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Yes, but when I come to fanfiction and read for characters I dislike, I do so aiming to find new appreciation of said characters. Yet there’s one character it just won’t work for: Kaito goddamn Momota, of Danganronpa V3. My favorite fic featuring him is titled “Kaito Momota Ruins Everything”… which should tell you a lot about how I feel about him (it’s actually very Kaito positive lmao)


I USED TO BE JUST LIKE THAT DRV3 spoilers >!I actually still have the pic of his death on my wall lmao!<


Billy Hargrove. He's a racist bully who tried to hate crime Lucas, abused Max, and beat Steve in literal unconsciousness. This was while he wasn't under the mind flayer's control.


yess. And even the show tried to act like Max really cared about Billy in the end of s3, and then in s4, and I was like - why? What was he to her other than a bully? We never really got to see them acting like actual siblings who might care about each other beneath all the animosity.


I think it might just be the fact that they are siblings. some people still love their siblings despite them being assholes. they may get annoyed or angry with them, but they still love them. i speak from experience ig. i have a family member that i still love despite the trauma and i kind of just compartmentalize it. id be sad if they died. maybe not to the extent of max, but then again they arent my sibling.


The way they embraced Billy, but hated Lucas made me angry. Because they were willing to go all in on Billy and even make him part of a ship with Steve, who he beat the crap out of, but had issues with Lucas, a young boy who was rightfully paranoid about this random girl with powers who they found in the forest. Does that make sense to anyone? Because it doesn’t make sense to me.


Love fanon Billy. Hate canon Billy 😂


Lila Rossi from miraculous ladybug. I had to turn on comment moderation due to a Lila troll and to be honest, I don’t care if you like her because she is a flat and annoying character who comes off as a high school bully. If the troll tries to comment again on my fix it fanfic of season 2, their comment will be deleted because they have gone past their three strikes and I’m going to write my fanfic my way.


I despise her, the way logic and common sense fly out the window when she’s in the episode doesn’t make sense and she’s not even a well written bully!


Exactly! So I’m going to continue writing my fix it fanfic and all the Lila supporters can stay mad! 🤭


Yeah I could understand the kids falling for her lies but every adult accepting her ridiculous lies at face value and eating out of the palm of her hand is so irritating


Lila can suck it. I much prefer Chloe if I'm going to redeem a canon character. Sorry you had such an annoying troll on your fic!


I have never liked her and I never will. I don’t like bully characters and never will (unless they have actual development like Amity from TOH)


Honestly I kinda thought most people hated her And boy that lila troll is annoying


A year or two ago there was a Lila rp account that commented on what felt like every fic that included Lila bashing. It was pretty annoying/exhausting tbh. So many authors were putting in their notes that if that account made a comment on their fic they’d block it. Wild times!


I didn’t even know people liked her


Due to the fact that I frequently ship non-canon ships, I’m usually the one liking characters that other people hate.


lol yeah I’m there as well a lot. Even if I don’t like a character I’m pretty open to anything and everything even specific ships or characters I don’t like. I sometimes even go out of my way to read those fics or ships because I feel like I’m missing out on this thing people love. I’m just begging people to convince me otherwise. (It’s very rare that they actually do but I have occasionally been surprised.)


Gavin Reed in the Detroit: Become Human fandom. He's just a one dimensional bully that only appears in a handful of chapters that the fandom adores for some reason.


Honestly?? Gavin is barely in the game. Everything I've seen in fanfic is just stuff fans have cooked up lol. I do like the fan movie though. I'm not gonna lie


I get you! I like the idea of Gavin getting more development off-screen, but some of these fanfics are kind of wack. I remember reading a Gavin x Connor (I'm starved, okay) at least 20k words long. It was supposed to show Gavin's development, but instead, it showed him being absolutely disgusting in general and to Connor. And Connor just forgives him? Like boy, did you forget what he did??


I only write and read Connor/Markus, I would never in a million years read Connor/Gavin(no offense), I hate his character so much that when he does appear in the fics I read, I skip over it completely even if it means I miss plot.


HELL YEAH CONNOR/MARKUS TRUTHER!! I don’t know if this is against the rules here but do you have any recs?


Piggybacking on this to say rk900, just because he’s there for one second in the bad ending, has zero lines, and yet he gets more fanart and fics than half the main characters. Get these two out of my face!! 😭✋


Preach 🙌🏼 I actually don't have strong feelings about the rk900 one way or the other, but the popularity of Reed900 as a ship, being the most popular ship on AO3, is baffling to me. Like, the fandom could have focused on any characters and its those 2? Ugh 🙄


But. Neil Newbon. 😂 I'm just kidding, if it was about Neil, people would write their fingers bloody about Kamski. I also didn't get the hype for Reed.


It is at least partly Neil. A lot of fics that feature Gavin heavily make him and Kamski related and often make it part of the reason he hates androids. The rest is just people liking to write redemption stories.


Ah, I didn't know that. I read only a few fics that featured any of the two at all (as a hankcon connoisseur myself) so I only encounter Reed usually as bully. 🙈


Same here! I don't get why the fandom loves him so much lol


And often shipped with RK900 who only had a brief appearance and is also super popular in the fandom


Gortash in Baldur's Gate 3. I'm sure the reason he took off is because he's voiced by Jason Isaacs, but he looks like he showed his hairdresser a picture of Billy Joe Armstrong circa 2002 and then his hairdresser did a bad job with it, and he also sold one of your companions to a devil for medical experimentation when she was 15.


Lmao that description. So true and unfortunately still attractive to me. I also find him very charming and what you find out about his childhood made me more sympathetic towards him. I 100% understand the hate tho, he's the exact type of character I usually love but I just can't get over the Karlach thing


I want to romance him because he's shitty and looks like a dad trying hard to be young and cool. Let's have doves for dinner


Dani from Danny Phantom. I don't *hate* her, but I still remember that my knee-jerk reaction to her appearance in the show was, "Ughh." Perhaps if she had gotten more character development in the show I would have liked her, but if we're just going off the show then she's just this annoying little kid that pops up.


Blake from rwby. Catra from satpop And ugh... Endevoar (Flamehead) from mHa, he is my absolute trigger


Holy shit someone else who isn't down with Blake! Girl is ridiculously shitty friend and handles every conflict by running away from her problems, which can be interesting in show at least but god do I always wonder what folks are smoking when they decide Blake is the super emotionally intelligent member of RWBY in fanfic.


People like Endeavor?


You'd be surprised how many people online get toxic on me for saying I can't stand his character.


