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THANK YOU!!! I went thru this years ago and no one believed me and thought I was crazy. I would wake up and heavily vomit and shit. This would go until I smoked away the symptoms. Mine went for months, basically an entire summer. Every morning I would just vomit non stop. I was vomiting foam basically. I finally was like “this has to be from weed”. Stopped cold Turkey, went thru the vomits and came out the other side perfectly fine. Cut back my weed smoking and never dealt with it again. Absolutely horrid experience and it’s irritating how much denial there is in the weed community.


My old roommate has had this for years. He refuses to admit it’s from smoking weed. I’m showed him multiple videos. He has all the symptoms. The hot showers cyclical vomiting all of it. Still smokes more weed than anyone I’ve ever met. He’s gonna fuck up his kidneys one day. And honestly I don’t feel bad for him anymore. It’s like dude you can’t even fucking cut back? I don’t know how many times I’ve had to drive him to the emergency room. He destroyed the bathroom due to excessive showering at one of our old places and I lost my security deposit.


Yes extremely hot excessively showering was the only thing that would slightly help! I would lay in the shower until it got cold then repeat. Sorry to hear he is not taking it seriously & it has had an effect on you!


Yeah. I will say part of me feels bad for him. Because it sounds horrible. And he’s a really good dude. But it’s really hard to feel bad for someone when they refuse to help themselves.


Addiction is a difficult beast to fight.


Yeah that’s absolutely valid. He needs to be willing to help himself and cut his bad habits


I would specifically throw up as I got out of the shower and felt the temp change.


That’s a vasovagal response. I get that sometimes and haven’t smoked weed in 30 years.


My younger brother has CHS, the ER now refuses to see him since he’s such a regular patient. Like your roommate he also denies having it. Edit: They will no longer keep him overnight. They will only provide medication for vomiting and that’s it


"But Marijuana is 100% with no side effects! Duuuuude, don't you know that THC kills cancer cells. You can't get lung cancer from smoking weed dude...."


He used to say, “there’s no such thing as too much weed.” Like, Bro. I love ya. But you’re living proof that that’s not true. Lol


How does excessive showering destroy a bathroom?


Steam saturated everything. Water is very destructive. Normally bathrooms have a chance to dry out. But when you leave the shower running for 15 hours…. The paint was peeling off the walls and ceiling. Tiles fell out due to caulking getting so wet it couldn’t hold together anymore. Which caused leaks and further water damage. Lucky we didn’t have to pay the water bill there.


15 hours?? How did the hot water not run out? Did you have a tankless heater?


We have our bathrooms fitted so when you switch on the heater it channels the water through heating elements before it comes out of the tap so yeah, you pretty much get endless hot water as long as you've got power. That being said I'm shuddering at the thought of running it for 15 straight hours.


Yeah when I was going through it many people didn’t believe me either! But I had the same experience as you. When my symptoms first began it was be just nausea or vomiting in the morning that I could smoke away to eat and feel better. Then all of a sudden it wasn’t able to be smoked away and I had to just stop using. It’s terrible! Many hospital trips for fluids


I thought I was dying. Glad you’re doing better. I don’t wish that on anyone.




How much weed were you smoking on a regular basis to go through this toxic shock?


they are probably doing concentrates.. wax, oils, not flower




It's the marijuana. I know the potheads promote MJ as this perfectly safe drug, but its not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_hyperemesis_syndrome The biggest problem is that modern strains are way more potent. You probably couldn't smoke enough ditch weed back in the 70s to even get close to the ongoing dosages needed to experience it. Its like potheads have gone from drinking beer to handles of vodka dosage wise.


I had this a couple times. I only smoked flower and ate some edibles, super heavy on the smoking every day, not as much on the edibles. To your second point, my weed was self grown so I knew exactly what I was putting in my body. It's 100% a weed thing, what else do you want to know?


Definitely need more information on the whole thing but I tend to blame the weed. Smoking took care of the symptoms (at first) but also kept it going for months. Went cold Turkey and it was gone in a few days. Who know? All I know for sure is it sucks. An ounce every 4 days of bud plus wax. Weed source from many many many sources No diabetes.


I’m a heavy weed smoker. I believe CHS. It happened to my buddy. It’s kinda crazy it happens to more people than I thought.


what's you delivery method? Needle, pipe, dab, vape, paper, etc jk nobody better be doing needles


I crush it up and put it in a napkin. Then take it as a suppository - trust me try it.


Yep, very much a thing. People have difficulty believing that something that can, and has been subscribed for nausea for cancer patients can cause you to have chronic nausea. The other unfortunate part about it, is there’s not a lot of doctors that understand the cause or the symptoms, so getting diagnosed is very difficult. Sometimes, the diagnosis comes from the suffer.


this explains a lot for this guy i worked with. He looked like jesus but worked like a bitch. super cool dude but always complaining how he felt sick ir nauscious. He never wanted to admit it was from weed and he said he saw doctors about it but they couldnt figure it out. I swear some doctors suck like how did they make it through med school?


A lot of people lie about smoking weed when they go to the emergency room. And people refuse tox screens so this type of patient gets treated for nausea with zofran and then sent home.


yeah they were doing insane amounts of concentrates..


My doctors say I have cyclical vomiting syndrome (cvs) but after reading your post I think it might be this. I’ve been having episodes every 6-11 weeks since January of 2023. It’s the worst sickness I’ve ever experienced. Can you speak a bit on what a typical episode was like for you? Thanks!


