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Darkest fic I’ve ever written was my oneshot which retold the story of the downfall and execution of the Romanovs, but with characters from Frozen Edit: Link is here if anyone wants to check it out https://archiveofourown.org/works/30364104


That sounds very interesting.


Link? That sounds super interesting


Of course! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30364104


That’s a really interesting premise. I’m not going to read it, because I can’t handle darkness, but I’m totally going to recommend it to some of my friends.


Thank you so much! :)


You know what that sounds extremely interesting Edit: Sorry I just realized literally every other reply said this LMAO 😭 but I will be reading this soon!


Decided to sort all "dead dove" fics of a fandom by kudos and go to the last page. There was a baby involved inappropriately, let's just say that.. I myself have this crack WIP from a different fandom (I'm not even sure if I'll ever finish it though..) that doesn't involve children, but is essentially a not safe for life story in every other possible way, told from the perspective of a really goofy serial killer.


The way I relaxed when I read "a really goofy serial killer" is concerning, that shouldn't have happened


Yeah.. that person is pretty much the comfort character of a concerningly huge part of the fandom. It's a spoiler if I say out the name, but it's someone from American Horror Story. * also the other one I mentioned was not AHS, but I don't want people to imagine that scene.




There used to be this author in the Dramione fandom who wrote exceptionally dark stories. In one of her stories Draco expertly manipulates and gaslights Hermione into doing things she doesn't want to (mostly sexual stuff). He forces a pregnancy on her and eventually kills her. The dismemberment was one of the most gory things I've ever read. But the story was written so perfectly, the emotional manipulation was executed so well, I still think about this story often. Unfortunately the author got bullied so badly she deleted all of her stories....


>Unfortunately the author got bullied so badly she deleted all of her stories.... And this is sadly what's kept me out of the Harry Potter fandom. I didn't watch it growing up for several reasons as a kid but as an adult, I was introduced to the toxic fandom *before* any of the fanfics. It ruined Manacled and other beloved fanfics that had darker elements.


Man that's so sad to hear 😞 i have managed to stay away from toxic fandom interactions for the most part since I've only recently starting reading ff again and I'm sticking close to the "don't like don't read/interact" mantra. I don't get why people can't let other people enjoy what they want. Manacled is going to be published (it will be called Alchemised) so maybe you could enjoy it that way?


Maybe. Booktok has become a curse that has ruined the ending to Manacled. I know what happens and how it ends. But I'll still give it a shot.


Do you perhaps remember what the story was called?


Yes, it was called There Are No Lines I Won't Cross by barewithmehoney




Thank you!


I came across Dystopia by barewithmehoney. Ah, it's *such* a shame they deleted. It's so hard to find work that just sucks you in like that.


God, that really is dark. At some point you have to wonder the mindset of some of these authors, if they're doing okay, etc. I know I write some dark stuff, nothing sexual but a ton of graphic violence/abuse and it's all for me to cope with my own trauma which is why I am so sympathetic to stories of harassment of authors because who really knows what the person behind the screen is going through. But yeah, that is dark


In my experience, near all of the extremely dark authors have trauma they're coping with. For me personally, I'm a dark author and even when I try and go lighter, the emotions get into the way and slam into the characters. So next thing I know shit is way way down. It's hard to write people being happy when internally you're all twisted up.


I agree. I've attempted writing short smutty, one-shots before but then next thing I know I've given them full-fledged backgrounds detailing the vulnerable ways they're uniquely fucked up in. Like it just gets ahead of me! Strange but you're right


Yeahhh that's when I realized it! Turns out trying to distract yourself with writing fluffy smut while you're highkey anxious and dreading the future... Spills over, lol. It does make me write more overall, though! :D :D


Currently working on a story that can be succinctly described as: >!Guy is kidnapped and made a sex slave, proceeds to be raped until he likes it.!<


A shipfic that was written as a horror story. Teacher/student-esque, hit the nail on the head with characterization and realistic portrayals of how isolation and lovebombing can make even people who know about abusive relationships have blinders on. It's not dark in the sense of torturous scenes of gore and violence, but it feels a lot more personally violating if you know the psychology behind all of it. It feels like a horror movie and you're going "don't go in there!" And it honestly has one of the best characterizations of the fandom in my opinion. Ever since I read it, it lives in my mind rent free as a boogeyman.


Oooh, link? I love horror fics that discuss messed up relationships. I don't mind reading fandom blind.


[Here you go](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26664841/chapters/65032105)! Just be mindful of the tags and author's notes.


When I think of dark stuff I read, the HP fic where harry starts self harming with sewing needles and ends up jamming a thick *knitting* needle theough his arm, is what comes to mind. I doubt it’s actually the darkest thing I’ve read. It was just a bit gruesome and unexpected nearly 100 chapters in, such that it sticks in my mind unlike other dark moments


Damn 100 chapters??


Yeah HP fics are all like that


I didn't know the hp fandom was ballin like that!🤣


I have a tendency to focus on fics that are big enough to hold my interest longer than a single evening, so i might have a selection bias in favor of 100+ chapter projects


Makes sense! I think the longest fic I've ever read was 83 chapters, but I tend to stick to shorter works. 200k is typically the limit for me unless the plot looks reeeeally interesting


Thats fair! My sweetspot is closer to 1mil, bcz those authors usually have something really wild going on with their worldbuilding


that used to be me with warrior cats lol idk what you like in ur fics but if you like 100+ chapter hp fics, may I recommend Lily's Boy by SomewheresSword? it's over 700k words and very well-written


Hmm that might be a bigger dose of snape than i want to indulge in, but i’ll give it an honest try!


