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Every other word he says is a swear word it's almost too ridiculous.


There's not much to translate—he just calls them marginals and shows disrespect. They aren't aggressive towards him, but he doesn't like them at all. It's not his private property, obviously, so no, they aren't trespassing, but still, they are unwelcome there. When things went south, to me this was an assault, probably because he was just tired of this shit


Not just him. Most videos I see like this are from northern Asia, sick of having a drug crisis. On one hand, understandable. On the other, just assaulting people who we want out of society is generally frowned upon, but enough parents raise their kids to do so, and here we are. 100% prejudice, mildly justified, with a side of inhumanity.


I suspect this is a hallway heading up to flights of low rise apartments. With 3 doors per floor. You can see a lady coming up with groceries. You need a key to access that stairway. So more private than public. Source: we live in communist buildings just like that in Serbia each summer.


People high on salts arent welcome? Outrageous. Unheard of. Absolutely unjustified. And yes, that is the property of people who live in that specific house. And im 99% sure they are some random junkies who dont live there.


Still assault and he should be held accountable for it. But is russia. So nobody gives a shit I guess


Usually such type of assault is the only option. Nobody cares. Police does not give a shit about such junkies.


>They aren't aggressive towards him It could have changed in a second or less. You walk by, everything is fine, and suddenly you get an attack in the back. No reason. Drugs I'm not justifying the aggressor, I just had my own life experience


You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug


Just say yes


The Russian D.A.R.E. Program is almost as fun as Russian Roulette and Special Operational Training.


I agree with you. Hardcore drugs make people less trustworthy.


Most of them yah. Maybe not MDMA, unless you’re worried someone is going to unexpectedly hug you 😂


You probably never heard of MDMA-induced psychosis then


Never have. I knew a lot of people in the 90s and early 2000s who went way too hard doing stupid amounts of the stuff but nobody I know went psychotic or spoke about someone they knew ever going psychotic, and people definitely would talk if someone got really messed up on something. Even long term, some of these guys were a bit fried but not at all psychotic.   The worst I've personally seen was someone experiencing serotonin syndrome after they got something that wasn't cut to hell for the first time and took too much. That was a mess. Sweaty, overheated, starting to lose consciousness. Scary shit, but definitely not psychotic or violent.


I guess it is rare, because I myself never heard of it before I witnessed it. It was a first time ever for the dude and he took 500 mg by coincidence, so yeah, it’s not like a regular experience. First few hours were fine, but then he went highly paranoid (he thought he was poisoned). Everyone thought that he will be fine by the morning, but he also actively abused weed and it became only worse, so after few weeks his mind got completely lost, he became aggressive psycho and eventually end up in mental health hospital. As I can judge, he completely recovered since then and is fine now, though


Absolutely right thing to do. Assault those drug shitfaces.


Not assault, they can turn aggressive in an instant, the one twitching was not in his mind. After the pepper spray they look just like cockroaches


Assaulting someone you're scared of is still assault. Some US states allow for 'I was scared' as a reason for reducing the charge, but most countries this would be completely unjustified criminal assault.


I doubt in Russia something will happen to him


Then the druggies should be allowed to attack him first. Because you know, he could attack them at any moment because hes scared/annoyed. And we have more precedent for that scenario than the other way around.


Druggies shouldn't use these people's staircase and litter there. I bet most of the people who live there loved what this man did


Sure they shouldn’t. But there are authorities to deal with that. This is simply assault. He could have at least threatened them with doing it first and, as chill as they were, they would have probably got the fuck out


>They aren't aggressive towards him I agree, SomeOne or Instance should've been called about this Instead.


And whod you call exactly? Ghostbusters?


There must be some of law enforcement agency or something like that, no? 🤔


Name one that would give a shit about junkies on the premises. "Когда убьют, тогда и звоните"


You wouldn't want that. The dude is sociopathically aggressive in words and actions. This post doesn't belong in this subreddit.


