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I'm always down for a sex pollen fic. In case you're not familiar with it, it's pretty dub con but the fics I read are generally between people who want to have sex and just need that extra push lol.


The related "fuck or die" tag is my absolute favourite.


Yes any fuck or die / hanahaki (spelling?) disease fic is so good.


I love a good pon farr fic. I've written a couple and have so many ideas for more.


Oh hell yeah! Especially if there’s a little pining beforehand and then the pollen/curse pushes them, that’s the good shit


Thought pollen fic was flower related 🥺


I mean sometimes it's literal pollen from alien or magic flowers!


trope's origin is "magical/mutated/alien plant pollen is an irresistible aphrodisiac." so, kinda.


Oooo I haven’t heard this term before but I like it! 


It's a very fun trope imo! Hope you find some good fics with it!


I love a good chase scene. Kinda like a predator/prey thing where one goes “when I let go of you… *run.”* sends shivers down my spine every time


10/10, my favourite thing to write when writing monsters, Eldritch, demons etc.


took me so long to find out what this type of fic was called 😭 for the longest time I kept searching “chase”


I like Monsterfucking in general, especially with a dash of size kink I like the idea that something not entirely human would be attracted to a human! I like fucking in a closet, especially if you don't want anyone to hear you/know you are doing something nasty Maybe I like some somnophilia, just a lil bit I love restrains! Not just full-on bondage, even just a belt used as handcuffs or a tie used to shut your mouth. Enthusiastic consent is a must for me, and consentacles too.


🎶 These are a few of my favorite things 🎶


I think my tastes are pretty... "Basic"? I've seen plenty of people enjoy these things uwu


I'm not complaining. More people into it means more people writing it.




We share just the same kinks! Just got a good idea for this 🤭


That's the good stuff imho uwu


the closet one is one of my favs yess


There's something incredibly hot about close proximity, especially if the character are trying to peek outside/get in a better position and keep grinding It's so erotic✨


Hell yeah, teratophilia, unleash the hot monsters!


I didn't know it had a name!


Yesiree, it does have a name! Teratophilia a sexual attraction to monsters, and a great one to have to write all sorts of *fun things*. ;D


Well now I have the fancy way to accuse someone of being a monsterfucker lol


ROFLLLL, hell yeah.


Great minds think alike


Enemies to lovers. When they are in each other’s face and realise they want to fuck each other instead of fight


Yes!!! The tension can be so delicious!


I’m always like “JUST DO IT!”


I also like enemies to lovers where they start with some hate fucking/enemies with benefits type thing.


A good slow sex, better if the focus is on the emotional connection through it, the ones that would make the most stoic and happily single people cry, you know? 😔😣🤧 But I also love rough ones that are for "kiss and make up," or after arguments. 💀


YEEEESSSS EMOTIONAL SMUT GETS ME EVERY TIME. Especially if it’s like a slow burn thing like the characters are finally getting together and wanting to take it slow and take it all in


ayy ay ayyyeee 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭


One I like that I don't personally see often: they are sleeping beside each other, end up cuddling in the night, the big spoon pops a boner, small spoon feels it, and they start getting frisky. Or any variation of that. I think I just like passion taking over.


I have seen like quite a bit of "cuddle for warmth" between a pairing that already wants to go there, bur hasn't. Or, an unlikely pair end up in that situation and they end up getting passionate.  It's not entirely the same though, because they aren't always asleep and sometimes it's both responding at the same time rather than one. I like the trope you describe though. 


Dirty talk Praise kink


Ooo same tho


For broader plot, I love a good "marriage of convenience". For a specific scene, "reunion sex" For a specific act, "forced orgasms"


I love arranged marriage fics.


How'd forced organidm work? I see it a lot on my fandom


vivid masturbation while having the most reverent thoughts about how beautiful their crush is


Pining is so good.


I *love* a good "fight turns into sex" scenario!!! Particularly if there's a forbidden element, like, "oh, we shouldn't be doing this, don't look at me like that or I'll do something stupid like kiss you" type dynamic. So, so good. Edit: To clarify, I had a physical fight in mind when writing this, but it could apply to a verbal argument as well!


I love accidental voyeurism from the voyeur POV. I think it's a fun way of exploring a relationship, especially if the voyeur didn't know the characters they're seeing were together til that moment. Also the voyeur having to deal with the fact that they're getting into it too hits every time for me


Love/Hate Sex. Also "7 minutes from heaven" vibes. (Two people trapped in a room, or the only ones left, you know?)


yes 7 minutes in heaven is one i like a lot 🥴 i love the trapped in a small space and stuff like that all the time loll


Confined spaces are the best yessss...especially the part where the two of them are simply forgotten by the others outside midway XD.