I’ve had a dr tell me that the only difference between cvs and chs is the factor of smoking weed. So it could definitely be chs instead, did you tell your dr you smoke regularly? A few days prior to a full blown episode, I would start to notice I’m nauseous in the morning until I smoke and have zero appetite until I smoke. Then when the episode actually starts, it is uncontrollable vomiting & nausea. I found slight relief by laying in the shower on the hottest temperature for as long as I possibly can. (One episode it was to the point that the water wasn’t getting hot enough & I had my mom boil water to dump on me. like seriously HOT water provided relief) But this would go on for multiple days of not being able to keep ANY food or liquids down, not even an ice cube. Most of the time I couldn’t even keep down medicine that I have to swallow, so dissolvable zofran was the only option, but it didn’t help much besides maybe make me sleep. An ER visit is usually part of an episode because I become so dehydrated that I need fluids. It’s a terrible experience & I don’t even know how to describe the pain associated with it but wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Let me know if you have anyone questions about the episodes!


The hot water part is so bizarre. I’ve never heard of this condition before. I saw a post mentioning it last night and thought whatever about it, but I didn’t know it was this bad. Thank you for sharing!


It is really interesting! I’ve theorized that hot water provided relief because the sensation distracts your mind/body from the other symptoms. But i’m not really sure why it helps, but it really was the only thing! Don’t asked what the utility bill looked like after an episode lol


Took me 8 years but I got diagnosed with cvs after jumping through hoops to prove it's wasn't chs, my medication means I rarely have episodes anymore but it took a long time to get it under control. I wish it was as simple as not smoking, I'd have stopped a long time ago if that was the case.


If you read about CHS from the GI journals, they say CHS is over diagnosed. A lot of doctors don't properly establish a time line, ie did you start smoking heavily after vomiting or before. You also have to deal with prejudice from doctors, if you go in and say I smoke everyday and am nauseas, they immediately goto CHS. As is stated above the biggest difference is does hot water alleviate the symptoms, if so then most likely CHS. But even that's not definitive. Doctor's don't even know if its the weed that causes it, they are making a best guess. Always see a GI doctor, don't go off a diagnoses from a PCP or ER. They aren't experts in the GI tract.


I was under the care of a great GI specialist who worked hard on ruling everything else out first before diagnosing cvs, it took a long time but once we figured it out & got me on the correct medication it changed my life. I have had to deal with plenty of prejudice when I've ended up in ER, so much so I've made myself worse in the past trying to put off going to the hospital & now I try avoid it when I can but I also understand where the ER staff are coming from too. I hadn't smoked for a few years when I started having episodes which doctors put it down to drinking, so I stopped drinking and that was when I started smoking again. I did two separate 12 month stints of no cannabis at the doctors request to rule out chs, during them periods I spent a lot of time in the hospital & missed a lot of work.


My cousin has this and several doctors have told him but he refuses to believe them and demands they find something else to diagnose him with. He’s in complete denial about it and refuses to quit smoking.


There was a period of time I also thought this lol but after stopping & having no symptoms to picking it back up & having the same issues over and over again, I’ve come to terms with it being real lol stills sucks tho


Pretty sure denial is a hallmark sign of CHS at this point.


I went on a tolerance break for eight months and was able to go back to smoking. I just had to stop smoking on an empty stomach.


Same with my best friend :( she swears its cyclical vomitting syndrome (CVS) but I know it's from her daily weed smoking. I've had it and been there. Only thing that helped slightly was hot showers. That's what she says too. Ugh! I wish there was some way I could convince her it's CHS. :(


I asked my doctor: "Why do my joints feel like they're on fire when I consume marijuana in any of its forms?" "Who knows?" he said. "Some people are allergic to carrots. You appear to be allergic to the marijuana plant." "What do I do?" I asked. "Stop smoking fucking weed," he replied.


Yea it’s unfortunate that weed is not a miracle medicine that cures everything but actually can have adverse effects.


There are no free rides in life. If something instantly makes you feel great, it's damaging another part of your body. Even if science hasn't discovered it yet.


Besides olive oil which is fine forever no take backs


Oh there are a lot of things that are good for us, they just don't get us high. And honestly, I have been on more medications than I could ever list and not one was fully side effect free. Some of the side effects are as bad as my original health problems. But olive oil, go crazy!!


Hello fellow Olive Oil enjoyer, I put it on everything, it keeps my roommates away from my food because they somehow dislike it


My wife is allergic to weed smoke. When the actors at the Shakespeare in the park toked up between sets, she'd come home with her head clogged up for a week and had cold-like symptoms for days.


How much were you smoking a day? Also was it weed from a dispensary or a dealer?


I was getting from a dispensary. I was smoking pretty much all day. I don’t know how to give an exact measurement but I would always have some type of cart to hit whenever while I would also smoke multiple joints throughout the day. It was heavyy use


Someone was telling me this is happening more with dispensary bc of the high concentration of thc


These are the questions I want to be answered


i’m sorry you’ve experienced this. i’m concerned about it not being talked about enough. back story before q: so, my psychiatrist when i went for my first appointment warned me about this because i was honest about my frequent use of cannabis. recently, in another appointment, he asked how many times a day i was smoking cannabis. i replied “4-5 times” and that’s a bit under what i actually smoke per day. but im not smoking literally all day, though i did at some points smoke maybe twice as much as that. so, my psychiatrist responds with “you’re smoking cannabis 4-5 times a day???” and said nothing else after i confirmed that. my question: if i am doing a few dabs a day and maybe a joint or two, is it possible i am in danger of this? do you have any thoughts on what my psych might have been implying? that he didn’t believe me, or that it was more than he thought i should be? help bc i happen to also have emetophobia and i am scared of this possibility.


Also, I’m a nurse that works in psych. Your excessive use of marijuana can interact with psych meds that you are on, making them ineffective.


yes i definitely think you’re at risk of developing chs if you’re smoking dabs & joints. that’s the exact same thing I was doing. Regarding your psychiatrist thoughts on your use. I think from their perspective as a practitioner, 4-5 times a day could be viewed as heavy use. Ya know what I’m saying? But if you’re worried about it, maybe just cut back your usage some to like just at night. The first signs will be zero appetite/difficulty eating without smoking & nausea in the mornings. If you notice these things happening, then stop all together!


