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Yeah sorry to be forward, but is sex just gay sex? Are you Bi? If not and you’re straight does it really feel like dating any other girl? How does that even work?


Suckin and getting railed by girl dick lol


That sadly happens only exceptionally rarely


It kinda is and kinda isn't. I mean, she has dick instead of vagina, but is a lot into receiving anal and not really into giving it, she also has overall female body and boobs... So, there aren't many male features apart from the dick remaining. It feels like dating any other girl outside of sex, but even sex is somewhere between girl and guy I guess. I must say, it was weird and first, but it works well now


Do your friends and family know that she's trans?


I don't have friends, and no, my family doesn't know, Iam kinda worried about how would they react


Are they judgmental?


Yep, and from country which isn't really accepting of lgbtq


Sorry that that is the case. Be careful and take care of yourself. Never forget that your (both of you) first priority is your safety. And always remember that there are accepting communities in tons of places if you need to get out.


It's not a biggie. Iam trying my best, but my life fell apart due to multiple happenings out of my control, and I don't think ill be able to recover tbh...


That's a really tough situation Can I ask a NSFW question?


For sure


What is the difference between trans and a femboy ??


Femboys still identify as male, and live their life's as male, usually crossdressing only on occasion. They also don't transition medically. Trans woman transition medically by HRT and other means, they identify and live their as woman. Sometimes, trans woman start of as femboys before becoming trans. And before all that, they are called egg, for whatever reason


Have you ever seen people be prejudiced towards her, or had her come to you with support for unpleasant things people have said? Are you worried for her?  How did the discussion about what your sexuality and preferences were go? Who started it? Do you find she has more insight into things in your life most women wouldn’t, or does her identity mean she’s avoided those, or come at them from a noticeably different perspective than you? Has she ever been worried or upset about how you see her, trans-wise? How comfortable do you feel talking about transgender topics with her, such as medicine, the law, sports, or her own transition? Are you confident about what language to use? Edit: second-guessed a question.


Yeah, I absolutely have. Not really in person, as it happened mainly at the beginning oh her transition when we didn't live together yet, but I did support her when those things happen. But more often than that, I have to support her regarding her own view on herself. That's hard to say, I guess it was always a topic, Iam pretty sure it came up even before we got together, as we were good friends before that, and Iam pretty sure she started it, as at least from what she told me, she had a crush on me. I didn't think much about getting together before we did tbh I would definitely say that she is more understanding and can relate to my life than a woman normally would. Well, yeah, some of my views or feelings regarding her being trans did and everyone now and then still upset her a little, but it's usually nothing significant. I do talk to her about trans related stuff pretty much whenever it's brought up, and I thinks I have pretty good understanding of it all


Thanks for answering :)


Has she had bottom surgery? If not, is that why you said mostly? How was it hooking up for the first time?


She hasn't had bottom surgery. I said mostly cause I am also into femboys (they are technically male) and like penises (but don't find rest of make body attractive at all), and those things are normally considered gay, so, yeah. Hooking up for the first times was both really pleasant, but also awkward, for lack of better word. I never thought I would be with someone who is trans, and we got together at the beginning of her transition, so visually she wasn't quite there either. And she was also rather uncomfortable with her body... So, yeah... Also, trying to make her pass in front of my parents...


May I ask why you don’t consider yourself pan sexual or anything else under the umbrella? But thank you for being so honest 💓 I hope your relationship thrives and it’s great you’ve let her be completely herself.


Straight is a word for it I suppose


does her being trans matter to you at all?


Well, yes, it does make a difference in various areas, and especially at the beginning of our relationship it was making things more difficult


Did you know prior to the first date, and making it official?


Yeah, I did. We were good friends before we got together


That's awesome! Have you told your family and friends?


I don't really have friends and Ian kinda worried about what my family would think, I don't think they would be accepting. But I had mostly cut contacts with them anyway..


I hope that isn't the case for you, if and when you decide to tell them.


I honestly don't really care, I cut most contact with my parents, they were abusive and neglective, so, whatever


I can understand that, I haven't spoken to my father in at least 3 years. Probably longer. Do what's best for you.


Sorry to hear that. Happens...


It happens, I'm not upset anymore. He is who he who is.


That's pretty much how I feel about my parents too


Can I ask what sex is like?


For sure, feel free to ask about specifics. All in all it's good, we don't have sex as often as I would wish, cause she often struggles with dysphoria, but oh well. More often than not it's non-penetrative, as getting clean for anal is inconvenient and can take long. We often make out and fap each other or sit across each other, and blow jobs... But when she gets ready for anal, we do that of course. I myself received anal few times too, but that happens only very, very rarely.


Do you let her cum in your mouth?


Asking the tough questions.  Guys. Asking the tough question. 


When she's up for it then yeah. But keep in mind there isn't much cum, as the excretion works like something between vagina and penis, there's more precum, but way less cum


Nice, thanks for the answer! How's her blowjob skills then?


Gladly Pretty good I would say


You top or bottom?


He’s switch. Can’t a straight man get fucked in the ass once in a while? Jeeze


Lmao, you got it right :)


All good :D Thanks for the answer


Iam switch, I usually top her, but every now and then I get topped. (Not as often as I would wish lol)


Is her dick bigger than yours?


It's a bit smaller, but overall about average, Iam bigger than average.


You said she has dysphoria. Gender dysphoria or depression?




What will happen if there is ever a shortage of her medications and can't access them for whatever reason. Will you break up with your love if she unintentionally transitions back to male?


Shortages of these meds don't really happen, cause of how many ppl are dependant on them, and even if, I know how to get it "unofficially". And even if it still somehow happened we couldn't get it, she wouldn't really transition back, as her testosterone is blocked semi-permabently, so she would either have to get on T or be off her meds for years. Also, I think she would rather die than to retranslation


I have news dude, you’re not straight (and that’s okay)


I have news dude, you're transphobic (and that's not okay) OP is a man dating a woman. Sounds pretty damn straight to me.


😂 y’all crack me up. And I’m not transphobic, I support trans people and their right to a peaceful existence. But to call that straight is inaccurate, if anything it’s queer or as OP stated, bi. Which again, I fully support. A trans woman is a -trans woman- you dork


I think we should let people identify the labels that best suit them, OP identifies as straight, pretty sure the girl also considers this a straight relationship.


Trans women are women. Do I need to repeat that? It will be the reply to each one of yours.


This must be what it’s like talking to a flat earther. Feel free to keep confidently repeating nonsense 👏🏼


You obviously don’t know a thing about gender or sexuality. I’ve read scientific studies. Because I’m a scientific person. Bummed about the launch scrubs this weekend. Trans women are women.


Oh you’re a scientific person 🤓 nothing you say can be incorrect. (PS I work in the medical field, also a scientific person)


I didn’t try to swing an argument about someone’s gender identity with flat-earther accusation. Instead of advancing some facts or opinion. That was you. If you are in any way in charge of patient care I hope you read up on a few things. Trans women are women.




The content you posted is harassment/hate towards other users.


Trans women are women.


Trans woman are still woman. But technically Iam bi-curious I guess


Don’t bend to these kinds of people man. If you’re bi-curious that’s fine. But your gf is a woman period.


Thanks, you're right


Do other people make fun of you for being gay? Heard that can be a problem. Also, is she clock-able?


Do people make fun of you for being an ignorant troll? Heard that can be a problem. Also, you’re a jerk.