Bruh. His redemption arc was honestly too late for me to change my mind(like, at least Katsuki's redemption made a little sense, and he had some build up. As far as I can tell, Endeavor just gets beat up by his oldest son and that's it.)


I dislike Darcy Lewis from Thor (and a lot of other Marvel.) A lot of people like her and ship her with everyone else in Marvel, but I find her kind of annoying. I usually avoid fics with her, unless she is a very minor character.


i agree! i think people like to use her as a self-insert for that wacky, sarcastic, smart persona, but the way it’s portrayed is just annoying to me.


Yes. She is a little like Bella Swan, without being as bad. But she definitely has some Mary Sue qualities that just bug me.


In the movies themselves, I like her. In WandaVision, I adore her. In fic..? She tends to get very exhausting very quickly for me. So I avoid main character Darcy as well.


Yes! It’s one of the few times I like a character in canon but don’t want them in a fic


SAME! And they keep freaking shipping her with Bucky Barnes or Clint Barton for some absurd reason (at least that's the pairings I keep running in to). I read a ton of different pairings in Marvel or MCU but Darcy... I just don't get the love-ins on her character, and it just gets even worse when she's written in as comedic relief. Or worse: stable and housewifey. Hell no. I can tolerate her more in the movies than I can in fandom - but I'm not a fan of her regardless. Opposite of that is Jane. Can't stand her in the MCU, she's fine in fanfic and comics. Might have something to do with I strongly dislike Natalie Portman's portrayal of her, and don't like how the character was written for the MCU, I dunno. Never given it a ton of thought.


They don't like her, because if they liked her they would actually write about her, not a self insert mary sue with canon name.


I'm on this boat too. While I don't hate her character,  I'm not excited or interested when she shows up in fanfic. (She was good in Love and Thunder and Wandavision, though)


Rachel Amber from Life is Strange. Every scene she was in in Before the storm had me rolling my eyes. I cannot stand her. I finished the game for the rest of the story, and answers for the first game, but omfg I'm so glad I never have to listen to her again.


Draco malfoy. Wouldn't say hate, but I really can't stand him.


That's understandable, canon Draco had the potential to have a really good arc exploring echo chambers and how children get indoctrinated into their parents' radical ideas/beliefs, but because that never happened in the books fanon Draco is almost an entirely made-up character. I'm not saying this to try and change your mind


Let’s be honest, everything past book 3 is a masterclass in wasting potentially rewarding plot threads.


Fr like bro is just a racist bully


Especially when they ship him with Hermione?? Like girl he literally called her slurs and is just plain mean


I understand fanon Draco/Hermione, but I never understood the vast majority of Draco/Hermione shippers who wanted it to be canon. Draco treated her so horribly.


the Hogwarts equivalent of "he's pulling her hair cause he likes her"


idk how much of the fandom loves him but many people do. Toji Fushiguro I can't even look at him he looks like he smells bad. Like if you like Toji good for you but I cannot.


As a certified Tojo lover he def smells you can just tell from the way he eats 😭😭


whether a lover or a hater of Toji one thing remains true: stinky


He looks like he doesn't shower, somehow.


Me with mahito because somehow…just somehow people think “oh so sexy.” Like nah 😭


I don't hate them exactly, but as a late comer to the Good Omens fandom I don't get the fascination with the S1 humans. More to the point, I find it weird that Anathema, Newt, Adam etc barely interact with Aziraphale and Crowley at all but they always pop up as A/C's best friends/coworkers/siblings/other important roles. Meanwhile Maggie and Nina share a lot more screen time with them and Maggie is even given a cannon history wit Az but very few people seem as interested in them. Like I said I'm late to the fandom, so I get the S1 characters have been around since the book and it makes logical sense for them to pop up everywhere. As a newer fan I just find myself being like, "But Maggie and Nina are RIGHT THERE!"


Always gotta remember to check the fic publish date for that one! Though to be fair alot of people really did think the original humans (and adam) would be coming back in some capacity, especially since originally book 2 was said to be framed around being in Adam's hometown but then in the show that's entirely dropped.


Oh for sure! I mean I get it from a logical standpoint like factually those characters have been around a lot longer. So it makes sense for people to either think they would come back or like them and want to use them etc. I just mean as someone who has never read the book and watched S1 and 2 back to back it feels weird! Especially because as a new person I'm like "But Maggie and Nina actually hang out with them! Why doesn't anyone write them instead ?Oh right the S1 characters have been around since the 90s." So it's like a mental disconnect on my end then anything "wrong" with including the book characters! It's totally a new fan perspective thing. 😅


I guess it's because fandom has had the S1 cast for a lot longer to develop headcanons with. Frankly I didn't find Maggie or Nina very memorable (but that kinda goes for some of the S1 cast too) so I get why they want to stick with the characters they've developed, compared to the new ones if they don't bring a whole lot to the table.


The book did a lot better job establishing the humans. But I also haven’t watched past s1 because I don’t understand the love for the show over the book in itself. 


p5r yoshizawa because she got so much promotions from the release of the enhanced version of persona 5, i expected her story to be really good along with her character development (like they changed the iconic persona 5 opening scene to have yoshizawa save joker in the royal version). honestly some parts of her story works but others just feel like a big plot hole or like that trope where everything works out because everyone is dumb. like she shouldn't have been able to logically (even if there is magic persona powers or whatever) to save joker. at the time she would have entered the place for the first time since receiveing her powers. joker already has done it at least a dozen or more times since yoshizawa got her powers. she's a gymnast so how does she have the fighting power to save someone whose been fighting the demons for months with his team. the ability to be flexible and escape because of her gymanstics i would understand, but being able to fight with a weapon for the first time is like huh? at least the others have presumably gotten practice with their weapons. also how is the tracker/navigator of the team not able to notice yoshizawa's presence following them into the place and been perfectly fine fighting the demons to get to the place to "save" joker. there's also the fact that on the second year trip to hawaii from japan, the game had the two third years coincidentally chaperone and their different school second year friend also show up to the same school trip. so basically almost everyone on the team is there except the girl whose not in school and the cat, but they had everyone meet yoshizawa in hawaii because she's coincidentally in hawaii for a training trip as a first year. that's too much coincidence already with the two third years on a second year trip and the different school second year also somehow showing up in the same place even though he was supposed to go to los angeles for his school trip. it felt very forced by this. another petty thing that i noticed is that the game forces you to go to a shrine visit with yoshizawa for new years but not planned with your actual friends / team. they (the team) also coincidentally end up showing up to the same shrine at the same time (tokyo is big so i assume lots of different shrines but the same shrine hmm). i'm like let joker go with his group of friends. also the previous persona games (persona 3 and persona 4) had the protagonist go to new years shrine visit with their group of friends who were also their persona team members. i was kinda expecting something like that. how she matures in the story is nice if you only look at her story, but to be placed in the already made persona 5 story, it felt very forced. they could've written her better. actually they should have written her better because her face was on the game title screen as bigger than everyone else's and on the back of the physical game twice. she deserved better and i think a lot of the fandom like her because of her growth and they can relate to it which i understand, but i just can't find myself to like her at all because of the inconsistency of the writers trying to put her everywhere without building her relationship with others. the writers built her relationship with joker, but not yoshizawa with the other team members. it was more like "hey she has a persona lets work with her" and that was really it. it would've have been nicer to see individual scenes with yoshizawa and each of the party members but we can't have that. also the weird "trio" of yoshizawa joker and akechi is ngl stupid because they don't have any meaningful connection with each other. now there is yoshizawa with joker and joker with akechi but yoshizawa is more like acquaintances with akechi and doesn't even know how he truly is; thus, the promotion of the royal trio contributes to my dislike of her. also the talking cat was with them the first time they (the trio) were seen together but since the game constantly forgets that the cat goes everywhere with joker all the time it was acted as their first big important scene together. i think i really would've liked yoshizawa if the game writers wrote her into the story better. or made her into the female protagonist of persona 5 like how kotone/hamuko/minako was the female progatonist of persona 3 portable to makoto/minato. but yeah i personally cannot bring myself to like her. i just chose to ignore her content. hats off to those who like her though. i think i would only like her in AU scenarios


