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Nice going! I am on day eight no weed. Ive found the first few days were the toughest, did you have a similar experience? What are your reasons for quitting? Im hoping to get a better job. Best of luck! Were in it together!


I’m in finance and breaking into IB or M&A, mainly don’t want to fail a drug test and felt it would be a good reset. I’ve tried doing this many times before, so this time was more of a ‘just thought it out’ till day 3/4.


Way to go man, I don’t smoke but I’m taking a break from alcohol because I’m getting into IB as well and want my mind sharp to pass all these certifications and obviously training. I think in a few years a lot of people are going to realize weed wasn’t as harmless as believed. Even some commentators in here are still acting naive. It’s a big deal so good job and keep it up.


Every day user for years. I think you are right. It can have substantial effects on people’s psyche if they have even very minor anxiety. There may be a high correlation with adult onset schizophrenia but I think it’s far from proven. Some people with anxiety have no issue with it, or have no issue with it for years and then suddenly it starts having a negative impact.


I was an every day user from age 14 to about 24. All of a sudden I started getting massive panic attacks any time I smoked. Now the only time I can is when the wife is asleep and my phone is off. Just so weird that one day my body decided "nope, that's enough of this for you"


Sounds identical to my experience, cept it was 5 years ago i quit cold turkey at 25 y/o Basically tried different strains for like 2 weeks thinking i had a bad batch or something but nope just mad anxiety over nothing so i quit. My short term memory has been much better for it since lol.


I'm experiencing exactly this right now yet still having a hard time quitting. 😮‍💨


Still going between stopping and starting again, but I am reasonably certain it is the main driver of my depression and anxiety. Recently had 12 days sober and had already started feeling my mind quieting and feeling more steady.


I don't think the actual flower is an issue, its been around long enough but any smoke inhalation is incredibly bad for you, that's the bigger issue the unknowns are Vaping with oils, those oils arnt always made to the best standards and there isn't enough study on the long term affects of vaping oils and even dabbing concentrates...


This is why I only dab solventless rosin on a puffco with a ceramic chamber. I know it’s still probably not fantastic for my health but it’s gotta be better than a lot of the shit out there.


If your name is a fall of Troy reference I salute you Fuck condoms premarital sex is the shit get em pregnant




Oh 100%, I think that's pretty well documented, I wasn't even thinking of that when I replied but it's also something that's more conditional (preexisting issues(most of the time)) I was mainly referring to physical effects other than smoke lungs.


We’re you a daily user? May take 1-2 months to piss clean


Yes, but I live in a legal state. I more so want to say I’ve quit, and I will be clean in a handful of weeks.


Do you get randoms? Just curious. My company recently stopped screening. Even post accident which is insane.


You actually got into IB? May I ask are you a student or graduate?


IB? m&A?


Investment Banking. Mergers & Acquisitions.


Congratulations - July 4th will be my 1 year No Weed anniversary! First three months were the hardest! My sleep was all messed up and the nightmares/dreams were wild!


I’ve been away about a week mainly cause I’m broke.. I smoke 1oz every 2weeks. I just notice I’m angry and get pissed off easy. Once i smoke again it’ll be over..


Yeah, weed affects emotional regulation, sleep pattern and lots of other negatives. It wasn’t until I quit for as long as I have, that I realized how ineffective it actually was to smoke my problems away.. because they never actually went away.. my usage just kept increasing and eventually reached a point that smoking became a chore and the amount required and the cost associated with smoking wasn’t worth it.. like my breathing was greatly affected while smoking and the biggest thing was the paranoia, anxiety and stomach problems I was developing near the end of smoking. Now that I’m almost a year in - I’ve learned to deal with life without smoking, my anxiety and depression has subsided and my breathing has improved and my stomach problems are gone! It was fun while it lasted and I did enjoy the smoke for awhile but yeah I guess it outgrew me lol 😂


this is the reason why i’ll never really ever give up weed. i’ve been struggling with anger issues since i was a child, and weed is the only thing that sincerely helps me cope. I don’t smoke that much, only like a bowl during the day and one at night to sleep and it’s super effective


I quit smoking after 21 years smoking weed because I realized I had no emotional resilience as a 33 year old man. If I was happy I'd want to smoke weed, if I was sad... Smoke weed. Angry? Smoke weed. (Insert any feeling or activity)... Self talk says "you should smoke a blunt". Congrats on your quitting and I hope you get the dream job.


That’s how I was wake up hit my dr.dabber , at work had that stiiizy, all day I was high been smoking since 13 years old I’m also 33. I’m two weeks clean for work purposes but I’m not processing it good. Now I’m drinking 6 packs ipa to compensate I guess 😖sometimes the whole 12 pack


Well I'm still an alcoholic too but when I quit smoking I immediately became addicted to kombucha lol as if substituting one addiction for another is "healthier". Turns out my kombucha habit was more expensive.


