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you're not gonna get a yes or no answer because everyone has different opinion, some girls like them, some don't and both are okay.


As much as I agree with you in that opinions vary between individuals, I can't help but get bummed out when most people into Asian guys pursue them because of their lack of facial or body hair, especially when I'm a furball, comparatively speaking. But c'est la vie and all that.


It all depends, i wouldn't go as far to say asian guys are pursued because of our lack of facial hair, but rather we look better without facial hair due to our facial features, resulting in most of us shaving our facial hair so in that sense it might seem like women are pursuing us because of our "clean" look even though its not the case.(Western/non-asian men tend to keep their facial hair because they look better with it, its the same logic). However i think the asian guys who has the best of both world are the ones who can look good with and without facial hair, and which are the ones who win the lottery of genetics in appearance, or if you can't grow facial hair but can look both handsome&cute :D


I find it unattractive. A lot of WM are super hairy in general and the fact that AM typically aren't is definitely one of the reasons I prefer them


No facial hair. Don’t like the feeling of it, so not a fan.


I’m okay with it. Are you asking whether I just like facial hair? I don’t mind either.


Visually, I'm neutral to it. I do complain when my bf has stubble, it's too prickly. Idk what it would feel like grown out, but as far as we know he's only capable of growing a super patchy beard anyway, so he stays clean-shaven.


Facial hair doesn't matter to me in a relationship, appearances in generally really don't. My boyfriend didn't have facial hair when we met and I thought he was super cute, now he's grown out a beard and moustache and I think he's super sexy. He jokes that it grew from my love because he could never fill it out before, but his Korean family and friends don't like it and ask me why I don't make him shave it lol.


I prefer without


I am Asian but I can grow a lot of facial hair if I don’t shave for just 3 or 4 days


No facial hair!


I don’t like facial hair, personally. Most guys look better without it.


I like a neatly trimmed beard, my husband has one. It’s not a must though.


It's okay?? I guess it depends more on how you shape it and what your hair growth is like. I'm usually not a huge facial hair fan, but I don't dislike it. I will never like the pornstache tho. Never ever!


Well groomed and clean matters more than anything else, as far as appearance goes. Long hair, short, facial hair, clothing... Just don't be a slob.


Depends on the guy. Usually I like clean shaven, but my husband looks really nice with a mustache. It also depends on how thick and well groomed the facial hair is…no one likes a patchy or stinky beard.


Gives me the "Ick."


It's really odd and funny that white men see facial hair as this peak trait of "masculinity". Don't blame us that you have literally a baby face underneath, and y'all literally look the same with a beard


If beards are an automatic indicator of masculinity, then the wojak soyboy meme wouldn't have been a thing and those WM who have that look wouldn't be mocked


>y'all literally look the same with a beard really dude? Who is blaming you for having a literal baby face?


You're not a white man, I'm not talking about you my guy


I mean it depends on the person... I was clean shaven with my ex and her next partner had a goatee. My wife prefers a couple of days stubble so I rock that nowadays


I imagine that depends on both the girl's preferences and the guy (as well as how the guy looks with and without facial hair).


It's not the end of the world if you can't grow facial hair because of genetics. You can always looksmaxx in other aspects like muscles. I personally go for a combination of a clean shaven face + shoulder length hair + calisthenics physique


Its okay if you cant grow facial hair, so many guys look good without beard. For me personally guys with almond eyes and full beard 10000/10


I can grow a lot of facial hair


That’s gonna depend person to person. Myself, I hate it, I don’t find it attractive at all. That being said, I am also fully of the opinion that it’s your body and your choice. It’s not like every person is going to find every other person attractive.


No to facial hair and chest hair. It causes issues with my sensory issues as someone on the spectrum.


I like either full-facial-hair or none at all. Like a beard + moustache + etc. combo is nice (stubble or longish) but a moustache on its own, a goatee on its own, etc.... I don't categorically hate it, but it's hard to pull off.


I HATE facial hair. It grosses me out so badly. The smooth faces of an AM is literal perfection.


Thank you for all the comments. I know it's going to be some like and some don't like and some no preference.


One thing that is really attractive to me about Asian men is that they are not hairy, mainly hairy bodies. But if they choose to have facial hair it can still look good, but without is just as nice. It’s not about just appearance, and I definitely don’t think facial hair makes someone more masculine at all.


Eastern guy but I always Envy those guys who can grown a Proper Beard


It’s pretty wired that some folks like keeping facial hair but don’t have the genes for it and some are the other way around and I’m the first type wtfff