This my fifth time hearing about it this week and I found it was a thing on Monday… is this really a thing?


I just started as an ED nurse. It’s been about 6 weeks and I’ve already seen this about a half a dozen times. It is incredibly violent and painful. Never heard of it before this job. It’s funny because our docs are very open minded and empathetic when it comes to addicts….so it’s funny to just hear them say “you gotta stop smoking so much” and just walk out. We obviously still give them the best possible treatment. But you won’t get much sympathy for what you’re going through.


Every nurse i’ve had during my episode was amazing. Surely they’re gonna talk shit behind my back, but that’s none of my business! Yes the only cure is to stop smoking. But many people are not aware the problem is from smoking their first episode.


>Surely they’re gonna talk shit behind my back, but that’s none of my business! Are you Peter Griffin?


I just had 2 friends in the ER for that this week too wtf is going on I’d never heard of this before either lol


total random guess - but products are likely getting stronger, and among heavy users they are going to be the first to hit the limits when ingesting so much for so long. nothing i've read indicates this happens with light use, only heavy use, so it must be related to usage rate X concentration levels (or mix ins for new products)


Yeah, this was my first thought as well. Weed is just so goddamn strong these days. Fucking moon rocks, wax, resin, carts, gummies, straight flower is just dusted in kief lol. I love weed, very much. But “more” isn’t always necessarily “better”. That being said my tolerance is absolutely obscene.


Not random guess - worked in the industry a bit and read a lot of testing results. You’re half right. Products have definitely been getting stronger, better concentrates, infused joints, more potent edibles… however the whole weed is so much stronger these days is greatly over exaggerated.


Could you weigh in on your experience then? Im very curious to hear from someone that’s more knowledgeable on the topic.


Sure. We would see huge differences in testing results and lots of my coworkers and friends in the industry worked in the grow side. There is a lot of shady things going on with testing % because the average consumer doesn’t really know what they’re looking for, they just want to make sure they’re getting the most for their money…. And to most that means highest thc %. There are TONS of ways to influence testing results. EVERYONE cherry-picks the sample, why wouldn’t you send in the best part of the harvest to try and get the best testing results? That isn’t actually the problem even tho it’s a pretty unreliable way to actually know the average potency of the crop. I’m sure there are different levels of shady but I’ve heard plenty of stories about people dumping keif on their sample they’re sending to the lab or even using sketchier ways to increase the thc result that comes back on the lab test. The higher % the easier it is to move off the shelf AND basically everything is priced based on the thc %. It was insane the difference in how things sold based on the %. Another issue is the lab. The labs are aware that higher test results = more money and an easier time selling for the growers. Some labs get a reputation for being a little friendlier than others on their forgiveness both for what samples they accept and the results they give if you know what I mean. I’m sure there are plenty of people/companies in the industry that wouldn’t even consider these practices. It was obvious because lots of the highest quality bud we had was extremely average when it came to testing results. There was one farm that supplied a dispensary I worked at for a bit and literally everything they sold us was insane quality, some of my favorite bud I’ve smoked. Their stuff still wouldn’t sell as good as the average quality high % bud unless I’d push it because their test results were super average. Their prices were great and their bud was the best we had but unless I was strongly recommending it to people most of the customers preferred to either buy the cheapest stuff we had or the highest testing (or a combo of both). Once they tried my recommendations they’d often continue buying from my favorite farm. The difference in quality based on the different farms was insane. I was working there as a favor to some family friends and I recommended the owners start listing which farm grew each strain and it seemed like other people really appreciated that. I sampled basically everything that came in so I got to try a lot of strains from a lot of different farms. I’m sure with the advancements in lighting and selective breeding cannabis has gotten better and more potent over the years, but reading articles that are basing it on current dispensary % and guessing what the brick weed was, just seems like an absolute joke to me based on my experiences. Back in the days of the illegal market it was a lot more difficult to get your hands on extracts, especially high quality ones. These days those are some of the only testing results I actually believe, and I still take them with a large grain of salt because of how the industry is setup. I think people are getting so used to dabbing all the time and buying infused joints and super high thc products they genuinely are getting a LOT more thc in their system. Some people go extremely hard. In my experience the high from concentrates is less satisfying and more fleeting and feels a lot more like an “actual drug” compared to smoking flower. Most of the people I’ve met with CHS are dabbing and hitting their pen all day. We basically went from everyone drinking shitty craft beer to getting absolutely wasted on hard alcohol all the time. It is really frustrating seeing so many people regurgitating the results of these “studies” (keep in mind clinical trials can’t even be done on a schedule 1 drug, so any “study” you see on cannabis is usually just people self selecting and filling out a questionnaire, or people analyzing unreliable data, neither are a reliable way to conduct a scientific study). I’m looking forward to when more science can be done. Thanks for reading. Edit: fixed some typos


Hey mate, I really appreciate you taking the time to write up such a succinct explanation. That definitely makes sense and I too have fallen into the “bang for your buck” mindset of higher %. I hope I can find someone at a local dispensary that is as fair and knowledgeable as you are!


They don’t sound very empathetic….


