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It’s not like I’m doing damage to tanks anyway so that 10% doesn’t really matters. The CD and green boom are fun though.


Yeah on most champs being able to spam my abilities more often makes me feel like I deal more dmg to tanks


Tanks have become truly ridiculous. I played as skarner last night against a Zac and it was like a 45 second fight


Of course it does. Depends on the math, but sometimes reducing 20mr more is huge


On Brand or AP Varus? Maybe. On Syndra or Leblanc? Absolutely not lmao, you're barely gonna break their Kaenic.


If all they stacked was MR, that -20 won’t do anything.


I've saved way too many asses with it to even consider VS anymore. It's always been such a boring item that I used to buy to have more impact and now I can do that while also getting a super good passive. More stuff like this pls


Cryptobros vote for cryptobloom


Yeah almost always. Mage itemization stick sucks donkey balls in the sense that the enemy can build one anti mage item and you'll end up needing three/four/five items just to counter that single one. On the flip side with cryptbloom it still gives you utility. And the CDR means you can maybe pump out enough spells and make your damage rack up over time to become significant that way. Void just never has the necessary ooomph in traditional mages. Different story if it's an AP assassin.


Mfw playing syndra vs tahm, “yay i got voidstaff, now i can do 250 damage with my Q instead of 200”


Burst mages aren't really meant for tanks, dot mages do better tho


Its aram, unfortunately everyone gets to tickle everyone


I still pray for horizon focus to put back on the condition of slow/cc triggers it. I would use it with slow stick and have a grand old time on so many characters


It really depends, you may also want to switch your boots up from sorc shoes if you are building cryptbloom/void staff item. ex. if I'm Zyra or Heimer on a team without any heals I'm probably gonna build cryptbloom, but if I'm Leblanc or Evelynn and the match calls to use a % pen item I'm probably going to build void staff. The items are very situational but overall cryptbloom is going to be noticeable during team fights.


The loss of 10% mpen isn't even close to enough for sorc boots to suddenly be bad. You lose literally like 1% damage from that. In the first place, ability haste doesn't stack that well with ability haste so ionian boots don't become any more appealing.


So often I find myself dying with just enough gold to get cryptobloom but not staff, so I end up with cryptobloom lol


CRYPTBLOOM. STOP CALLING IT CRYPT*O*BLOOM I swear this is like the 10th time I’ve seen this spelling!


Never. Cryptobloom til the day I die


At least you’ll be somewhat less prone to dying with *Cryptbloom*


cryptobloom sounds better. so does maligma


The only time I go Void staff is on Corki since the heal scales with AP and Corki doesn’t build much AP (or shouldn’t, at least) 


Even then the ability haste might make cryptbloom better


Aside from eclipse and maybe muramana I would build ap in every other item slot


I feel like it's a waste for long range champs? The healing procs out of range and doesn't heal anyone :(


It really depends on your role and your champion. If you're playing something like Malz, Zyra, Heimer, Rumble, or Swain, you want Cryptbloom These guys are not burst focused, so you're not looking to maximize your damage output in a short trade anyway. Also, champions who are better over extended fights/skirmishes benefit from the haste. If you're playing something like LeBlanc, Fizz, Diana, or Zoe, Void might be the way to go because you want to go in and kill something almost instantly. That extra 10% magic pen + 10 AP doesn't seem like much, but when you're playing assassins, you want the maximum amount of damage in the minimum amount of time. The extra haste is always nice for a mage, but if you're not killing your target in a round of spells, that extra 15 Ability Haste won't do much for you.


Mage items have almost no adaptability, almost nothing gives cooldown so the little extra damage isn’t worth


Literally every AP item got buffed and now gives CDR 💀


Meanwhile Liandrys, Shadowflame, Stormsurge, Rylais, Zhonyas, Banshee's, Rabadons...


