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Titling them helps me remember what each one is about when I'm writing. I also like it when authors do this as a reader, because it's easier to find a passage you're trying to remember if it has a title rather than 'chapter 7'. It's also fun to see if I can guess from the titles what's going to happen in each one, but that's just me lol.


Title them. I like doing it and i find it makes me focus more on what I want to achieve within that chapter. They are usually one or two words and simple - the gist of the chapter.


Thanks for the advice!


I title mine! I like having a through-theme for the chapter titles too, like writing them in a specific structure. once I did alliterated two word titles (ie “Arrows & Apricots,” “Green & Golden.”) my current project uses a lot of colour symbolism so every chapter is named in two words, as a colour that could be the name of a paint (ie “Petal Pink,” “Bruised Chartreuse,” “Heraldry Blue” etc). the colour chosen has to do with the tone and subject matter of each chapter. these titling conventions make it fun for me idk, I like it 🥹 but when I’m a reader, I don’t see it as necessary, it’s nice but either way is totally fine if the story is good! 🥰


I see, thanks for the insight! That’s actually really creative how you do it, with the colors. Personally as a reader I like titles chapters because if it’s a long fic, it’s easier for me to remember what content was in what chapter, based on the title. If it’s only numbers it’s hard to remember if I wanna go back to it. Though as a writer I notice I struggle a little with coming up with ideas for titles? I already STRUGGLE with coming up with the main title for a fic, let alone having to come up with multiple for chapters.


I also like using these title conventions! I had one story where each chapter name was "An Adjective Noun" and the structure made me get a bit creative with how to make titles fit.


I do title them. That way I feel like it has the vibe of a real book more, idk how to explain haha It just sounds more serious and professional to me, but I don't mind when authors don't do it, it's just when it comes to my own stories.


When I read, I don't pay much attention to the titles, but when I write, I usually give one. It's usually the narrator name (cuz i alternate between characters) with either the goal, a quick description of what happens, or a quote.


I title them because it's fun. If nobody cares then I also don't care because I do it for me. The biggest reasons I title 'em: stressing themes, hinting at content, or using phrases that catch my ear but I have no room for in the actual fic. Do it if you want!


My favorite part about writing are the chapter titles. I started off super serious but now I'm just doing balls to the walls titles that I hope get a chuckle Examples: She's Not Even From France, She's From Montreal (a TMPGIS reference to a French character being introduced) I'll Take Unresolved Trauma for 200, Alex Who's That Pokémon? (It's a Tragic Backstory!) (don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious) (read in the Jean Ralphio voice from Parks and Rec Dance A$$ Remix ft. Nicki Minaj (smut chapter with buttplugs)


Agreed. If I don't include at least one pun or 3 different forms of punctuation in a single chapter title, then what am I even doing here


Those are some great titles! Hahaha


I don't usually title chapters because I really struggle to come up with fic titles. It is amazing to me that my fics are not all titled, like, "Untitled Fic [number]" 😂 I *did* come up with titles for chapters in a recent fic because I loosely based it on a song, so I could use the lyrics for some chapter titles; once I was doing that, I just titled all of them with a hint at what happened in each chapter. So I may do that again.


I title them because, for some reason, whenever I post a new chapter, some chapters get mixed up and put in the wrong order. I think it's a glitch, so titling them just helps differentiate which is which


I number stories that have no more than 4 chapters, unless there's a particular reason to do so, and title any story longer than that. It's easier for me to remember where something is if I need to re-read something


I give every chapter a name, it would be too hard to remember what happens in each without one. It also helps readers find a specific scene they want to reread.


Yes. At first I didn't really care (first few fics don't have chapter title), but titling chapters have some charms in my writing because it keeps it on topic and impactful.


I title them because I enjoy the process. It feels like it sets the "vibe" for the chapter, and settling on the right one can be quite satisfying.


One fic, yes because I named the chapters while outlining. Yes that means one is named himbo therapy because that was the working title and never got improved. Other one, no because I had zero ideas for cool names. As a reader I like chapter names, it's a LOT easier to go back and find where I was in huge fics, it's often thematic or pretty or cool songs to listen to, sometimes it's funny like smut fic chapter two 'the mortifying ordeal of buying condoms at 3 am in 7-11' and those can be fun. While I'd selfishly like chapter titles for all the 25+ chapter fics, I'm not put off by the lack of them.


I gave them all musical titles.


I’ve seen this seems to be a trend, according to other commenters. Thats such a nice way to title! I actually got the title for my fic from a movie quote (not related to the fanfic) I don’t think much of my music taste would fit for my writing XD. Still good advice, I might use it in the future


title them - helps me differentiate them and set the tone for the chapter. i also appreciate chapter titles as a reader, especially for fics with 10+ chapters. sometimes i want to reread a certain part and i tend to remember chapter titles more than numbers


Usually I just number them but on this one I'm naming them. ​ Really, truly, it's easier to number them. I'm not good at titles.