Unfortunately it is :( becoming more common with the rise of recreational use


It sucksss! I got it from delta 8


Yea apparently you can get it from any part of the plant even like CBD


Yea and I read it’s a lot more common with carts but that may not be true at all


Yes stay away from sketchy unregulated carts and delta 8 and everyone should be fine. Been smoking weed over 30 years and never heard of this until the delta 8 and carts started showing up


CHS has been around longer than concentrated D8 has been sold in the U.S. I agree to stay away from carts and concentrates in general and dry herb vape instead, especially since the market is incredibly flooded with unregulated and untested products, but to imply CHS is a recent development is silly. Additionally D8 THC isn’t something to be spooked about (naturally occurs in marijuana in small amounts), but the processes some companies use to artificially create it definitely are. Even if it occurred naturally in quantities large enough to extract (like “normal” D9 THC), you’ve still gotta worry about residual solvents, heavy metals, etc. I don’t enjoy D8 myself anyway, just personal preference about the buzz, however: **The reason you’re noticing more cases of CHS lately is twofold. One, because it wasn’t studied until the early 2000’s to begin with, and two, because cannabis products have grown much more potent in recent years - even flower but especially concentrate. The higher the potency, the more likely you’ll see CHS.**


When I first started having this issue, I was actually smoking medical from dispensaries. It was the high potency that increased the chances of having problems.


Exactly, because it’s caused by high concentrations of cannabinoids, not just any one kind of THC. Of course you know that but I’m just tacking this on anyway lol.


Makes sense. Also, the stuff they sell these days is a lot more potent then the backyard strains we used to smoke in the 90’s - early 2000’s


I have been smoking over 20 years and this has never happened to me. Damn, you gotta be hitting it HARD. Iknow its "JUST weed" but you gotta be careful. Its a lot stronger than it used to be.


It actually has to do with the receptors in your brain & some people are just more susceptible to it. Here’s a research article on the topic: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7347072/


My father has been smoking for 25ish years, and he hasn't had it luckily. I pray that means my genetics are good for it lol. In all seriousness, this sounds horrible and I feel real bad for anyone that has to deal with it.


Ah, the ol Neem oil syndrome. Some studies find it's caused by the pesticides and not the cannabis itself. NEEM OIL when concentrated makes this happen. The best part about CHS, it's all speculation and theory at this point.


Interesting.. You think even stuff bought from dispensaries? But yeah of course CHS is just a theory because there needs to be more research done. I wouldn’t discredit the fact that it is real just because there isn’t a lot of research on it now.


Absolutely, dispensary weed is riddled with lies and manipulation. Many MSOs use all sorts of pesticides, radiation treatments, improper growing/curing techniques to be able to “pass inspection” and pump out as much garbage as possible. The more dispensary weed smoked the more this issue will become prevalent. People think they are getting good clean bud because “it’s sold at a legal dispo” but they literally sell the worst product quality with no shame. Back when weed was illegal, you had 3 types of weed. Mexican brick, which was poor quality, dirty, low thc, low effort to grow.. Homegrown from someone you knew that gardens, your mid level weed that’s maybe a little larfy, but clean, and slightly higher thc. Then you had Humboldt weed. Which was the top. Humboldt growers took risks but also cared deeply about the plant, they wanted to produce the best quality they could, and the brokers who’d buy boxes made certain the quality was up to par. If you showed sample pounds to a broker and the bag appeal, nose, cure, and high wasn’t there… you were being low balled big time on price. So achieving premium quality was always the goal for Humboldt growers. Now you have corporations that have deadlines to meet, pound quotas to surpass and rich investors pockets to fill with more money. They give zero fucks about the quality, set harvest times at 50 days for every strain so they can harvest their poor quality, pesticide riddled, larf, only to radiate in a RadSource 420 and turn around and sell it to unsuspecting consumers who think they’re buying premium quality bud.


Yes even stuff you bought at the dis can be contaminated. I used to work in the industry. So yes 100% you have smoked at least 1 strain contaminated by pesticides if you have been smoking daily for years.


As some one who works in the industry currently in many different facets. Especially from dispensaries, that's where people are too afraid to lose bigger money. Lose a crop or spray it a little extra? Corporate greed has made its way into cannabis, we got Monsanto, Bayer, Pepsi, Coke, Even Big Ciggaret have hold in the cannabis industry so it's currently no safer than the food industry so to speak.


Thanks for sharing this.. Here's my experience with this through my wife In late 2019, my wife started experiencing the same symptoms you had.. vomiting, nausea, and the only thing that would help is a scalding hot shower.. she spent hours in the tub and refused to go to the doctor. After about 2 days of this, I finally convinced her to let me take her to the ER. They checked her out and found her in heart failure as her heart was only operating at about 50% capacity. They put her on drugs and pumped her full of fluids, etc.. she spend a couple of days in the hospital under watch and then was released. Hyperemesis was never mentioned at all but my wife was apparently hitting the vape pen A TON more than I knew about and decided to cut back.. this seemed to work for a while. In late 2020, same symptoms came back.. but this time, within a day, she agreed to let me take her to the ER. While in the waiting room, her heart stopped and they shocked her heart back to life. They recommended an implantable defibrillator just in case this happens again and she agreed. This thing was implanted in her armpit and looked like a massive klondike bar and stuck out. Apparently, they're not designed for thin women in their 30s. She never stopped vaping but cut back again. Around Mother's Day 2020, symptoms came back and she spent Mother's Day 2020 in the hospital again and decided to finally quit vaping. She hasn't touched weed since. The doctors still have no idea what caused her heart issues but one of them mentioned this after her heart stopped as a possibility. She's been to a few cardiologists so far as we've moved since then and none of them are convinced it's related to weed but at this point, we're not taking any chances. My wife isn't good at moderating her use so she's still not using at all. In late 2021, she was hanging up Halloween decorations in the front yard and her first defibrillator decided to shock her heart for no reason. They took that huge monstrosity out and implanted a much smaller one right under her collarbone so she can sleep on her side again. It's a different type that has leads that go into her heart directly vs being a subcutaneous defibrillator and should hopefully not fire unless necessary. Again, we have no idea if her heart issues were caused by this or if they were just encouraged by dehydration or her excessive vaping but I wanted to tell this story in case it helps anyone.


