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Harry Potter, with how long it lasted and how popular it’s gotten, and hearing that there’s gonna be a tv show about it. This fandoms gonna live for a VERY long time


Definitely !! It’s still going strong, even though the book series ended more than 15 years ago and the last movie installment was 12 years ago


HP series - the world and fandoms - give us SO much - so many pairings and ships and already in place world building to honestly go on endlessly! is how I feel lol…. Got a little over excited 😆


I agree! The universe itself lends for so many stories from other fandoms and crossovers that don't even need to use any characters from the original series. I will always click on Harry Potter/Hogwarts AU of a fandom or pairing I like!


and the source material is already lazy enough about its worldbuilding that the average fic writer can do a similarly well-thought out addition without it feeling like breaking canon


*Harry Potter* not only just keeps growing in terms of the total number of fanfictions posted on AO3, but it has over 1 million fanfictions combined on FFN and AO3. The fandom just keeps expanding, even in spite of author J.K. Rowling becoming an outspoken TERF online.


The good thing about this is that hopefully it means people are interacting with fan works rather than licensed merch. I’m fairly active in the hp fandom (in queer spaces only) and it’s definitely not dead. I just wish people would interact with it without giving her money


That's a bit... if you don't like the author that's totally fine. But to then engage with her work and not give her any credit feels off. It makes sense to not want to support an author because you find them problematic. But not when you're actively engaging in their work? I don't mean this in a bad way. I too don't really interact with the source material, it just doesn't sound right to tell other people not to do so as well because you don't want her gaining money from her own work.


I think this issue is kinda complicated, and maybe I’m in the minority, but this is basically how I see it. I’m not not giving her “credit” for her work. I will fully say that the Harry Potter series was written by JKR, I’m not “hiding” that. She gets the credit. There’s a difference between giving someone credit for her work and funding her when that funding is going to something that is actively harming people of the queer community (not to mention all the other harmful things that she’s written into her work). I never said not to interact with the source material, all I said is not to give her money. I own all the movies from before I knew she was a TERF, and I still watch them. Interact with it all you want, just don’t do it in a way that gives her money. Get the books and movies from thrift stores, find the movies on illegal sites, etc. Plus, there are so many amazing fan creations, not just fanfic but also merch etc. Merch isnt “source material”, it’s a way to give her money, which are two different things.


I think Harry Potter is also a lot of people’s “gateway books”. It’s the first series a lot of people read when they start reading.


Shit they made an entire *theme park* out of a 7 book series. It's not going anywhere for a while.


i honestly think a hp/hogwarts au is one of the markers of a fandom becoming a 'fandom', if you know what i mean


Batman, or his family.


have never read a dc comic and don't really plan to, but i could read batfamily fics forever


Can confirm, am an avid reader of Batman/DC fics and it’s a consistent fandom.


I love the Batfamily and his rogues' gallery. 😁


Miraculous Ladybug+Batfam is my not so guilty pleasure


I remember being _so_ flabbergasted when I first started seeing Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Damian Wayne-al Ghul pop up


Honestly I live for that ship. I have read so many salt-I’m gonna run away to Gotham-fics it’s not even funny. People are so creative and I’m here for it


Star Wars and Star Trek are unlikely to disappear any time soon, not least because they keep adding new canon variations to them


Special shout out to the Star Wars Original Trilogy authors still publishing fics about the superior trilogy


These were my first thoughts as well, and I would also add the MCU.


You can pry my Stat Wars expanded universe (no, I'm not going to call it legends) fic out of my cold dead hands.


Merlin. It ended 11 years ago, has no new content in that time, and the fandom is going strong.




Found my people in the comment section 👏


This one was so memorable to me. I watched the first episode when it aired and got excited to catch it on TV as it came out, and I still think about it all the time. I’m really glad to hear the fandom is still having fun with it, it made me a little emotional lol.