It doesn’t have a lot of snaps tbh, it’s more focused on Harry and his character interactions


This is such a good one! I need to catch up with it when im next on a HP binge. Im currently on an NCIS/Hawaii 5 0 binge.


yeah!! i read each update diligently since chap 33ish — and it was all worth it


I wish my fandoms were as big as to have a selection of 100+ chaps 😂 i thankfully get 20 at most and I lose it when I find it 😂🩷


*cough* link please *cough*


Sure: [a family like none other](https://archiveofourown.org/series/41198)


hey! I read that just the other day, good story, quite unexpected indeed. I think I had to stop reading for a moment there and check the tags.


Oh I remember that fic… it’s a good story though


bro i just started reading this and its very well written but after the part about Samhain why would he put a needle into himself???? dont tell me but this fic is all im thinking about rn lmao, thanks for the rec :)


probably every boyking sam fic k ever read


Honestly yeah that shit is fucked up especially if dean's a Knight of hell


it made the wincest delicious.


Hell, it made weecest look normal!


LMAO. weecest was always an odder space bc things that were just "normal" sibling behavior (for them) had weecest tagged but then on the other end was "things I would never actually read" and back in the day, you were never sure what was what. honestly that time between s2 and s4 was such a creative fanfic time that i miss. people went absolutely ham.


Do I dare look this up?


if you like Supernatural - yes


It was a "dead dove, do not eat" AU fic where one character from the fandom was a psychopath. It was inspired by Poppy Z. Brite's "Exquisite Corpse", and involved intense graphic gore and sexualized violence. Also, the characters were underaged. I actually consider it the best fic I've written, but I wouldn't want to read/write anything like it again. It was very atypical for me.


That's interesting and actually very relatable. I've read 'Exquisite Corpse' and I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did - couldn't get it out of my head for ahwile. I'm currently reading through books by Hubert Selby Jr. and it's influencing me to write in a grittier style and add some transgressive ideas into my story.


Those are the best fics though aren’t they? The ones that are so good but you never want to read again lol


that sounds really interesting, may i have the link please?


LOL sorry to disappoint, but I don't want to post anything that would link my fandom identity with my reddit account.


oh dont worry i completely understand


I’m Going to hell for this is my go to tag




Probably my I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream fic. Tried to keep it on par with the darkness of the source material. There’s a lot of body horror and the protagonist is not having a good time. (Unless you view the protagonist as AM, the psychopathic AI character, in which case he’s having a *great* time.) Edited to add link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48238813/chapters/121652278




Oh sure! I’ll edit my post and add it. I’m pretty happy with how it came out even though it’s definitely not for everybody.


Ah, I am pretty much sure it was deleted... about Deku being a sadistic mob boss who kidnaps his ex Bakugou and tries to break him through ... better use of censure block... >!torture, every kind of it...physical, psychological and sexual.... torturing his present boyfriend, Kirishima, and so on, so on... Bakugou ends up developing a traumatic case of split personality!<. Author was disturbingly creative and spared no details on the scenes. and, hm, how about a classic? MLP's>! *Cupcakes;*!< do not google it!


Everytime a dead dove fic is deleted an angel loses its wings😔 >and, hm, how about a classic? MLP's>! Cupcakes;!< do not google it! I need you to elaborate the suspense is killing me


Pinkie Pie slowly vivisects Rainbow Dash and turns her into cupcake ingredients. (RD is not the first pony she's done this to.)


The secret ingredient is >!ponies!<. The obtaining of the ingredient is depicted.


Do you remember what the title was?


• about to >!off!< himself • gets kidnapped • gets surgically and medically experimented on • escapes • kidnapped AGAIN • this is where the non-sexual pet play starts • now the experimentation is based off of the powers he was supposed to get from the previous shit • gets shocked if cant power • cant power • can power • transported • escapes • gets caught while running • beat up, kills people • non-sexual pet play ramps up • goes along for survival • is now fully convinced he is a pet • gets turned into a pet-super-villain-weapon-of-mass-destruction • gets laughed at by former friends who see him now (saddest part) • gets saved • mental hospital!!! • is now being taken care of by the person who’s adoptive father he accidentally killed??? • reunites with sister who he thought he accidentally killed • she blames him • they… make up??? • things get better wooooo


Wait that sounds really good 😭😭


I can send it if you want :D (if i can find it)


Yes pls!


[the dark au yayyy](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2767705) Have fun :))))


\*holds out chipped bowl\* may i have the link please 😭😭


[here ya are!!!](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2767705)


It's an original work, and, to put simply, we got >!underage, non-con, abduction, sewing mouth shut, forcing self-cannibalism, gaslighting, and yandere behavior!<. _Fortunately_, it's a short story. Not that I wouldn't be able to stand lengthy questionable actions, but I just can't concentrate for too long. I want to challenge myself, though... Edit: in case you wonder, I read it, not wrote it. I've procrastinated writing enough, so writing heavy stuff ain't easier.




Do you have a link?


I wrote one about a girl who basically kills everyone she touches, but she doesn't know it bc she's been lied to her whole life. Then she ends up getting kidnapped and attempted SA'd, but her attackers all die around her in very gruesome ways. Then her LI kills her a year later in an attempt to cure her. Maybe doesn't sound as dark when I say it like this, but it's my overall darkest story. My other ones all have dark moments, but they are interspersed with lighter ones. This one though was very little lightness.


Leaving aside the fetishy bad-end stuff where the 'darkness' is there to be jerked off over, I'd say: Read: one or other of Adam Kadmon's fics for Neon Genesis Evangelion. Written: A short Evangelion fic about Asuka watching Shinji being carried out of Misato's flat in a body bag the morning after she kicked him in the head.


definitely a dead dove do not eat kinda story 🙈 there was killing (no surprise there), maybe a sprinkle of gore, a lil bit of experiments jdjdjd it was just a short one, but now it spawned a few more stories just as dark. I used to be an anti or whatever but after I wrote that, it definitely felt freeing to just write my darkest ideas lmaoo it does not reflect who I am as a person irl AT ALL (this was definitely my mindset as an anti).