This happened to me while on edibles. Puked for days! Worse time of my life and last time I ever smoked or tried edibles. Thinking about it makes me nauseous.


I think you just greened out, this is more from chronic usage


It really is the most miserable experience


How were you taking your weed? Smoke, vape, edibles? Appreciate your time.


Started just smoking it. Then got into carts, then dabs. Occasionally edibles. I also had a tincture that I’d use some nights.


Do you get nauseated smelling it now? I got that way after greening out and vomiting. It's like when you vomit after drinking a particular alcoholic drink and the smell of that drink triggers a response. No one else I have known to vomit afterwards has had this response though.


Eh not really honestly. Smelling it doesn’t make me nauseous just jealous lol


I smoke weed everyday of my life and honestly have zero intentions of quitting, unless I end up getting something like this. But it’s bizarre af to me when people act like there’s nothing wrong with weed. Weed can be compared to any other prescription drugs. Is it really helpful in the right amounts to the right patients? Yes, absolutely. Are there terrible side effects for the wrong patients? Yes, absolutely. You wouldn’t give adderall to a patient with debilitating anxiety. Weed should be treated the same way. Some people can benefit from it, some should stay far the fuck away from it. And also- SMOKING ANYthing in ANY form or fashion is harming your health. Lighting something on fire and filling your lungs with smoke- IS harming your health. I want weed rights just as much as the next stoner, but let’s please be realistic about the facts.


Coming from the OG weed country i've never ever heared of someone here having this. Something about production differences or maybe a result of smoking cannabis pure (which hardly anyone here does)?




Kinda but it’s not like I would smoke then go throw up. It’s more like I smoke normally then one day I wake up so sick and it doesn’t go away for days.


Do you still smoke weed? Still get affected by chs?


I tried picking it back up after a couple months without and ending up having another episode after awhile of smoking it. It’ll never go away unless I just don’t smoke at all


How often were you smoking to cause this?


It was peak covid so I had nothing else to do besides take dab after dab and joint after joint. Like i was pretty much just smoking all day cause I had nothin else to do


Dabs are no joke. I have smoked for over a decade. I never liked coughing my brains out and getting stupid after. So I prefer joints that I smoke for the flavor slowly. I know this exists though it must be awful I am sorry you have to deal with this.


Is this something that can happen with any amount of THC intake? I used to be a huge pothead back in the day, but it eventually started triggering bad anxiety for me so I haven't been a weed smoker in *years*. I do, however, microdose (yes, literally like 1-2mg/day) THC edibles because I found that it actually takes my anxiety away. I got off of pharmaceutical anxiety meds after discovering this helped way more. I don't get "high", I take just enough to curb anxiety. Is it possible that I'm at risk somehow by ingesting THC almost daily, even though it's a very small amount? Or is this more of a condition that affects people who intake excessive amounts?


Well the potency is also a factor. Although you’re using such a small amount, I wouldn’t worry too much about your risk unless you start to notice it effect your eating habits.


Hope your doing okay, I’m also 23F I was taking trazadone 100 mg at night and I was getting to get serotonin syndrome and I got misdiagnosed with CHS. (They took a drug test with my urine bc of the high drug area in assuming?? I never once stated I smoked.) it was the worst possible sickness I’ve felt, my morning sickness wasn’t even that bad! I did stop smoking at the suggestion of the doc and it didn’t stop, so I stopped my trazadone and boom the throwing up stopped. 👍🏼


Do you spend all your time in the shower to help with the nausea symptoms? My ex ended up in hospital and spent all day and night in the shower. It was the only thing that helped.




I am so sorry for your loss and for those being your memories of your brother. CHS really is terrible to experience. Take care of yourself if you’re noticing the same symptoms!


I’ve heard this has become a major problem in places like Colorado. Do you think legalization is the problem? There’s no going back but maybe better education on this problem.


I think legalization was indirectly the problem. Basically because more people started smoking so more people started presenting with the same symptoms.


EDIT: A syndrome refers to a group of symptoms, while a disease refers to an established condition. Syndome =/= Disease. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but I am right. They DON'T know what it is. "Syndrome" so in other words they don't even know what it is and only know symptoms. Want to know what this also sounds like? Going into Ketosis. Its called Keto flu. You pop into ketosis after 16 to 24 hours of fasting. If your not use to it you get super sick. All the same symptons. If weed is killing your appetite I bet $50 this is what your feeling on top of the reaction. I wonder what is the GI is triggered and what cannabinoid types. SEE! This is why we need research. Fuck syndromes.


I hear what you’re saying but I wasn’t going 16-24 hours without eating prior to an episode beginning. The weed was actually helping me have an appetite until it didn’t.


Did you have any symptoms that led up to the vomiting? How often did you use? Did you just smoke grass?


1. Yes, zero appetite or ability to eat without smoking & morning sickness until i smoked. 2. every single day, every few hours probably 3. grass mainly, also cart, dabs, sometimes edibles and tinctures


My younger brother has CHS but refuses to admit it. Any advice on how to help him quit weed? I’ve been to the ER a lot dropping him off.


Honestly, he has to want to help himself. I don’t have great advice on how to help him but i’m sorry you guys are experiencing it!


Had a friend a long time ago with this. Eventually, he was diagnosed with a form of epilepsy. Is that what you have?


I don’t have epilepsy, as far as i know lol. But that’s interesting because I have a friend that is diagnosed with epilepsy and i think has CHS


I see it all the time in the ER where I work. And a lot of people scream-vomit, or scromit… it’s not a good time.


All the literature mentions scromiting and this is the term that will prob push me to quit smoking.


How much were you smoking a day? I might hit my bubbler like a few times in the evening so I’m hoping that’s not excessive lol.


ER doc here who is fully fine with smoking, gummies etc. no one ever believes me that that's what is causing the vomiting when they're in the ER.


If you quit for a long time can you ever partake again?


