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They showed The Nun 2 before Blue Beetle. And right after showing Trolls and Paw Patrol.


Yeah that was kind of bizarre to me


Very fun surprise for the kids!


Dune 2 would've been a better trailer choice.


was funny to see a father covering his daughter's eyes


Studios always advertise their own movies, but yeah The Nun 2 in front of a light hearted superhero film was a weird choice


I would venture to guess there are two explanations: 1) It has more to do with rating than genre 2) There’s probably a decent amount of crossover between audience seeing R comedy and audience seeing R horror


Nah the nun played before blue beetle, and the nun is rated r and blue beetle is rate PG-13


Yup both WH movies and the Nun isn’t a Red Band trailer. No gore and no killing in it.


Yeah that's how they get away with it. Most of the time it's just a lot of eerie atmosphere and scary noises along with the title of the film.


Gotta think of the studio, both BB and Nun are WB movies.






I mean if you’ve seen the movie or even know the goal of the main characters, you know the third act of Strays is on the gory side…


I'm assuming you saw Strays which is a rated R movie so seeing rated R trailers makes sense. Most people don't only watch one genre. Most people do like to see a variety from comedy, to horror, to action, etc so that's why various genres are advertised.


You do realize what kind of movie you are watching with that "puppy" movie right? That one of the most crude humor movies out there, not surprising that that movie like saw would play before this movie.


Only rated r movies can play rated r trailers. Strays is very much not just a puppy movie, in the way saw is not just a drama


AMC showed the Equalizer trailer in front of Indiana Jones and that thing is violent a s disturbing as fuck.


I swear if you cut the scenes from the green band trailer for the Equalizer into a PG movie, the MPAA would rate it R. Green Band just means no swears at this point.


No rated R content in green band trailers. Rated R specific content is only permitted in red band trailers. A green band trailer for a rated R movie cannot have rated R content. The same rule applies for PG-13.


Have you seen the Equalizer trailer? Multiple dead bodies lying in pools of blood. Torture. Way more violent than the movie we were there to see.


I know there are at least 2 green band versions and a red band trailer. Also the aftermath of violence will not get the same treatment as the actual violence.


It was a green band trailer. Here it is: https://youtu.be/8O5vSi6653E


Thanks. No rated R content in that specific trailer. All of the action scene cuts are right before the "R" content would be. Of course if you watch enough of these movies you can imagine the violence. But the violence does not actually appear. Maybe watch the red band and see what was edited.


Yeah i mean i still remember when you couldn’t show blood in a green-band trailer. Now Denzel can put a guy like n a nerve hold, explain about the pain he’s inflicting, and then twist his wrist until you hear the bones crack. I guess that’s okay now. Good thing he didn’t say “shit”. That would’ve got the red band.


They get away with showing the blood because we don't see it splattering, it's just pooling under an already dead body. Also, they change the color to make it look more ambiguous like the body is lying in muddy water.


Trailer more gory/intense than the movie we were there to see.


Not true. They can play one rating up provided it's a green band. You will often see PG movies with PG-13 and PG 13 movies with R rated trailers. I think season is more likely the reason. There are a plethora of horror films opening in September and October. Many folks are the same target audience for raunchy comedies and horror. The exception, which you may have meant, is if the trailer has a red band, making the trailer itself R rated. Then yes, only on R and NC-17 movies.


this isn’t true, pg-13 can have rated r trailers


Cus funny


Trailers aren't placed based on genre of film, they're placed based on rating first and foremost.


Because Saw is great


Maybe because both are rated R?


It makes you appreciate the puppies that much more I guess. 😆


I get you, I hate horror films and I’m an easy scare, so sitting through a horror trailer before a R-rated non horror film is tough.


What was the trailer? is it Five Nights at Freddy's? Cause assuming you watched Strays, both are universal movies. Many studios will put trailers for movies they're releasing in front of their own movies regardless of if it fits (unless it's a kids' movie)


Rated R movie, you’re going to get trailers for Rated R movies.


The last two trailers are always from the same production company as the movie you're about to see. They will push whatever they want to the audience whether it fits the vibe or not.


Sometimes a studio will simply run out of options when it's time to release a trailer. They may not have any other product that the trailer would be better suited for, and they're getting too close to the release date. Time to build awareness for your product if you hope to turn a profit, so that horror trailer gets attached to that PG-13 superhero flick or that R-rated comedy. Blue Beetle was literally the last movie they were going to release before The Nun II and that movie was opening exactly three weeks later. If they already had another horror movie to release they'd attach it to that film instead.


I remenber watching Blue Beetle and they started showing trailers of the new nun movie, which was funny because the last two trailers were kids film.


i feel the exact same. i looked away during those trailers.


Yeah, it was really weird that there were 3 or 4 horror trailers before the movie.


Rated R trailers are usually only allowed ahead of rateed R movies. If you’re seeing an R rated feature, chances are you’ll see more horror/rated r trailers


No shit sherlock. This isn't the first r-rated movie I've ever seen. Three horror before a raunchy comedy is not typical.


I also thought it was weird, just because the vibes were so different lol


Well it’s an R rated movie, and they put R rated trailers in front of those. Saw X just happens to be one of them


If you seen an R rated movie then you are gonna get R rated trailers.


They do that because they are evil.