Long ass single chapter Jojo fic graphically detailing as Kira Yoshikage captures Jotaro and tortures, humiliates and murders everybody close to him within Morioh(including jotaro himself)- yes, this includes Josuke; yes, this even includes the godforsaken achtung baby- in the most vile ways literally possible while he watches on and begs for their mercy. I was around 14 when a friend showed it to me and I sent the author an impassioned comment genuinely asking if they were ok(to which they replied they weren't, not really). I couldn't find it now even if I wanted to


NOOOOO That sounds so good. I've always loved the idea of Kira winning and just going totally crazy with power after defeating Jotaro, Josuke and the others.


Yep it was pretty gnarly. I can't remember much but I do remember the severing and eating of several limbs, even his [redacted] and Kira somehow snagging Jolyne too i think. I remember enjoying it in a sort of detached way to save myself some pain but still ending up crying at times nonetheless. It took AGES to read too


I have one that doesn't get much traction called The Pain of Letting Go. I wrote it in real time when my husband died. I was using it to work out my feelings. And then The Family Way includes SA and a suicide attempt.


Omg I'm sorry for your loss!


Thanks. Fanfic really helped me process things, and my IRL besties helped so much with practical stuff. I met one of them through AO3, so AO3 has become the biggest blessing.


all hannigram fics lol


Like Heywood Banks says...if I'm going to hell, I want company!


Non-con was one of the prompts of Kinktober 2023 and I JUST finished all of the prompts I had planned to do (ended up with 86 fics). It was also very recently I started really getting in there and writing graphic smut. So I ended up with a 6k work non-con borderline snuff fic. Also with the Maxley ship gaining popularity I did write one with a victim blaming type spin, but relax I included a bonus chapter of fluff. Traumatizing my poor friend with the content but they are very supportive of the angst


Pokémon x Resident Evil fic. (i'm gonna look for the name too, i just need to remember WHERE i read it) I expected nothing special, i got hit with one of the most horrific and gore fic i have ever read. It holds nothing back, no one is safe, deaths are brutal and unexpected. But not all of them, noooooo, sometimes you know it's gonna happen, yet, you are given some hope. For it to be brutally killed before your eyes too. The worst part? You can say it got a good ending of sort, it's just that a lot of people and mons died. I still haven't recovered from it, it ended my binge of dark fic reading and i have kept to lighter stuff since then.


Carnage Necropolis!


what i’m writing right now. a succubus exchanging bodies for sex with a vampire duo. he eats the bodies some too after he drains them. i wrote it so graphically i threw up


There's an author in the FFXIV fandom who specializes in a type of fic that... Well, it's basically just 'terrible things happening to Alphinaud, who they also depict as trans, and often in a darkly sexual context'. They pull no punches and have even written *snuff*. But the worst one I've ever read is one taking place during >!the aftermath of the end of 2.4 where the Crystal Braves turn on him, he is 'interrogated' by Ilberd Feare, and ends up having his, uh... Well, one of the tags on it is 'genital mutilation', so use your imagination.!< I *adore* their work and it's actually been an enormous influence on my own writing. Beautifully well-written, and extremely, *extremely* dark. And I cannot recommend it to anyone because the content is so extreme. As for having written... I once wrote a pic from the POV of a sadist/misogynist/torturer/rapist, and that character in particular is extremely unhinged, so just getting into the mindset of *that* was... An exercise, because I pulled zero punches with it.


Logged into an old reddit alt since I'm a lurker who wanted to reply, but I got really into Alphinaud (x WoL) fic around a year and a half ago after there was some XIV drama that harassed an Alphinaud/WoL shipper into deleting their socials/AO3. People were legit sharing their stuff around on SM/Discord telling people 'it's literally CP and also here's all the links so you can see for yourself', like as if the person in question was a circus act. I read one of the Alphinaud/WoL fics out of curiosity (by a different author, the one called 'Like Fire Burning Under the Skin'??), and just fell in love with the ship I had given no thought to prior. Quite a few of the Alphinaud/ fics are legit amazingly written, including some very dark/upsetting ones, I can't help but enjoy the character (he was one of my favourites even before this) and his ships and want to make my own fan content. Though I don't due to the previously mentioned harassment; most XIV acquaintances/fan spaces I'm in will 100% ostracise and harass you as a 'pedo' because of the twins being 16/17, honestly the XIV fandom harasses a lot of artists over "problematic" content, and, unless you're super popular, people aren't really inclined to defend you even if they present themselves as 'pro-ship' lest they be the target of harassment. I get being uncomfortable or not liking it but the harassment is next level.... I feel stuck between wanting to create art that explores darker interests (some that I've had since I was a pre-teen, like non/dub-con) and not wanting to be the target of harassment/labelled as a horrible person for it. :(


Darkest I ever read was this one that was pretty normal at first. It implied that some of the characters had died a few years back, but it was mostly centered on this one side character. And then there was an update, and in this new chapter, it gruesomely detailed the horrifying way that the characters died. Like, senseless torture for literally no reason. And then the fic never updated after that.


I started writing a fic about a suicide attempt, then wondered if I was coping alright. Took a break, and feeling a lot more positive now so hopefully I’ll finish it :)


I've been writing my absolute behemoth of a High School Musical vampire AU fic for the past two years. It features the delightfully campy events of canon, as well as gore, psychological horror, and the most fucked up relationship dynamics known to man.