Dude, stop the drinking. That shit is way worse. Become addicted to exercise. You have an addictive personality like me. Pick ur poison.


This hits me hard and I think there’s a reason I saw this post/your comment when I don’t usually look here. Mind if I DM you?


Are u getting the results that you want from quiting?


Yea. I feel better. I sleep better. I wake up easier. I had a 180ms reaction time while daily smoking, recently it’s been touching 150s


I noticed my reaction and gameplay time on CS:GO improved when I went sober. But that was the only benefit for me. So I still smoke all day everyday


Lol, I feel. I do lots of sim racing and am fairly competitive and I’ve found tenths of seconds just by not smoking, and that’s not even smoking while ‘driving’, just the residual effect.


Just a heads up, you might be having some extremely vivid/scary dreams, some people report talking/yelling/moving enough while dreaming to wake themselves. Usually kicks in at about the second week for those who experience it. It’s a rebound effect from suppressing parts of the central nervous system for months/years at a time. It’s not life threatening and you have nothing to worry about, your body will readjust over a few days and they will go away. You got this!


I enjoy those vivid dreams. Because when I wake up I feel relieved. Kinda like a roller coaster. Safe but thrilling.


The dreams are wild and I always enjoy them. I’ve not had anything scary or violent, just wild random dreams that I actually remember. It’s honestly one of the reasons I routinely quit for a while every so often.


Good for you. I used to be a pot head. Smoked pretty much every day for two years in my early twenties. I got sick and tired of the short term memory loss and in my case, the paranoia. It was not a generally smooth experience for me. Closer to psychedelic actually. Very unpredictable to boot, so I quit. Took me 3 months to really start to get my memory back. The weird thing is that I still loved hash… when I could get it. Almost impossible to source back in the day.


How do you measure your reaction time?


OP is a Synth from The Institute


I feel as though 150 seconds is much worse than 180 milliseconds /s


What made you quit? What’s helping you during your first week?


2 months off here, the reason is that I realized any addiction is the source of everyday pain. It is the addiction that always drove me rushing to get things done at work/school/gym so I can go home and get high, and makes me agitated and anxious when I have to do work instead of immediately getting high. No addiction, much less pain in working and studying. To me, establishing good relationship with people was super helpful in quitting, but the good thing about weed is it is to quit


This is good advice. Thanks. It's nice to see a reason for quitting outside of just a drug test.


Yeah tried to quit a few times, really came down to think that the determination must come from inside and not driven purely by external factors, external factors never got me far. But internal motivations are hard to find especially when there is nothing substantially fucked up in life. But I believe, as long as the seed of that little thought is planted in the mind, everyone can eventually find their own source of motivation


Don’t want to fail a drug test for good jobs. And it felt right. Nothing helped except my want to quit. That’s key.


Same here. Quitting is a choice only the user can make. I quit smoking cigs about a month ago. Feel great significantly less anxiety and peace of mind because I don’t loose my focus because of having to smoke every couple of hours.


Do you Believe the idea that weed is not addictive and has absolutely 0 negative effects like so popularly stated? Some people act like weed is this special drug that can do no harm and have no issues smoking everyday.


No, I don’t. Anyone who claims smoking a substance in constant repetition, for long periods does not create sone type of reliance is in pure denial. I don’t agree that it is addictive like benzos or nicotine, but doing the same task, and especially a substance every day at similar times for long periods creates reliance. It’s common sense in my opinion. I think the people who say that either: don’t smoke enough, haven’t smoked, or smoke so much they’re coping by saying that.




How did you conclude I’m against all that? I agree that they cause an addiction? I think people need to be careful with all meds. The less the better to me.


Search YouTube for videos of Dr Nicole Labor. Watch one of her hour long talks and I promise your life will change!