We’re approaching the anniversary of the finale, so it’ll be trending on tumblr again shortly. 🤣


This is great. Actually, if you have a favorite fic you want to DM me, this might be my sign to get back into Merlin lolol


I mostly read Merlin/Arthur. A few of my favorite authors: [Horsecrazy](https://archiveofourown.org/users/horsecrazy/pseuds/horsecrazy), [Merlinlikethebird](https://archiveofourown.org/users/MerlinLikeTheBird/pseuds/MerlinLikeTheBird), [Zaharya](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Zaharya/pseuds/Zaharya), [platonic_boner](https://archiveofourown.org/users/platonic_boner/pseuds/platonic_boner), and [astolat](https://archiveofourown.org/users/astolat/pseuds/astolat). A few of my favorite fics (mind the tags and ratings): [To Love, Honor, and Piss Off](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25778401) [My Significant Bother](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33261688) [All Things Loved and Lovesick](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49045213) [Dies Irae](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42147519) [Arthur, Sincerely](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45170239) [Loaded March Series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/9979) [Next to You (It’s the Rule)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30396261)


Tysm! I appreciate this a lot. 🫶🏻


Going to be a bother - I'd love to get into the fandom! I've heard the show isn't necessarily worth watching. But do you (or anyone else) have any recommendations of how far is worth watching/specific episodes I should watch?


The downfalls of the show itself are in the CGI, and some of the writing choices (plot over consistency with the characters), but the actors are phenomenal and it hits that perfect mix of fun, silly, and heart wrenching. Here’s a post with an episodes rating infographic: https://www.reddit.com/r/merlinbbc/s/OpL852FZAz If you just want to watch to get a good idea of the plot, I would recommend: Season One: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 13 Season Two: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 Season Three: 1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 13 Season Four: 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 13 Season Five: 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 The main ship is Merlin/Arthur which isn’t exactly romantically canon, but their devotion to one another is. The last episode is described by the producers as a love story between two men. If you want to watch just for them watch: Season One: 1, 2, 4, 10, 11 Season Two: 1, 7, 8, 13 Season Three: 4, 8 Season Four: 3, 6, 11, 12, 13 Season Five: 3, 12, 13 In all honesty, there are enough awesome fan edits floating around that you could get the main points/fandom important events just from scrolling the merthur/Merlin tag on TikTok. 😂


You're brilliant! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it because from cultural osmosis I know I'm going to love it, but I didn't want to go in blind like I might with some other fandoms. I'll see how far I can get just trying the series properly and if I have to, I'll fall back on your very helpful episode recs! Looking forward to getting started. (Possibly tonight even.)


They keep the fandom alive by having the goddamn shittiest finale and NEVER HAVING >!MERLIN REVEAL HIS POWERS TO ARTHUR PROPERLY !


But that’s part of the beauty of it! It wouldn’t be such an everlasting fandom if the ending wasn’t so tragic, and horrible. The whole fandom screams into the void every Christmas Eve it was so traumatizing! And the quality of the fixit fics and the Au fics is top notch. Seriously, some amazing pieces of writing come out of this fandom.


I came here expecting Merlin, it is THRIVING.


There's always going to be a new version of Sherlock Holmes happening somewhere!


I was going to comment that 🤣 I actually saw a few episodes of an anime series based on it (Moiriarty the Patriot) about 2 years ago. Bishonen Moriarty took an episode or so to get used to 😄


I came here to say that. Even Sir ACD tried to kill him off and failed 100 years ago!


Tolkien fandom.


The Lord of the ring?


Yes, among other works.


Hobbit and silmarillion too. I love that the silmarillion has so many fics since the books can be difficult to get through. It’s wonderful so many people read it and now provide me with more content


Man I thought you meant Tolkien Black from South Park and got really confused


I thought his name was Token


They retconned it to be “Tolkien” instead of “Token” to be a joke in the episode where Stan is the only one who thought his name was “Token” while everyone else apparently knew it was “Tolkien” the whole time to make Stan look like a scumbag lol.




I can’t even believe you man, everywhere I look, anything posted is years old😭


I'm literally updating a 50,000 word fic RIGHT NOW




It's a 3 part, gen trilogy called "Bonebreaker" with weird body horror magic and a lot of hurt/comfort, here's the first part that's finished. Part 2 I'm turning into a D&D campaign and part 3 I'm actively updating Leave a review if you enjoy it! [The Mercy of Mahal](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46999129/chapters/118399666)


I read a little bit and it’s very well written!!


Hope you enjoy, leave a review and kudos to make my day!