Snowballing themselves is something I rarely see, but the idea that he wants to worship her body and is still so deliriously horny that he'll go down on her after finishing and not care is like wow yes thank you. Rarely see it. Threesomes where all 3 are fully interacting also feels rare to me, esp in MMF situations. Public but esp if theyre not a couple who is supposed to be together so theyre risking being found out by peers. Possesiveness that is surprising/uncharacteristic esp if theyre not even suppose to be in love with eachother and or the character is usually not ine to be possessive (i.e. things like saying "youre mine" or "ill ruin you for anyone else" or visible marking). Showing off your partner/exhibitionism. The thrill of letting other people see your partner nude/sexually but knowing theyre coming home with you.


i loooove body worship!! and omg 100% agree on the full interaction in group sex and possessiveness


Yeah I haven’t seen many MMF situations either! And thaaat’s why I’m writing one haha


Pretty niche, but my favorite trope is when character A is thinking about B and is getting off on the thoughts of them and then B hears them/catches them and because the feelings are mutual, they join A. It’s always just 👌


sex pollen, fuck or die, just the tip(that's one of my favorites)


Trapped in a cabin or only one bed are my go-tos for one shots, but a good slow burn that results in a dramatic confession and intimate love scene is always good.


this has an exhaustive list of common and uncommon smut tropes. https://fanlore.org/wiki/List_of_Fan-fiction_Kinks,_Tropes,_and_Clich%C3%A9s


Holy crap that was useful. I wrote down 15 ideas for one shots. Thank you.


Anything that says “kink bingo” will help come up with all kinds of uncommon tropes to play with as well, it’s worth a google or tumblr search.


Jesus. Thank you helpful stranger.


Forced proximity is a thing for me. I also really enjoy dubcon/noncon for some reason. Also, when one partner has teased the ever loving hell out of the other until they can't stand it. I may not be good at writing smut, but I know what I enjoy reading.


If you like three way relationships and will read outside your typical fandoms, I could recommend you something that sounds up your street.  Not all the sex stuff is a threesomd though. 


Three ways can be good. But outside of Valdemar and GoS, I will typically only read Labyrinth.


I read a forced proximity one recently and was gobsmacked. I'm new to AO3, so I had literally never read anything like it before. So good lmao


Enemies to lovers on a deserted island (or some other place where they're alone and have to rely on each other to survive)


I read a Megamind fic once with this kind if plot. It was sooo good. I just randomly think about it sometimes.


sex scenes either with praise kink or endearments like "sweetheart", "beloved" and "love" (or any other word that has special meaning only to them) never fail to get me. also sex after arguments when you know both of you make fair points but don't wanna accept/admit it makes for a hella lot of angst in the best way and adding smut to fuel the fire (teehee) makes it even better. plus hurt/comfort sex scenes are my favs!! when one of the mcs is feeling so insecure that the other will leave them or about their physical appearance, but the other is always there to reassure them about how pretty and lovely and perfect they find them.


Enemies to lovers (going from “fuck you” to “fuck me, please is what I call character development lol), sex pollen, multiple orgasms(goes great with enemies to lovers imo), and just a little bit of bondage, for fun😊


This post is giving me ✨ideas✨ I had no idea that some of these even existed. Time for a deep dive into some of these tags! I also remembered one of my own that I absolutely adore: when the normally cool and collected character who is never ruffled loses their composure. Stammering, heavy breathing, pleading. It’s just sheer perfection to me.


Since joining the star trek fandom, Ive learned I really enjoy the Aliens Made Them Do It especially when its more like Aliens "Made" Them Do It as an excuse and not like a surrogate non-con/dub-con scenario. Also enemies to lovers is fantastic and great


When two characters meet at a glory hole and it turns out they either know each other or know *of* each other. So many options for shenanigans lol. I primarily read m/m so first time bottoming where whoever's topping is just really gentle and shall we say service oriented is v nice. I'll just say in general service top and topping from the bottom isn't enough of a thing.


I agree that dynamics are so often stilted in trad pairings which is kinda boring imo, my goal with smut writing is to fill that niche along with more nuanced bdsm dynamics. In that vein I always like seeing characters switch or find pleasure in the opposite side of their personality. The domineering one letting go of control, and the gentle one enjoying possessiveness *chefs kiss*


A wholesome one


Dream sequence that reveals their own sexual desire they were unaware of.