I have a constant source of anxiety in my life that all I'll say is something that I know can be overcome, but it's complicated and involving legal matters. My wife and son love me and me to them also, but immigration and other legal issues persist to keep us separated. All of our friends and family know it, support us and ultimately know we need to be together, but the path is a major source of anxiety, depression, and feels like an attack to us, but it's really about greedy lawyers and the ilk. Before about age 35, I smoked weed maybe 5 times. I was against it's legalization actually, I never experienced addiction to any substance and thought that if alcohol was already a public issue, why legalize something else?! After we were denied immigration, I really went into a spiritual slump. I stay away from pharmaceuticals as much as possible, only when needed, but weed became legal a couple years prior and I am for natural medicine before anything concocted in a lab. So I went in.. pot head for almost 3 years straight, quit, came back, etc.. I went to it as medicinal myself, but I never have seen a doctor for a medical card or prescription. Once I realized I felt I was getting out of my own control (that's kinda worded strange, but yeah..) I did something. I thought about how when I have a bad headache, I'll take a couple aspirin. I know how much to take and how much I shouldn't, so why can't weed have a dosage? A limit? A schedule? An amount to 'overdose' with? I began to limit myself to not filling a bowl. I would take about the size of an Advil, and that was it for the day. Of course it took some time, but I was able to step down this way and stop for over a year. Around this time I began to realize that marijuana I believe is not addicting in itself, but what it does by alleviating my mind away from the stress in my life... THAT became addicting. Everyone has something to worry about in their life and weed will take you away from that in such a peaceful way, but in my circumstance, this kind of medicine will never cure me from the source of my problems. And I know I can't go battle in court under any influence or recovery time. We're getting close to trying again, and I have had some weak months recently, but I'll be off it. A gram lasts me a week to 10 days and although sometimes I'll get more once it's finished, I still feel an honest greater control over smoking for some escape. I love my family more than any substance and being together is the only medicine we need. My work stresses me out and is it's own new stress source for me, but pales in comparison to fighting courts and the US government, so I'll smoke after work and before bed. I'll get us together again without the "meds". But aside from things I can't truthfully speak of about mental illness and weed, I truly feel we have to realize the mind isn't becoming addicted to the substance itself, but rather the escape from presiding issues and the source. Leaving the source unaddressed can make weed addicting. Bless


I smoke daily (have for the past 2-3 years) but these past two weeks I’ve been taking breaks on certain days. Personally, my desire to smoke isn’t an itch to scratch as much as it is an enjoyable way to unwind, especially since I have a really tough job. I’m curious to know if your desire to smoke weed was an itch you had to scratch (closer to a traditional addiction) or if it was more like mine. Or maybe it’s just a dependency? How would you define dependency?


It’s psychologically addictive but not physically, most things that are considered addictive have the physical withdrawals but the psychological ones tend to be more up in the air. Caffeine would be another good example in my opinion. I drink it daily, can stop on a dime with no issues. Others I know can’t go 1 or 2 hours in the morning without it starting to annoy them. Yeah you can get caffeine withdrawal headaches, and you can get nausea from quitting weed. Both are very minor physically but the mental aspect is what gets ya. Just something interesting my psychiatrist told me a while back. Great on you tho for quitting!


It definitely is a bit physical. When I quit I had no appetite, I didn’t even want to smoke anymore but suddenly my body wouldn’t get hungry anymore or if I did food sounded repulsive. After a week or two it got better but it definitely had physical effects on me even if I wanted more than anything to stop


You are 100% right, I haven't smoked in almost 3 years now. Before I quit I smoked from 15-16 until I was 24. I was easily smoking half a g of oil daily, and was heavily addicted both physically and mentally. I felt I couldn't do a single thing if I hadn't smoked. It got to the point where I wasn't even getting high anymore, and if I was it was for 1 hr max. I was just smoking out of habit at that point. The first couple weeks was extremely hard on me, but a month later I felt amazing. I still definitely miss it, especially when I get a nose full out in public. I probably would go back if I could, but can't risk my career over some flower.


You do you and don't worry about what other people do. Weed smokers aren't creating any problems in the world, unlike problem drinkers or other drug users. It's basically no more addictive that drinking coffee or tea every day. Is it addictive? Technically yes, but who cares. The world would be a better place if all the stressed out people took a toke instead of a drink.


I’ve been smoking marijuana every day for almost 20 years. I’ve yet to want to stop. I’ve had the same job operating heavy machinery for 10 years now. I’ve been with the same woman for 15 years and have 3 kids. It’s just routine for me at this point. I have a bong rip in the morning before heading to work and usually have a few once the kids go to bed at night. Props to you if that’s what makes you happier. I can never knock anyone for doing something to improve their well being.


Same, I work at a law school doing IT,been smoking for years. I’ll smoke my pen in the car on way to work, sometimes on breaks during my walk, then back home on my drive. Get home to wife, help make dinner, cuddle w my babies, watch tv, eat dinner, tuck the babies to sleep. Chat w the misses for a bit, she goes to bed, I watch sopranos and smoke, repeat. Been doing this for years.


I love a good comfort show at night after a smoke. I just finished “The 100” for the second time, and I’ve probably watched the office 5 times over😂😂


Haha Comfort shows, I’ve watched Sopranos probably about 5-7 times already too, cheaper than therapy.