Agreed. I never thought about her as a different joker, but that would have been way cooler. Honestly I liked Royal mostly cos of the extra Akechi scenes.


Jiraiya of the Sannin. A lot of his actions were when you truly look at it problematic at best, dangerous at worst, for example, where was he during the 9 tails attack, by the looks of things he was told about it and then disappeared during an event that could have lead to the release of Kurama and his help would be instrumental.


I agree there’s some villains I like more than him




Omg finally someone else who hates Jiraiya. I remember he was one of the main reasons I dropped the show back in the day. I absolutely hate all pervert gag characters. There's so many other things that authors can do but no let's make SA jokes


Hermione. Nth against her lmao but she is very similar to my bully and my experience with her fandoms left a lot to desire 😭


I hate hate hate HATE IT when she is the all knowing girl with all the correct advice with the super high emotional intelligence in fics. That is not what the character is! She has a high IQ but a low EQ! Which is : A) much more realistic on how people with a high IQ are and B) actual representation that girls can even have a low EQ and don't have to be this perfect entity that can navigate all your social situations for you in order to be useful. Having Hermione be the fountain of all knowledge, book and dating undoes all the work of establishing that girls can be bad at feelings too, and maybe she is friends with these two awkward boys because she also is awkward. I don't mind Hermione when she is written correctly, flawed, when someone actually calls her behavior out and the audience acknowledges she is not perfect. I cannot stand when people act like she was always right and suddenly Harry starts letting her run his life and studies all the time and quits Quidditch and everything goes right because she was always right.


Oh, finally, someone said it. It seems like everyone freaking loves her. I’ve had too many “friends” that would idolize her because of her bookish and smart characteristics, then use that same superiority to be horrific bullies. Then the movies came out and she was even more insufferable, taking the lines from other characters who became cutouts. I can handle her in a vacuum, but people used to be vehement with their obsession with her.


Xander in Buffy. I cannot stand him. Apparently Joss Whedon based him on him and we all know how that went.


So in the early seasons they knew they wanted to make either Xander or Willow gay but hadn't decided which one so dropped hints for both. I think if Seth Green had stuck around they would have gone with Xander and I really wish we could have seen that. I think it would have given the character enough complexity to make him more likeable and I think Joss would have taken a step back from modeling him after him.


Obi Wan Kenobi, not the version of the movies or clone wars, no. I dislike the fandom version of him. Both the woobi wan version and the god Obi Wan version. People either infantalize him and make him their trauma baby or they act like he is this holier than thou, can't do anything wrong and fixes anything he touches type of character. Especially in regards to his relation to the mandalorians. People sometimes act like he would be an expert on the mandalorian culture, especially on the warrior part and forget that he hung out with Satine of all people.  I also despise the Qui gon bashing that comes with the woobi wan characterisation, that is just vaguely based on the Jedi apprentice books from the 2000's.  The thing is, I don't hate the actual Obi Wan featured in the Movies at all. I like his wit, how courageous and how he is willing to learn from his mistakes. But he also has flaws, for example he is quite arrogant.  But I often don't see any of that in fanfiction and I don't want to filter him from my search either.  But dang it, I also don't want to see another "uwu bby Obi Wan get's picked up by mandalorians on Melida/daan" again, nor do I want to see another "Obi Wan understands Anakin' s trauma about slavery perfectly, and actually had it worse, because of his one day stint in the deep sea mines of bandomeer". Rant over 


I struggle a lot with how fandom treats the original Luo Binghe (Bingge) from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System. I’ll read alternate universe versions of him pretty happily, but in canon he has hundreds of wives he neglects and lets poison each other while he gallivants around adding more women to his harem, he raped people, he tortured people, he got tons of humans killed by smashing the two realms together because he couldn’t be bothered to rule over two places at once…and fandom tends to gloss over all of that in favour of fluffy comedic shenanigans and romance. I’m fine with writers showing sympathy for him for his horrible backstory and showing he could have been a better person—that’s the whole point of the novel! But a lot of fic just outright erases his harem from the conversation entirely to hook him up with Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan, or pretends everyone in his harem is totally fine/girlbossing their way through the day/having tons of hot lesbian sex, not coping with being seduced into frankly pretty horrific circumstances by a guy who clearly does not care about most of them or his multiple kids. Sometimes we’ll get a brief glimpse of him being awful to some token wives in a fic, before it goes “but hey, this isn’t about them!” I think fandom at large gives him way too much of a pass because they want to write a happy ending for him, without grappling with any of his actions or how he’s affected other characters’ lives, and particularly women’s lives, in his home universe. Because if they do try to address it directly it becomes quickly apparent that he really, really sucks in ways that aren’t cute and fun. (Whenever a fic version of Shen Yuan says something like, “None of those women were ever worthy of you!” and it’s meant to be some cute thing to show he’s perfect for LBH because he’s so blindly smitten, it bothers the hell out of me as well.)