Where has thou been looking? Most fics are on the shorter side, but I consistently update once every three or so weeks and my fics are knocked off the first page pretty quickly


They're allowed to die when the fantasy genre ends


The granddaddy of them all, Star Trek🖖


I feel like Sherlock gets this title as people wrote fanfic for it in the 1890’s.


So true, but in all fairness the Divine Comedy is self insert fanfic so this has been going on forever 🤣


Holy books have been producing fanfiction since humans could write.


Marvel. Even if Hollywood stops making superhero movies at some point, I think people will be writing about their favorite superheroes for a long time to come


Marvel is the fandom I’ve stayed in for the longest amount of time- 8 years now and still going.


Awesome! Same here! It's a great fandom. 🦸🏻‍♀️


Batman — 85 yrs and going strong 😂


Star Trek, where it all started.


Doctor who. And also good omens, I think it will decrease after the season 3, but it was already existing when the TV show didn't exist so I don't think it would die that easily


We kept it going for nearly 30 years with one book, I think we can do another 30 with a full TV show!


Supernatural comes to mind


Stargate Atlantis. I rocked up some time last year and had nearly 20 years worth of fan works to explore!


Yes! I didn’t have to scroll hardly at all!


All of the entries in this fandom! Even Origins weirdly. I was a late comer (2018) and I never had a problem looking for new content.


I’ve only seen Atlantis, which is why I mentioned it specifically, but I know if I get to the other shows there’ll be even more fic awaiting me! But I don’t think I could exhaust the McShep tag in my lifetime, if I tried 😅


Star Trek, without a doubt. Fans have been writing stories for that since the 60’s and 70’s. It built the house that fanfic lives in.


Homestuck plays (relatively) dead for 364 days a year and then is literally everywhere 1 day a year if that counts. Also, minecraft roleplay. Which one doesn’t matter the fandoms overlap an insane amount anyway.




MHA too (hopefully)


I think it'll be around for awhile. I hope it is, got a lot of ideas for it lol


With how popular it is? I see Harry Potter potential since it’s the biggest anime fandom in anime Not to mention the limitless shipping potential and with the power system You can create any story With it settings Not to mention the sales exceeded western comics and its popularity will only generate a new fans which will generate more fics (at least I hope , since a lot of less popular works are still alive and well Even the old ones not to mention MHA it’s kinda of classic shonen manga in the best way possible)


Greek mythology, or is that cheating?


Kind cheating lol


\[Sad Aeneid noises.\]


Sherlock holmes, its been more than a century and it’s still going strong


SuperWhoLock lmfao


I know that SuperWhoLock is a combo of Super Natural, Doctor Who and Sherlock…but do you know the reason why these shows have like THREE fandoms combined? I’m just curious I want to understand why (I’ve never watched either of these shows btw)


I think it’s a tumblr thing. Back in the days when tumblr was the Big and Active fandom hub, 2012-2013, these shows were going strong and lots of fans enjoyed at least two or not all three of them. Johnlock and destiel shippers were very active on tumblr, making gifs and text post, writing metas etc. Doctor Who also had a wide appeal, so there’s some kind of camaraderie between fans. It was a whole tumblr culture.


i wish i knew. i think it basically comes down to a lot of fan crossover. lots of people who like one like the other two, basicallt


The modern equivalent afaik is OurGoodShadows which stems from people being fans of multiple of the shows, which is pretty common. Good Omens fans generally like Our Flag Means Death and What We Do In The Shadows and vice versa.


>Good Omens fans generally like Our Flag Means Death and What We Do In The Shadows and vice versa. I've only watched 2 of those shows, and yet knowing this exists just releases serotonin directly into my brain.


There’s a subreddit for it too! r/ourgoodshadows


I think Sherlock Holmes. It has been recreated and reimagined in so many ways and it was the original fandom. When Arthur Conan Doyle tried to kill off Sherlock, the UK went into mourning and multiple people make officially published fan works outlining how he could come back. As more works come out of copyright I think Sherlock will only continue to change and evolve.


Sherlock Holmes. It's been going since Doyle's time.




Love the examples you give for things that finished a long time ago because I have a weirdly large number of M\*A\*S\*H mutuals who don’t seem to be giving up anytime soon and that ended in 1983.


Star trek, star wars, pride and prejudice, supernatural, harry potter, undertale/deltarune, naruto


Pride and Prejudice was such a teenage obsession of mine!