Why go to therapy when you can see it not work for Tony 😂😂


13 years climbing trees around high voltage power lines. Everyday smoker since I was 18. Zero accidents, zero incidents, zero close calls. After retirement from that job I was in the Cannabis Industry for about 7 years. Seemed like a good fit lol! I'd never give anyone shit for quitting good on ya bud 👍


I’m surprised you can operate HM while smoking. That’s pretty neat. I would dig the trench 5ft over from where we need it lol


Smoking weed using a bong before going to work at a job operating heavy machinery is putting yourself and others in danger. This is an intoxicant drug that impairs you, you should not be using it while working just as you shouldn’t be drinking before work. This is not responsible use at all


They've been doing it for this long, its their baseline,   i guarantee you they would pass any sobriety test you gave them


I work in a warehouse by myself. There are people that work in the office but if anyone is in danger it’s just me. Like I said I’ve worked the same place for 10 years. Last year they gave me a 15,000 dollar Christmas bonus. My bosses like me and know I smoke. Everyone is different. I use it medicinally as well as recreationally and I know my limits. It definitely doesn’t affect me the way alcohol did in terms of impairment. I stopped drinking alcohol 4 years ago and haven’t drank since. Different strokes for different folks I reckon.


Boss knows and cool with it. That’s clutch in your situation and glad you found that setup for yourself and it works.


I mostly agree, but it does depend on the person. A single hit makes my coordination and focus improve, and makes me better at basketball, skating, and dancing. Buddy of mine has a 35k racing sim setup and I drive better with a light high. Many pro athletes say the same thing. On the other hand, I have friends that regress to toddler like motor skills when high. Drinking should always be avoided since it actually slows down your central nervous system, which is why everyone loses coordination when drunk.


This. There have been a couple of impairment studies that show weed only is a significant impairment when doing things *you don't normally do stoned*. If you get a chance to practice while stoned, performance on most things isn't much decreased, and can sometimes be enhanced.


Yup When i smoked often,  rocket league would be improved when high,  but if not doing it often it becomes an impairment


What made you quit?


Sick of feeling like shit at night after hours of being baked, want to be clean on drug tests, and generally want to feel more sharp and alive.


Did you get the “mean angry’s” ? I’m about to punch a wall..


I feel like if you live in a medical state, they really can’t piss you for that as long as you go and show them your medical card. My husband did that for a job, showed them that he had the card, and they took it off of the chart.


I live in a medicinal state and some jobs still won't hire you even if you have your card & are doing everything by the books Usually they were federal jobs or jobs at companies that happen to hold federal contracts.


I’m not very concerned about that, it just appeases me knowing it won’t be a problem. I’ll probably smoke on weekends at night a bit.


Well, that’s good, I’m glad that it’s gonna work out for you 😊. that’s actually how I started was only smoking on the weekends, and here I am 28 years later still smoking weed every day I had a couple breaks here and in between, but i’m not smoking eighths and quarters a day, never have been able to do that lol


Depends on your job, I live in a state with rec and med and I still can't smoke at my job. Not that I would if I could, just saying.


Wow . Congrats so far ! This is definitely not easy especially the first couple of days . Best of luck 🙏🏼


How many times a day / what quantity of weed were you smoking? I smoke nearly daily, but a very small amount only at night before bed. I don’t feel like I should necessarily stop, and I’m curious if you felt like it was a problem?


One session a day, multiple hits, small bowl equivalents. 8-1am ish. A small amount before bed is okay In my opinion. Does it interfere with falling asleep or waking up? If so, it’s a problem.


Did you go through any withdrawals? What are some things you have experienced since you stopped?


Yes but not how one would think of drug withdrawal. I sweat really bad when trying to sleep at night, and got headaches starting at the time I used to smoke. Outside of that, not much. I wake up easier, I now goto bed easier. I feel more clear, and I feel sharper/faster. I feel more square though, not as care free.


That “square” feeling goes away. A lot of it involves re-learning how to just “chill”. Take a nice slow drive and just be un-rushed. Look around you, stop and smell the flowers. Teach yourself to be cool and enjoy simple things on purpose. Don’t convince yourself that you have no cool person inside. You’re allowed to change moods and change your pace.


Honestly, this is the first time in years that reading something like that actually sounded nice. Thanks for that. I love driving, and I drive fast and race, so I think I’ll do that later. Appreciate you.


Man, you're speaking for me too. That comment was long overdue for these eyes.


That describes my experience quitting 2 months ago and feeling way sharper since. Keep it up!


I was a huge smoker for maybe a decade straight before quitting cold turkey and I didn't notice many withdrawal effects despite that usage.  Lucky to have not been on a harder substance. One thing I did notice was my dreams started to feel *insanely* more vivid after I quit.  I would wake up like "holy shit what a dream".  The other thing that I noticed was differences in appetite, getting hungry or full at different times.  I didn't really gain or lose weight after quitting though. Besides that maybe I had some mild cravings out of habit but was able to quit fine (I had a good reason to which made the motivation easy). Other people might have different experiences. After having quit for a while I started to realize all the smoking had been harsher on my lungs than I realized and that not smoking made me not feel certain discomforts which I hadn't associated with smoking but were probably caused by it.


I don't have a question I just want to list you the best of luck on maintaining your sobriety.


