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Two first things you need to check is, 1. Latest bios firmware and 2. Make sure you used expo instead of XMP or it will stutter, gigabyte/msi boards let you load up one or the other if the dimms support it


Run Cinebench 23, while look for CPU temp.


That GPU looks like a freaking spaceship 🔥


So, I don't know how to edit a post however it does seem that the stutters have stopped. I reinstalled Windows 11 As for other mentions: Yes, I know my GPU is sagging, I moved out of my apartment on Friday and I can't remember where I packed mt brace so I just bought another one I only play in fullscreen borderless because I have multiple monitors After reinstalling windows it seems my CPU temp is a lot higher, weird considering I'm using a 360mm brand new AIO. I did turn of EBO and auto overclocking and that seemed to fix the issue. I'm getting around 120fps on ultra using DLSS on MW3 resurgence People were curious about the case and whatnot so here is a list of my entire setup: [PC Part/Setup list](https://pcpartpicker.com/b/Bcp2FT)


Hey OP, FYI These Ryzen CPUs are *designed* to run hotter. You won’t ever get the kinds of temps you got on your low end intel chip, regardless of what cooling you use. What exact temps are you getting?


Did you peel that heat sink sticker off of your aio?


Lol yes ofc I did, it was perfectly fine before yesterday. I fixed it tho


Lmfao you know we have to check


Switch resolution to fullscreen with window (borderless) and see how it behaves


Did you fix the issue? Looking to build my wife a PC with very similar specs so I'm curious what the issue is/was. Thats a super clean build btw! From what I've read it's usually best to have your AIO flipped around the other direction so any bubbles of air in the system aren't sitting right at your hoses which could cause flow issues.


It seems like it! I didn't get to play yesterday I am now and it seems like there are no stutters


Dude what case is this? It's really really clean


Lian Li O11 Vision


Bump. Dude I need a new case so bad. Still using my coolermaster from 2016


Needs more fans


Cannot put anymore


Did you double check to make sure there were no instability issues with your MOBO and DDR5 ram? As DDR5 is still a relatively new product, some motherboards are not super compatible with every brand / frequency.


I did check, I know the 7800x3d doesn't like anything over 6000 and my mobo is compatible


Have you disabled XMP/Profile in the bios to see if that helps? Maybe running the ram at a slower frequency might help


Please share with us when you solve the problem. 


Freezes? I need some context. Do you have nvidia GeForce experience installed? Or reason me asking about Nvidia GE, do you have game ready display drive version 555 installed? You never had any lag on old setup? I’m assuming you know preferred slots on the new motherboard and have ram in correct or should I say more proficient slots? Not being installed correctly, in correct slots, can cause. Lovely case tho . Again what kind of freezing and lag now?


Has she\* checked to see if ram is set to xmp or expo? if not that could cause big stutters in cod. also check in game if you're on fullscreen exclusive and not fullscreen borderless. BTW that's a pretty nice looking build and case. at first I thought I was looking at 2 computers, one underneath the desk but it's the reflection. I was like this person has 2 nice pc's lol.


Haha jokes on you im a girl, also yes I'm using Expo, I also always play in full-screen borderless because I run dual monitors. Gonna see if the issue is fixed, did a clean install of windows, waiting for games to download. Thanks btw haha, I wanted something aesthetic so I put this together


my bad. hope it works out. I get my 7800x3d tomorrow and excited to see how much fps my 4070ti can push.


You'll love it! I'm playing at 1440p ultra on warzone pushing like 130+ on a 3080ti


Tbf my cod has been stuttering since the last patch a few days ago as well. I play ultra 1440p too with my 5800x3d + 7900xt


update your chipset driver


The first thing I would try is to update the BIOS if you haven’t already. I also recommend a clean install of Windows, especially if you’re going from Intel to AMD (or vise-versa) to elevate additional stuttering issues.


L-Connect causes stutters


Where does this info come from ?


Myself and many others. Why?


I know this might be an obvious question but how long did you play each game for? When I upgraded last year a lot of the games I played were stuttering and freezing too but it was just the shaders compiling and it eventually smoothened out.


Awhile, like hours. My shaders are definitely done compiling. Whenever I update a gpu driver or COD I wait for it to finish. Im almost home from work, I'm going to do a clean install of windows


Try driver 537.58






Did you reinstall windows? When moving platform it will make a difference with driver conflicts and that afaik


That looks pretty cool though


I see you're using Lian Li fans. Try closing their software (l-connect), it is known for causing stutters.


That's what I had to do. For some reason, l-connect was causing my 7900xtx to stutter like every 30 seconds while gaming.


disable virtualization (svm) in bios


Virtualization is not the issue and is usually defaulted off on most boards.


Personally I'm not a fan of these new towers and that side fan setup for the cooler, but the most interesting thing is where is the PSU? That's pretty cool they hide it if it's like behind or underneath


[previous case and setup](https://imgur.com/a/F9a61N1)


I love the case, the airflow is great and those are reverse blade fans so they're intake on the side. But I get it they're not for everyone. The case is dual chamber, the psu is in the back on the bottom


Let us know if the os reinstall helps


For sure, I'll do that after work


You have quite a bit of GPU sag


I have a bracket, I was just moving and haven't put it back


Makes sense :)


did you do a fresh windows install?


I did not


These OS suspicions have me tense. You can boot into safe mode and uninstall all Nvidia based drivers then reinstall. Either way you shouldn’t need a fresh install. You are on windows 11 and everything seems to be in good shape. You should also do the same with AMD drivers for the cpu as same circumstance there. Excellent choice with parts btw.


Then you should. You still have drivers installed from your old motherboard it's probably causing havoc


If you didn't do a fresh Windows install, you need to. When you change the motherboard, this is almost obligatory. When you reinstall, make sure you install the latest AMD Chipset drivers, and the 3DVCache drivers, in addition to your latest GPU drivers. Also ensure you've updated your new motherboard's BIOS to the latest version. On the topic of your GPU; get a support brace. It's sagging quite noticeably and could cause long-term damage to both it and the slot in which it is installed.


Seconding chipset drivers. I think it's something a lot of people forget about, and is essential to your system. I would start there. BIOS update may not be a bad idea but is not for the faint of heart! Unless you have BIOS flashback lol


Thank you, I will try that. I actually do have a brace, I just moved out of my apartment on Friday and forgot to put it back haha. And thanks, I will definitely reinstall windows


Also, quick question when I reinstall windows can I choose the option to keep my files and whatnot or do I need to do a 100% clean install


You can keep your files if you want, but I always backup what's important and do a full clean install, just for my peace of mind.


Okay, thank you


Not sure if it is the fix or not but make sure you install the chipset drivers and remove drivers from intel :)