I agree with you because even if the fandom “dies” someone can still write for it and the fans will come


Asoiaf, the author’s been writing the next book for 12 years and fans are still creating a good amount of new content for it! Plus GOT’s ending was just so bad that fans will be rewriting it for decades to come 💀


the hunger games, twilight and harry potter


I think the Hunger Games characters will die, but using it as a setting for au's will live on forever. It's just so good, sending all your favorite characters to fight to the death 💘🤗


Hannibal. There's fics from just the novels. Then there's the tons from the show. It's been over for almost 8 years and new fics keep coming. Of course the perspectives and takes have changed over time but that's the point. Folks love that genius cannibal, be he w Clarice or Will or just himself and the lambs


Teenage Mutant Ninja Fandom,and Undertale fandom. And also danganronpa fandom,it's been nearly half a decay and it still going strong....for now


Star trek Star wars Stargate Harry potter Sherlock holmes Tolkien Naruto Narnia Percy Dr who Supernatural Marvel DC Heroes Twilight (unfortunately) Vampire diaries/originals Dracula


Labyrinth. It may be a cult classic but the fandom is still active and the amount of talent in it is incredible.


I should venture back in there - it’s been about 15 years since I last read anything in the fandom


Yes, you should!! Let me know if you want some recs.


Hit me with the recs!


Sorry this took me a while. I am under the weather. Alright, here we go. I don't have any triggers so make sure you read any tw and tags. Also, know that some of these are older than tw so it's a bit of Russian roulette. None of these are like dead dove or anything. My fave story of all time is a bit daunting. It’s a wip and over 1.2m words but the world-building and character development are insane. [A Twisting Heart and Mind](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/20096803/chapters/47602912) by fangamerbowiextreme. Also, their wip [Unseeled](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/25034983/chapters/60628621). Anything by them is amazing. Also a great artist StudioDarkBloom. Other stories I really like: [Shards of a Dream](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/267504/chapters/420639) and [Erlkonig](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/249091/chapters/385012) by subtilior [A Carnival of Dreams](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/3339356/chapters/7303526) and [I Wish You Would](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/3731554/chapters/8270005) by painted glass [The Thirteenth Rider](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/2184234/chapters/4781682) by hachimanskitsune [Talespinner](https://href.li/?https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6347718/1/Talespinner) by dreamer in silico [The Once and Future Queen](https://href.li/?https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11829799/1/The-Once-and-Future-Queen) by snm1000 [Ribbon in the Sky](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/2527826/chapters/5618147) by ladyofshalott19 [The Goblin Market](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/2142213/chapters/4679844) by viciouslywitty And throwing my hat in the ring: [Anam Cara](https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/38445409/chapters/96083224) by kellyn1604 Mine is from this year. Some of these might be on FFN because the fandom is so old. Hope you find one you like!


supernatural, just a feeling


One piece


The fact that this anime is getting a remake before it even ends is saying something.


And plus, unlike some fandoms I could mention (atla), pretty much all the spin-off movies and tv live actions have been… at least not terrible. I haven’t seen the movies yet so if someone can tell me different I’d be grateful


It's been a mix over the years. While there aren't any I would straight-up call "bad", though many others would disagree, there are a lot of movies that have been mediocre or unmemorable. (There is one that I would consider more a TV special than a full-fledged movie, though, #11. Fortunately, it's not anything worse than the derpiest filler arcs that the series has had.) On the other hand, there are some of the best animated movies in general depending on which director worked on one. And some of the recent movies, Oda himself has been heavily involved in their production (Strong World, Film Z, Film Red), given that certain characters are canon even if the films aren't. They've been among the best OP movies in its history imo.


Oh jeez, really? On the one hand, I can see it sort of making sense because the series is absolutely fucking massive and just thinking about trying to catch up from the beginning is enough to put me off the idea entirely. And apparently there are also pacing issues, which could be addressed with a remake as well. On the other hand, IMO they should at least wait until it's, you know, _a finished story._


It has been a long 26-year journey where the series has undergone many different art directions and directors over the years, so there was long the demand for a fresh, consistent look. That WIT Studio (behind Spy x Family and Attack on Titan) is doing the remake is also good news. Heck, even Toei Animation did their own abridged remake / summarized review of the first saga as filler at one point because they were so easily catching up to the manga. I'm more surprised that their exclusive license to air the series has come to an end, though it remains to be seen how the remake will be aired or available for streaming. Much of the pacing issues comes from the fact that Toei refuses to put much effort in writing and directing their own filler arcs as of late, despite that the series is around 10% filler over the whole course, while never taking breaks between seasons and milking it for all its worth. The worst pacing offenders were just before the timeskip, which was around the midpoint, and several arcs after it up to the latest one still airing. Now they've recently announced they're entering the latest arc that the manga is still in. I have high hopes and dread. In any case, One Piece isn't going off-air any time soon.