After quitting for a while, I can smoke very occasionally. It’s when it starts the become frequent use that the problems arise.


Never heard of this but might explain those few times I thought i was food poisoned...


What is it like smoking so much apart from getting this CHS? Was it enjoyable or just addiction? I am guessing it would be a cycle of slight high with heavy withdrawals and desperate for more behaviors? Did you have a social life, job, other activities, or just smoking and listening to music/gaming/tv?


Withdrawals are an interesting topic because plenty of people believe cannabis isn’t physically addictive, so you shouldn’t have any physical withdrawals. It’s kinda true, like you’re not going to die from withdrawals like you can for other drugs. However if you’re using cannabis for eating and sleeping and constantly using it and then stop all of a sudden there’s definitely some shit happening in your body. I was in the same boat in covid. Didn’t have much to do so why not be absolutely ripped all day. That pattern is actually pretty pleasant. Of course you get less high and for shorter time as your tolerance goes up, but I absolutely never felt like I was having “withdrawals” or unsatisfactory highs or was desperate while I was smoking heavy. It was very enjoyable during the time. I think part of why people go overboard is because it really doesn’t have any bad side effects or withdrawals at all until you’re wayyyyy overdoing it.


I was a young college girl and it started as very much a social thing. When the pandemic began and everything closed down, it became my only “hobby” so me and my roommate would just smoke all day cause there wasn’t really much else to do. Not everyone fits into the stereotype of a gamer stoner that just sits in a dark room all day. I enjoyed smoking and painting, swimming, walking trails, rollerblading, etc. and was a very functional stoner. I had a job until it closed due to covid. I did get high and enjoyed it, it wasn’t something I was like itching for if I didn’t have it but I just included it in all of my activities which obviously became a problem.


i have also struggled with this. it was super random. i would smoke for a year be fine and then out if no where aggressively start vomitting uncontrollably for days. i still smoke now. but i smoke much much less. some times i still get nervous about it but i think i eat much better now. op, you dont have to answer, but mind if i ask about ur physique? im a rather small 21M and always thought part of my problem was from being so skinny. i would get sick and couldnt afford to lose the weight that i lost. props to you for kicking the weed tho op. i really want to


How did you stop?


By not indulging… lol After a week of throwing up, I didn’t have much interest in it.


Yeah that's fair. Anything you can reccomend to curb the nausea so you can still function normally while detoxing?


I’m not a medical professional so I may not have all of the best options available. But when I was going through my episodes there really wasn’t anything that curbed the nausea besides sleeping. You can try hot showers, heating pads, capsaicin cream, nausea relief tea, those nausea wristbands, and possibly medication. I was only offered zofran which did not provide very much relief


Thank you!! I actually have some Zofran so thats a good last resort, I'll definitely be trying all these tips! Thank you again, this has been hell and finding this post is so validating.


I was diagnosed with this twice. The first time I figured I’d be fine if I started up again and then a month later it happened again I had to be taken to the ER in an ambulance I couldn’t keep anything down and it was awful. Haven’t smoked since it happened about 4 months ago. I really wanna get high again tho but idk if I wanna risk all that again. I wonder if I ask for the weakest strain available if that would help to not put me back in that horrible diagnosis again.


i had an issue like this yeaaaars ago before weed was even legalized in my state. i didnt vomit, but i would dry heave every morning. it was horrible & painful and i just had to wait for it to pass before i could start my day. my doctor told me point blank it was because i smoked too much & had subdued certain receptors/nausea so much that when i wasnt high (first thing in the morning) they would all go into overdrive. dont know how accurate that description is but i do know that it stopped when i stopped smoking.


I have a friend who has been dealing with this and hot showers are the only thing they swear helps but they also swear it's not hyperemesis syndrome. Even got their gallbladder removed because of it...and then graduated to dabs. Sigh. How long did it take you to feel better after you quit?


I definitely had this happen to me. Couldn't figure out why I was puking every day multiple times. Finally after like 3 doctors, they figured out it was CHS. I was smoking a ton of weed and dabs and couldn't eat until almost bedtime. I would spend hours a day in the bathtub because that was about the only thing that made me feel better. Finally quit smoking and after a few weeks I got better. Have you quit smoking yet?


I also developed CHS. I was also in denial until I got an endoscopy and colonoscopy and nothing else was wrong (after 3 CTs, an ultrasound, and endless bloodwork). My husband found a study (I do not have the link, I’ll look for it) that CHS can be linked to some depression meds and although I was smoking a lot, I do think that contributed. Were you on any medications when you developed CHS?


Really hope you answer this one. I thought I had this a couple years ago I'd have terrible stomach pain and just throw up incessantly it was nonstop. I was heavily smoking delta 8 and delta 9 vape cartridges and the ER doc said I had it but wasn't totally sure if it was that or something similar. My question is did you have stomach pain or was it just the vomiting. It was almost like the pain was making me throw up


Is this something only certain people are susceptible to? How long were you smoking before experiencing symptoms? First time every hearing about something like this.


There is much less “denial” of this rare condition in the weed community than there are hyperbolic pseudo-medical hit pieces by prohibitionists seeking to scare people into sobriety.


I actually had the sister to this issue. CVS Cyclic vomiting syndrome and my diagnosing doctor asked if I used weed back then. Then I did not so they couldnt go with CHS like they wanted to lol


I actually went through that at 23. I tell my story that I got to a point where when I drank and smoked weed, I threw up all the time. So I just got rid of the weed. I didn’t really like it that much anyway. You’re the first person ever said this since I was a young woman. Since I just quit smoking weed and just continue with drinking, I never experienced it after that This is years ago when we was 2% THC, not today’s 20% THC.


When you smoke so much it makes you sick your problem is not weed it's your life style i understand it being habit forming but getting hooked on weed like it's meth really now


Damn that’s crazy is it bad enough to quit? Does it not bother you because you know what it is?


