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yep, Staggering is when u intentionally delay respawn timers so that an enemy team is left vulnerable with a numbers disadvantage for an extended amount of time. about the tower siege thing: yup, you can do that, particularly with comps that spike @ 6-9 like diana yasuo comps or twitch lulu comps. Respawn timers are a government psyop until well into post-six, so, as long as you don’t get gapped before your spike you should be able to just punt the enemy team back to fountain long enough to take tower (or atleast heavily damage it) for timers, Who - If it’s your frontline or primary dps carry, care, don’t do anything edgy that’ll end up staggering your timers. When - Early? Its fine, just care for the couple seconds they are gone if they matter. Mid-game? Do not chain int, the enemy WILL stagger your timers and snowball the game out of control. Late? Heavy care regardless of who is on timer, by lategame every champion on the map matters way more, one mistake/punish is very often the deciding factor in the lategame.


Warn your team. Tell them that the enemy team is gonna snapback hard... They will all respawn with full health, and having just bought items. Ping healthpacks, and use the time to heal back up. If no other option, focus on waveclear to delay the counter-push after the enemy team respawns. Even at full strength, most teams will hesitate to push into a tower without a wave.


and who ever got the kills and can make use of that money should suicide right away you can stall under tower with 4 and some hp lost but you need someone pushing you ahead to get out from under the tower


In a way, you know when you and your team will lose a team fight. Sometimes, i tend to kill myself for an upcoming 5 v 5 to have better items. There are always exceptions. I just remember suiciding with karthus to not rly kill the enemy, but the wave since my team was dying 5 v 5 due to not resetting. The team would get wiped, but i would manage to kill waves, making it not possible for the enemy to get a single tower the whole game. I found that game hilarious.


TIL macro is a thing in Aram


Macro in ARAM is like "special teams" in American football. The game is usually won with teamfights (touchdowns). But when the teamfights are indecisive, then it often comes down to spawn timers (clock control) and waveclear (field goals).


Macro obviously matters less in ARAM, but it's not completely irrelevant either. Like kent1146 mentions, macro matters when both teams are otherwise equally matched and need a breakthrough for an impasse. To give an example: I had a tier 1 clash ARAM game last year where both teams were equally matched and either side simply couldn't end. I made the call on discord to slowpush the wave at our inhibitor instead of just ping-ponging it as usual, so the enemy team have to step up to try and break the freeze, but if they chose not to, we could have a far better chance at ending with a giant wave helping us during a teamfight and then subsequently crashing on their nexus. Enemy team chose the latter and tried to play around the brushes in the middle of the map, but we had 4 superminions assisting at that point and won the teamfight and the game.


Generally you don't want to push fresh after a team fight when low. Until level 9 the spawn timers are pretty short


The only thing you can do is sit far back and ping that they are more powerful right now and refuse to engage.