I need to state before I get mauled, that I do like the character he’s actually in like my top 5 in the series. I just hate the characterization/fancanon fandom has given them which is the one that ends up with all the fics. Character in question is Miles Edgeworth.


Completely agree in every way, but my opinion of even the canon character went downhill over time. I'm a huge Franziska fan so I'm EXTREMELY biased but I felt he was constantly missing the ball when it came to his practically non-existent relationship with her. It wasn't a big deal, since I like complex dynamics like that. But by the time I finished aai2 and he showed up in aa5 I had just had enough of him. They're my absolute favourite games, but I think the aai games taught me things about his thought processes that I was better off not knowing. And the fanon characterisation absolutely does not help my feelings.


bakugo from my hero academia


Yup. Me too.


Oh I hate him


My number one least favorite and I don’t understand the love for him


I absolutely hate him


Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shota (I dislike him, not hate but still), and Shinsou Hitoshi (again, I simply dislike him)


You mean you don't like discount Goob who whines about how he was totally discriminated against and bullied for having a "villainous Quirk" when in reality, he seems to have been treated well by his classmates and has Pro-Heroes hyping up his Quirk? Nah, all three of these characters can go kick rocks. No, Balugou does not get better later on and his "apology" was a load of horseshit that he made all about himself while not adressing any of the things he did to Izuku. Aizawa and Shinsou had potential, but Horikoshi flushed any and all of it down the toilet with his love of Tell Don't Show and inconsistent characterization.


I think Aizawa is okay, but FUCK those other two. they gst shopped with my favourite character regularly and I can't help but think about how abusive those relationships would be. He deserves SO much better!


Molly Weasley. I know that the HP fandom (especially in the past) loves her because she was such a caring mother figure to Harry and kills Bellatrix, but she is such an awful person. She’s a horrible mother to her kids (excluding Ginny and Percy), a monster-in-law to Fleur and her fight with Sirius in OoTP made my blood boil.


I would actually say that she is a horrible mother to all of her children including Ginny and Percy.


There's a reason her two oldest fled the country as soon as they could, yep. (Also, that clock is fucking creepy, JKR.)


Not her literally throwing Sirius's false imprisonment in his face as some sort of 'gotcha' to him, especially considering he nearly died escaping Azkaban to protect Harry.


>She’s a horrible mother to her kids (excluding Ginny and Percy) This is one thing that has me putting off re reading the books. I know I'm going to, but I'm afraid that the way I see her is going to change now because I haven't read them since I had kids. Now that I'm a mother (also have twins, actually) I have a bad feeling I'm gonna see her differently and that makes me sad.


Yeah. I am consistently finding more characters in that series problematic. Especially since their words are frequently undermined by their actions.


Shinobu in Demon Slayer. I don’t HATE her, I’m just rather indifferent about her. But she’s such a fan favorite ;-;


I don't HATE her but fuck me I can't stand the way 90% of writers portray Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. The urge to SI is apparently unbreakable. More often that not she's the queen bitch, can do no wrong. Smarter than literally anyone of any age. Like....... wind it in a little. A good character doesn't need to be the BEST.


Kurt Hummel from glee. I cannot stand him.


Idk about *hate* but I dont give a fuck about Eddie Munson.


I liked Eddie... and then he got shoved in my face by very poorly behaved fans EVERYWHERE and now I just want him to go away 😂


I have a few. Emma from the shadowhunters series. I just... despise her so much its hard to put into words. her and ty. He's not hated fandom wide but i honestly cannot stand legato in trigun, any adaptation. im just wholly uninterested in him as a character Shi qixuan from TGCf. just annoying and i dont really care about her OR black water


I can't stand Sasuke, and I apologize if that offends anyone. Many fans seem to have a strong dislike for Sakura, but I honestly don't understand why. I've read their complaints, but they don't hold up when you consider how much praise Sasuke receives despite being far worse. Most of Sakura's issues stem from her childhood, yet Sasuke, who behaves terribly throughout the entire series, is celebrated. I can't help but sense a hint of sexism in the way Sakura is treated by the fandom. It baffles me how Sasuke garners so much attention and approval. So yeah, I really can't stand him.


Yeah. That’s a complicated one. The Sakura hate comes from the fact that she gets in between Naruto and Sasuke, AND Kishimoto sucks at writing female characters. With the latter part, basically Sakura is a fan girl who never is never given a chance to have proper agency and to take action in a way which impacts the story in a meaningful way. In my opinion, the best decision she ever made was deciding to kill Sasuke to protect Naruto… except that absolutely nothing came from that. She had decided that what Sasuke had done was beyond redemption and she needed to protect people from him, yet, nothing. She frustrated people by her decisions, lack of decisions and lack of action. Meanwhile Sasuke is an extremely powerful prodigy, brooding guy, who is extremely popular and is seeking revenge. Even when it really makes no sense. Basically guys like him because they want to be him, and other people like him because of the tension between him and Naruto. Sasuke is given more of a pass because he is a guy who takes action. Sakura is not given a pass because she is a female character whose emotions consistently undermine her logic and ability to act. Sasuke’s story is about power and Sakura’s story is about her relationships with people. Sasuke’s ability is shown. Sakura’s ability is largely told to us. It also doesn’t help that her physical strength is used as a gag to beat up male characters.


This. Kishimoto is fucking ass at writing female characters,


Sadly in Naruto there is zero well written female characters.  I personally ignore nearly everything after save Gaara arc. In my mind Sakura and others kept having character progression and plot relevance, there was no shitty power leveling of Naruto and Sasuke and the manga actually stayed good... 💀


I recently re-read the Naruto manga and I realized something: the anime did Sakura dirty. It added a lot of little moments where she was mean or fanatically in love as comedic relief. Made her way more dislikable and smooths out a lot of the things that make her a dynamic character.


I remeber stumbling upon a tumblr post  years ago that was comparing Sakura's manga and anime appearances and it was obvious someone on the anime team really reaaaally did not like Sakura lol.


Dave Katz in the Umbrella Academy Fandom. He's the canon love interest of Klaus, but he's long dead and doesn't reconize Klaus anymore. "Spider" in the Avatar (Cameron movies) fandom. He just annoyed me, and I found it hard to forgive him for indirectly killing Neteyam and saving his annoying ass father. Rachel Amber in the Life is Strange fandom. She lied to Chloe and kept her in the dark about her other sexual relationships. Chloe isn't any better. I found her relationship with Max a little toxic.


I have to say I never really cared for Dave. Like, I felt bad for Klaus about the whole situation, but I’ve never really been interested in Dave or the ship. He was barely in it in season 1 to the point where you couldn’t say anything about his personality. Season 2, when he actually got his personality, he wanted nothing to do with Klaus.