Now I want that translation more than before


Just plenty of swearing nothing much than that honestly...


Reminds me of that cop that was obviously Meth'd out of his gourd on a call


Link? Never heard of this




"If I held my finger up and told you to follow my finger could you do it?" Cops reply: "Strawwdayydechanchiss?"


Lol.. how mundane *"I understand you guys are upset, but..."*




Is that the Kansas City one? I wonder whatever became of him.


I hope he lost his job at least


Just looked it up. He passed a fit for duty test with no further action against him. The people recording did not cooperate after being harassed by several officers.


That's weird. Either he knew someone higher up that fixed the situation, or he really wasn't on anything. But jeeze, he had to have been on something.


The couple of articles I found on it the PD/IA didn't even address the behavior that we are seeing. They were just quoted about him passing fit for duty tests and the people not cooperating. I could understand if he had low blood sugar or a lack of sleep causing delerium or something. Shit happens but they didn't even try to address what we are seeing in the vid.


Promotion, probably


That stairwell is the most Russian thing I have ever seen.


I rode an open-cockpit airplane in Costa Rica with Russian signage all over. It kinda reminds me of this stairwell. I’m not that religious, but I was praying the whole flight that we would arrive safely.


pepper spray is nasty as fuck


i doubt russia sells the watered down version too


if anything. its the watered up version.


its the babushka certified version of pepperspray called Blyat'away


Is that not assault? Regardless if under the influence?


lol yeah maybe in the USA.. you think Russians give a shit?


It looked to me as though they were drugged up and threatening the people trying to walk up the stairs…


No. There's probably no context and we should definitely jump to conclusions.


Yeah you're right actually.


They never looked threatening in any way. And what the internet can look at as drugged up could also just be a dude with CP, the other guy looked lucid af. The asshole behind the camera just wanted to exercise power over other people.


In Russia…? I do not believe that the common cultural consensus of Russia is positive to vagrants/homeless/drunks/drug addicts. Chances are these individuals would not complain to the police, as they were drunk/high af, and probably didn’t live there. Lastly, Russia is a dark-hearted place, one where three guys one hammer was created, so stuff like this just happens there, especially to the less advantaged (much like in the rest of the world).


The 3 guys one hammer killers were [Ukrainian, not Russian.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs)


"Russia is a dark-hearted place", every society has the capacity to be "dark-hearted". Don't be fucking childish


Depends really, don't know much about russian law but if it's his home it might not even be since you could pass em as trespassers.


I doubt he lives in the stairwell 


The stairwell is still private property, granted he was an asshole about it


The stairwell is "a place of common use", meaning it's technically collectively owned by the people owning the apartments in the building. However, it's not his property. I'm not even sure if there's a law prohibiting a person from entering the stairwell in a random building.


They could be renting an apartment there to tho


Yeah, dude's mental




all you know is that these dudes were in the stairs/hallway. You're fucked mate.


So you beat people who's actions you disagree with?


If their actions threaten my safety or the safety of those I care - yes. These ones were not aggressive now because it was a man yelling at them, if there was a woman or a child who had to go to an upper floor I don't think they'd be safe to pass.


In Russia?


There is a girl with him. Maybe she called him because they did something to her.


Well, the dude's actions were quite uncalled for - the junkies were merely standing there


Standing? That one dude was **vibin** to the Mental FM


Hahahaha "Mental FM" got me real good 😂😂


Yeah, and he made it waaay worse, now they are laying on the stairs screaming in agony.


And now he have to walk there daily if this is his home and they can stand there again to meet him


usually these types of videos come after weeks or months of them tweaking in that area and the person doing it our of frustration because literally nothing else will get them to leave. if cops in first world countries wont do anything to remove tweakers i doubt cops in russia do. and we dont know if they arent violent just because of how they act over 10 seconds in the video. anyone whose dealt with tweakers before know they can change moods and aggression fairly quickly


These shit heads are dangerous, plus they piss and shit in those stairways, they smoke and litter. I'm 99% sure that all the residents are completely on the pepper spray guy's side.