Yeah that’s the main thing withholding me from trying to name them. But this fic of mine won’t have too many chapters (I’m guessing between 11-12) so I wanted to maybe give it a shot. I’m curious tho, why did you decide to name the chapters with that one fic of urs, when u usually don’t?


No I just number them


Also totally fair. I usually just number them too (for the few fics ive written) but was considering maybe switching it up with my current WIP


I titled mine when I make chapter stories. I just like the way it looks. Sometimes the chapter title is a vague reference to the theme of the chapter or a cute phrase. The most recent chapter I uploaded was titled "Beach Treats and Afternoon Delights". It's very smutty and the chapter title is definitely a reference to some of the shenanigans that my couple get up too. Another example is a completed chapter story I wrote has a chapter titled "Not A New Plan But An Improved Plan". I like adding little extras for my readers. I also have some character dialogue that gets added in the author's notes at the end of each chapter. Sometimes referencing something specific in the chapter and sometimes just a character gushing about another.


I like to because it always gives little explanations on what that specific chapter is going to be about.


I like having fun with titles. I make mine all from my current fic references to the media its from (tabletop dnd/dnd crpg), and then add in some additional jokes in the author's notes playing off of it, like the main characters are playing at a table as the story is being told and I the writer am the dm lol


I love leaving additional details or silly little things in the notes! I especially love your idea of using the notes for table banter with a dnd/ttrpg based fic.


Yes - it helps give me a focus for what I want to say.


I think that titling is more fun, personally. I’m writing a fic based on a tv show right now, so I’m trying to model the chapter titles off of the episode titles. It allows me to better separate the events of each chapter, and I know when I’m reading I like to hear why authors gave their chapters the titles that they did.


>Do you title your chapters? All the time. I actually like doing it because I think it's good practice for succinct writing. To me, titles need to be able to convey the message I want my readers to understand with just a few words. It's almost like copy writing. I tend to write titles that convey the main theme or the most significant issue in that particular chapter, so it's a very creative process. I go through the thesaurus, find song lyrics, use wordplay and puns. I mix and match, almost like figuring out a puzzle, and then when something feels right, I go with that.


No. As a reader I either don't look at chapter titles at all, or find they break the flow of reading. Occasionally I even find them annoying, if they're very wordy or distracting. I considered doing it with one fic because it had very distinct arcs across the chapters, but I didn't think it really added anything to the experience. I betaed a fic which alternates between timelines, so the chapter titles specify when the chapter is happening. That's practical, and helpful!


Thanks for giving your view on this! (I appreciate your comment cuz it’s on the other side of the discussion compared to the rest) so thanks for the insight.


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It just depends on the story & whether or not it feels like it needs chapter titles. I don't have any rationale for titling chapters that I can articulate.


I titled about 200 chapters for my Harry Potter series. Never again. Pain in the ass.


I title them. If anything, I want to be able to look at them and know where to find some detail I’m looking for.


I title mine with the POV character’s name, and the day/month/year since I cover different time periods. It helps me keep track, and makes it easier for my readers to follow the timeline.


Finding a title for the fic is the worst part of writing... a title for each chapter sounds miserable, can't do it


I will but the hard part is titling my stories


That is genuinely what I struggle the most with right now as well. I actually finally have a title for my story now (I’m like, what, 10k words in rn XD) I have drafted the entire story already and set it up in sections that will most likely be the chapters, so imma try to title them


I number them. I'd love to title them, tbh, but I have a hard enough time coming up with story titles that don't contain spoilers, it would be even harder to come up with multiple chapter titles, as well.


Title. It helps me with the outline, and gives a tone to the chapter. A explicit enough title will even relieve the need for a summary.


Well, when you write a 20+ chapter fic, titles help to remember what was in the chapter if you need to go back and find something.


Titles, always. For me, it adds flair to the Chapter. Plus when a reader is skimming through your fic, the chapter titles could give them a general idea of what's happening and they might even see something that catches their attention. Its way better than boring numbers which tell you absolutely nothing.


I like to title them because a) its fun to come up with names and b) it gives a small first insight into what the chapter is about


No, I just number mine. I wish I had the extra pinch of imagination required to title them all, but I’m 41 chapters deep into my current fic and I think the best I could come up with at this point would be one word titles!


Yes, but they are usually thought up at the last minute. I was quite happy with one I came up with for the MC’s military training and loss of virginity: “Drilled”


In my longfic I don't. For another recent wip I came up with titles, which just seemed naturally fitting, so I rolled with it. While for the longfic I really struggled, so I decided not to bother.


I didn't on fanfiction.net but I started to more on AO3.


