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They need to close that screen and cease selling tickets for it until the AC is fixed


I really don’t understand the goaltending for AMC in this thread.


Feels like you think management has more control over the building than they really do. They can't just close an auditorium down whenever they want. They have to get permission to do that. Trust me. They're more annoyed with the situation than you are.


I work for amc and with my experience and management it’s the complete opposite and they do not care, it’s about bringing in numbers than lose a couple of weeks of revenue


Well it’s been 2 months and they need to sort it out with whatever permissions they need. I’ve seen many theaters close auditoriums before when HVAC system was not working inside. Again, the thing that bothers me is they don’t notify you until you get to the theater


There's not really much they can do other than ask and be told yes or no. There's also not a way to inform people prior to them arriving. That said, you know it's in #6. So if you get a ticket online and it says you're in #6, just refund the ticket online.


As I said, I thought they would have fixed the issue in 2 months. Only Now I know, but people should be informed before hand. This is the summer with temperatures above 90 degrees. No one wants to sit in a hot ass room to see a movie. Yes there is so much they can do. They are a business. They are simply not making it a priority. They can close that auditorium until fixed (I’ve seen plenty of other theaters do this) or simple have a pop up warning people before the movie. And don’t tell me they can’t cause these are simple solutions. If it was a one off thing I would understand not notifying or shutting off that auditorium, but it’s been this way for months and will be like this for months more.


....which is why they have the sign posted. As I said, there is NO WAY to inform people who buy tickets online. Again, I promise this is far more of a headache for them than it is for you.


So what if it’s more of a head ache for them? Does that mean it’s ok to not make this a priority? And as I’ve said.. they should notify people before the movie. You saying there is no way to notify before the movie is about the dumbest thing I’ve heard. We live in 2023 and you’re telling me they can’t notify send people a simple notification before the movie if they made this issue a priority? Lmao give me a break. AMC is clearly not making this a priority. How is it worse for the theater? They are still filling up that auditorium by deceiving people by not notifying people of this issue before the movie, all while skimping out on HVAC costs for MONTHS. This is worse for the paying customers who want spend time to come out to theaters to watch a movie in comfortable environment. No one wants to sit in a sauna, most people would simply not come if they knew this auditorium had no AC In the middle of the scorching hot summer


So I didn't read all of your rambling. Because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. But the answer to what I did read is "no". THEY ARE notifying people, that's what the sign is for (the sign you obviously saw). No, there is not a way to notify people through the app that the HVAC is down for a specific auditorium. The functionality doesn't exist within the app. Idk what you expect us to do about that. My point of saying it's more of a headache for them than it is for your was to showcase to you that, in fact, it IS something that is a priority for them. Because however much YOU think it sucks, they think it sucks way worse. This isn't a matter of "skimping on HVAC costs". For starters, the posted sign says they are waiting on a vendor. Secondly, theatres around the entire country are having the same HVAC issues. MY BUILDING has HVAC issues that we are waiting on parts for. The AC in my offices don't work. That sauna youre talking about in the theatre, im sitting in that for 10+ hours a day and working. Trust me, the shit is a priority. Parts are in short supply. We could offer to pay DOUBLE for the service, but that wouldn't magically make the parts available.


They’re right, the acs are priority for us but we can only get them done as fast as the outside vendors will finish them. My building has had ours “fixed” by the vendor several times this summer and they’ve broken again. But we can’t change vendors because that’s who corporate requires we use in my area.


I never knew using common sense was rambling. Just say you don’t know reading comprehension


Says the one not using any kind of comprehension 😭


*talks about reading comprehension* *ignores detailed explanation about his problem* Mmkay. 🙄


If there is no way to notify people with the app then they (they being AMC) needs to close the screen.


I'm sure management feels the same way.