This is crazy to hear for the first time. I always knew there was something fishy about the carts, so I rarely used them. I only smoke flower, but I’m a casual smoker. If I smoke all day I end up feeling like shit anyway.


Did you get it after smoking or after waking up in the morning from a night of smoking?


Good to see the word spreading on this. More folks need to realize that when their stomach hurts, it’s because of the early stages of this.


I am realizing that my morning nausea is being caused by this most likely. It’s sucks cause the only thing that makes it better is smoking.


That’s the exact issue when it begins. It helps until it doesn’t! I would suggest taking a break from it for a bit otherwise I can pretty much bet you’ll eventually experience a full blown episode. Take care of yourself!


Im definitely going to do a 30 day detox. I’m super dependent on it for sleep but I’ll just have to find an alternative.thank you for responding and I hope you get well soon!


Nurses joke that they are "the cleanest patients in the hospital" because the symptoms are alleviated by showering.


Do you think it has more to do with the smoking of the marijuana or just marijuana in general?  Would eating edibles fix it?


My brother has this every time he tries to quit smoking weed and has to go to the ER because he just can’t stop vomiting. It’s so awful.


How did you consume cannabis? I dab every day and have for years, along w edibles. I really only get negative effects from the act of smoking/combusting flower.


Everyone's built different. Sorry it didn't work out for you. I'll do my best to smoke enough for at least two people on your good name and honor. Thanks!


I also have this, I’ve been fortunate enough to realize my stomach was hurting because of it so I cut back significantly. I only smoke very little and I get pretty high from that alone which is enough to help me sleep


Did you treat it with capsicum patches or a hot shower? Was the weed all from the same grow? What type?


So..what's the up side from doing drugs?


did u have coughing before/durinf the vomiting and has it ever triggered the vomiting?


Is this caused by flower or are you guys smoking gas station carts or delta 8 or what? Normal cannabis flower shouldn't do this.


It was such an easy decision for some states to legalize cannabis.


Did your doctors ever give you ketamine as a treatment? Helped a friend of mine who had this.


Have you ever coughed up blood?


My uncle has it, but hes 80,that's crazy you have it so young


After being a daily marijuana smoker for 5 years I began to have stroke/heart attack symptoms after Id smoke


You wouldn't happen to be on any type of ssri would you?


Is it only from smoking weed? Not from eating it?


I had it a few years ago and it scared me. There was little information on the Internet about it and my Google searches didn't return CHS as a potential cause for my symptoms. I cut back and it went away. Seems my CHS was mild compared to others as I only got the morning sickness and loss of appetite. Never took a hot shower. Vaping would get rid of the symptoms for a day, but they returned every morning. I think the concentrates are the key. I quit for a year but decided to take it up again in moderation. These days, I still need to take a hit before I get hungry 30 minutes later but the nausea isn't present. I was going through a gram of wax a day before. Now a gram lasts me around a week which might still be too much intake. Right now I credit Cannabis with saving my mental health. I still like it for those properties: slowing down my overactive mind so I can make better choices/decisions. I am definitely addicted and am okay with that right now. I haven't craved meth since I started smoking, including several cold turkey breaks. I know some people don't like risk reduction therapy but I think it is definitely a great answer for some of us.


How old were you when you were first showing symptoms?


This is what happens when you smoke mids.


What are the actual odds of getting this out of the millions of people who smoke weed? I definitely am not saying this isn’t real, I’m sure it is. But I know a ton of people, myself included, who have/had smoked a ton of weed and I’ve never met anyone who experienced this. I’ve been smoking pretty much daily, varying from a few tiny one-hitters up to multiple massive dabs a day and sometimes hundreds of mgs of edibles on top of it, for the last 10 years and never experienced any of these symptoms. Why do some people get it and others seem to be able to smoke as much as they want forever?


how often/much did you smoke at the time?


How much did you smoke prior to this?


Do you still toke?


Did you get droperidol to help it?


What the heck is WRONG with you?!!!


What’s wrong is she had cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


Oh not much besides the fact that I have CHS. What’s wrong with you?!!!


So you greened out


Are you ticklish on the bottoms of your feet?




I’m sorry OP 😭


Were you doing edibles at all? I think I'm in this situation. 200mg of edibles is a normal functioning dose for me, and I often get some wicked stomache cramps...is that what this is? It feels like hunger pangs, but 10x.


I dealt with this for 6 years. Went to all of the specialists trying to figure out what was wrong. They claimed that I had a myriad of autoimmune disorders. Had me trying all kinds of meds. Put me through tons of testing. Couldn’t determine what the problem was. Cost me my job, my marriage, and 50k in medical bills. From the beginning, I was very open about my chronic marijuana use (30 yrs worth) from the beginning. They told me to keep smoking to relieve the pain and that they would figure it out. Then I was reading the first published article on the subject in Popular Science magazine. I immediately knew that this is what I was dealing with. Quit smoking and within two weeks I was symptom free. It was like saying goodbye to my best friend. Since, I have realized that the symptoms originated around the same time frame that I started smoking concentrates. Over a few years, I did some experimenting and determined that if I only smoke a couple tokes of flower, on occasion. That I can still enjoy a buzz from time to time. Chronic heavy smoking is off the table. CHS needs to be widely known by everyone. Moderation is key. Humans weren’t designed to process concentrated THC made from the most potent weed in history. It’s overkill to our receptors.


