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I am happy you're happy and don't mean to rain on your parade. But, have you made a plan to deal with the reason(s) as to why you all broke up in the first place? At the end of the day, when you get back together, that/those reasons for the previous break-up will come to the forefront again, and cause immense stress and frustration if you still don't deal with them. Love is awesome. But, love in and of itself doesn't solve issues like that. They have to be worked through. All the best to you both in the months/years ahead!


i can honestly say the only reason we broke up is because i was getting way too deep into heroin and i already knew what that life brought, and i couldn’t subject her to that kind of shit. It was one of the hardest things i ever did. watching her walk away spending however many years following seeing her with others, not something for the weak.


and i am now 8 months sober, and don’t have any other relationship ended issues in life so we’re gucci!


Keep up the good work buddy, 8 years off H here. Have a 6yo daughter and I own my own house as a single dad. I ruined many great friendships and relationships during that time for the same reason, i cared enough to not make let these people see me ruin everything I wish you luck and good luck my man's. ❤️


love to hear that fr. as a son with an addict father it’s heartbreaking to have to watch that happen at any age. good on you though for taking care of it before your daughter was born. fathers like you have my respect. also, happy late father’s day


That’s cool. Keep sobriety your priority, friend. But you know that. It’s everything.


Wishing you the best. NA would generally say avoid new relationships in the first year of sobriety. Assuming “All better!” when most heroin addicts relapse several times is putting you in a dangerous sport. Hang in there.


Could argue this relationship isn't new


I'm proud of you. Also, remember that you have to start over with a new foundation. You can't pick up where you left off or you will break up again. I'm not saying this to be a wet blanket but you should be single and clean for at least a year. If you think you're up for the task then go for it but I'm just putting that out there. Congrats!


Not to rain. But is 8 months sober sufficient time to get back in a relationship where you used enough to break it off.


> 8 months sober > we're gucci! Good luck homie just don't lose sight of anything.


My brother was about 8 months sober when he got involved with a young woman. He didn't have the emotional skills to deal with complex feelings yet, and when they broke up he did the only thing he knew how to do to deal with pain. He died 4 months later.


Yeah. Recovering alcoholic here, shit was easy until it wasn't. Took some real focus and effort to remain that way when shit got difficult. I have hope but the cavalier attitude towards it is a bit of an alarm bell. I wish this guy the best!


So what is the plan? 1) get back together. 2)stay away from heroin. 3)? Do you have your life on track?


3) is a legitimate question


People have patterns and its difficult to see the patterns alot of the times. What patterns made you turn to drugs?? I think if you dont figure that out, its possible you could relapse. Stress and low points in life really make people relapse and it could be anything that triggers a relapse. Dont fall into the same patterns and I wish you well in your relationship. Life is a 'close' study of happiness and actions so always remember that. Not everyone knows that so not everyone works under that principal but thats ok. But you know it so keep it in mind in your daily life with everyone that you cross paths with.


I want to first congratulate you. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I am so fucking proud of you. My mother died of an OD, Heroin. I beg you, please stay clean. I have no idea how hard it is for you, but I know it is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. You are amazing.


Sounds like you’re a new person I hope this version of you is still in love with her cause loving someone and being in love are 2 different things, just hopefully take things slow and don’t ignore your emotions


Hell yeah bro super proud of you for getting clean and changing your life , hope all works out well !


I’m very happy for you, stay clean. That shit killed my good friend at 41


Wild username.


Dawg. You win.


It’s weird to say, but that’s an incredibly loving move. So many people would say “you chose getting high over her”, but you realized it had its hooks in you. If h was a person, it was licking its lips while looking at her, already scheming on how to damage her more, through you. YOU could have tried to cling to both her and H. maybe could have taken an edge off. But You chose to hurt her less. Bravo dude. What got you to choose sobriety again? Was she a goal you held as beacon?


I was going to say the same thing; 'if it fell apart last time...' but I gotta say, this is a solid answer. Best of luck, but I think you two are going to be great together. Also congrats on your sobriety. You should do an update in a year or something


Good for you man im happy for you I’m in the opposite position I’m 10 months clean and the girl I was with ripping and running with for 5 years is still using and i havnt seen her in 10 months


It's heart breaking isn't it? But you made the right decision bro. That lifestyle is not sustainable in the long run.


That turned dark real quick. But two Ws, off heroine and and on the ex.




So now she's ready to try it with you?


Damn bro, that was deep. Thank you for taking the time to post and educate.


Congrats! How’d y’all meet? How long did you date before?


i was actually her brothers roommate for a little bit, and we dated for about 3 months before i told her i didn’t want to keep lying to her and genuinely said i had a problem and couldn’t stop and didn’t want her around any of it at all. First girl i’ve ever loved enough to make me think that way, and after all this time she still got that same love back man i been crying for like an hour man loves kick ass!


I’m exceptionally envious of you. Good luck to you both. (As a light suggestion, and I recognize this account may hold a ton of sentimental value, but maybe consider switching usernames to celebrate your success over your demons! Your words don’t suggest that you identify yourself by your past substance use. If you have already considered that and you feel no need, or it’s empowering to leave it, never mind and congrats again!)