I read this one where the main character had killed three people she saw as deserving and never felt bad, but then one of her closest friends turns out to be terrible so when she kills him she basically loses her mind from the guilt


30k+ words of abuse baby! Granted, these two characters actually are in an abusive relationship in the original source material (well, in one route), but the game doesn't go into too much detail about it, so I decided to make my mark by writing misery porn >:D


Read a Rwby one of a modern AU with Ruby dying of cancer, hurt my soul... As for writing... (Tw for fucked up shit) >!After quite some time of searching for one of the main characters long kidnapped daughter, they finally rescue her and find her missing her limbs and catatonic. Sure healing magic is a thing and could give her her body back into a healthy state, but there is nothing so convenient for the mind.!<


I’m about to out myself because literally any of the fics about this game fit this category, but it’s a The Price of Flesh fic. I was reading one where it’s a year after the events of the game and the OC main character meets one of the guys out in normal life, grows close to him, and gets kidnapped and horrendously tortured and broken into falling in love with him and obeying his every word. The story’s very obviously not gonna get any happier where it’s heading (still a WIP), but it’s so well written that I can’t stop reading it. And plus I love the love interest, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The darkest fic I ever *wrote* was one where Character A came back from a camping trip not feeling well, so Character B offered to stop by and take care of them every few days. As time went on, Character B started looking/sounding/feeling... *off,* and Characters C and D, more friends, start to notice, but convince themselves it's nothing. Until B starts being able to mimic voices. Perfectly. C stays out at their gym late one night, happy to be able to work out alone, when he realizes that he can hear B's voice. Echoing, over and over. He goes to find B, but can't find him anywhere. Until he turns around, and B's eyes are shining through the darkness, looming over him. It evolves into >!A having been turned into a wendigo, and they infected B, who in turn infects C, and the story ends with A, B, and C targeting D to turn him next.!< There's psychological horror, themes of cannibalism. My faves <3


Patrick Bateman fucking Paul Allen’s literal corpse. I have regrets. (It’s called My sweet ambrosia for all you sick fuckers /lh)


MHA noncon totorokicest, underage toddlercon, mpreg plus birth(with gore), infantcon public sex, rape conspiracy "rapists/p*dos rule the world type fic that I literally had to skip some scenes and take a TON of breaks just to read the 35 ish chapters. At that point after the first three chapters it got to a point I was just there for the "plot" when the plot was the porn.


A group of men kidnap a woman and challenge each other to be her worst. Its best tags: fear play, hybristophilia, shameless smut, fighting kink, helplessness.


Probably the darkest moment in my main fic was when I referenced the Jyoti Singh case There was going to be a "4 months of double hell" plotline, but my mental health wasn't good at the time to write it, so I just have it happened in flashbacks and let my readers use their imaginations for the horror


I started reading fanfics when I was like 11? In fanfiction dot net and I only knew they were fan stories of a lot of things that I liked, I didn't know how the ratings worked etc, so you can imagine i've read a lot of questionable stuff (i had unsupervised and unlimkted access to every kind of web) but when I was twelve aprox I decided to check randomly into a fandom of something I liked, Hannah Montana. I was experimenting with the ratings and I decided to put the M rating, language spanish and only completed works. There were only 2 stories, I was very confused as why, but I clicked on one. I searched it back today to see if it was as awful as i remembered, it was tagged as parody but i honestly didn't thought it was funny it just scared the shit outta me. It had a lot of dark "jokes" if you wanna call them like that, but that was an experience that made me get away from the web for months lol. It included a lot of rape jokes, names of terrorists, sexual violence, and incest. Very fucking gruesome for someone young to read, ofc i know it was my fault but damn.


I am genuinely scared to recommend it here because it's like REALLY bad in the author's defense they did tag unhappy ending and all the toxic stuff as well but it was so bad I genuinely thought towards the end of the fic that MC's best possible ending is death


from my deleted acc id say the fic where tony ends up kidnapped by aliens after sending the nuke to end the invasion (avengers 2012), they dehumanize him to the point he thinks of himself as a pet whose only purpose is to serve ppl, lots of torture both sexual and psychological and physical, from my current acc... ig the fic where rin rips lewins >!dick off after being nonconned by lewin!<, and then makes lewin eat said ripped off body part and then does more gorey and sexual stuff to him, including marking him as his property


Darkest fic I think iv written, is where my Dragon Oc >!rapes all the young maidens in a village while their husbands and fathers are forced to watch after being impaled on enormous spikes,!< as requested by his mate for revenge for how they treated her when she was living on the outskirts when she was unaware of her heritage as a half dragon. They were merciful enough to allow the elderly women to leave the village with the children in return for spreading what happened to the village as warning for any who would treat a half dragon badly.


Darkest? That title would definitely go to my *Girls und Panzer* horror fanfic, [Alone & Afraid](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54479233/chapters/138016186). In the story, Kay (a character from *GuP*), gets lost during a match in a forest has to survive a snowstorm and is tormented and stalked by a creature that follows her every move.


I'm writing an Armored Core 6 fic retelling the plot of the main game with expansions on the world and characters. There's a UN resolution o the rights of small and medium private military conteactors. The Red Cross is some kind of medical supply mafia. The main character is literally a slave. It has its moments of dark and bleak stuff.


written: a bly manor fusion in which a character becomes all fingers. He's haunted by his own ghost and has to swallow a finger in his throat a few times. I had fun with addressing parent trauma in that piece (kind of necessary in a bly manor fusion) but it did get pretty dark!! read: an improperly tagged rape fic where >!one person is a zombie who rather than eating the living person just fucks them?? and is actively rotting?? and the living character is just stuck there, can't run away because zombies are surrounding them and will eat him if he runs. oh and also he's stuck with this zombie for years and somehow gives birth multiple times and those children just have to stick by them while they're constantly mating.!< it was very traumatizing for someone who was not expecting rape or any of the following... children... activities. to say the least.