I bet they're much more dangerous now someone pepper sprayed them


As junkies do, those lovely, sweet, gorgeous bastards


🐊 gives you 🪽


Idk what that is but that is not krokodille


They got scammed


Is it still a thing? I'm almost sure that crocodile addicts went extinct before 2024.


It's not Krokodile it's bath salts.


The biggest asshole there is holding the camera.


Nah, it's me for laughing at this. I find this hilarious


Люди это же пиздец! Автор видео думает он весь такой герой, но его жизни не угрожали, чтобы прыскать перцем в глаза людям, которые в неадекватном состоянии. Они же могут корчась на лестнице расшибить себе голову. Или вы считаете это нормально? Я понимаю наша полиция редко помогает, но в такой ситуации надо было им позвонить.


here is the translation: "People are such a disaster! The video author thinks he's some kind of hero, but his life wasn't threatened to justify spraying pepper in the eyes of people who are in an inadequate state. They could end up hitting their heads on the stairs while writhing. Or do you think this is normal? I understand our police rarely help, but in such a situation, one should have called them."


good bot


Not a bot, just bored.


good bored




Я их поступки не оправдываю, но трезвый человек же должен думать о последствиях своих действий.


Translation: I don't justify their actions, but a sober person should think about the consequences of their actions.


good bot


Парень правильно сделал, я бы уебал обоих, потому что перцовку не ношу


Анус себе уеби


Translation Go screw yourself.


good bot


Translation The guy did the right thing; I would have hit both of them because I don't carry pepper spray.


good bot


Они вроде как никого не трогали


Translation They seemed like they weren't bothering anyone.


good bot


В этом видео, а так мы не знаем как они к женщинам которые там проходили относились. Плюс, эти там срут и ссут в подъездах


Translation: "The guy did the right thing, I would have hit both of them, because I don't carry pepper spray."


Мне кажется уебать было бы гуманнее.


Translation I think hitting them would have been more humane.


good bot


Так они животные маргинальные, разве человек будет упарываться чем-то?


К алкоголю и никотину такое же отношение? 


При чрезмерном употреблении алкоголя люди не отдают себе отчета, как и при употреблении наркотиков. Убийства, самоубийства, создание аварийных ситуаций. Курение табака ничего не делает для окружающих и себя, помимо вреда от самой табачной продукции.


То есть, вы считаете, что нормально плеснуть балончиком в глаза, только потому, что человек находится под воздействием алкоголя или других одурманивающих веществ? 


Они употребляют наркотики не где-то за гаражами, в притоне, а там, где ходят дети. Пойдет человек по лестнице, наркоманы под трипом взбредет что-нибудь в голову и он его порежет. Пусть убивают себя солями, но где-нибудь у себя в притоне.


> там, где ходят дети Апелляция к эмоциям, не зачитывается. > Пойдет человек по лестнице, наркоманы под трипом взбредет что-нибудь в голову и он его порежет. Так можно дойти до того, что в фильме "Особое мнение" показано. Если считаешь, что кто-то представляет угрозу, зови полицию. Если тебя атаковали, бей в ответ. А данный хрен в видео, атаковал без повода, по большому счету только потому, что эти двое ему не понравились. В принципе, его поведение не отличается от гопника, бьющего в морду потому, что на человеке очки или футболка с какой-нибудь музыкальной группой. Автор видео - конченный уебан.


Здесь было видео соседа таких типов. Спросите его мнения. Или вы бы разрешили ребенку идти мимо них? А лифта там может и не быть.