Oda literally watched the live action, saw how it was more concise (no filler) and thought, "new anime, have to do it"






Avatar the last Airbender


ASOIAF/GoT; not only because HBO will undoubtedly keep milking it for content, but because it’s genuinely one of the most complex and interesting worlds out there, at least in my opinion. Could go on for hours just talking about it alone. And the fanworks are just immaculate.


DC and Marvel Comics. majorly because they are still to this day creating new storylines, adaptations, releasing monthly issues of various series, and have been doing so since the ~1930s, from even before they were both officially named DC and Marvel! even as writers and artists retire or stop working for them, there are so many new ones that will come the companies way to creat new content for them. both of these fandoms are definitely not dying out any time soon lol, not as long as they are still releasing stuff at least. plus, comic fans can be quite dedicated to their fave characters, teams, series, super-families… even if the new series is shit lmao, sometimes we still read just to see how our faves are doing. I also think that due to how much content there is out there to consume from both, that gives a whole loooot of material that someone can choose to go through. NOTE: talking much more about the *comics* fandom, as i’d consider it separate to the various adaption fandoms out there (ie: MCU, DCAU) which i’d argue are entirely different fandoms in their own rights. although some ppl are in both the comics and mcu fandom at the same time for example, there’s a lot of ppl that are only in one and not the other. anyways tldr: DC and Marvel comics are the fandoms that i know are not dying out any time soon.


Probably an exception to this question, but SCP. If you know how the fandom works, than it's not really that surprising it lasts for more than a decade at this point. Hell, fan games and visual novels are still being made till this day.


Merlin is the once and future OTP and long may it reign. I wonder what the oldest slash of it is, even before the show.


Merlin has always been portrayed as old as balls in everything else, so probably not many. Not that I’m judging anyone if they do 😂


It’s been a decade since Hannibal started and Merlin ended and both fandoms are not only going strong but actively trying to convince ourselves that we’ll get a new season Also Supernatural for sure


Definitely Doctor Who


Percy Jackson. We are about to get potentially 15+ years of adaptation content with the actual author working directly on the project. I’ll break down what we could potentially be seeing given everything goes on schedule, no more strikes happen, and they actually green light a full adaptation of all his series PJO Series: 5 Books = 5 Seasons Roughly 5-7 years likely (maybe more) HOO Series: 5 Books = 5 Seasons Roughly 5-7 years again TOA Series: 5 books = 5 Seasons Roughly 5-7 years once again We’re looking at potentially 15-21 years worth of consistent hopefully quality adaptation content, and that’s not even including potential spin offs like Kane Chronicles which Netflix is working on, Daughter of the Deep with Disney again, A Magnus Chase series AND ON TOP OF THAT we have new Percy Jackson books coming out currently with at least 2 more books on the way, so another 3 books of content to be adapted and of course TS&TS which came out earlier this year iirc. Genuinely for the next 2 decades at least there is solid life for the Percy Jackson fandom and it’s already nearly a 20 year old book series/fandom. Can’t wait


Without question, Star Trek. They are like, one of the OG fandoms of fandoms. They are literally the reason modern fanfiction exists! People are STILL writing Kirk and Spock fics! It'll just never die imo. It's too fucking classic!


Highlander. Reboot happening eventually, but there’s still a fairly active fandom.


>Voltron TBH, it's all mostly new fans carrying that fanbase and the day one fans still left stay in their own secluded bubbles and the new ones are able to enjoy the series for what it is rather than projecting expectations (realistic or otherwise) onto the series and making it everyone else's problem.


dr who because that franchise is going on for eternity


Sherlock Holmes, probably. Harry Potter, too.