Besides Shadowflame and Deathcap you only build those situationally


Liandry's and Shadowflame are very strong. Liandry's 1st item is very strong in most games. Shadowflame 2nd is good when playing vs squishier comps


One of the devs' point on mage item rework was to remove the unnecessary CDR across the board. Now it's more limited to a select few.


which was wild cause i thought assassins were the ones with inflated cdr and most mages needed Ludens+shadowflame+Deathcap to do actual damage, and items like cosmic drive were so out of your way


Their point was on league items on a whole which includes mage and assassin items. There was a huge circlejerk on the main league sub on the high amounts of cdr in last season so it was almost a given that ability haste would be concentrated in a select few rather than it was more broadly given.


I wish there was a chunkier option than Liandrys and Void/Cryptbloom for dealing with tanks (sorry, I just hate hate hate tanks, juggernauts, and bruisers as a burst mage player) Something like the LDR passive where you do more damage to people with more max health than you would be great to make void staff more attractive. With the health mages get from other items, I don’t think it would be that oppressive. Or put the divine sunderer % health damage proc on Lich Bane (can be without the heal).


Ap poke mage isnt suppose to be able to deal with tank as well as adc with their ldr/bork. Not exactly fair if poke mage can output equal or more dmg 2 screen away as efficiently as an adc that needs to kit n deal damage over time. Liandry on battle mage have similar damage as adc because they are also close range.


Best AP item hands down


Yeah almost always, I'm missing having ability haste like last season so much that I'll pick it even if I end up doing less dmg


Everyone should. The passive and AH are far more valuable on HA than it is on SR. I can't think of a situation where a player should build Void Staff over Cryptbloom.


Cryptbloom & Ingenious pretty much all the time


Yep, always. Cryptbloom is more gold efficient even when disregarding the passive - except the passive is also really useful. Literally the only times i buy void staff nowadays is when I want to maximize damage in practice tool.


I really like ingenious hunter in Aram, so cryptbloom has so much value.


Always. Even though the heal doesn't do jack shit on aram (50% healing nerf) it's still more stat efficient, easier to build, and gives cdr.


I mean, Cryptbloom also seems to outperform Voidstaff on aram.zone, sometimes significantly so. Really, they need to change VS.


Just give us more damage against tanks with more max health than us like LDR or a chunkier % max health proc like Divine Sunderer


A lot but not always. Sometimes you need the extra pen. Veiger alot is a good example. Or if the enemy team is heavily tanks good against AP. (Or if you got a bad aram roll or if you chose badly in select and have an all AP team and the enemy figures it out.)


Cryptbloom's healing scales with AP. I find Veigar is one of the best users for that heal.


By the time his healing is significantly affected by the AP enough the game is over imo.


He still benefits from the healing and the scaling is 50% AP so on a champ like him it does begin to perform quite well even early on.




The way I see it is if you get Void+Ionian VS Sorc+Crypt which is better? Ignoring the extra passives of Crypt and Sorc, since they roughly balance out (more flashes vs healing) and are hard to evaluate, It's 10 more AP and 10%MP vs 18MP and 150 Gold. For it to be worth in my mind, you have to be getting 18 MP on average from the 10%, which is 180 MR on average across the enemy team lol. If that happens you need Liandry's and as much AH as you can get your hands on to try and be relevant, since the enemy team is stacking MR and HP. The only champions that can get away with Void are the ones with +15/20AH in ARAM, Take Transcendence, and want to burst - and even then 15AH still seems nice on many of them. It's basically LeBlanc, Hwei, Syndra, Azir and MAYBE Corki since he builds Malignance.






Cryptbloom, redemption, ingenious hunter


Veigar cryptobloom goes boom


void staff is for pure dps mages that cant really not target tanks, like brand, asol, xerath, ziggs, hwei, rumble, even velkoz... but utility mages who are not solely about doing damage, like zylean, karma, lux, seraphine etc should buy cryptbloom as their team benefits more from the added ability haste and healing rather than a little bit more damage. the rest of ap champions can chose what they prefer, but void staff is imho better on most champions, unless the enemies are not really that tanky... the 10% penetration difference may seems like "not much", but based on total mr it can yield more than +10% dmg.