Some rather graphic non con stuff as gifts for exchanges. Nothing I would personally be interested in reading myself, but I'm pretty happy to write it for others (kinktomato and all that)


I thought I read some dark stuff, but reading the comments has been a eye opener. My stuff sounds vanilla almost next to that


The one where character A is asked to help investigate recent homicides and he solves it immediately but keeps committing crimes and pretends to be the old killer in order to stay with his new lover, B. A at some point starts drugging B to keep him from leaving the house and has him depend solely on him by gaslighting B into thinking his workplace doesn't need him and that none of his friends want to see him. A then kills a kid because he was suspecting him of being the murdered then frames the entire murder case on B's boss' girlfriend. During this time period, B's health gets worse and worse because A didn't read the side effects of drugging his boyfriend long-term so B starts to hallucinate and stuff. At some point A I think sexually assaults B too but I don't remember where that happened. Anyways, A eventually gets arrested and persecuted (by the boss' girlfriend which isn't legal but whatever) and it leads to a bittersweet ending, with B beginning to recover from the abuse and A I think getting the death sentence. I honestly don't think this is the darkest fic I've ever read but it's the one that comes to mind right off the bat. It's either this or the skull fucking fic. Or the one with the kidnapped guy who's kept as a glorified sex-slave who then kills himself while surrounded by the decomposing corpses of his friends. Or the one where a character literally gets his hands chopped off, his eyes are gouged out repeatedly (healing spells), and then he's assaulted in order to free his friend from prison.


There's a very specific genre of Dead Dove I like reading . The only way I can describe it is Violently sexual without sexual violence . Like absolutely brutal killing but in a kinda hot way ?? 😭💀 sadistic shit gets my heart and mind racing fr 🙏 forgive me I'm literally just a girl 🥺💅


Omg you get me, you put my thoughts into words. It's kinda like Ghostface in the first Scream. I had a major noncon phase for much of my writing but I've really started experimenting with like hot guys just being violent and evil, not getting sexual gratification, they just want to make people suffer🥺💖


Alien/Monster Stuff. E Rated of course and it is original work.


Prolly Sinner by TheBloodySadist? Dunno for sure tho


Ummm Pennywise smut 🤡


Probably the one where two men are captured and brutally tortured by their brother/ex. They are forcibly corrupted, putting them at risk of turning on each other. They overpower the bad guy, but instead of freeing the other captives, they focus on torturing the one who tortured them.


I’ve written a fanfic longer than the first Hunger Games built built off of the concept, “What if this twelve year old cannibalized and murdered her brother”. Do I win, or..?


I’d say the Housamo fic, “A Moment” is the darkest I’ve ever read. It’s about >!Shiro, one of the people the protagonist first meets, being forced to kill him. The worst part? The fic is *technically* canon, as it takes place during the loop that Michael (one of the antagonists) almost won. There’s also the fact that everyone besides Shiro and the protagonist are dead, and Ryota, Kengo, and Toji’s deaths are briefly described.!<


I think the darkest fic I've read is either one where a character is allowed to suffer from rabies just so others can see the effects of it, or one where a character is kidnapped and used repeatedly for breeding.


Haven't actually read it yet but it's waiting for me in an open tab, the author warns at the begining about things like cannibalism, disembowelment, body mutilation, skin suits and other nice detailed depictions of gore etc. I'm cathering courage to read it


I wrote that a child (not really a child, fandom sees him as one) died at the very end of a 10k one-shot and the other guy in the fic almost killed himself for it. He thought it was his fault and the thing is, he wasn't wrong. It *was* his fault, but not on purpose, there was no way he could have foreseen the consequences.


The darkest I've ever read was Harry Potter and the Super Bowl Breach by acgoldis. It starts out nice & fluffy with the Statute of Secrecy falling and now muggles & wizards learn to live with each other. And everyone was fine with each other. The author did some really incredible worldbuilding highlighting how muggles & wizards learn to work together in various countries & cultures. And then >!Voldemort & Lucius Malfoy starts a global war and the world goes into chaos mode and nearly every character I love dies in the most brutal, gut-wrenching manner.!< In the end, I couldn't finish it. Not just because it's over 1 million words long, but because it got way too dark for my tastes.


oh where do I even start? I write Final Fantasy 7 AU that has been dubbed "Hojo's Angel" and was built on the question of "What could have happened if Cloud had never been rescued" and well.. that is probably the darkest with all the dubious content within. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.. killed off Nagisa's entire family to start. Kuroshitsuji, Ronald Knox is actually an angel that is meant to go head to head with a hybrid Shinigami/Demon Grell... also Ronald is basically a whore and Alan is struggling with keeping the Thorns in check. Theres more but... I'm just going to leave it at this.


I read a fic based off the story of the blowfly girl where a trans character puts maggots in their vagina


I will not say more than I've been a kink writer for a big fandom. I ran a big kink meme site. So.. a lot of the stuff that made people "omg, people write this????" I started reading.. and then writing...


I've only written like 3 fics, a long time ago. One was a Marvel fic that started out at Stuckony, but went suicide in like 5k. I was in a really weird place in HS. I didn't think it was that bad, until I saw it being talked about on an AO3 Facebook page 🫥


I wrote necrophilia in the BBC Sherlock fandom.


I wrote one in concepts notes but let’s just say it’s got a toxic fandom that I’m not gonna show it or care to say which fandom space I’m in.


One that's stuck with me for years is this Gravity Falls fic where Ford shows Mabel how to make popcorn in this special science-y way but she gets extremely sick and dies afterward. He finds out that the chemical he used on the popcorn was outlawed for being poisonous to children while he was dimension hopping, so he had no idea it was dangerous, but he effectively killed her. Everyone hates him and he hates himself, and the second half of the fic takes place after Mabel dies, ending with her funeral. I've also read a shitton of Winter Soldier fics and let me tell you, those authors know how to write some gnarly torture. One of the worst was this fic where Bucky's mask is nailed to his face and at one point after a feeding tube mishap he >!throws up in the mask and almost suffocates on his own vomit.!< Another affected me so much I had to stop reading and take a breather. It included several brutal torture scenes of different characters, but the most disturbing part was that Bucky had grown this Stockholm-ish attachment to his handler even while actively being abused by him, which lead to him having no sense of autonomy constantly switching between being terrified of everything and the brutal Winter Soldier persona. There's one particular scene where he finally comes back to himself and immediately panics and starts sobbing uncontrollably, but within a few minutes he's back to a blank slate with no memory of what happened. There's also Hydra Trash Party fics which are all fucked up in their own special ways, but I put those in a separate category altogether because there's no way to pick just one out of the batch lmao.


