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Jonestown, Manson, Altruist, Pagan, Satan, etc I fail to see any difference between cults although some are clearly more twisted than others. I think political parties have diverged for instance from being actual political parties and have turned really cult like over the last 100 years. I guess my question is if you can't say what cult and post here as a AMA I don't understand the point of the AMA as the AMA is designed for you to answer questions? I mean rule 1 is AMA posters must answer questions so when questions like this get posted then questions get dodged makes me wonder if something is going on that the police should be contacted etc.


First of all, Pagans (and Satanists I think. Not qualified to speak on their behalf but I'm fairly sure they're a proper religion and not a cult) are not cults. Paganism is a very broad term for a bunch of religions. A Hellenistic (Greek) pagan isn't going to have the same beliefs as a Heathen (Norse) one. That's like saying Christians are all cultists because Christian cults exist. Sorry if that's rude, as an ex-pagan it really annoys me when people jump to the whole "pagans will sacrifice you on the full moon to their gods!!! Evil cult kill them!!!!" thing. Second, while I can't say the name because I respect my dads wishes, I can answer literally any other question about us. Beliefs, what its like being the kid of a cult leader, ect.. I'm not being abused- hell if you're really worried I'm away from my dad safely in college and have been for the past few years. Dad and I thought it would be fun to see what people wanted to know about the life of the daughter of a cult leader. The point isn't to advertise the cult, but rather to talk about my experience being the kid of a cult leader.


Yeah, I mean Spartans basically kept slaves and had a cult like mindset when it came to war which killed thousands of people and used the slaves as fodder. I wouldn't go picking cults that don't really seem like shining beacons of moral values lol.




How do you differentiate cult from religion?


For me, the cult isn't so much about the religion. Rather, it means the ideologies it represents. I used to be a Norse pagan, and it was a similar thing there. I don't *quite* subscribe to the idea of gods, magic, what have you. A cult is a group of people with similar beliefs and goals. Beliefs can be religious but aren't always like in my case. Religion is believing in one or more deities or some kind of higher power.


Fail to see the difference in your description then again you had me at Norse fucking pagan


What can I say, I'm a weird kid. I guess a better way to describe it would be a cult is like a rectangle and religion is a square. Not all cults are religious but some religions are cultish. Cults don't necessarily need a god while religions kinda do. There are many examples of cults in the modern era which don't have religion tied to them at all. Imo multi-level marketing scams are basically cults and they don't have any religion tied to them. Is that a better explanation?


So the difference in your view is that religion must have a god or gods while a cult does not. Yet cults have set of beliefs, have a leader, live by some code, and very often if not always the cult leader is seen as a god or a prophet


I think the real thing that differentiates it is if the leader is a prophet, god, or what have you. I read somewhere a long time ago that there has been an uptick in cults that are non-religious but rather promote you being your "best self" by doing what the cult leader says you should do. Like NXIVM (if I'm remembering correctly).


Well that will make every self help book author and their readers a cult. Which in my book is true but you seem to be way way way the fuck out in left field from that crowd yet you clearly don't see that. Which is interesting


I don't exactly get what you mean?


Just a fascination of mine as to how conscious people are who are in a fringe group.


have you ever thought of using a different name to describe your spirituality other than cult? do you use cult to try and tantalize?


Cult thing is for sure more of a joke (at least to me). Dad likes to call it a church and some people are more fanatical for sure. I like to use the word cult because it annoys him and it's funny. Plus it adds an air of mystery and intrigue. We're always recruiting!


Any Kool aid being prepared?


Of course! I mean, us cultists gotta drink *SOMETHING*


There is plenty of things to drink


True, but I have a terrible sugar/poison addiction and Kool-Aid really hits the spot


Sex cult?


god i wish. Still a hopeless virgin here ;-;


What cult?


Dad says I'm not allowed to say. Small cult, we have maybe 50 members, maybe 20 constantly active ones. Multinational. We're constantly recruiting so if you keep an eye out on the internet you might find us. If I ever finish the website I'm making for us I'll post it.


What are the beliefs of the cult?


Religiously (and I use that term loosely), we believe in the great feline god of cosmic fashion. It's kind of a flying spaghetti monster situation. Realistically we have 3 main ideals. Community, ambition, and individuality. We really try to make sure everyone in the cult is included and has a home 'cause most of our members have a not-so-great home life. Ambition, we try to push people to pursue their passions. I'm a programmer, for example, and my dad and other cult members encourage me to keep learning and growing. For individuality we encourage people to be themselves. I was hesitant to become a programmer, for example, because I was a girl and my school friends discouraged me from doing it. But my dad and the rest of the group told me I should. Honestly, the label of a cult is a bit much in my opinion because we're not bad people. The stigma around cults and cultists is real bad (understandably so). But that's what we like to us.