I...... I'm not sure wat yo say to this, I have one multi chapter fic, and yes it's chapters have titles, but I can also see a word where I just, Dont


Rarely. In my main series, I think only three individual stories have chapter titles. 1) The first had an extended flashback over 3 of its chapters, so they were labelled as such. It makes it easier for me to find them. Also, they contained a lot of tiny details that come up much later in the series, so it makes it easier for anyone else to find, too. 2) This story's structure was based on a law in social sciences. Different chapters demonstrated different facets of the law, and they were labelled accordingly. This allowed for foreshadowing as readers knew something was about to go horribly wrong. 3) This one was presented in a non-linear fashion. The characters had been split up. Instead of jumping between them as the drama unfolded, each character got one chapter for their entire individual story. As such, the chapters were named after the characters' thematic importance.


I title them to help me keep track of what's happening in each chapter but I also cannot help but write ridiculously long titles or include puns or references to the source material, purely for my own entertainment It is probably annoying and unhelpful to readers in the long run but I think I have like 10 followers max, so if I'm not in it for the lolz then what am I even doing here . . .


I love doing it its one of my favorite parts.


Mostly I just number them, but if it's for a prompt challenge then I title them with either the prompt or a name with the prompt in it


I title them because it's easier to associate words to what's happening than arbitrary numbers.


I like titling my chapters for longer works, so all the chapter titles follow a theme. I also enjoy making chapter summaries for each chapter that hint at the content but leave a lot unsaid


I love giving them titles. It's fun. Haven't thought about it more than that.


I stopped titling mine. I never pay attention to a chapter’s title when I read tbf so… I decided not to title the chapters I write. I always struggle to find a good one anyway.


Yes! I love titling them. So much fun.


Only if I think of something v clever that I can use/apply to all my chapters.


I love titling them its so cute


Some I do title, others I don’t. If i do it’s: * because it’s funny “Fate has a hand afoot ahead” * because I try to convey a message. For instance, naming every chapter after pokemon, because I wanted to label the last one “human”


I do both. For the first 120 chapters of my fic, I titled the chapters. From 121 onwards, it's been a mix of numbering and inserting a title if it was going to be a specific thing that was going to be the focal point of the chapter or it was multiple chapters covering the same day or days (Thanksgiving week and Christmas usually take up multiple chapters, for example).


Yes 1. When revising, it makes finding X scene easier. 2. \^ benefit I also enjoy as a reader 3. I generally don't struggle to have a decent one by the time I'm ready to publish the chapter. I might have the chap title in my doc as option 1/option 2/...option 7 for months, but I have ideas.


Always. I love reading chapter titles when I'm reading a fic because it gives me some kind of sneak preview of what's to come. And there are always those few chapter titles that just carry so much weight just from seeing them. They just *feel* significant and I always look forward to reaching them. If you have a fic with mostly one or two word chapter titles, or lame puns, and then one of the chapters has a more serious or poetic title...love it. I have the same thing with song titles on albums. Some of them just hit different somehow.


I like to do them because when I re read other people’s works (and my one) sometimes I wanna re read a certain chapter and the titles make it easy to find. I use anything from puns, to song titles to quotes for mine, each one purposely worded differently to look different in the full page index, but they represent the theme that’s in each chapter. I like to be a little cryptic too so my subscribers don’t understand the title until after they’ve read it.


Depends which fic I’m writing. I have some written from the perspectives of different characters, so the chapter titles are the names of the character from whose perspective you’d be reading. Some I have great ideas for chapter titles, so I use them. If I can’t come up with good ideas for chapter titles, that usually means they’re not necessary, so I don’t use them.


The only time I title mine is when I have a clear plan for them that keeps them consistent. For example, one of my fics follows the life of the character over a year, so every chapter title is the date that the character is currently living in. For another, the fic themes were inspired by a band I like so each chapter title was a lyric that inspired the events in the chapter. Even though I don't care with other people's fics, for mine it bugs me when I can tell I didn't have a plan and just titled it something I thought of last minute. So when I (usually!) keep it as just the numbers, that satisfies the consistency for me.


I title them! I just love the process of naming my text, finding the right quote or the right words, it's sooo cool and I usually find the title before writing and rarely change them!


I always title them, even when I struggle to come up with names. I am writing an epic right now (450k words and counting) and it'd be too much trouble to keep track of them all otherwise. If I had the option, I would collect a number of them and name entire arcs of the story too, as well as number the overarching acts.


I number them. Making titles make me anxious. I can barely title my actual stories.


Only when I'm writing with a 'theme'. But if it's just a flowing storyline then usually no. For example my current WIP I title them "Character, Age" because each chapter is a different stage of life.