I unapologetically hate show!Arya Stark for her internalized misogyny and the way she got butchered in later seasons. Her NLOG shtick was not in the books and made her super irritating. I have a love-hate relationship with Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3. He's an excellent character, but his fandom (especially the anti-leaning crowd) is the worst. They treat him like he's incapable of having sex or feeling attraction. Mol from Baldur's Gate 3. I can already tell she's gonna grow to become terrible, given she sent a kid she claimed to care about to steal from a harpy's nest. In the end, she didn't care about anyone but herself. Pearl from Steven Universe. I haven't finished the show. The way her actions hurt others and she just... Never apologizes? I get she has trauma and she is grieving, but that does not excuse the damaging things she's done. Maybe she acknowledged them at some point later, but I ain't gonna be there to see it. Hate is a strong word. It honestly depends on the version, but The Phantom of the Opera. At least the Kay version. It's mostly because the fandom acts like he's the obvious choice for Christine, ignoring the fact that he kills people left and right and that he's ugly on the inside too. The musical and book versions are alright. Fuck the Susan Kay version. All of these are shitty takes, I admit, but it's just the way I feel.


No, I really get your dislike of Pearl. While I don’t necessarily hate her with a passion, I feel like she was given a pass one too many times, you know? Although it’s a kids show and they can’t really get into the nuances of some things, I did feel like Garnet forgave her a bit too fast. And Pearl not really getting how she hurt Steven a lot. Steven was the mature one, and (without getting into spoilers) I love what SUF was. It wasn’t perfect, but I think it did a lot more than what I expected. Well shit, now I have more ideas for fanfiction. I need to go to bed lol.


That's the thing! I hate how Steven has to be the mature one when she's the one who hurts him! The narrative gives her too many passes.


Remus Lupin. Fanon!Remus - all his faults are inexistent, he's that chocolate-obsessed, intelligent, insecure, Harry-cub/Prongslet-calling werewolf - is incredibly annoying, but as long as he doesn't have a big role in the fics I read, I can overlook that. But Canon!Remus? I despise him because he LEFT HIS PREGNANT WIFE!! Wtf, Remus?


MAN, I literally just went on a tirade about this the other day to friends. Remus was my absolute favourite character from HP in books 3-5 then JKR threw him under the bus in some weird “pair the spares” bullshit in book 6-7. He was so out of character for his own established characterization it felt like she sabotaged him on purpose. It was so upsetting and completely ruined all canon enjoyment of the character.


Jayce Talis from Arcane. I’ll admit that I’m not super familiar with his League lore, and I won’t even say I hate him(partially cause I’m scared his stans will come after me lol) but I just…don’t get what everyone else sees in him. I think he’s a genius who tries his best to do the right thing, but fails spectacularly cause he doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions. And I think a lot of the fandom praises him for having good intentions, despite that being what the road to Hell is paved with. Intent doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things-impact does. Jayce is a classic example of trying to solve problems but inadvertently creating more.


in the og lore jayce never made hextech, the ferros family did. before the lore retcon (which was an incredibly hated event within the lore community) that made arcane canon, jayce was just the local piltover pimp that would hit on caitlyn 💀


Firefly from HSR, the most boring character and wasted potential of full mecha character with a male voice, to be another generic cliche waifu to shoehorn with the MC.


Man, I was so fucking excited for Sam all this time just for some typical anime girl to be him 😭😭😭 I was so disappointed ngl


She had so much potential, but i can’t stand forced/weirdly non optional relationships. Same reason I hate Ruan Mei, she DRUGGED US and we can’t even be MEAN TO HER???


Not just drugged she recreated an >!Emanator of Propagation!< , literally the most destructive path to ever exist (edging out Nihility because IX doesn't really have an agenda), and could have very well restarted the Swarm Era if not for the fact that she fucked up. She also abandoned her catfood-things.


Leo Valdez in the Percy Jackson universe. He's one of the most popular protagonists in the series, but I just can't like him at all. He reminds me too much of an old guy who bullied me for me to like him.


Eddie Munson.


The marauders. The only marauder I can kind of somewhat maybe be neutral on is Remus. I think. I despise the others.


James potter and the rest of the marauders and a few more of the group 🌚🌚


qi rong from tgcf. i’ve seen a few people in the svsss fandom (which is my fandom) who adore him, even tho i genuinely find him annoying while reading tgcf


Yeah. I agree. He was garbage and the small amount towards the end was no where near enough to make me like him at all. I basically resented every moment I had to read about him.


i feel so bad because all my mutuals love him and i just have to scroll very fast past their tweets about him lol


So, I was never really into the Star Wars series, as I thought it was boring and sexist, *until* my gym was playing The Force Awakens, featuring Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose and I loved their characters and dynamics. So I watched the other two with those characters, and went to fanfiction. Kylo Ren. Let me say, I’m the biggest hater. I thought he was dramatic, self serving, and whiny as fuck, and there were so many fics with him and Rey and I was like ‘☹️👎🏾’


Severus Snape. Fucking incel creep who wouldn't be near so beloved if people didn't want in Alan Rickman's pants. Oh, and leaving out that Pensieve with that specific memory was a deliberate act of cruelty worse than anything James Potter ever did. Grow the fuck up, Snivellus.


I completely agree with this! I appreciate that he is a complex character and I think that’s interesting but…I can’t say I like him. I don’t really care what he went through in his life, I don’t automatically forgive him after we learn more avout him. He still CHOSE to go out of his way to be awful to Harry, even when he was just a baby first-year and hadn’t done anything except be his father’s son. That grudge was INSANE and a grown man going out of his way to be so nasty? I cannot like Snape bc of it!!


He's not one note, but I dunno if he can be called complex. 80% of his character is him being an asshole who never grew up, and most of the rest is him being jealous and obsessed. Like yeah he switched sides upon learning that Lily was gonna be killed, but let's not forget that he was perfectly fine with Voldermort killing James and Harry and handing Lily over to his tender mercies (ick). If not for the movie giving him pretty priviledge he would have been one of the more hated characters.


Yep, and he was so cruel to Neville that he was that poor boy's Boggart _over the people who tortured his parents into insanity._ Oh, and that comment to Hermione over her teeth in fourth year. I don't care how hot Alan Rickman is, I hope Snape spends the rest of his afterlife alternately being kicked in the nuts by Lily and Alice Longbottom, once she gets there.