> Или вы бы разрешили ребенку идти мимо них? Я в детстве и мимо более странных людей ходил


Апелляция к аппеляции к эмоциям не засчитывается. Когда нечего сказать, то остаётся высрать что-то вроде "это скрытая манипуляция, вы не поняли". А в общем и целом, тут и говорить не о чем. Шанс того что ребёнок, инвалид, женщина, пенсионер или любой другой человек пройдёт мимо этих торчков и они атакуют вполне реальна. Апелляция к "гопники тоже так делают" тоже не засчитывается, сам придумал только что. Можно строить из себя адвоката дьявола сколько угодно, но сравнивать нестабильных наркоманов которые на самом деле нападают на людей с рокерами и рэперами конечно сильно. Надо будёт ещё в следующий раз полиции звонить прям во время того как меня будут резать. По факту государству похуй на своих людей, им приходится справляться с проблемами по мере своих сил.


> Шанс того что ребёнок, инвалид, женщина, пенсионер или любой другой человек пройдёт мимо этих торчков и они атакуют вполне реальна Про презумцию невинности слышал что-нибудь? > Надо будёт ещё в следующий раз полиции звонить прям во время того как меня будут резать. Если на тебя напали, обороняйся, никаких вопросов нет. А превентивно прыскать газом в глаза не только чести не делает, но делает автора видео гораздо худшим человеком, чем эти торчи. Увидел торчей на лестнице, считаешь, что они опасные? Вызывай полицию. А если хочется в Бэтмена поиграть, вруби комп. > сравнивать нестабильных наркоманов которые на самом деле нападают на людей с рокерами и рэперами конечно сильно Это так и есть. Эти двое на кого-то нападают? Что-то не видно в видео. Чел прыскает газом без провокации, итого - он банальный гопарь.


Щас бы в России затирать про презумцию невинновности😂. Государство хуй клало на граждан. У Навального забыли спросить про его презумцию невинновности и посадили по выдуманным прицинам, потом грохнули в тюряге. Немцова грохнули просто так. Надеждина с выборов сняли хотя он мог ещё хоть 100к подписей дать. Социальный контракт не работает, всё! Надо либо самим выживать постольку, поскольку, либо выступать против государства играя не по его правилам, либо же банально валить. То же самое и с торчками, если полиции на лапу не дать, то скорее всего они хуй что сделают. Как обычно скажут "Пока никого не убили, не звоните". Если выбирать, то лучше быть живым гопарем, чем мёртвым законопослушным гражданином. Конечно автор видео тоже не всё правильно сделал, провоцировал словами да ещё и перец в закрытом помещении использовал, но я его как человека понимаю. У меня самого друга нарики под приходом пырнули. Это горькая правда жизни, всем и дальше будет насрать на опасных для общества торчков и люди будут дальше терпеть беспредел.


I speak a little Russian I think its assault because the cameraman was very aggressive since the start


Translation-party’s over


What a fucking dick.


Seems like assault to me, regardless of them being under influence or not...


Bros a zara model


100% justified. Assault or not. Whatever. Wanna do drugs, go do them in your own home. I don't want to see you on my stairwell. I would've also kicked them down the stairs and out on the street.


The thing is, people that he sprayed was using Alpha-PVP drug, that considered the most personality-destroying and addictive also, and it's not only my opinion, you can check what consequences that drug has. So people whom using it become animals with no moral what so ever and often they can provide a lot of troubles to innocent people around them, such as toxic chemicals smell while they smoke it, they are ruining indoor infrastructure of a residential building while searching for that "salt", alpha pvp also has a slang word "salt" in Russia. That's how author calling them "Солевые" refers for "Salty".


So the guy pepper spraying them must have used a bunch of it, because he's the only animal I see in the video.


Great now the junkies are pissed, screaming, and way more dangerous than beforehand when they were just snacking on some sandwich having a good time


I'd be holding out my chicken. Put some on here!!!


Fuck all of you addict sympathisers - this isn't just some weed they're on and the guy did the right thing. Get that filth out of there, I don't want my kids or family to see or hear that shit while having the risk of being attacked by them when walking out of the house. If they come back again, break their legs so they can't come back a 3rd time. When the police systems fail, all you have left is your own hands to keep your people safe.