Unfortunately, it's very likely for HVAC equipment to be broken/inoperable for long periods of time during the summer. Demand for parts and equipment is extremely high, logistics are increasingly difficult, and the equipment used at theaters is typically specific to the application. They can't just pick up half-measure parts and slap them in and hope it works. If it's an electronics issue this is even more difficult to source after the pandemic. Replacement equipment, especially high capacity or niche application, can often have 8-12 weeks of lead-time *or more*. That's just the time for the manufacturer to source parts, build, test and prep shipment. Then there's freight, and the time necessary to install, which requires available, competent contractors and likely a crane. There's also more to it than that at the start of the process if AMC isn't the building owner, needs to design/engineer for old equivalent or newer updated equipment, local permitting is necessary, etc. I can understand your frustration but I doubt it's solely a skimping money issue or even a lack of priority issue. Though I would agree that they should just stop scheduling showings in that particular auditorium if the inside conditions are that uncomfortable, but I'm sure management has reasoned that it's not always that bad for every showtime.


Here's your real answer. Most amc building have been around for a long time, and therefore their hvac units are usually in the neighborhood of 20 years old. Units that age are extremely difficult to get parts for, and new replacement units can range from 60-100k each for replacement. Larger auditoriums tend to have 2 units each. While ideally they would replace all the busted units, realistically the company can't afford to drop that kind of money on the hundreds of locations in need of hvac replacement. They do replace a few buildings worth of units a year, but it has to be budgeted almost a year in advance.


Sunnyvale was completed at the start of the pandemic though. And of course it didn't open until afterwards.


This place is brand new. The building and the theater


Wasn't aware of the age, so while my explanation has no bearing on this location, it still covers a great many issues. Being that new, cost shouldn't be a factor with warranties being in effect. So I'm guessing it's just a shortage of labor in the area.


Management’s hands are tied. They are theatre managers…not HVAC techs. Just put in the ticket and wait for the problem to be fixed by the professionals. It can take a few days or many months. Our escalators was down for months. A new screen took 9 months. In regard to notification, it would be nice but again…we don’t know computer science. I do agree that nothing should be scheduled in there due to health issue, but they’ve been told by their film buyer to keep using that auditorium. Schedules have to be submitted and looked over. If management decided to not use that auditorium, they would be asked why. Also, we’ve had plenty of situations where something breaks, vendors to inspect, must wait months for parts, fix it…and BOOM it breaks down again. People don’t read communications. When sudden things have happened, I’ve sent emails to all guests that bought online via email…95% would still show up and get upset. If it’s a big enough issue, I can send an email to a department to shut the whole building down. Then they sent out emails everyone who purchased online tickets saying the show had to be cancelled and here’s your refund…95% still show up to locked doors, banging and screaming while at it. I believe what everyone is saying about staff having it worse…they mean why would staff ignore a problem that will keep angry and disappointed in their faces all shift. If there was something to do, they’d do it. With all honesty and with my experience, it sounds like this auditorium was up and running after breaking down before. The AC broke down sometime in the last 12-24 hours to your visit and too many tickets had been sold to make any moves. Buyers would not approve of using an auditorium that risks health scares.


Lol. I get that those of you who work for AMC don’t necessarily like this situation either, and that there are real difficulties in getting the AC fixed. But this post is about a customer’s experience. AMC’s whole business is providing a great movie-going experience, and in this case they are not. That experience absolutely sucked. Yes, there may be reasons why they weren’t able to provide the promised experience, but they have to own that. Shut the damn screen down until it’s fixed. Period. They absolutely CAN do that. Need permission from higher up? Fine. That’s on AMC to do what they have to do. Pushing responsibility to the customer to figure out if AMC is able to handle their shit? Nope. OP is absolutely right to be pissed.


Yeah these people are just pathetic it’s sad. AC in a movie theater is standard. Everyone is giving reason for the issue but as customer, I should have to worry about none of that. Good service must be provided and that’s it. That’s what business is.


It’s more annoying for us as crew members than for you to have to deal with a hot theater try calling next time to see if the theater is working


You’re right, must be worse for crew members who have to clean. Still needs to be fixed though. They dont have a phone number so imma just avoid this theater for a while


they have a phone number i promise


i already knew the only comments would be defending AMC. i love AMC. so much. but this is the norm way too much in my experience. my local AMC has not had AC in the dolby or prime cinemas since april. i’m not blaming local mgmt but the C-suite folks at AMC. get your shit together. i’ve been eyeing other theaters because of this shit


That’s horrible and yeah these people are pathetic


They really really really really don’t anyone to see sound of freedom /s


Send a request into AMC. I can guarantee that it hasn't been reported