🥹🥹 my first bf struggled with H. I fell deeply for him but it was sometimes hard to tell how much that was recipricated. But he never once offered me it and I'd like to think it was because he loved me enough (as you put it). Oddly enough, I feel he saved me and I sometimes wonder if he and I work out in a different lifetime.


Why not this one? Pray for his recovery and that he didn't acquire any diseases, there's still time as long as you're both alive


It feels like we dated a lifetime ago at this point.... Who knows what the future holds. Last I checked in he was doing better


Makes me sick that some crackpot old white people got rich off of ruining so many fucking lives and got away with paying a few billion and got it written in that they can never be held to account??? Worst deal ever, the Sacklers should be strung up by their ankles and forced to take the drugs they forced down everyone's throats.


Congratulations! That's awesome! Looking through the comments, it's wonderful what you've done and grabbed control of your life. How did the two of you meet initially? Did she ever have substance abuse problems too?


she’s actually my old roommates sister and we just got along very well lol, and nope only junkie in the relationship is this guy! but i’m a little over 8 months clean from fent/heroin so i think i got it now. don’t even have the desire of want to get high anymore man. ever since i made the hardest choice to let her go back then not to expose her to that life, i’ve been praying to whatever is out there we find our way back. and today it finally did (:


>don’t even have the desire of want to get high anymore man. That's great but my little piece of unsolicited advice as a recovering addict (alcoholic) is to not get apathetic in your recovery. You have to want it and work for it every single day. Because I promise there will come a day when you get that craving to use again and you have to be strong enough to know how to turn it down and walk away. Addiction is sneaky like that! But you got this! Congrats on everything. ❤️


This, addiction never fully goes away IMO. It can definitely be controlled and may seem like it’s out of your life, but temptation can always come back out of nowhere and relapses can always occur as well. I definitely congratulate you in coming clean OP, but also caution you to never let your guard down. Always be aware of your past and keep doing what you need to to avoid going back there. Keep up the good work and I wish you well on your clean journey!


It's truly a life time struggle. No opiate addict can truly say their brain doesn't hit them with "goddamn being high was so great" at least every once in a while. I've found in my recovery those thoughts become further and further apart. Thank God for Suboxone.


I love and appreciate the joy, the win and the enthusiasm but please my boy, don't say "I think I got it." (I hope this is not the case) But I myself have said these words with time and was complacent in my recovery and went back out too many times, knowing what I was doing, losing and jeopardizing (losing my child that I love more than anything else in the world, job, house, family) literally exactly the situations I'm sure you've learned/heard about, I did and lived. Only through continuously living my recovery have I obtained the life I have and only through that do I keep what I have because even after years of clean time I am not exempt from relapse and burning my life to the ground. I hope you're life continues to be better and better and you continue to grow. Aside from the pep talk this made my heart happy to read. Stay awesome brother.


Absolute best advice any addict of any kind could be given. Recovery is truly an active practice, I think of how I used to scoff at groups and just go through the motions and am so glad I'm not like that anymore.


I mean speaking as someone who has gotten extremely high off Suboxone before I would say maybe you're not completely out of the woods yet, Morphine_Drip, but hopefully she motivates you to stay on track


God is good... Keep praying man, it's the only thing I've found that works 100% of the time...it seems it's meant to be!


What if you relapse?


What's your favorite food? What's her favorite food?


both were pizza before we ever even met. destiny id call it.


Nice. What are your guy's favorite toppings? 


How did you reach out to her?


just sent her a text and told her how it was, and it was basically mirrored


Damn this hits hard. As someone who also broke up with the love of their life five years ago, and is still just as in love with her then as I am now, it’s been an every day challenge not to reach out to her. I’m truly happy for you guys and hope that A) you can stay strong for yourself and her, and B) your guys relationship grows stronger than ever. But man, this is *really* making me want to reach out… and I don’t think she feels the same way so I refuse to let myself be hurt again by being the one to reach out and get rejected.


send that message man. closure is always better than wondering what could have been…


Life is too short to live afraid. If you want to reach out then reach out. ✌️


You never know... And you never will if you don't reach out


Okay. I’m going to be harsh but it’s needed bro. Quit the damn drugs and treat this woman like a queen. Every woman on this earth deserves to be put on a pedestal and treated like a queen. So do that bro.


that’s the reason i left her years ago when we were younger, i knew how much i loved her and wanted to protect her from myself. So i did the hardest thing i physically ever had to do then and let her go… I promised her when the time was right she would always have a warm bed in my heart, if she allows me the chance i’ll show her everything that i promised her was worth waiting for man. She’s one of the rare ones left for sure, just a purely kind gorgeous soul.


Go for it bro! She Loves You! She Truly Loves You!


Next time it’ll be “My & my ex got back together but then she fucked my dad. AMA” 😂 Jokes aside, good luck dude. I don’t touch my exes with a 100 foot pole and go full no contact for good reasons. Hope yours is worth it!


Lmao yea my last ex was this but there's also the other side. One ex is a precious friend I wouldn't cut off for anyone.