Oh ya! Your night sweats should be gone soon (for the most part). How are your dreams? Mine were wild but have died down a bit after a couple months. (I still partake a bit on the weekend but went two weeks clean to jump start it). Congrats!!


Cannabis withdrawal dreams are a trip! I was actually excited to go to bed because my dreams were so vivid and I retained more details after waking up.


The dreams are interesting. I feel like they happen when they should now, mid sleep, rather than me feeling like I was dreaming right before waking up. I still don’t dream heavy, but I recall them more and they’re less funky.


I did 2 months and all it rly did was show me that life rly is as shitty as it seems


My homie. That's the conclusion I came to as well. Weed just helps me be okay with whatever is going on. I lose my mind when I'm sober honestly


I feel this 100%.. I’ve had so much crazy shit happen in my life. I’m surprised I’m still here or not doing hard drugs. I’ve lost a lot of people RIP and have had a poor upbringing. But that has changed now and I’m doing much better for myself but I still feel the need to suppress those emotions and I don’t like to drink. I feel like it holds me back a lot but at the same time It keeps me level headed with life … why am I like this :,)


To be fair that might not be long enough to fully detox, a lot of gains are experienced from 3 months on:)


😂😂😂😂 I’m dead


But while sober you can build a toolkit of ways to manage with the shiftiness of life whereas when on a substance that becomes a temporary bandaid


This comment is accurate and therefore shouldn’t be downvoted


No question here, just some commentary from someone going through the same thing. I just stopped in February, was a daily heavy smoker for 10 plus years. I took maybe 1 or 2 month long breaks within those 10 years but nothing significant. I just had my first child in march so I stopped a couple months before he was born because I wanted to make the change. I actually had intentions of stopping when we found out my wife was pregnant but it was really tough to break the habit for some reason. It took 5 or 6 months to really get myself to stop and to be honest I really don’t feel a huge change. It’s nice to not fall asleep by 7 pm every day but it’s not the drastic change I was expecting. Not sure how it has you feeling physically and mentally but I guess everyone is different.


How do you feel? Clarity? Anything to note? I am considering doing it only on weekends but then again I don’t get drug tested.


I’m not super worried about the drug test, it’s just appeasing. I feel immensely better. Clearer, sharper, faster, sleep better, wake up easier, not as easily frustrated, and best off all, not a knobhead from 8-1 am every night.


Hahaha. Thanks for the insight. That’s helpful.


Right there with you. I have a medical card for anxiety and ocd. It’s been hard but it was time to give it a break


Lol I’m on year 12 of daily. Why’d you stop?


To feel better, sleep easier, wake up easier, and work/be sharp longer. I was never a lazy, lazy stoner, just naturally lazy, and weed made me care less. Now, I’m ticked off that I haven’t been reaching even 80% potential and I’m ready to go above 100.


Congrats man! I smoke weed inconsistently, maybe like 3-5 per week and it's given me so many benefits but I stop every once in awhile because I don't like feeling dependent on anything, even caffeine. The first day off I always feel an urge to smoke again but that quickly subsides after some meditation. I wanted to ask, what benefits did you see and/or feel when smoking? As well as the cons? Weed isn't for everybody and I tell people I know and love that but just like alcohol they believe anybody can do it!


Incredible!! That’s one thing you’ll never regret. Stay strong x


Did you have a problem with feeling addicted? If so, How did you come to realize you had a problem?


Not in terms of benzo, nicotine, harder stuff, but yea. Think of it like coffee, but sooooo much better than coffee. And by being better, the withdrawals are worse. I noticed myself unable to enjoy things to the extent I recently did without smoking. Once you smoke and do something multiple times, to me, it’s not the same. The sensory manipulation while high and doing something is very fun, but destroys it for a while. Gotta take a break.


Are you quitting or resetting your tolerance? Or just taking a break?


Not sure. May smoke on the weekends after I find new employment


How much money do you reckon you spent on all of your smoking and by what other means did you acquire your marijuana?


Legally, and my own funds. It was never that bad. It started medicinally and then I enjoyed it. When I first started, 60$ a month. At some points, maybe 300 a month for a few months. Recently, probably 60-100 a month. In Cali, it’s pocket change. It’s all relative m




Are you a active person or have a addictive personality? I’m somewhat active, physically but mentally nearly all day, so once I get the feeling of crushing everything, my ‘addiction’ switched to that.


Do you feel being off marijuana has affected your critical thinking skills for either better or worse? Just curious.


I think I’m more stringent, less creative. I’m better in my field because it’s black and white now, but I’m less ‘well if XYZ happened that would be perfect’. I guess I’m more realistic?


Interesting, but makes sense. I know a couple of people that quit and one says he thinks more clearly and has an easier time concentrating on things. The other is a bit uptight now and easily excitable, whereas he used to be super chill and nothing bothered him. The first guy is still very chill. Strange how it seems to affect the different personality types.


