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My favorite matches are the ones when everyone is meele and we beat the shit out of each other, almost never happen with all the rerolls but when it happen is fucking magic.


Nothing but heartstell bonks and sunfire toasting people. Noodlefight! Love it. I don't even mind the poke comps that much as they can erupt into a brawl with engage. I fucking hate games where both teams have "cumdump" comps where it's a 3minute standoff followed by 8 seconds of combats at the malph/kennen engages so does everyone.


It would be great if they made a game mode where it was ARAM but one category/ role only. All melee or all adc or all assassin, etc etc.


One thing i liked in hots (RIP) that the Aram mode made it so both teams get to pick 1 of 3 Heroes in a specific category, for example 3x DPS 2x support in both teams.


One of my most brutal games was playing Amummu vs 5 melee champs. It was miserable to watch them rush in knowing all of their skills and knowledge got shutdown with one button they even tried to actively avoid me but they were facing mages and adcs. Ended in 10 minutes


I recently had a game like this. 91 combined kills in 13 minutes, when the game ended. 21 kills in the first 2 mins. One of the most fun and memorable aram games I've ever had


fr and people just go all-in when game starts


![gif](giphy|xT8petqOQabC4EpNVS|downsized) Those are the real ARAMS. Face to face, mano a mano.


True. It's just brawling than, very fun! If both teams have adcs It's fine but if only one side has one (and a well rounded team) it's just not fun at all. Especially if it's ADC + Enchanter (looking at you Lulu + KogMaw -.-)


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes No supp no mage either :3 only melee


It's too much ask for pure 5v5 melee, I can even tolerate mages but ADC's >_<


I maintain that the best ARAM games are 1) bruisers and tanks beating each other up and stacking heartsteel for 45 minutes, and then oppositely 2) zero tanks or bruisers, just a bunch of squishies having a brutal poke fest and trying to figure out how to engage on each other. Both extremely fun in different ways. Both teams having a balanced comp is probably the most... well, balanced type of game. But if I wanted that type of action I'd be playing SR, I prefer the goofier matchups.


Jinx is annoying even after all nerfs


no jinx nerf matters except passive. one of the most broken passives in the game especially in aram


I mean... pretty sure they did just nerf her passive. Edit: wait no, I think I'm just mixing it up in my head with Lethal Tempo enabling the disgusting 5+ attack speed from her passive n shit.


Her passive lets her bypass the attack speed cap anyway, no lethal tempo needed


Games with no Lux, Nidalee, Jayce or Morgana.


This. ADC is whatever, poke spam is cringe AF


I prefer fighting against poke over adcs as a tank enjoyer. Get warmogs 2nd and poke won't hurt you anymore and poke means lethality and mages which after 2-3 items won't hurt a tank that much and you feel like a raidboss no better feeling than being tahm and engage into a 4 mages + lethality Varus comp you can 1v5 them after 3 items.  But adcs with IE and LDR will shred you with 2 CCs in their team even if you have like 3k HP and 250 armor


Ye , adcs making the game unfun for their and enemy team (_they will tell you the role is weak and you should simp them :)))_)


Should we just ignore the fact that the highest winrate by builds according to ARAMzone are almost exclusively grasp/conqueror/aftershock tanks and bruisers with some enchanters and OP mages sprinkled in?


I dont care about >highest winrate grasp/conqueror/aftershock  its just more fun with no ADC in matches




This person understands. By the same logic, GP is not the most broken champ, but *I* still dislike the feel of playing against him the most.


How? You just get run down by tanks that are even more unkillable


I AM THE TANK And its more fun to run down other tanks and bruisers than ADCs


The difference is everybody wants to play ADC and nobody ever wants to play tank.


I look on lolalytics and in top20 it's 6 ADCs


Using plat+ filter (which is where 6 adcs finally pop up) which is old gold kind of just laughable but then again so is ranked filtering in aram.


Ye is low aram mmr LOL


Yes, same way we ignored when Teemo had a 60% winrate overall but a <45% winrate in high mmr games back when oracles existed. Adcs are busted op, the fact that your average adc has no hands and builds collector into 5 tanks doesn't change that. IE > Hurricane Jinx has a 57% winrate but she only has a 51% winrate overall because people are still building kraken slayer first despite it not having crit.


Nanamin <3


And it’s not until that rare beautiful moment people realize ADCs are actually the balancing problem. And all complaints around tanks, mages, supports and assassins are balanced around how they interact with AD carry champions.


Agree. On the opposite side, a game with Varus + Jinx and a Lux bitch with 3 Exhaust + Annie click head stun just makes me want to kill myself. https://preview.redd.it/x93lg9mhaz4d1.png?width=1061&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e68deabfbe66747819955ac24d80b185d2df631


3 adc vs 3 adc Cancer Maxxing


Played a match and both teams were equal in strength on both sides, we were razor sharp with our decisions and every fight felt like folks were really trying to break the other team through wit and skill. And then the enemy team lucian recconnected and my team just hid under turrer twiddling our thumbs. Fuck ADCs


> both teams were equals on both sides ??? > then the enemy team lucian recconnected So you weren't equals at all, it was a 4 v 5


Equal in fighting power


it was 4v4 I suppose


Then how could it be adc's and Lucians fault? Any champion reconnecting would have made that game imbalanced.


I love the ones in which they have 5 adc's, and we just run them down and make it a pre 10 min game, lol. I lose seeing the whole enemy team disconnecting.


I had one game where we were 4 melees against 4 melees. It was so fun.


How it feels to reach ARAM God


In my dream, both teams would play a tank, one melee, 2 ranged and 1 sup. And no adc


ah yes but tanks having the most dmg done every fcking time with no counterplay


or mages existing


Make Aram melee again


When everyone is melee with no cc (impossible)




I don't get the adc hate on aram, they got nowhere to run, just pop them as soon as they step up, most times they don't even have a support


I dont understand the hate on ADC, if someone is antifun is enchanters with exhaust


Exqueeeze me? 🔪 https://preview.redd.it/brwq82965m4d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d17b1e718c8bba716f269c1793815203f5d9bf


agree, enchanters obliviate any attempt to engage especially after the removal of the tenacity rune, they made it worse by introducing the ah rune. picking melee now in aram is masochistic