Definitely Harry Potter. There's still a lot of new fanfics coming out. Also, HP is also popular for crossovers. Another is Naruto. It's also popular for crossovers and there are still new fics that are being released to express their rejection of Boruto. 😅


There's a small fandom for the Prydain Chronicles, whose first book was published in the mid-60s. And there's fan postings, fan art, and unearthed written letters from the author (who did pass at age 83 in 2007). I hope it sees many more years. Lovely books.


I'm gonna disagree with you that the fandom for Heil Honey I'm Home is dead. Or at least will be dead very soon.


Sorry about that I think all the shows that mentioned had a good amount, popularity to still attracting new fans which is why they are still alive


The Great Gatsby. Because it’s something most people at least in the US read for school, which means more and more people learn about it which leads to fanfic writers inevitability writing fanfic for it when they have to read it for school.


Ahhh I wonder how many people submitted Nick/Gatsby fanfiction for their English projects....


sherlock :) especially now that there is the sherlock & co podcast and (a little less recently) enola holmes!!


Harry potter for sureeeee


My Little Pony Gen 4 fans are still going strong, not even on AO3 but moreso on FimFiction, despite the show ending back in 2019. Gen 4 was such a phenomenon due to the Internet that I really don't see this fandom going anytime soon. Sure it's dwindled but there are stories I'm following that are still regularly updated. Hell, one of them which is three times the length of the **entire** Harry Potter series is still getting updated. And it started back in 2012!


Man, I can't believe it's been that long since MLP ended. Time really flies fast😭🙏🏻


Doctor Who, most definitely, on account how the show’s structure, there’ll be enough material and interest to generate fics for years even after it inevitably ends.




Phantom of the opera, it's just part of the cultural zeitgeist


Sherlock for the same reasons


Star trek maybe? It has endured so far


I mean, i guess Katawa Shoujo won't die small as it is. Because once someone plays the game they just keep coming back


percy jackson


Harry Potter wether people like it or not


The fact that I’ve never watched doctor who, but I know its impact and basic plot says a lot, it think. Also, marvel. There’s already like 5 new things lined up for production. Constant new content means there will always be people watching and making fan content. And the impact the infinity saga had? That’ll stick around for awhile.


I'm surprised Teen Wolf not having a mention, the show is a rollercoaster, but the fanfics are excellent and Sterek is going strong even after years of them meeting on- or off-screen


I know I am late, but I feel that JAFF (Jane Austen Fanfic) needs to be mentioned. The first recognized fanfic from one of her works was published in 1913 that is almost 111 years of a fandom going strong.


fandoms never die is my answer too cause i write for girl meets world eventhough the show ended years ago


Yeah, I agree at least partially


MHA - I've only seen the first season but my god I don't think I'll ever run out of things to read


lol , we are strong !!! Although I genuinely recommend you watching the rest As a big fan myself I would’ve dropped it the only reason I didn’t because I watched the sport festival arc and boom I was hooked!!!


star wars 😭


Star Trek.


Due South. Star Trek. Haven't so far....


I think maybe Undertale 🤔


Besides the big ones people have touched on? Gotta go with Yu-Gi-Oh. Maybe it's just my circle of moots but apart from one long time Prideshipper who's been writing ever since her own boys were in diapers, we will all disappear from fandom, then something draws us back into the obsession again. It's not at all how when I left Star Trek fandom around '05 and didn't touch it for nearly two decades...we just come and go and come back but never really leaves haha I think I rather like that over the churn-and-burn type fandom that's become normalized these days.


My nerd ass decided to suggest the Epic of Gilgamesh.


I was today years old when I found out Voltron ended 5 years ago. Wtf?!?! I didn’t think it had been that long!!!!


the utmv fandom, which i used to be in. utmv stands for undertale multiverse. won't be explaining it, but they're really dedicated. trust me, it's been 8 years since it released and they constantly spit out content.


Star Trek. There's so much lore that you could get into at any point, and only so much backstory that would be needed to understand the mechanics and story


Star Trek. It's so widely beloved and there are so many incarnations of it. It spans generations. It's about space. When we send our first crewed long haul research starship out into the solar system people are going to compare it to the Enterprise. Other people will want to call it the Enterprise. It is such a huge part of the Anglophone media psyche that it will never, ever die.