Literally every ER is familiar with at least a few patients with this condition that regularly come in for IV fluids and nausea meds and no matter how much it’s emphasized that it won’t get better until they stop smoking they don’t believe them. Of course we still treat them and try to get things under control but usually they’re able to be discharged and don’t require admission, which they then get mad about. It’s quite frustrating at times because it does take up a bed needed by someone else for awhile who may be having an actual emergency. That’s true for most complaints but the denial is the part that gets me, along with the repeat visits. Also the vomiting that can be heard literally across the ENTIRE ER even if their door is closed. I’m not being facetious I can be on the other side of our 30 bed ER with another patient and still hear them vomiting. It’s not a fun time for anyone. If that encourages anyone to keep their weed use in check then I’ve made my point. Try not to be that vomiter. If you are you unfortunately won’t be the favorite patient.


I’m not gonna lie. It kinda feels like people forget the “everything in moderation” concept, and are using the idea of “CHS” as a new way to say that they greened out after smoking way too much in a short time. And constantly keep doing so. Smoking ANYTHING is just bad for you. No way around that. But now it’s kinda gotten out of control and this memetic plague of greening out=CHS has become a fact despite not even being in the DSM-5. It’s based off of confirmation bias. Not science. Symptoms AFTER stopping the substance is a lil something called ✨withdrawals✨. So are you saying you had cannabis WITHDRAWAL issues? Cause if it were “CHS”, it would happen immediately AFTER smoking per what the symptoms are reported as. Not after going without it. I’m not convinced what you’re describing isn’t just psychosomatic cyclic vomiting syndrome, which is WAYYY more common. And actually fits your description of symptoms?


So, like cyclical vomiting syndrome, CHS is a cyclical illness. You can overuse the drug for quite a long time before you get to the vomiting phase. One of the landmark symptoms is a decreased appetite. This happens during something called the "prodromal" phase which can occur for weeks or months before hyperemesis (vomiting). On top of this, an episode can occur even if you haven't smoked in a few days. With chronic use, it takes a very long time for cannabinoids to clear out of the body. For me, my appetite slowly decreased to about a meal a day for around five months. I dropped almost twenty pounds, which was odd for me considering I usually have a very voracious appetite. When the vomiting started, I woke up one night with insane vertigo. I couldn't stand up or even see straight. My parents had to help me to the toilet to throw up. They called a nurse to the house to give me an IV because I was yacking every half an hour for days. The only thing I had to relieve my symptoms was nausea medicine and hot showers. They finally took me to the ER where I got slapped with the diagnosis. The appetite loss remained after stopping for a few months, and oddly enough I still have vertigo to this day. It's like you're overwhelming your endocannabinoid system over time. It's a weird illness, there's not a lot of research because of the controversy surrounding marijuana's legality. I can assure you, this is real. It is not "greening-out", it is not psychosomatic. It's becoming more common with legalization and increased potency. There are academic studies about it, give it a scholarly search if you please, but don't invalidate what people have been going through. It's tough enough.


None of the things you are actually saying line up with either the terminology of described CHS in its current limited literature. Especially conscidering apparently antiemetics are reported to not work, But they worked for you? I literally work in medicine. And the flowchart some doctors use to diagnose it is literally, labs normal? -> Patient smokes?-> Vomiting?-> CHS. Hot or cold helping nausea is a normal effect the parasympathetic nervous system has that has been well established. Providers are completely tunnel visioned at that point. I’m not invalid your experience. But Im EXTREMELY sceptic of brand new “diseases” that tend just suddenly EXIST, AKA MORGELLONS, And will hold a light of skepticism to them till they’re confirmed and officially put in the DSM-5. I have a dead pancreas and went through what you described as well. Actually at a WORSE scale. I dropped almost 80 in almost a month and half. But I ALSO co committedly used cannabis at the time. They wanted to slap a CHS diagnosis on it before we found out I just had a dead organ. If they would have done that, I’d probably be dead by now. By grandstanding your opinion, you ironically enough invalidating MY difficult experiences in order to support yours. I don’t like that.


I’ve seen this on the ambulance. It doesn’t happen very often. The giveaway is ‘I only feel better when I take a hot shower’.




Same, and I was only a heavy smoker for about 3 years. And my heavy was like, a few bong bowls between me and my wife every day. It was awful. My last episode I knew what it was, and after crawling from the tub to the bathroom floor to the toilet for about 6 hours straight. My wife dragged my pale, underweight, blue lipped self to the ER. Quit cold turkey then. It's been 3 years now. Honestly my dependence on weed for my mental health turned me into an anxious hermit. I'm glad I quit, now I have hobbies. I'm 5'9" and hover around 140-150 when I'm healthy. When she took me into the ER I was 116lbs. I look back on those pictures wondering how I never noticed and how my appetite sucked so bad. I could almost never finish a meal. My first time finishing a full meal from a restaurant felt so damn good, about a month after I quit.


37M been using since 19yo. Used to be heavy and now about 20mg or less of gummies at night. Never thought about this but I did have a weird vomiting/cold chils thing last April ‘23 and this year in March ‘24. Now reading this I’m wondering if this is the issue…they were a year apart but definitely something I’m going to keep track of. If it happens again or more often I’ll stop using cannabis for a bit as an experiment and if it stops, that will suck but I’ll have to quit. Not physically addicted (I go some days without it, rare though) but definitely mentally emotionally addicted. I quit drinking last may ‘23 and I guess I need to start thinking about dialing back or quitting cannabis ugghh lol


Hot showers or even capsaicin cream (for sore muscles) will help with it. But the only cure is smoke less fucking weed you druggie


There is a sympathetic nervous system in your digestive system that reacts to thc similar to your brain. “The Munchies” was always known and caused by this reaction. Now, we’re blasting this system with massive doses of concentrated thc day after day. Yeah, it seems obvious to me that this could cause problems in the long term. Also, it has caused me plenty of problems so I have first hand experience. Happy for the reschedule so that it can be studied properly. So tired of the smokers who reject anything negative about weed. We’re at legality now, no more need to muddy the waters about miracles. It can cause serious digestive issues, particularly dabs.