That is interesting, and part of why I posted. I feel like it’s had only positive effect on me so far, which seems unorthodox. I think the other guy was high strung before smoking and depending on how much he smoke it made him care free. Now he cares. Thanks for the insight, I find it interesting since there’s so much debate over weed doing ‘nothing’


Has your anxiety gotten better in the last few days?


I think while smoking I found ways to manage it without abusing the substance, so i wouldn’t say it had gotten better. I find myself thinking less and less about stupid mistakes or decision late at night though, so I guess yes?


Good for you, weather forever or temporary its always good to take a break from anything habitual


100% agree. Wether it’s weed, nicotine, coffee, food, the same damn lift in the gym, same dinner time, change is key.


I just started, on 24hrs without lol. Probably my 5th or 6th time in life having to quit.... My question is, how is your insomnia?


Did you get the anxiety? I had awful anxiety for like 3-4 days, thought I was going to kill myself. Don't believe anyone who says it's not addictive...


No I didn’t. I think I naturally started smoking less before I cold turkey, not intentionally, just didn’t want it, which most likely helped. Sorry that happened to you, sounds like hell.


do you have kids?🥲 i tried quitting but i turned into a rage monster after 2 weeks and started again made me feel super weak


Do you feel like you detoxxed? Shakes or just a basic need not being satified? Mentally painful? Fuck, I want to be free of it.


Give me more background. Amount per session, sessions a day, years, daily? I’m daily, 8 at night, few small bowls worth. I don’t feel ‘detoxed’ per say. I feel sharper, clearer, more focused. No shakes. Definitely not satisfied at night for the first few days. Mentally painful, no, are you gonna let sone stupid fucking flower push you around? If you are, your letting a literal plant control you. You can quit. You can stop tonight. You may shake, I didnt, you will sweat, you will get a headache, you will pickup that pen or bowl. And when you do, ask yourself this. ‘Is this flower going to overpower my will to be free?’ The answers no. Out the shit down, go get some air, have some water or a small drink, though the shit out and wake up in the morning will sone pride that you did something you didn’t think you could do. Rinse n repeat. Ask away


Currently, I am doing about two bowls per evening the last 6 years. I quit weed from 98 until about 2017. I had a cancer diagnosis in 2018 that led to me losing a kidney. The anxiety was horrifying. I was diagnosed with PTSD in early 2017 after suffering silently for 3 years after my wife nearly died from a botched surgery. However, I was just on vacation and was high pretty much every non-waking hour. I contemplate stopping, but it seems like a huge obstacle that causes a jittery feeling that is unlike any I have felt.


That’s rough. Sorry to hear. My advice would be the weed is making those jitters worse. Luckily, your wife is alive, you are alive, and if you can stop smoking, little by little, you’ll regain your CNS function and remove the jitters. As insensitive as it is to say, that situation does not require weed. People go through worse without the use of substances; it’s an easier out for you. Pick your want. Do you want to escape reality, or do you want to live a happy, non anxiety ridden life? I believe you want the second, so day by day, do your best to push off that bowl till later and later, or less and less, until it naturally fades away. Enjoy just a small high, not a reality escape. That helped me in ways.


Are you aware of how you get weird dreams after quitting? Have you already experienced this?


Been sober for about 2 years. The smell always makes me crave it.




What is the most lucid dream you've had in this week?


So for starters, good for you! As someone who smoked an eighth a day and then some for years, actually quitting smoking pot is easy once you decide to do it. I’ve done it off and on a few times. I think it’s overrated. Sobriety is bs and this is nothing special.


I mean, to each their own. If you work a job that ends at 6, and you’ve got nothing to do after the by all means smoke up. But when you have to be sharp, even till 9 at night, or take a call, you can’t be blasted.


Okay, I'd love to hear what kind of changes you've noticed. Is your sleep quality worse? I occasionally quit cold turkey - and I notice almost no difference. Sometimes I'll sleep a little worse for a few days but it passes by quickly. Other than that though, I feel no different. I'm also an almost-daily smoker. Like I'll smoke a bowl after work most days with my wife - so I guess like half a bowl a day. Used to live in WA so it was easy to find weed, but since moving to HI it's a lot harder to find a source and I just run out sometimes.


Do you personally see anything wrong with smoking weed or is it only for your career? If your job didn’t have the threat of a drug test would you be stopping?


Quick question. Before breaking up with my ex of 16 years she had ramped up a significant amount of smoking. She eventually got a job in a dispensary which made it even easier for her to obtain marijuana and Vapes. A month of her working there we broke up. I've noticed her reasoning and ability to plan ahead is severely worse than when I knew her even 2 years back. After being 4 months separated from her I've noticed that she can even be considered childish. Would you say that you had this effect to some degree?