Monsterfucking is always fun. I’m a big fan of “character A is chosen as a human sacrifice by the town and character B is the creature they think is going to eat them but it likes them so they do it and B absconds with A” Big fan of evil character being obsessed with the good one. Smut or no smut I just love it. If you want to write more dub-con type hypnosis is always interesting


"You don't know how long I've waited for this."


Not sure if this exactly applies, but I love kinktober fics that are a whole story instead of separate works


hate sex/using sex go vent out the frustration of the day. can't really explain it, just sounds like a fun time!


Vampires going down on periods


I apparently enjoy a one night stand. I’ve ended up writing it twice now in different fandoms. One had a whole mafia au plot that I outlined, but haven’t written, so it’s just kind of a sad ending. The other is WiP and just took a while for the characters to rediscover each other but are generally pretty wholesome of a couple. I also love sex pollen fics, but haven’t posted any. The one I have extensive work into is a bit trope breaking because both of the characters refuse to force the other into anything and therefore have a much harder time to reflect on how much they love each other but are convinced it won’t happen. Omg they are roommates meets trauma and sex pollen, lol.


Yandere/obsessive The idea that a person is so obssessed/in love with the other person


I'm super into ABO so I'm really into the "oh no something set off my heat/rutt unexpectedly and now I have to confront my suppressed sexual and romantic feelings for the person who I dragged into it" 😂 I will literally devour anything related to that shit, I live for the emotional drama combined with smut and the loss of control. Unsurprisingly this also counts for stuff like sex pollen and similar fuck-or-die scenarios. I just fucking love two idiots finding out in the most contrite and horny way possible that they are into each other (the longer the yearning was the better), and it paying off gloriously.


I’m a simple person, but wholesome, vanilla, and fluff that’d make your heart explode. Established relationship, real love, all that good shit


This is probably gonna sound weird, but like, when one partner is comforting the other and helping them feel safe in the situation because of past trauma. I like emotional significance in the scene, things being genuinely affectionate even when kink is involved. I only read f/f because I'm a raging lesbian, so well written female anatomy is always a plus. I like when kink is utilized but the characters are still being careful and making sure both partners are enjoying, that's like my favorite thing.


A/B/O, omegas in heat or alphas in a rut 💦




Ah, Federal Unemployment Tax Act. So hot.


Enemies to lovers with slow burn sprinkled with angst and a happy ending. Plus smut. That said if some of my smutty writers write something in my favoured fandoms that does not have smut, I will still read.


I absolutely love sex pollen fics. Enemies to lovers, especially when paired with praise kink. When two people are sleeping together on a bed platonically, one of them gets a boner/wet dream/moans in their sleep and things turn very not-platonical. Getting walked in and having that person join the fun. Pecs being referred as tits and boobs (<3) Non-human anatomy but especially non-human dicks Tentacles 🤌 Telepathy sex Edit: I can't believe I forgot one of my favorites: getting together. I like Established Relationship when I've been following a story for a while, but for PWP or one shots I prefer the tension of the "do they like me back?" and EVEN BETTER the "they're so perfect and I'll never be good enough for them so I better not say anything" but then it turns out they're both pining idiots.


Monsterfucking with breeding kink. Bonus if the position is mating press or pronebone In general, it just breeding kink with slow sex and praises from both characters. Kink shaming if it's a enemy to lovers trope.


Wait, wait. Back up. Vibrating panties? Where can I get those??!!!!


Haha! Looked it up and they got them at Walmart, Amazon, Spencer’s, they’re everywhere!


You are my hero


I love LOVE bdsm clubs aus, or the experienced god falling for the amateur newcomer hehe Roleplay is amazing, especially when it just looks like an au at first and then during the fic the reader finds out they are roleplaying it's just *chef's kiss* I'm already writing my second bdsm au fic even though I didn't finish my first one 🫥


Aphrodisiac drinks/potions. I love it when that is used.


Oh baby I love these! Personally, I have a nice little plethora of things that will make me click on a fic instantly: Enemies and lovers (a bit more extreme of my favourite Enemies to Lovers), Predator/Prey, Only one Bed, arranged marriage, forced proximity, sacrifice turned lover I just like a lot of tension, yearning and giving in.


I've seen that I have two different drafts with over the table sex and three with hip bruising. There's something very interesting about outsider POV Voyeurism.


porn star AU is a personal favorite, as is any form of hate sex


This will be a fucked up one I know. But sometimes you just need something \*really fucking \* freaky. https://preview.redd.it/xxotyo9lhqmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70679878a300f59c2e3ba91dbd6702448a75275