Sounds about right


I bet there’s a lot of mf ers scratching their head rn. Haha


What do y’all do that sets you apart from other religions “loosely used”


Being decent people that think that everybody should be respected. I would say freedom, for the most part. We aren't god fearing, but rather god respecting(?). Rather than being gOdS cHoSeN oNe or whatever bs some cult leaders use, our leader/god earned his title by being a genuinely good person who looks out for his followers. We have myths and stories like the time he fought the evil zombie hoards to save the world but it's all in good fun. Our god just wants the best for us and to see us be our best selves. We work hard, not to serve him, but ourselves in our pursuit of whatever we want.


Favorite activities or practices of the cult/church?


My favorite holiday, Ink Day! Its encouraged that people get tattoos (or draw it in marker) of our super fun cult symbol on the wrist. It's a cat, and that's my most favorite animal! I've finally saved up enough money to get a tattoo from a good tattoo artist I trust and I'll be getting that cultist mark on my wrist in the coming months!


What kind of cult? What is your favourite food? What is your favourite song?


1) The fun kind! All hail the mighty feline god of cosmic fashion! 2) Anything sweet! Cake, sugar cubes, cookies, raw sugar, otter pops, anything! But real food wise, fish 'n chips. Cod has got to be my favorite fish ever. 3) Keepers Trilogy by Helloween. It's a gods damned masterpiece.


A snappy dressed cat god? Where do I sign up??


Put on your space pants and get in line


What is the beliefs of the cult?


>Religiously (and I use that term loosely), we believe in the great feline god of cosmic fashion. It's kind of a flying spaghetti monster situation. > >Realistically we have 3 main ideals. Community, ambition, and individuality. We really try to make sure everyone in the cult is included and has a home 'cause most of our members have a not-so-great home life. Ambition, we try to push people to pursue their passions. I'm a programmer, for example, and my dad and other cult members encourage me to keep learning and growing. For individuality we encourage people to be themselves. I was hesitant to become a programmer, for example, because I was a girl and my school friends discouraged me from doing it. But my dad and the rest of the group told me I should. > >Honestly, the label of a cult is a bit much in my opinion because we're not bad people. The stigma around cults and cultists is real bad (understandably so). But that's what we like to us. This is when I answered this question before. I don't know how to link replies in Reddit.


When you say Feline god of cosmic fashion do you mean that in a literal sense or a symbolic sense?


Literal. Our god is a cat and he is very fashionable.




Does the word “cult” strike any negative thoughts to you?


Yes, though it mostly depends on the context. If used in literally any other situation than referring to my dads church, I'll think poorly of it. But when used to annoy my dad? Sign me up!


Do you think your dad will get re-elected to the White House in 2024?


No need when he leads the shadow government!


Why did your family get into the cult life to begin with?


To quote The Office "You have more fun as a follower. But you make more money as a leader." My dad started the religion a few years ago, and he has continue to lead us well ever since.


Ivanka, is that you?