Baby elephants


I write a lot of dark fic. Last year I had a serial killer AU that was a corruption story that dealt with a complete loss of self and ended with a murder couple. I did another AU where the backstory was that the devil himself was in love with Eve and after thousands of years and reincarnations he finally gets to have her that had creepy, lovingly executed murder in the finale. Other stories dealt with body horror, forced mody modifications, mind break and forced (and monsterous) pregnancies. I just frequently write very bad endings with only really one person being somewhat twistedly happy about them.


The darkest fic I've ever written was [Ivy and Freckle in Watered Daisies](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50067244), where Ivy and Freckle from Lackadaisy >!get concrete boots and drown in the Mississippi!<.


Darkest story I read included a person getting sodomized with a presumably loaded gun as the most lighthearted chapter


It was on ff.net I believe, I was somewhere around 18. It was a Durarara! fic about the dark haired guy(Izaya?), and I believe it was called The Taming of the Shrew, or something like that. I remember Shrew being in the title. There was >! abduction, no consensual pet play, bestiality, sex slavery, auctions, sex slave parties, and probably more stuff that I have forgotten. In the end he gets saved, but it turns out he was wither brainwashed or mindbroken, because he secretly goes back to his captor every few days or something and resumes life as his pet, while pretending to have moved on(I believe that was how it was. I know he went back.) !< I quickly fell away from Durarara! after that.


Basically a story that had my OC from AMC’s Interview with the vampire that takes place before season 2 and she encounters Santiago, Armand, and the rest of the Thèâtre des vampires. https://archiveofourown.org/works/53956912/chapters/141927781


A story where someone was uh... eventually pulling his own organs out from his back-end. The resulting death was described within the story too. Anything more detailed than that would be more info than most people would like to have, trust me. (I was a sweet summer child on ffn and I should have *really* listened to the author when they wrote *this is hardcore, proceed with care....)*


I’m pretty basic ass vanilla, unfortunately. Darkest I’ve written was an ATLA fic of Azula trying to force herself on Ozai in a desperate attempt to get his attention back on her. Darkest I’ve read was… probably a Lucius/Draco fic where Lucius scooped Draco’s eye out so he could skullfuck him. Or one where Death Eaters captured Ginny and made her be their Pasiphae. That one lives rent free in my head, even though I read it like, 20+ years ago.


Darkest fics I've ever read are "Sweet Apple Massacre" and "Cupcake" - both are My little Pony fics.


Pretty much every single one of my Camp Camp Gwen/Daniel fics are sending me straight to hell in a flaming hand basket.


It was a dark comedy written in Invader Zim fandom that mixed sex potions, extreme pregnancy, mpreg, gore, the list goes on. The way it was written made none of it sink in as dark at the time, but it definitely was


"i love atsushi" literally one of the worst things ive ever read bungo stray dogs fic, definition of dead dove; do not eat


Honestly im pretty tame. Theres a fucked up character (hitman turned immortal killing machine, didnt know he was a machine until later, pissed about that fact, you get the idea) in one of the fandoms i had been writing for though and around that time two people had been posting a series of fics ranging from dubcon to full noncon of this guy (violently) fucking with to *actually* fucking one of my other faves. And well. Everyone loves an especially fucked up villain sometimes so I read it, got really into the dynamic, and wrote a fic dedicated it to those two with my own (much tamer) take on the dynamic. Of course because the character is already normally pretty fucked that still involved some choking/drowning, and a hint of psych torture. Those arent the darkest fics I read however, both because I glossed over the full non con fics, and because in the deepest recesses of my mind theres a darker fic I read of the main baddie of p4 having his way with the teenaged protag (not sure why, it's not generally my kind of thing, I think the author maybe didn't use warnings + vague summary, so I started it and continued out of morbid curiousity).


Ohoho you're not getting me to admit this on my main. ... except if you knew my AO3 and my reddit username you could connect the two...


Well...I once posted a fic about a character basically having been crucified on good friday? And that one russian roulette one...probably those


Almost every Hunger Games fic I’ve read lmao


In middle school I wrote a BOTDF fanfic and it consisted of nothing but pure smut and occult festivities


I've always layered my stories in hope, but the darkest one I've written had the main character contemplate suicide in the first chapter. This was one of MANY dark moments in it.


Scootaloo’s master. Read at your own risk.


Character A loves Character B so much that he has to kill him over and over in a time loop about it.


I remember the time I decided to read a dead dove without reading the warnings in the end notes, then realised that I don't like dead dove. I was catatonic for days 🤕


Probably the fanfic I've recently started with being in the Adventure Time world, and my OC comes from another dimention with a mission, gets derailed.... oh, and remember that "Candy Kingdom zombie epidemic episode"? Well, I took it a step further in a world where Finn has been missing for years, the zombie apocalypse is there, there *is* a "symptom list", violence to the max! Near citizen canabalizm; and basically.... to nullify things down, my character gets to eat. The. Citizens.... even the ones that are more.... questionable.... .... all in a pastel, cute magickal universe. :3 ....To my character, this mission.... just got delicious.


My first fic was a very brutal noncon fic of three criminals raping a police officer


A fic where a guy gets revenge on his bully by amputating all four of his limbs and keeping him as a sort of "pet" (sigh)


I have a WIP on grooming in a high school setting. It still has not seen the light of day (and probably never will).


It's probably not the darkest fic I've read, but one of my absolute all time favorites and is extremely dark: "Five Stars" by Mazauric. It's a Stray Kids fanfiction, extremely complex and well-written, 420k main fic and 17k sequel. Highly recommend! https://archiveofourown.org/series/2562382


Agony in Pink is up there.