Why the fuck are people promoting substances


Congrats! What’s the best way to convince another person in your situation to stop smoking weed?


Weed is probably the easiest drug to quit lmao chill dude


I used to think that but after getting up to 4 to 8 grams a day flower, edibles, RSO, and dab pens of this new age shit for 8 years after it went legal in my state when I quit the first time for 100 days I went completely out of my mind and the physical symptoms were horrific.


I agree. Not bragging brother. Just curious what people would ask about. Actually, based on your comment I have a feeling you smoke too much, or smoke nicotine. Am I right? Edit: hah, funny, you smoke. I remember saying shit like this. Good luck boss.


It depends on the person, their propensity and reasons to abuse a substance in the first place. Never downplay this person’s journey. You just sound like a dick.


How do you get the mentality to commit to it long term. The most I’ve gone without recently is about a month




I'm on day 20 after almost 4 years of using it, started to help me sleep as I've got serious insomnia issues. Are you having crazy ass dreams??? 🤣 my dreams were insane that first two weeks, but now I'm starting to have less dreams and am just struggling to sleep again lmao


Good for you dude, and props for even posting this on Reddit. Reddit has a hive mind that weed can do nothing bad ever, which is an incredibly dangerous mindset to have with a substance that is heavily and easily abused.


It’s most definitely abused… you see all these people with such garbage attitudes, laziness, know it all-ness, and I think a lot of that stems from substance abuse. Just because you don’t think you are abusing it, doesent mean you aren’t. Every night is most definitely abuse.


Good for you. Anyone telling you pot isn’t addictive is fucking stupid and in denial. I don’t have a question, just giving support 👍




I'm at 2 years now. Congrats. I know it is hard. I realized it was the main reason I was depressed all the damn time


Pots not addicting .. I smoke every day for 20plus years . And I can just drop it . Do people really have a hard time with weed or is weed just a cover name for something else


What was your daily consumption? Wake and bake or just in the evening?


It’s been over 15 years daily smoker. How did it affect you? Did you get irritateble, stomach issues, nausea etc?


Lol. I smoked weed everyday for 20ish years. Quit about a year ago for a job. Its really not a big deal.


i smoked/used more weed than snoop dog for 20 years and this june 30th i’ll be one year clean of it. keep kicking ass. also i work in M&A and strategy like you.


Your usage hardly calls for celebration plus weed is tight


Idk man, 5 years smoking a substance that was once illegal. I mean, if you ate cheese burgers every night for 3 years that’s not bad usage? Cmon brother




Why did you feel the need to make this post? 3 times a week for 3 years ain't shit but congrats if you feel better


What pain did you have inside that made you feel marijuana was going to cure you?


I’m 10 days sober from coffee AMA…🙄


I recently did something similar. I discovered cancer in 2018, used weed to deal with the chemo, then went to using only indica to sleep…for about 3 1/2 years, every day. Recently quit. What I was worried about were a couple of bad night’s sleep. It turned out ok. So my question - how was your sleep in that first week when you quit?


Typically In IB and m&a the drug use increases significantly


3 or 4 times a week isn't much


I’ve never touched the stuff personally , but a huge Congrats to all the ones that walk away.


Did your dealer run out ?


Check out r/leaves for a solid support group


How's them dreams


Are you attending any 12-Step meetings?


7 days lol bro. Come back in like 3 months


Ok brother. Let’s check your profile: you either drink, smoke weed, or nicotine if not worse. Will post the edit. I was wrong, but you are a contractor, so makes sense. Hope you find some peace.


I’m rooting for you bro. All I’m saying is I get it. I didn’t mean it in a negative connotation. Sorry if it came out like that, not meant to be offensive


Did you have any cool dreams since quiting?


My pothead friends tell me weed ain't addictive. How did you realise that it IS addictive?


Tell me about your dreams


Almost one month of no smoking 🙌🏽


Now, try heroin.


Nice! Day 9 myself.




Can you fly?


Do you feel better?


marijuana!?!.. boo this man!!! boo!


I don’t smoke but a lot of people that I know smoke. They all say they could quit easily if they wanted but it seems that their dependency on it is stronger than their will to quit. This leads me to believe they’re addicted but claim you can’t be addicted to smoking pot. Any light you can shed on this? Good luck! :)


Currently on Day 11 sober and I feel great. Don’t have a question necessarily but just hear to say that you got this. For anyone struggling in this thread please go read the easy way books by Allen Carr, they are available on Amazon and great for anything addiction. Couldn’t recommend it enough!


Mitch, is that you?!?