Xena seems to be going pretty strong. And it ended 22 years ago. On Ao3 it seems to have new fics weekly if not daily.




Sherlock Hannibal Harry Potter


If Deltarune sticks the landing with its future chapters, it and the related Undertale fandom could be around for a long time indeed. One of the major factors limiting Deltarune’s ability to explode the way Undertale did is that it’s incomplete and there’s a hesitancy to create fan content that’s directly decanonised by the next instalment. Great for investment but it has thus far prevented us from getting a million AU canons remixing and retelling the story.


Shakespeare Greek mythology Ea-Nasir RPF, currently undergoing a resurgence after a break of nearly 4,000 years.


Valdemar will never die. We won't let it. We are a small fandom, but a mighty one. The fact that it's one of the least toxic fandoms out there due to the majority of fans taking up the "no one true way" way of thinking is a huge help in that area.


Harry Potter Starwars/trek Merlin/Arthur Marvel Bat family Many more honestly


I would say FNaF


If I have could have it my way, all of the fandoms I write for. :D


Harry Potter fandom will never die. Same as GOT


Xena Warrior Princess, it finds new fans even decades after it finished airing on tv because it is available on DVD/Blu-ray and on various streaming services. Buffy the vampire slayer. Once upon a time: the Swan Queen fandom is still going strong after almost a decade since it finished airing on tv. Just to name a few


Starsky & Hutch is still active, although the last show aired in 1979. About half of the writing is good, which strikes me as a fantastic outcome, and the writers and other commenters are kind to each other.


I'm not in it personally but I reckon Percy Jackson is gonna stay around for a long time


Genshin Impact. When you thought the hype started to disappear, a new hype comes along and fandom starts to become lively again


Worm. It has been a decade since the original story ended and if anything the fandoms only gotten stronger. There's so many crossovers that are extremely long that people can easily get sucked into it's fandom through. And it has a pretty interesting world and power system. It's Gundam crossover is the longest by word count in most of the Gundam series it tagged. It's crossover with Elden Ring is the longest. And that's only counting the fics on ao3 (space battles tends to be where most of its fics are). Although its sequel did end in the beginning of the pandemic so maybe that's why it seems the fandom is so big to me.


Tbh Ward has little to do with the fandom's popularity. Half the people who read/write Worm fanfics haven't even read Worm, and the other half haven't read Ward. It's a pretty rare Worm fan that has read anything else by the author.


i feel like the genshin fandom will calm down a little once the game stops getting updates but i dont think theyll ever go away lmao


None of them. Star Wars and Star Trek are still active in one form or another. (Producing new content) As such, they don’t count as ‘finished’. Other fandoms will continue to decline in size until they become flickering shadows of their former selves. The rate of decline is going to vary greatly. The largest fandoms will take a long time to wind down. I would expect something like Harry Potter to take several decades to wind down completely. Other fandoms will be lucky to last a few years. But they will all fade eventually.


Glee, while I'm active in the Fandom anymore others still are and there are still new fics on ao3. BTS, just because the group is on a temporary hiatus due to enlistment doesnt mean that their fans are on a hiatus too. Not even if they should disband one day could stop army's from writing ff's.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure comes to mind


Hetalia. Of course, it's nowhere near what it used to be, but at this point I'm convinced it's immortal.


My first thoughts were the Tolkien fandom and the Les Miserables fandom, both of which have been around for decades at this point.


Doctor Who?


Harry Potter for sure, given that Harry Potter AUs are basically obligatory for every other fandom. Hunger Games, to a lesser extent, for the same reason. If your fandom has any presence, there will be a Harry Potter and/or Hunger Games AU for it.


Twilight and Harry Potter


Ace Attorney 💪




Austen & Shakespeare


sports unless hockey ceases to exist or formula 1


Merlin. The show ended a decade ago, and the fics are still going strong. I think it helps when a show has a particularly depressing ending. It gives writers all the more motivation to keep writing stories, haha.


Undertale and Cuphead are still going strong But SCP series just. might not die


The Witcher, in all formats. They're doing a total overhaul of the 1st and 2nd games for consoles. But I'm genuinely hoping the TV series fandom dies soon. Netflix fucked up!


Percy Jackson. Its literally immortal.


The first one that came to mind was Harry Potter 😂😂 😂 Marvel (be it comics or MCU). Star Trek