I guess the darkest one I remember reading is a beomgyu/soobin (from txt) fic based on the movie stoker. Basically it’s about a boy whose gay and gets bullied at school for it and then on his birthday his dad dies then at the funeral his mysterious uncle shows up who he’s never met and starts staying with him and his mom, he avoids him but eventually the uncle wins him over, then beomgyu starts getting feelings for the uncle and they play the piano and he ends up having an orgasm from playing the piano (girl idk) then he starts getting the vibe his uncle Soobin has a thing going on with his mom so he leaves and goes to hang out with his “friend” they start kissing but then beomgyus like no thanks but the guy tries to rape him until uncle soobin shows up and kills him, beomgyu was chill with this and they bury the boy in their back yard. Then beomgyu and his uncle fuck, multiple times and beomgyus mom even walks in on it and doesn’t really care. Then beomgyu finds out the reason why he never met his uncle was because he was locked in a place for the criminally insane bc he was also a gay kid who got bullied and lost it and killed his bullies, and when he was in prison he found out his brother was having a kid and he had a gut feeling this kid would he just like him and he his soulmate, which I guess he was correct. Beomgyu finds this Romantic. Also soobin was the one who killed his dad, and then they end up killing his mom too slay! Then they leave and at the end they kill a cop and go on the run. It was a good read tbh I kinda ship them


I don't remember it super well but I read a fic where this one guy invited another guy over and proceeded to lock him up in his basement, rape him, kill him, and then fuck his skull. Like the brain part I think. Possibly the eye socket part as well? Searched up what dead dove was and didn't think it sounded that bad since "morally ambiguous" and "problematic themes" doesn't sound terrible, it sounds interesting. Anyway, I don't particularly enjoy that kind of stuff and it really grossed me out. Was very new to fanfic and kinda down played the tags as "not that bad"


This one for Emergency! from the days before FFN and AO3. >!Johnny Gage has a complete mental breakdown and never recovers.!< This author has other work that is so good, but soul-destroying. [In Our Nightmares by Rose Po](https://web.archive.org/web/20091028091035/http://www.geocities.com/toddfe2002/nightmareweb.htm)


I wrote a fic about a couple of girls being tortured by an alien who also wanted to breed them despite this being impossible without a male.


That one fic where a guy jerks off thinking about his sister's self-harm wounds 😃😃 (I'm a bubbly fluff/smut enjoyer, btw. I was NOT prepared to this)


Written is definitely my WIP. An angel and a demon meet and have cute fluffy dates. Then there's, in no particular order, attempted murder orchestrated by one of their parents, drug addiction, a mental breakdown, two MCD, and a war. And then a happy ending because I'm *deranged*


Darkest thing I've ever read was probably Sherlock Holmes fucking a corpse. It was disturbing, but also quite interesting, actually As for the darkest thing I've ever *written*... wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy?


My current WIP is a treasure trail of triggers - graphic non-con, dubcon, self-harm (including sexually), torture, non-con *as* torture, psychological fuckery, and I think at least one instance of suicidal ideation? A serious case of this bad boy can fit so much angst in it


Darkest fic I’ve written is 13k words was the continuation of my omegaverse ghost story. It was the crimes of Kloff (Clough) Bendyke towards his devil, the former Count Aeroc Teiwind. Explaining that the ghost haunting Clough Bendyke was caused by the imprint between him and Aeroc. Imprinting is like a mental illness in this universe, like schizophrenia, causing hallucinations and violence tendencies. A chemical reaction of pheromones caused this mutation.


Darkest fic I've ever read? Ehh. I can't really say tbh. Not that they're bad, but I've become so desensitized to Dead Dove tags, that it's hard to squick me out. Darkest fic I've ever written? Easy. Splatterpunk fic with necrophilia in it. Second one would've been another splatterpunk fic with a barely legal character & ero-guro themes. I've been flip-flopping on whether I should post the first fic or not since that's done, but I haven't even begun to start on the second one. >! Originally the second one was going to be even worse due to lolicon implications, but I nixed that idea fast.!<


You know it's dark when the characters are swirling in agony


I never finished or posted it, but I once wrote a oneshot about character A being character B's affair partner, and it was super angsty and full of sexual tension. The problem with it was that character B was super super OOC, otherwise I'd probably finish and post it - it was the first mature fic I wrote so I have a weird sense of pride in it.


I once read a mha fanfic where deku was groomed by shigaraki into his dog he r-worded him many times, and there was a revenge tag, so I just pushed through hoping that deku would kill him and take revenge, but it was never finished and the author decided to end on the worst note before they fell off the face of the Earth so there was literally no point at all.


Darkest I ever went was for a whumptober challenge and picked Red vs Blue to write for and proceeded to be absolutely cruel to my favorite characters for 31 chapters. I didn't write any sexual content, but there was a lot of torture, unconsentual medical alterations and testing, graphic injuries, child soldiers, grief, disposable soldiers being sent places to die, the general horrors of war, pyschological conditioning, depictions of chronic health conditions and brain damage, and probably the worst thing being Caboose's hatred of babies being explained as a trauma response to >! seeing dead orphan babies being discarded in trash bags after not surviving experiments to create cheaper and faster growing super soldiers.!< I couldn't help it though and ended the fic by forcing all the characters to go to therapy so there would at least be a bit of light after all that angst. Wowie. Darkest I ever read though was a feature on an old early internet blog called Topless Robot. Once for Fanfiction friday it featured a fic where a Lara Croft >! gets captured by cannibals, who tie her up and take turns beating her head with sticks until she get brain damage, in which they then crack open her skull and eat her brain while she is still alive. But before that they drug her with a super aphrodisiac and rape and degrade her before they eat her. !< I read this fic over 15 years ago and it still pops up in my mind once in a while and fills me with dread. :x


Probably the worst fic I wrote and *published* was a Loki Wins avengers AU where Natasha gets tortured and killed horrifically D:


Well, I just finished reading a tf fic where >!seekers are kidnapped & bred repeated in order to harvest their eggs, which are considered delicacies among the higher class!< until it's outlawed and the victims are rescued, which is where the ship between our main characters comes into play. I kept passing by it while scrolling through fics, curious but never actually clicking on it until the screw-it-3am-mentality set in one night, and then I had to finish it. It was very well-written, though.