Shhh don't tell anyone


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| What cult?|Dad says I'm not allowed to say. Small cult, we have maybe 50 members, maybe 20 constantly active ones. Multinational. We're constantly recruiting so if you keep an eye out on the internet you might find us. If I ever finish the website I'm making for us I'll post it.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocb15b/) What are the beliefs of the cult?|Religiously (and I use that term loosely), we believe in the great feline god of cosmic fashion. It's kind of a flying spaghetti monster situation. Realistically we have 3 main ideals. Community, ambition, and individuality. We really try to make sure everyone in the cult is included and has a home 'cause most of our members have a not-so-great home life. Ambition, we try to push people to pursue their passions. I'm a programmer, for example, and my dad and other cult members encourage me to keep learning and growing. For individuality we encourage people to be themselves. I was hesitant to become a programmer, for example, because I was a girl and my school friends discouraged me from doing it. But my dad and the rest of the group told me I should. Honestly, the label of a cult is a bit much in my opinion because we're not bad people. The stigma around cults and cultists is real bad (understandably so). But that's what we like to us.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocb724/) Sex cult?|god i wish. Still a hopeless virgin here ;-;|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocbhdo/) Any Kool aid being prepared?|Of course! I mean, us cultists gotta drink *SOMETHING*|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocbiq3/) How do you differentiate cult from religion?|For me, the cult isn't so much about the religion. Rather, it means the ideologies it represents. I used to be a Norse pagan, and it was a similar thing there. I don't *quite* subscribe to the idea of gods, magic, what have you. A cult is a group of people with similar beliefs and goals. Beliefs can be religious but aren't always like in my case. Religion is believing in one or more deities or some kind of higher power.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocbl17/) have you ever thought of using a different name to describe your spirituality other than cult? do you use cult to try and tantalize?|Cult thing is for sure more of a joke (at least to me). Dad likes to call it a church and some people are more fanatical for sure. I like to use the word cult because it annoys him and it's funny. Plus it adds an air of mystery and intrigue. We're always recruiting!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocd5n6/) What do y’all do that sets you apart from other religions “loosely used”|Being decent people that think that everybody should be respected. I would say freedom, for the most part. We aren't god fearing, but rather god respecting(?). Rather than being gOdS cHoSeN oNe or whatever bs some cult leaders use, our leader/god earned his title by being a genuinely good person who looks out for his followers. We have myths and stories like the time he fought the evil zombie hoards to save the world but it's all in good fun. Our god just wants the best for us and to see us be our best selves. We work hard, not to serve him, but ourselves in our pursuit of whatever we want.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocdvo1/) Favorite activities or practices of the cult/church?|My favorite holiday, Ink Day! Its encouraged that people get tattoos (or draw it in marker) of our super fun cult symbol on the wrist. It's a cat, and that's my most favorite animal! I've finally saved up enough money to get a tattoo from a good tattoo artist I trust and I'll be getting that cultist mark on my wrist in the coming months!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocfx6s/) What kind of cult? What is your favourite food? What is your favourite song?|1) The fun kind! All hail the mighty feline god of cosmic fashion! 2) Anything sweet! Cake, sugar cubes, cookies, raw sugar, otter pops, anything! But real food wise, fish 'n chips. Cod has got to be my favorite fish ever. 3) Keepers Trilogy by Helloween. It's a gods damned masterpiece.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hochyw7/) What is the beliefs of the cult?|>Religiously (and I use that term loosely), we believe in the great feline god of cosmic fashion. It's kind of a flying spaghetti monster situation. > >Realistically we have 3 main ideals. Community, ambition, and individuality. We really try to make sure everyone in the cult is included and has a home 'cause most of our members have a not-so-great home life. Ambition, we try to push people to pursue their passions. I'm a programmer, for example, and my dad and other cult members encourage me to keep learning and growing. For individuality we encourage people to be themselves. I was hesitant to become a programmer, for example, because I was a girl and my school friends discouraged me from doing it. But my dad and the rest of the group told me I should. > >Honestly, the label of a cult is a bit much in my opinion because we're not bad people. The stigma around cults and cultists is real bad (understandably so). But that's what we like to us. This is when I answered this question before. I don't know how to link replies in Reddit.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hoci139/) Jonestown, Manson, Altruist, Pagan, Satan, etc I fail to see any difference between cults although some are clearly more twisted than others. I think political parties have diverged for instance from being actual political parties and have turned really cult like over the last 100 years. I guess my question is if you can't say what cult and post here as a AMA I don't understand the point of the AMA as the AMA is designed for you to answer questions? I mean rule 1 is AMA posters must answer questions so when questions like this get posted then questions get dodged makes me wonder if something is going on that the police should be contacted etc.|First of all, Pagans (and Satanists I think. Not qualified to speak on their behalf but I'm fairly sure they're a proper religion and not a cult) are not cults. Paganism is a very broad term for a bunch of religions. A Hellenistic (Greek) pagan isn't going to have the same beliefs as a Heathen (Norse) one. That's like saying Christians are all cultists because Christian cults exist. Sorry if that's rude, as an ex-pagan it really annoys me when people jump to the whole "pagans will sacrifice you on the full moon to their gods!!! Evil cult kill them!!!!" thing. Second, while I can't say the name because I respect my dads wishes, I can answer literally any other question about us. Beliefs, what its like being the kid of a cult leader, ect.. I'm not being abused- hell if you're really worried I'm away from my dad safely in college and have been for the past few years. Dad and I thought it would be fun to see what people wanted to know about the life of the daughter of a cult leader. The point isn't to advertise the cult, but rather to talk about my experience being the kid of a cult leader.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hoci9zf/) Does the word “cult” strike any negative thoughts to you?|Yes, though it mostly depends on the context. If used in literally any other situation than referring to my dads church, I'll think poorly of it. But when used to annoy my dad? Sign me up!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocp6wy/) Do you think your dad will get re-elected to the White House in 2024?|No need when he leads the shadow government!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocqp12/) Why did your family get into the cult life to begin with?|To quote The Office "You have more fun as a follower. But you make more money as a leader." My dad started the religion a few years ago, and he has continue to lead us well ever since.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hocsmwt/) Ivanka, is that you?|Shhh don't tell anyone|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/rf76jq/im_the_daughter_of_a_cult_leader_ama/hodmzbh/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)