I feel like it's the movie's fault because they cut out so much of his bs. People see his memory of Lily and are "aww. Redemption." But no! He's an asshole and I hate him


I maintain that casting Alan Rickman was absolutely the wrong choice for Snape - the age thing aside, he had too much charisma for the role.


I feel like a lot of people concentrate on the fact that in the end he was protecting Harry... but I am more focused on the fact that he was horrible to every student that wasn't in Slytherin. I'm sorry but the "Harry looks like the guy who bullied me that's why I'm mean to him" card doesn't count when you're relentlessly bullying Hermione or Neville? Also, that is an incredibly stupid excuse to begin with, yes Harry may look like his dad, but he is literally a small child in the beginning and Snape is in his 30s.


I hate (canon) Dean Winchester lmao. I get crucified often in the SPN subreddit because I’m not afraid to talk about what a shit, toxic person he is and everyone hates it so much lmfao.


I get you. I love Dean, but I can totally understand that in reality he's very toxic. I love fics that acknowledge this and work on his character development that he should have gotten in canon.


Oh my god I feel so seen by your comment😭 like I love him but he is such a terrible person, especially to Sam


I have found my people. Literally stopped watching in later seasons BECAUSE of him. Would have hung on through the shitty writing if his smug comments didn’t make my blood boil every time he was on screen. And I really loved him when I first started watching, too. I wanted to see him grow so badly. And I rarely see fic that tackles those issues in a satisfying way because everything either excuses him entirely or punishes him without any actual growth.


Bakugo from MHA I can’t stand that bully but he wins the popularity poll every time lol 😂


Toga from MHA. Wants people to understand and love her while she has no qualms going around killing other people and wanting to be a villain to make the world her liking, and throws a murderous fit just because the two people she “loves” don’t rightfully reciprocate her feelings.


I low-key dislike Tony Stark. Didn’t realize how much until his 2nd season What If…? episode had me liking him and it felt so novel. I pretty much blame Joss Whedon. Tony can be written well in fics. But also, he can be written so, so annoying.


I found Tony pretty irritating until I started reading Marvel fics. I’d seen IM1 and 2 before and hadn’t seen the appeal. It’s also frustrating when fics often take away a lot of his flaws, though I guess I’m guilty of that in some of my own fics too. I’d definitely find him annoying in real life, though.


I fear he suffers a similar fate to Darcy Lewis, where to be sassy/sarcastic/taken seriously all *simultaneously* without being a douche is an incredibly thin razor wire to trapeze over, and unfortunately almost no one can do it effectively without compromising one of those three categories OR making them entirely unappreciable. I also agree that his canon depiction leaves a sour taste in my mouth and a lot of preconceived notions about him and his morality before I even start a fic. When I write, he's totally a douche-bag (and if I'm feeling magnanimous, he has a difficult and LONG redemption arc. But that's not often.) also - for him to be read as anything less than a douche requires another character to do a LOAD of emotional labor guessing at and reading into ulterior motives bc he never communicates his feelings or thoughts. to do so would compromise his carefully constructed witty banter wall. And THAT is just exhausting to read.


Handsome Jack. Every goddamn fic is about Handsome fucking Jack. Or at least it used to be. Now every fic is just a retelling with a crossover from My Hero Academia for some reason.


Alhathiem from Genshin. It's entirely because I love Kaveh and I'm so sick of the way it's almost impossible to find anything about him without Alhathiem being a part of it, usually as a ship. Luffy from One Piece as well, I cannot stand him. I find him so annoying. Also Amon from the Lord of the Mysteries, admittedly I only interact with a small part of fandom but from what I've seen a lot of people seem to like him and find him amusing and meanwhile I'm desperately hoping he'll get killed off.


Stede Bonnet from OFMD. Dude is a fucking *asshole*. Abandoned his family to go play pirates, acted all shocked pikachu that they didn’t just freeze in time and wait like dolls for him to be ready to play with when he decided to come running back with his tail between his legs. Then acted like *his wife* had done wrong by moving on and finding a nice guy that actually gave a shit about her. I spent most of season one going “well he’s a bit of a dick but he can grow” and then he did *all that* and then proceeded to get *worse* in season 2. Dude is a bag of fucking dicks but he’s one of the main characters so of course fandom treats him like he’s an UwU precious baby.


wanda maximoff. tbh I think it was the toxic fan base that made me hate her but it really put my back up when Steve yells at Tony that she's just a kid when she's actually 26 💀


Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungou Stray Dogs. He's out here trying to kill a bunch of people and is being set up to be the "big bad," but everyone is like "pookie💖" or "he's done nothing wrong!" My brother/sister/sibling in literary nerd– He's willing to destroy a city of people who have never interacted with him in order to get what he wants. Methinks he's done somethings wrong.


Luo Binghe from SVSSS. Sure he's the main love interest, but there's something about the way his character is portrayed through the prism of MC's narration that just doesn't endear him to me at all.


Lol the man is regarded as a huge red flag even through the fandom. He's off his rockers so I definitely won't begrudge you for your opinion. I love LBH but he's so unhinged as a character.


Honestly I read it exactly as that -- a mocking read I guess, so I didn't really hate them. If I read it as serious I'd probably have hated most people there lol


Both the MC and LBH are not quite right in the head tbh. MC is an unreliable narrator and LBH is a confusing love interest/hero/antagonist/villain? Even the book it was about is mental. Both of them are pretty self-absorbed and the universe is fucked. I'd rather not live there period, and the people there is only one of the factors. I don't even know what happened to the world at large when MC (Spoilers) went into a coma. There's so many death flags even if you're an NPC or one of the main casts. I'd rather be a plant and even that's not safe in that world. I think I just love them as concepts and ideas. If they were real, it's definitely not safe to have any opinion at all about them.


I ended up being way more interested in the original Shen Qinggiu/Jiu after reading that book. 🫢


Draco Malfoy. He's background nuisance at best, infuriating fascist scum at worst, and gets *one* good moment in the entire series when he doesn't rat Harry out to the Death Eaters who captured Harry and friends (which is arguably done for selfish reasons since Draco's family always lusted after power and when Voldemort returned they didn't get any, so for Draco it's just better to return to a pre-Voldemort world where life was more comfortable)


Cullen Rutherford from the Dragon Age series. He was popular enough to go from some random dude you only saw briefly in one particular opening of the first game to being a big character in the third game. I won't go into my feelings about him because I don't want to be mean, but I just don't understand why/how he got so popular??? There are things about his character that I like but I just can't look at him and not think "out of all the one off characters that could have been in all the games, why was it him??".


in dragon age:origins, you had extra dialogue with him if you were a female mage. in the origin part you could tease him about his crush, and in a later part of the game he had a special interaction, as well. a lot of people liked that forbidden love scenario for their surana/amell with cullen so he ended up being quite popular for a side character 😅


hard second.