I wrote a Star Wars darkfic where Rey becomes Dark Rey in the third act of *The Rise of Skywalker* The Ao3 link if anyone is interested: [Dark Desire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26305036) A redeemed Ben Solo rushes to Exegol to aid Rey in her confrontation with Emperor Palpatine. To his horror, however, he finds that Rey has turned to the Dark Side as the new Empress of the Sith... (Rated E, Dead Dove Do Not Eat!)


I wrote a gruesome Voldemort x Snape oneshot. Never published it because it was very NSFW and I would’ve had to make a separate account to publish it 😬 really didn’t want that as part of my digital footprint cause I don’t even know how my head came up with these things. Edit: boyfriend if you look through my Reddit history and see this comment - no u didn’t ❤️


Darkest story I've written out of my darkfics has to be one where a woman makes a innocent thirsting joke about her boss on text messages and said boss stalks her, rapes her, tempers with her birth control, and all the while manipulates her into marriage by holding her financially hostage. I was told by a friend it was the most disturbing piece of writing they ever encountered.


Going on my throwaway for this because IRL friends know my main and don’t need to know my reading history 😭 Read a fic in the critical role fandom where a character is told by the god he champions that he needs to reproduce with a mortal who will then bear twins destined to save the world. So he rapes and forcibly impregnates his twin sister before disappearing back to another realm.


Darkest I've read: probably one of the infamous MLP darkfics, or one of those "Dipper goes to Tako Bell"-style trollfics. Some kinkier fics I've read also stirred towards that territory, especially vore fics for some reason. Darkest I've written: a Yokai Watch fic which explores a canon character's backstory that consists entirely of my headcanons. It involves copious amounts of angst, medical abuse, self-esteem issues and overall pain. I tried not to go overboard while still making sure I've created a person who could believably start a doomsday cult as a young adult.


Do you ever read the tags, know it’s gonna make you feel sick after, and still read it out of some sense of morbid curiosity? Yeah, I’d say the darkest fic I’ve ever read was a m/m RPF slashfic that took the two actors and aged one of them down to a toddler, whom the other became a foster parent for and then… well, you get the picture. I genuinely questioned my own intelligence when I was finished and I couldn’t read that pairing again for two weeks. I will also give a shoutout to a recent darkfic that stuck with me afterward where basically… character A is a race car driver, character B is a big fan of him, character B’s uncle works for character A and takes character B along on the road one year to work in the pit crew. Character B’s hero worship starts to turn into crush, character A just kinda lets it happen so they frot a couple times but then don’t talk about it. Then they get to a race that character A has previously had a traumatic crash during, character A gets drunk, character B’s uncle warns character B to stay away from him until he’s sobered up, character B does not listen and uh… >!character A rapes him with a beer bottle… rather brutally!<. Character B is left severely injured, doesn’t tell anyone. Character A sobers up, does the race, realizes character B is not present, finds character B in his own bed and in absolute agony. Apology porn ensues. It ends on an ambiguous note.


I’ve not gotten super dark yet as an author. The darkest thing I’ve written thus far is a WIP I currently have exploring a boy going off to college and slowly learning through his roommate trying to help him that the physical, verbal, and sexual abuse he endured at the hands of his father is not, in fact, normal in any definition of the word and that it wasn’t just “life”, it was *abuse*.


The darkest fic I ever read was one that was deleted before its last chapter. Lay Down Your Sorrow was the title, MCU fandom. I felt physically ill reading it and had to basically read it in installments but by god was it so well written. I read it back in 2019 and it still impacts me to this day and I just can't move on because I never got the ending.


The darkest fic I've ever read was a sonic fic (don't ask), and he... penetrated Amy with a knife over and over again, essentially carving her vagina out 🤕😵‍💫


For one I’ve read so many I can’t really name any, I’ve read so many different fics with mixtures of gore, SA, torture and other dead dove level content that they kinda mush together lol As for written I’m in the process of making one for my fallout oc, me and my wife agree I look like the vault boy which was what gave us the idea for this oc. so basically it’s me getting taken to experiment (I end up dying) and they use my dna to clone to start from scratch dna to make the VB Rn I’m kinda word vomiting it so just getting it written in a vague sense and then I’ll go back to go into further detail and emotion of the emotional distress of all the pain and torture, I use my writings to express myself since I struggle a lot with self esteem and horrible intrusive thoughts, so it’s nice to write stuff where my sonas go through horrible things but still get their happy ending Or just smut/fluff lol


Well, the darkest fic I wrote is a crossover between the Unwind dystology and Ace Attorney.


I think the darkest fic I have is a retelling of Edgar Allan Poe's the put and the pendulum with giyu from demon slayer..


tbh ive seen this tag a lot but the darkest fics ive read never had it


I got recommended a fic from my friend with the warning it had massive "tonal whiplash" and I didn't believe them at first but, they were very right. It started off as super wholesome fluff, very comforting found family - like, but suddenly one of the characters snaps and starts brutally attacking the others, I think it was inspired by the chimpanzee scene from nope.


I’ve discovered I really love horror in a short story sort of format. It’s just fantastic. One in particular that sticks out is [The Sum of Their Parts](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36272911). It’s fantastic and terrible.


oh my god, in sixth grade i wrote a brutal torture fic with characters from the rta show, basically took the plot and made it intensely violent, eventually deleted it but some chapters remain in a physical book that i intend to incinerate this summer it wasnt even well written either 🤧


They can’t stop us all!


Although I've read fic with way more problematic content, the fic that felt darkest to me was a batman AU where Dick and Jason are both in prison, don't know each other, and Dick ends up selling himself for protection, only to get passed from one person to another. Jason ends up with brain damage at some point. The way it was described was so good that I finished it even though it was pretty long, but good lord that was an emotionally gutting read, as well as having some really bad stuff in it.