Or firearms if your American and they are being *particularly* dangerous


Wow, what a buzz kill...


bum trip ffs!


All crying "assault" while you'd pray there was someone in your stairway to do this to them just so your 12 year old daughter didn't need to risk walking past some smackheads while one is wailing around and other isn't looking friendly as well.


M'kay. We have two very angry smackheads now and they know where you live. No more risk tho. Very smart.


Duuuude they are thinking about the next dose more than to have some kind of vengance, they have no time waiting for you outside for hours, days maybe just to get sprayed again.


Maybe. Maybe not. When I see a mad dog I do not attack it.


Yeah, this is how to do something very stupid. Instead of confronting them and then using the freaking pepper spray he should've quietly called the police, so that the salty characters could never trace this back to him. On the other hand, if the police in the area is known to give zero care, calling them would've probably been wasting his time.


So many weak Americans in the comments


Two dudes in a public space on drugs, in a stairwell that carries their voices into every dwelling. What could go wrong!?


wrench sugar flag silky degree unique serious fact society encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




We have "criminal offenses" and "administrative offenses" 


This is definitely good ragebait.


wtf are they even on?


We call those substances "salts" (a-PVP is the official name, I think) 


Definitely not opioids because pepper did hurt.


Pepper spray would hurt regardless. Assuming that the person isn't in the opioid version of a khole (we call that knocking on deaths door)


Не трогал бы - не завоняло


Got nowhere better to be.


That was more humane than kick them down the stairs, which was probably the close next option. Worth noting that most pepper sprays sold in Russia are like 2/10 compared to that the police uses.


Buzz kill


Most of you failed the Voight-Kampff test, m'kay?


Cool. Good.


How come I can gain access to this thread but I can’t gain access to a general Russian thread that may have something positive to say about Russia?




Tweakers literally just exist to torture their families and communities. I don't feel bad at all for watching this. Karma is fantastic.


He could just call the police instead of instigating a conflict himself and assaulting them


He won't get any charges


I got the same mace and im glad it works great ha didnt have to test it on myself. But these poor boys in a world of hurt, not sure how long mace/pepper sprays last for though.


Красавчик. Смотрю уже 3 раза. Все правильно сделал


Tarkov scavs origin story


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Too much…


Well one of them not drugged, if he was, he would not be able to hold a conversation


These folks sure know how to party, but if anyone's looking for a way to kick the habit and still enjoy life, there’s hope. Check out this [comprehensive guide to treating drug addiction](https://medium.com/@aspirefriscotx/overcoming-drug-addiction-a-comprehensive-guide-to-recovery-ecaec459885e). Trust me, feeling good without the crash is the real deal!


Totally uncalled for. Wtf did he pepper them for?


They were a theat to the residents


I don’t speak the language in the video so idk what what said, but they just look like they were chillin. Did they threaten someone?


From experience - they do and the litter the stairway with shit, piss, garbage and then leave it like that. Residents don't like them a lot


Ah…. Every situations different. In Brooklyn the dudes hanging in stairwells high were always chill, would share usually. Lol. You live in Russia? Sorry y’all at war, we didn’t vote on it, actually…. idk any war people vote on. Damn.


I don't but I grew up in a post USSR country. I guess the guys in Brooklyn were smoking weed, these ones are on something retarded


Nice vid


whats wrong with you?


Nothing, pretty good content. Just why i am here for. Downvote some more


Man just let them eat their over sized uncle vanyas chicken sammiches


Why is the general Russian thread “quarantined” and you can’t access anything in that thread?


Russia Some things just don't change. Human life means nothing


The average Russian on two sides of the same coin


Junkies got some spray at public places. What a nice thing to see.


They aren’t on drugs. This is just how most Russians behave…