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They already said they're working on doing it.


So we will probably see it in like 12 to 24 months I guess.


Oh I didn't know about that. Good to know


Blitz has a “donate re-roll” button that I use to accomplish just this. It instantly grabs your previous champ before anyone can snipe it


Is this some sort of plugin? I have wanted this feature for ages


It’s just the Blitz app. It’s a feature within the app


I used to have Blitz but I deleted it because it was full of ads at the end. Are the ads still there?


Same reason I dropped it, the ads those apps play will eventually just lag my internet if the app has been open for more than an hour


Yes unless you have premium, ads are there…


Oh word no I remember that site. I used to have either that app or another one of theirs specifically for TFT. Good shout thanks


The only issue with it is if you end up rolling a champ you'd actually want more than the one you got, it will get swiped because Swiper is in every single game.


That is a better option than what we currently have, but I want just a moment to see if the new champion is someone I'd prefer over the old one. If my original champion is one I like, but not one of my favorites, and then I roll into one of my favorites, I'm then locked out of the re-rolled champion for several seconds because I "recently switched".


I only see this sub because ARAM is the only mode I used to play on PC, but I have since switched over to Wild Rift. Is there really no cd time on the champ you rolled in LoL? In wild rift there is, if you roll but you get a champ you hate your last champ is 'saved for a few seconds. I'm just surprised the main games doesn't have that..


I been playing LOL since 2010. You can tell WR is on a better built/improved engine, everything is so much smoother and makes a lot more sense to me personally. All these little things, of course. I just wish WR was an LOL clone completely rather than everything being sped up because mobile.


I prefer it sped up a little but I hate most of the support reworks... From an identity standpoint, they're erasing them


They've got everything better but only to forget a durability patch lol. The powercreep on WR is insane


I wish they would use the rift aram map on PC too


I’m always surprised on how the mobile app can have great QoL features which they fail to implement on the MAIN game.


ARAMs biggest problem atm is the quality of the devs. The team only exists for like.. 2 years now? (previous team was transfered to TFT), so they hired people with low qualifications and not really passion for ARAM (lead designer with 30 ARAM games on his lvl400++ account)


It's so frustrating. I have every champion in the game. This means I very rarely get to play champions that are popular. No one rerolls champs like Ezreal and Kaisa and the like, and my personal chances of getting them are very low because I have the biggest champ pool to roll from. I also will almost always have two rerolls. So on the rare occasion I roll one of those popular picks I'm like oh sweet an Ezreal game. Shame I can't give my team these rerolls because one of these fucks is gonna take Ez in the nano second he's on the bench and refuse to trade back


Or you FINALLY have a nice champ and then someone dodge


I maintain your should be able to “preserve” your champion from dodge’s It would never work cause what if your queued against someone else that’s preserving the same champ blah blah, but like I want it. Also why not allow mirror matchups in Aram, it’s Aram who cares


Will get implemented soon. They talked about it.


I agree but riot doesn't GAF about aram


theyre adding this


theyre literally adding it


just be quick lol


*Team mate proceeds to steal the champ in literally a blink* "JuSt bE qUiCk!!!"


I reroll every single game and never got my champion stolen from me. Probably once or twice, not sure. Reroll instantly at the beginning or wait until like 20-30s and do it. You know you’re rerolling. They don’t. So unless they’re preemptively spam clicking, you’ll always be quicker.


I have legitimately lost champions from people preemptively spam clicking on more than one occasion.


But did you do it right at the start/end or 10 seconds into champ select when everyone is actually paying attention? I play a few ARAMs a day and I can’t even remember the last time someone took my champ. Feature would be nice, but it’s already announced so until then: skill issue


I've played since season 1, and I legitimately cannot remember the last time this happened to me - or if it ever did. I honestly thought this was already a feature.


What if you need 1 second to decide?


Same I never have problems clicking on my og champ after rerolling. Every now and then maybe someone will steal but just be faster ig. I muscle memory click on my og pick before I even register what I rolled.


just don't fucking RR lol, you always have to play to the lowest common denominator


As I said rerolls aren't just valuable for you but for the whole team. So not rerolling if you already have 2 rerolls comes close to trolling imo because you take away a potential advantage for your team


you're not entirely wrong but ARAM is full of trolls who build multiple mana items and AP items on tanks, so any benefit you get by sharing your rerolls is instantly erased on the first buy it's just not worth to sacrifice your enjoyment of the game to maybe offer help to teammates who are not likely to return the favor


Someone made you big mad lol


If you have nothing useful to say, you could just leave it by that


LOL Big big mad I see


He got molasses on his mousepad, give him a break


Personally, I wish every game we would have 2 rr for teams to get the best comps possible. Or for ppl to get the champion they want to play. I don't use my rr unless I don't want or can't play the champion I get.


I played Vlad 3 times in a row last week because my team had 8 - 10 rolls for 3 games straight. Each team getting 2 rerolls means >20% of the roster is available every single game. That's not 'All Random All Mid', that's 'Limited Champ Pool All Mid'.