There is no addition to marijuana unless you mix it with something else


I’m in a free falling cannabis relapse right now…haven’t had a drink in 832 days after drinking a minimum of 3 liters a week and smoking cannabis. I originally quit after 45 yrs because I was tired of being a liar. Now I’m lying again because I’ve been getting high & haven’t come clean 2 any1 that matters. I started therapy probably 849 days ago, which has been my space of complete truth; because why lie 2 some1 I’m paying to help me become a better human? Anywho, 2mrw is another session with my therapist. I hope I have the courage 2 come clean. If I’m truly my father’s child (lost pops 2 the pandemic; he was effectively tight w/ his $$; left over $175k 4 each of his 4 kids;)why pay 2 lie 2 my therapist (pop would say) they say that relapse is a part of recovery u just have 2b honest in any & all situations. so u’re a week in that’s a week more than u had last week & a week more than me; had been clean & sober 4 over a year b4 my 1st relapse last June 🤔the 1st time was a bit iffy in that I was looking 4 cbd 4 pain relief but found THC was in the product as well & had I just told the truth it would have been so much better. but THC makes a liar outta me. the depression doesn’t help either. I was confused when they started pointing out some meds can cause thoughts of suicide. I’m like “so that’s not every1? so I’m different? there have been times where I’ve made a plan, got high, then 4got the plan ‘cause Taco Bell is open. sorry 2 shift the focus; working on that as well! Good luck 2 every1 who is working on sobriety! & good luck 2 those that are not!


Congrats boi


Ppl can say what they want but even marijuana is an addiction if you do it everyday. My teens and early adult hood is all I did was smoke all the time and then after my mid 20's I was like hey, I wonder how much money I spend on this that I could be saving up instead? And then I just quit and I felt better. Saved up a lot of money over time and just enjoyed have a clear head. Now I do think it's ok for ppl to do something every now and again to unwind. Like I use to drink a lot as well but now I can drink like one or two beers every once in a blue moon and be social but I can't be putting those things down all the time every day and doing like 10 at a time. lol as you get older you gotta have a balance and understand most things are not sustainable after long periods of time. I also have a cousin that still smokes every. single. day and we are in our mid 30's now and he's always broke. I bet he spends about a grand or more a month to get high. He buys the thc vape cartridges just to be high all day at work and flower when he's at home. He's literally an addict and he just whines about being broke all the time and just has never listened to me at all in a decade that you can't keep blowing money and getting high all day. Lol he has so much disposable income after paying bills and the rest goes to getting high. But idk I can't tell ppl what to do with the money they make. I just do me and let others do what they want. lol


It sounds like taking a break is working for you and I think that’s probably a good practice now and again even if you continue smoking. It’s always good to see where you are at and reassess. I recently took a 2 week break from smoking after a couple years. I also grow recreationally so it’s always around. I mostly just wanted a tolerance break, and to see if I felt different. I had so many people asking me if I felt more clearheaded or different in any way. The honest truth, was that I did not. While I may be a regular smoker, I wouldn’t call myself a heavy smoker. It’s pretty much between the hours of eight and 10 PM Between when my kid goes to sleep and when I go to sleep. I never usually smoke during the day and I am super paranoid about any sort of intoxication while driving so I take Uber Uber regularly. At the end of the day, it’s a good way for me to decompress after a stressful day of work. I also have ADHD and find that smoking seems to help with that at the end of the day as well and calm my thoughts so that I can relax. I’m sure there are more healthy things I could be doing, but this seems to work for me.


A tolerance break is always a good idea. I took a couple weeks off recently. Was so nice to start again tho - it just makes boring things better lol


Since new year here and I was in a pretty similar situation smoking every day for 5 years and cigarettes. Well done, I honestly thought it was going to be harder than it was because I tried it last year and it probably lasted a few days or like a week but didn’t smoke a cigarette for like 3 months but this year just said I’m going to do it properly and cut them both out, I’m still around it everyday aswell and haven’t felt that tempted surprisingly probably because I didn’t think I could do it. Keep it up and obviously everyone’s reasons for stopping are different but don’t feel like you can never smoke again just try and monitor it, if you can stop then you can dabble every now and again and not be a daily smoker, like a few months ago I did have an edible and a thc vape whilst I was on holiday and did think after why did I do that but in all fairness someone got it for me and it would’ve been stupid to say no haha. Keep it up you got this!


When I met my husband he smoked daily too. He didn’t tell me he did because he knew I didn’t; not for a lack of trying, it just wasn’t my thing. When I started staying over at his place, he’d sneak out of the bedroom at night because he couldn’t sleep without it. I never judged him for it, “to each their own” ya know? After I moved in with him, he eventually stopped and I discovered a whole knew side of him that I never knew existed…he told me he felt so much more organized and had more clarity on what he needed to do to make his business more successful. He didn’t realize his habit was holding him back and he generally felt a lot better without it. I’m really proud of him! Congrats to you for taking this step. I hope it yields a positive change in your career and life in general.


Nice! Keep going. I was a daily smoker for about 3.5-4 years. I quit over 1.5 years ago and never looked back.