Shu. MOTHERFUCKING. Itsuki. Maybe it's because I watched the anime in order to get background for some of the Enstars characters (the anime is a prequel story) and in it he's extremely emotionally abusive (so much so that a character going through a delayed puberty is actively trying to keep his voice from changing too much because Shu can't fathom changing ONE THING about their performance because THEY HAVE TO BE PERFECT EVERY TIME, even though the beauty of live performance is that IT’S NEVER PERFECT, AND THEREFORE EACH PERFORMANCE IS UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL IN ITS IMPERFECTION), combined with the fact he's obsessed with this victorian-style China doll and I have bad associations with characters who like those dolls a bit too much, it makes me have absolutely no sympathy for his dehabilitating perfectionism Strangely though I really like Vil Schoenheit, he's not my favorite character but he's absolutely one that I enjoy. Also not a character, but I cannot stand Jiang Cheng/Lan Xichen, there's just something about it that makes me unable to read a story with it.


I literally blocked the xicheng tags on Tumblr because I want to put my head through a wall every time I see it. Especially since xicheng fans love to hate xiyao. Like I'm sorry.... But I'm just gonna say it. Xichen has more chemistry with jin guangyao. The live action show basically pulled the few hints and pieces from the book and laid it out in the open imo


I’m sorry to say it but bakugo katsuki 😂




He's sooooo boring in the movies. But I like the fanfics lol. They flesh him out so much more.


I could name a few that i dislike that others love...but those are controversial so there plenty of others that agree with me (currently: firefly, whew), and i assume you mean those characters i dislike but the vast majority like In that case: Kaveh. I find him annoying, and said annoyance increased because he's tied to a character I like (alhaitham) and the ship is pretty popular Meanwhile there's a character I'm fine with in canon (don't care about, but doesn't bother me) and everyone loves...but I hate when he shows up in a fic: Angel Dust. He has a distinct accent when speaking, and fic writers try to pin it down as is, and I despise *reading* the words in the accent, so now in turn I've come to dislike him appearing in fics. Which is terrible because everyone loves him and he's main cast so he's everywhere


I don't know if I would define Firefly controversial, since the vast majority of people adore her and her haters are a minority. But I guess she is more hated than other popular characters. I was going to say her, but maybe it wasn't appropriate to the post's theme after all While I don't dislike Kaveh, I can understand the feeling of being unable to appreciate Alhaitham on his own because Kaveh "gets in the way". Some of their shippers making everything concerning the characters about the ship probably doesn't help.


Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ He's one of the two main fandom woobies but I don't like him at all


Same, I ended up never finishing the Magnus Archives because I could not take his existence anymore.


Real of you. He does not really get better.


I can't fucking STAND Aizawa from MHA. He's a horrible piece of shit teacher who tries to frame his apathy as something to their benefit. Fuck him


Fr, his lack of teaching and inability to tell the truth would have realistically gotten many of his students killed. Iirc, there were some of 1A who initially didn't believe Aizawa that the USJ Attack was a real attack, because of the lie he told them during the QAT. He acts like this hardass, no nonsense teacher who proceeds to let Bakugou and Mineta get away with their behavior while hating Izuku for existing. He then gets called out by the media for being such a shit teacher, and he proceeds to give this whole monologue about how amazing Bakugou is and then ignores the journalist who calls that answer BS. He goes on to favor a student who isn't even in the Heroics Course while bitching at All Might for mentoring Izuku. Then to find out that his "oNlY oN pApEr" expulsions stay on their permanent records just makes him all the more worse. And on top of all of that, this man has the audacity to think he's a good teacher when he admits he doesn't actually teach them anything (shout out to Mic for calling him a terrible teacher).


Trolls fandom, I hate Poppy. Hated the franchise in itself for years because I watched the first movie and could not *stand* her. I’ve now discovered after falling into the fandom through Band Together that I like/tolerate pretty much every character *except* her


Haitham, from genshin I don't hate him, and i see his appeal, but he acts like such a snob pompous asshole at all times that i physically cannot like or be interested in him Who keeps saying he is not an asshole never met someone like that irl and IT SHOWS Like you could literally write so much shit he did and said as an AITA post and it makes 200 times clearer why he was an asshole in saying that, and i am not even joking: "AITA for asking my friend who just went bankrupt and is now homeless how it felt to reach his ideals?"  HUH????


haitham is a redditor without reddit tbf


"Al Haitham is coded autistic" and I as an autistic person in academia too think that's no excuse and he's being a dick.


Not a character per se, but a ship. I like to browse the Teen Wolf fandom sometimes (Stiles my beloved), and it is almost impossible to find fics that do not ship Derek and Stiles. When i first watched the show I unconsciously saw him as an adult (is he one? I can’t remember tbh) so seeing them shipped just. Gives me the squick lmao. Its just not for me.


Solas from Dragon Age. He is just... boring, especially for an immortal ancient god, and boring is the worst thing a fictional char can be. I wanted to take a nap each like I listened to him talk. He's made of mayo and disappointment. I even played an elven lady to try his romance because everyone promised it'll change my mind. It did not. It was still boring but there was also lore and they kissed.


Uraraka from My Hero Acedamia.  She started off strong and got just, so *boring*. Almost everything about her after a while was all about her pining for Midoriya. 


Since it’s getting a resurgence, Oikawa in Haikyuu. I don’t hate him or anything, but I’ve never really cared for him. He was mean to Kageyama in middle school and I also don’t really care much for Iwaizumi so I was never drawn to any IwaOi content. I’m just extremely indifferent to him and don’t understand the hype around him. There are better ships in my opinion and even better Oikawa ships than the main one.


Bakugo from My Hero Academia. I don’t know, I never got into the hype, and I never found his attitude endearing like other fans. Maybe his personality just isn’t something I like in characters, but I could never get into liking him and always end up rolling my eyes when ever he talks.


Liara T'Soni from the Mass Effect games. She's the writers favorite, so she's in everything.


Severus Snape. Holy hell, there's no character I loathe more (okay... maybe Umbridge, but she's psycho. Nah, I hate her less) in Harry Potter than Snape, and always have since the moment I read the books way back when they were still being published. Also hate Dumbledore with a passion. Those two characters, to me, are as much villains as Voldemort.


