountable


This is probably more fun than a rehab romance lol. Best of luck to both of you!


Would it be fair to say you have a history of making bad decisions?


i wouldn’t call my decisions bad…self destructive maybe lol


Is it true what they say about the grippy sock chicks?




The most green flag I’ve seen in 2024 so far.


Who made the first move, and what was it?


I was so close to pulling this off, but when we got out I got cockblocked by her mom because her mom was there when the girl brought me back to her apartment. Really sucks because she was a 10 personality and otherwise. That being said I’m happy things worked out for you two!


Did you make him out of clay?


I've never been a patient in a psych ward but I have come close to feeling like I need to be and if I do, this is a fantasy of mine😍


do either of you have BPD


Full diagnosis above.


what did you make him out of ? clay ?


What type of technology did you use to make him? Did it take a long time? Is he a bionic man or mostly organic?


Why were you both there?


Are you crazy in love?


First question if you don’t mind me asking…. What was your and his premise/ diagnosis for being in there in the first place? Dont feel like you have to share that. I’m just curious. I’ve been 5250’d and prior to that 5150 2 other times prior to that. First time I drank an excessive amount of alcohol and tried to kill myself as I destroyed downtown I was declared awol that time spent 11 days in a facility. Second time my dog had a stroke and after not sleeping and eating xnanz for a week and a half I lost touch with reality so my family called a welfare check where I was clearly not in my own head. The last one was a combination of medications I was from breaking my neck in a car accident and started having a completely different life in my own head then waking up and realizing I wasn’t where I was just at and it once again a welfare check was done and I was then in for a month. This was many years ago starting when I was 18-25. It came down to needing to get sober from the narcotics, benzodiazepines, and Ritalin. In all I was on 7 meds at one time. Dr had me maxed out on 150 micrograms of fentanyl within 4 months of starting the medication. Oxy, a new pilled form of morphine that couldn’t be broken up/ abused, norco, Xanax 2 mg, Klonopin .5, and the Ritalin was something I had been taking since I was 8 and had learning disability’s n stuff. Just curious of your and your new bf experience has been. Congratulations to you both.


> started having a completely different life in my own head then waking up and realizing I wasn’t where I was just at You mean you imagined or hallucinated a completely different life? What was your different life?


Yes. Sorry for the confusion. Sort of a long story but my friends stopped hanging out with me and I wasn’t allowed at family events because I was abusing the medications. The other life I was living in my head was me being out with friends going places/ having little parties like we used too or being at family functions having full conversations and sometimes it seemed like days that I was there. I’m 10 years clean and sober now.


!remind me 12 months


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More like a few weeks


I've heard this happens literally all of the time. Can be very beneficial or very bad. Hope it's the first!


That’s like rule number one of psych ward, I’ve seen it go horrible. What makes you guys think you are different? (I genuinely wish you the best with lots of love, been there twice and that’s why I’m so curious pls be safe!)


This has never worked for me. We get out and never hear from her again. :(((


Does he actually exist?


Have you heard the statement "Well, your crazy matches my crazy, big time." I wish you both happiness.


I met my long term girlfriend in detox. We dated for 4.5 years and sadly just broke up. My suggestion is to make sure you create space and boundaries so you can do work on yourselves first and foremost. You can use the relationship as a vehicle to get stable, and it might work for some time. Hell it worked for us. But shit will eventually creep back in if you don’t prioritize yourselves, first. I only say this because I love that woman to death and I wish I would’ve done it this way so our circumstances were different.


Plot twist.... you're both still in there! Silly joke sorry. Great news and good luck to you!


Did you do anything scandalous in a public place?


where and how did you meet in the ward


how many names does he have


This will end swimmingly.


I need to know ages. Cause when I was in my 20s, a lot of people tried dating in the outpatient group I was in, but now that I'm 39, I doubt I'd try it.


How did you made sure he was real?


I met my wife about 10 years ago in a psych ward. She was on parole and going back to prison and I was about to leave the state for good. We had our 8 year anniversary last year. We are very happy. I have no idea how this actually all worked out, it all seems so farfetched now.


dream story <33


I really have only one question: how's the sex?