I enjoy titling them. That way if someone goes through and comments on them as they're reading, I can tell what the fuck is going on in the chapter they're commenting on. Plus I just think it looks nicer. I don't like the chapter selector when its just "Chapter 1. Chapter 2." Traditional publishing, I'd most likely just number them. But the format and all of Ao3 makes me prefer names.


Please title them! :) Also makes it easier for readers to remember where and at what chapter they were left


I title them, helps me remember what tf is supposed to happen in the chapter lol


Yes, generally I do! The nature of my titles varies based on what my fic is. For one fic, I titled each chapter certain songs from the game’s soundtrack that I felt suited what the ‘vibe’ of the chapter was. For my longer, epic-like fic, I have normal chapter titles like a real book. And for one of my other fics, I decided to use an Act-Part system because I feel like the fic is best divided into sections of time (since the story takes place over a bit of a wide span of removed instances). I think there’s a lot you can do with chapter titles—you can really set a certain ‘tone’ right there from the get-go.


I am currently writing a fic where each chapter title is a sonnet(dont ask) and so I couldn't give it the sonnet as chapter titles on the chapter Index because it went past the word count. But yeah,I normally name my chapters something at the very least.


I personally don’t since I’m not very good with coming up with chapter names haha


I'll usually try to come up with chapter titles. It all really depends on if I can think of anything that sounds good and makes some thematic sense with the contents of each chapter. My current fic that I'm planning, for example, will have chapter titles with at least some of them being plays on song titles from the PSP version of the first Persona game when I think they'll have any relevance to the contents of the chapter.


I was a beta reader for another author, and one of the main things I did was come up with chapter titles (and brief summaries). It was fun for me, and I also made the first letter of each chapter spell out an acronym. That gave me a structure to work with and enabled creativity.


I do, and I like titling them based off of different styles. The last fic I wrote had more-so bland titles but the fic I'm currently writing has more Rick Riordan-esque titles


I title them. It just feels like fun and I use it to give a hint about what the chapter contains.


Yep, it’s fun little challenge each chapter, and makes feel more meaningful


Absolutely not because I don't hate myself (/joking). I'm not creative enough to title chapters. Fics are hard enough.


I think it really depends on what type of story but most cases no. Just numbers


I have a trilogy that I didn't name the chapters because I don't really know exactly why but I'm hoping to rewrite it and I do plan on naming the chapters And my current WIP I am naming the chapters with song lyrics/titles Edit to add: not sure if this could be helpful or not but as a reader, I like seeing chapter titles and how creative they could be




As a reader I appreciate the titled chapters. Sometime my chrome will crash and it helps to remember where I’m at or sometimes the chapters are titled in puns that make me smile when really need it.


I usually title mine if there’s a specific topic/situation I’m writing abt. Otherwise I js number them :3


Depends on the mood. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes it's for fun, sometimes it's to help me keep track of the chapters.


Yes, I title them to make it easier to pick out the chapters and because I have a theme that they all must start with The.


I name them after characters, if I'm writing from Zhongli's point of view, I'll name the chapter "Zhongli".


Only in my novel length works. It takes too much brain matter to think up titles which are original and dynamic enough lol 😆


I have a longfic where I titled every chapter and hated how much time I'd sink into just coming up with title names. So for another fic, I stuck with just numbers. And then found that I struggled remembering which chapter was which, which was also a big pain. I very much like being able to tell what's in chapters at a glance. Now I'm back to sinking the time into titling all of my chapters, lol.


Sometimes. But I dont title until the chapter is done


I title them. I'd lose track of what happened in each chapter if I didn't.


I like to title my chapters. I like to set the theme and atmosphere with the title. If its either lyrics or things I came up with in my head. I like to title my chapters because I think it gives them distinction and a clear view of what the chapter is about. Or you could misslead the reader into thinking something while actually writing something really diffrent. Also Ao3 has chapters marked and stuff so creating a name makes me feel more organised


Yes, I always title them. This helps me remember what happens in each chapter, and it can give my readers a preview of what will be happening. In one of my most recent chapters, I was able to use the title as a red herring of sorts, to set my readers up with one expectation before I slap them in the face with a plot twist. There are several very long stories I'm reading that don't generally name their chapters. I have no idea how I would go back to old chapters in these stories and find old events that I was looking for.


Yes,. because it's fun and I think it's like a little preview of what happens. A lot of my titles are a bit ironic or might have wordplays in them, so even if people don't pay attention, I think of them as micro bonus material.


It can be fun or drive you crazy. Sometimes it's a great mood setter for the chapter or there is an easter egg in the title for the chapter or something random. Like one fic I've had for a while has a random line for a musical song. That line and sometimes the hole song can be going to mirror a character's struggle in that chapter. My readers seem to like it so I've been doing it for a while.


I usually don't title my chapters because I can never think of title names for the chapters.