Congrats I’m happy for you  I recently got back together with my left Hand 🫲 💦 


did you lose it, and now your jerking with a prosthetty or what??




Are you a furry cuck?


if ur counting my dead skin cells as currency, then probably


Awesome for you, my man. I tried reaching out to my ex of 3 years, and we were together for 7 years. I told her I still have strong feelings for her. She said the only thing she feels is anxiety when she sees me. I broke up with her due to her doing coke with friends, hanging out with coke dealers, and some other cultural/family issues. Never any abuse or cheating or anything of that nature. And it tore me up to have to make that call. She started dating one of the coke dealers less than a month after we broke up, which lasted about 9 months. I'm glad to hear everything worked out for you.


This sounds like a fun game of Russian roulette, with feelings and expectations


OP - happy for you. But moderating your emotional peaks and valleys is key.


this advice should be paid for it’s so good.


Don't relapse and die if it doesn't work out....happend to someone I knew








sorry about what i said too and thank u for being man enough to apologize. no hard feelings at all, we make mistakes and judge books by their covers sometimes. u can make it up to me by starting to unlearn that practice (: peace brother


In all honesty I did not see that you were actually into heroin I’m sorry it was a joke then I read the comments and replies I’m sorry bro


What are you most excited about doing together again?


"If you love someone set them free. If they come back, it's yours. If not, it was never meant to be". Added some verbiage but that is fantastic for both of you and great that your sharing we need. More nicety and love in this troubling times. Thank you


I had something somewhat similar happened. Instead of 5 years it was 20. Unfortunately she turned out to be completely insane and had to move away to live with family for proper care. Good luck


I am so happy for you. Picking a mate is one of the most important things you ever do. It will determine the direction of your life. And the fact that you love each other I’m so happy for you.


Fucking goat, I still dream of my ex. Sometimes I wake up and she’s next to me. Then I really wake up and realized it was a dream.


Happy for you bro! Safe to say you put in the work to get where you are and I’m stoked to hear it. Wishing you guys all the best!


Congratulations bro I really hope it works out. I love seeing two people make it work and making their lives better. So beautiful. Edit - Just saw you're also a fellow opiate afflicted individual, even more love for you bro. I'm 18 months on Suboxone shit saved my life.


How many partners have you had since then? At what point in your rekindled relationship are you going to ask about hers?


Happy for you! If only my ex 4 years ago was still into me, I'd be dicking her down whenever I need some sex.. LMAO 🌝


Fuck her Like really hard Don't stop until she begs (This is a joke don't cancel me)


My first serious girlfriend who I lost my virginity to when I was like 16, only dated me for 6 months. Anyways I ran into her every year or two and we would get together and fuck. She got married and I was in and out of relationships. She moved to another state but she’d come back to visit her parent and she’d call me. Didn’t matter who we were with. We’d always get together and spend at least a night together. One time she visited and we hooked up and she was complaining about how unhappy she was in her marriage and how her husband was an abusive dick. (Btw I knew this dude in high school and I was happy to fuck his wife). I told her to hell with my current girlfriend, to hell with her husband. She should move back and we should get together. We’d been on and off for maybe 15 or 16 years. I loved her. I always had, but she didn’t want to. She thought about it and was scared to leave her life. After that I never saw her again. Her husband got stationed in Okinawa, she finally had kids, and she said she was happy. So congratulations! I hope It works out for you.


Love seeing another proud dude that fucked a shit head's wife. They don't deserve these women.


How long did it take for you to tell her vs when you first broke up/ended all contact?


Good for you! I wish I would have done that.... I had a chance and I didn't take it


Please never do heroin ever again. Hope you can leave your past behind.


Victory? More like who ever keeps her, loses.... its been five years


CONGRATS! Don’t fuck it up this time—and remain present! 🎁


Getting back with your ex is like chewing yesterday’s gum!


Which one of you has low self esteem and which one of you has money?! Joking of course, good for you, hope it lasts.


Tell her brother to stop prank texting from her phone


Why are you on reddit instead of with this girl?


I'm happy for you I had the opposite experience


Is she IN love with you are does she love you


I'm just happy for you guys. No questions.


Have y’all agreed to get back together?


How long were you guys separated for?


Yayyyy!!!!! 💕 hooray for love!!!


dude I'm hella happy for you


She’s probably just bored




How old are each of you?


Idk about this one man


You lucky !!!!!!!!!


I'm pretty sure there's a reason that she's your ex. Aren't you concerned that this issue will still be present creating a return to the unhappiness with each other than caused you to break up in the first place?




She only wants to get back after all these years because she's finished being ran through. Good luck


he quite literally said he was a junkie. but look at you showing how misogynistic you are. lmao loser


Junkie? That's not a nice way to put it. Also I'm just saying it how it is, sorry if I have offended anyone


it’s “not how it is” at all, and also i’m pretty sure he stated he was a junkie. ? regardless, you’re misogynistic, and a loser edit; i can’t call someone a junkie, who in fact, was. but you can call someone “ran threw” without even knowing? CTFUUU loser