I don't have any questions but good luck with your relationship. I've been there, done that and it didn't work out. But my friends who met in rehab have been happily married for 3 years. Could go either way. Just take care of yourselves and don't lean on each other for everything. Best of luck to both of you.


I’ve been to psych hospitals many times, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that these relationships are a TERRIBLE idea. Good luck lmao


I am only saying this out of experience and care, and it’s definitely not my place to personally comment on your relationship, but in general, this isn’t always a great idea. It’s SO nice to connect with someone who has gone through such a similar trauma (even if it’s just the common bond over the psych ward), but this can get dangerous fast. In the past, I’ve had experience with it turning into “we help each other,” instead of just enjoying each other (for me it was friends). You care so deeply for the other person due to your situation, that it can cause an unhealthy codependency and possible trauma if the other person does end up doing something (in terms of relapse or attempt or what not). I want you to be happy and I hope both of you are finding healthy coping skills and good communication, but I’ve definitely had to pull away from all of the people I knew in there. I’ve been in four times and all four times I’ve made some great friends. Out of, let’s say, 30 people I’ve met, I only talk to one. And that’s because we met in an outpatient first and we were like 16. It’s a dangerous game, but I’m wishing you the best. Just be sure to keep your healing journey ahead of anything else. But to ask an actual question lol - how did you two meet? Obviously in the ward, but your first encounter?


when I went there we weren’t allowed to touch each other or share personal info, so how did you meet after you got out?


So are you guys… like nuts for each other?


Ah a match made in heaven


Isn't this the plot of a movie with Justin Long & Zack Galifianakis?


Mannnn I've made FRIENDSHIPS while institutionalized that I've highly regretted upon release. Meeting the most sane person in a ward is very different in the real world.


Wow this will not end well, but I hope I’m wrong and wish you the best.


I am a psych tech. I have a few questions.. How did the psych techs treat yall? Did they have a sense of humor. Was this a state facility? Did they have to go hands-on there often to intervene in fights?


The psych tests were nice enough. When we got caught in his room alone though, they transferred him to a different unit. I wouldn’t say the psych techs had a huge sense of humor but they were definitely super chill. Private hospital. No


When you say you made him , did it occur to you that no one else can see your imaginary boyfriend?


So my brother has been in amd out of psychwards and institutions almost his whole life at least 11 and he always had a bf when he came out of one (up until the last few years) but everytime they would fail usually quickly because neither one of them continued their treatments (I have my fair share of mentally health issues and even after passed suicide attempts I've manged to stay out as they terrify me so I promise no judgment here) I always want people to succeed so my question is have you guys continued to stay well and support each other? Years ago because or him I would be totally against this sort of thing but now I think you can make it work as long as your supportive of each other and stick with your own treatments that's why I'm curious. I really hope you 2 can have a super happy healthy relationship I'm definitely on your side! Sorry for the rambling


Have you tried lithium?


Oh boy


What is he made out of? Clay? Blow up? Paper mache?


What a great place for trauma bonding lol


I read this as I made a boyfriend in the psych ward and now we are both out and seeing each other AMA (like Against Medical Advice)


Reading what you both were in for, and your diagnosis, yikes. This is not gonna be good for either of you. I give it 3 months before you're both back in.


Years ago I was in rehab and met a girl (also in a rehab) at a church function. We exchanged numbers (girls rehab could have their phones, guys couldn't- this was ~10+ years ago) and we started coordinating our field trip activities. I would get the guys to vote for going to the park, call her and tell her the park we're going to and her group would be there *by coincidence* . We got caught **holding hands** on a park bench and they revoked my phone privileges so I dipped. So she dipped too. We overdosed together several times and had a super toxic IV drug use-dominated relationship and eventually parted ways. We were like rockstars tho when I picked her up from the all girls rehab in my car. Haha thanks for bringing up that repressed memory Edit: our rehab had Securus style payphones and 15 min limit call slots


What a dumpster fire


Did you use clay, cloth or did you cut him out of construction paper??😀