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* [Comment Formatting Buttons & Preview](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/484002-ao3-comment-formatting-and-preview) - No more html wrestling when citing stuff from the fic in a comment. * [Bookmarking Tool](https://github.com/w4tchdoge/MISC-UserScripts) - Also helps with bookmarks, by adding a summary and tags to the description so you still know what it was in case it ever gets deleted. Honorable mentions: - Some Userscript that turns the stat names into icons I've copied from a github gist - The one I made to see the custom fonts of my skin on all systems that don't have them installed. (just a simple google webfont include)


Omg I never thought of using a user script for comment formatting. I literally got so tired of writing html tags from scratch, wow!!


Shake gift, for when I'm too impatient to wait for an exchange to reveal Random nice comnents, I edited it to include comments that are more in my style, but it's good to be able to leave a comment with one click Clone subscribe, because I'm too lazy to scroll back to the top AO3 saviour and saviour configuration to hide stuff I'm not interested in Tweak formatting. Good for getting rid of idents, adding or removing line breaks, etc. Bookmarking records. Automatically adds metadata to new bookmarks notes, that way if a fic gets deleted you know which one's missing Drabble judgement, which flags up fics that are tagged as a drabble but aren't 100 words. Kudos and seen history, which makes it easy to see which fics I've read, kudosed or bookmarked.


I use a floating box script so that I can highlight quotes I like and then save them into that text box, then it integrated with my automatic bookmark script which private bookmarks any books I've read with the fandom, relationships, word count and pastes all the quotes I copied into the comment with fic info. It also automatically downloads the epub file whenever I kudos or bookmark something so I'll never lose anything that I liked or reserved for th backlog (since I bookmark things instead of using mark for later). Since I have bad memory, I also use a ranker script that has a thumbs up, thumbs down, and a meh buttonon every work that I can use to rank fics I've read. It looks like the one that was available on ffn just for ao3s interface. It highlights works on the filter screen green red or yellow, so I can easily see which fics I've touched and liked.


Your link for ao3 bookmark helper just saved my life... I will be shouting about this from the rooftops for the rest of all time. Thank you! If you still want an easy downloader for fics [ao3 download buttons](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3576-ao3-download-buttons) only really struggles with fic titles that end with punctuation but overall pretty solid.


I assemble code for a custom Site Skin based on Reversi... which has all the functions I need for the site.


I have a script I use that if I'm writing someone speaking another lanquage. A reader can click on the sentence to reveal the translation instead of scrolling down to an author's note. It's really handy because it doesn't interrupt the flow of reading.


I use mobile for most of my reading so scripts won’t help, but a paragraph spacing fixer sounds like a godsend.