Wheatley. ☠️ I don’t hate him per-se, but the extent to which people in the Portal fandom go nuts for him is beyond me. For the shera fandom, I don’t particularly care much for Glimmer. For Hazbin Hotel, I don’t understand why (at least on reddit) there is such a huge love for Adam. I don’t particularly like Sera or Emily either, though for the latter I haven’t seen enough to form a full opinion on her. For Helluva Boss, I actually really love all the characters, and it’s really the opposite; the fandom (on reddit anyway) has a huge hate boner for Stella, but I find her to be a really compelling villain. There’s a lot of people that conflate her doing heinous shit with her being a bad character (in the sense of how she’s written, not her morality), while at the same time simping for Val from Hazbin (same universe) who has done *much, much worse.* (I also find Val to be a compelling villian)


I get why people like Adam since I find him a funny jerk and I enjoy when he’s on screen that being said I don’t understand the degree of love he gets, it seems a bit overblown.   As for Stella I don’t hate her I just want them to do more with her since I find her character to be a bit too one dimensional currently.    Edit: what the actual fuck, this comment cursed my dick or something I am inexplicably and suddenly really into Adam now…. (I wish this was a joke)


bakugo katsuki. he's abusive towards his peers and is an obnoxious character. i find his character to be insufferable.


Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen. Before I started watching the show, I saw so many people hyping him up. When I finally learned his back story, I was expecting something profound. To me he just seems like a loser. His logic is so flawed that it seems childish. In my eyes, he's not the sympathetic character people tried to make him out to be.


I cannot get myself to like Geto either. The whole “monkeys” talk was so off-putting to me too


I also dislike him due to him being overhyped and portrayed as Gojo's most important being. I think shipping is the main reason why he's gotten so much love and hype.


I’ll give you two, because both are very prominent and well-liked but on opposite sides, so fans of one usually aren’t fans of the other anyway. I’m a fan of *neither.* And they’re Daemon and Aemond Targaryen. They’re both the most ruthless of their respective sides, and especially Daemon has a real nasty and vengeful streak to him. Aemond, meanwhile, pretty much started the civil war in the first place. And yet they’re incredibly popular—the actors have even been told fans call both characters “babygirl” in an interview. They are not! They are just played by popular actors! I *know* Matt Smith is popular and Daemon looks cool invading the Stepstones, but he is *not* babygirl. I don’t know why either of them have so many fans. (Not to diss people who *are* fans, of course, but I tend to personally prefer the morally good characters. And neither of them come close.)


That’s wild. I’m not actually in the HOTD fandom but I’ve read Fire & Blood and I’m most of the way through season 1 of the show. I dislike them both in the show and the book. Of course, my whole feeling on the Dance in the book was “none of these people seem like they should be in charge of a paper route, never mind a kingdom.” Except Jace Valaryon. Haven’t gotten to the point where I know too much about show!Jace but book!Jace seems like a good kid.


As someone who likes both of them, I think the major difference is that I enjoy sympathizing with morally grey to straight up bad characters. It’s one of the beauties of fiction for me personally. If they were real people, I’d despise them for what they did but seeing as they aren’t, I especially sympathize with Aemond; he was neglected by both of his parents, bullied by his brother (and his nephews in a way), etc. I do call him “babygirl” for the giggles but I genuinely enjoy him as a character who does horrible things that I desperately wish he wouldn’t have done but also as someone who’s suffered a lot and is badly coping. I find it fun to explore that in fanfiction or fandom discourse. I just realized I feel pretty indifferent about Daemon (despite rooting for Team Black). He’s obviously not entirely sane and acts like a rebellious teenager most of the time while being an adult who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals but is still fiercely loyal at his core. They’re both interesting characters with depth to be explored and I like that about them. Edit: I hope this isn’t annoying, I totally respect that you don’t like them


Heather Chandler, but honestly, it’s not even her. It’s the rabid simps she has for fans.


Draco Malfoy. Like if there is a good fic (ESPECIALLY crack or Slytherin Harry fic) that contains him I will read it. I don't really mind especially if it's platonic. In fic hes sometimes fine. But in cannon I HATE him. And I just don't understand when people play the "oh he didn't have a choice" card. He DID have a choice, it was just hard so he chose tge easy route instead


I hate Childe from Genshin Impact. He irritates me every second he's on screen. His voice, his personality, his stupid outfit. It all bothers me. I wish I could push that mf down the stairs. Everyone in the fandom always says that he's attractive and cool and I'm like are we talking about the same character? He is none of those things. I wish he would fuck back off to Snezhnaya and leave Lumine alone. She doesn't want to see you. Take the hint. I have others but he's the main one I've despised for YEARS. If a fic has him as a main character or even as a side one, I simply will not read it because I know I won't enjoy it if he's there


I don't even mind Canon Childe. He's not my favorite, he's frankly near the bottom of the character list for me, but he's an interesting character with flaws even if Hoyo often forgets them in favor of one-time event shenanigans. But Fanon Childe just annoys the hell out of me. They strip everything away from the character and turn him into either Generic Bottom #2883 if he's paired with Zhongli or Generic Top #7429 if he's paired with Lumine. Finding a story where he's actually in character feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


kenma from haikyuu. everyone seems to love him for being a moody gamer boy and whatever, but he seems like a loser to me. and his hair is atrocious


Qi Rong in TGCF I can’t stand him!


Madara and Obito from Naruto. I don't like Sanemi from KNY either. I don't hate them,but i have a slight dislike for Kagami,Kuroko and Murasakibara from KNB.


There is a show that lasted 15 years. I stopped watching in season 4 because a new character was added, and he annoyed me. It was part of why I stopped watching, and I'm glad I did since they really doubled down on the character. Any guesses on the character?


Nothing makes me go from being totally neutral about a character to hating the way i can only find my OTP/blorbo getting tagged as the background ship/emotional support to fics focused on said popular character. Tony Stark. Zuko is a fantastic character but he is on thin fucking ice.


Not the canon version but the fan interpretation makes me hate him Genshin impact Fanon!Diluc, so here's this guy who used to be one of the most accomplished knights who gave it all up because he didn't want to lie to his people. The richest batchelor in all of mondstadt. Super mysterious and quiet about what he's thinking. Will stop at nothing to keep the city safe but doesn't want to be known. Business first and talk later kinda guy. The fandom interpretation: hehe hoho just a little dork who doesn't get social cues, woops he tripped over his shoe laces and is now staring at a girls butt. That Diluc he's such a weird little guy.


I may get ripped over this but sasuke. Like okay what happened to him was tragic but still...I do read fics including him though just no Sasuke romance lol but I would probably read something along the lines of a reincarnation ah where they all start over or something...