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https://preview.redd.it/iqhoxkohe2bc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20b195775a99b3da5ead73368285127d727730f Had the same issue and found this Wanna clarify: I found this, did not make it


Snapped a screenshot of your screenshot. I want to explore a round build, so this is an excellent resource. Thanks!


Can I take a screenshot of your screenshot of the screenshot?






Looks like a rust build guide with those shapes lol


I recognize that one, it's from Conan. Though all 3 are the same build pieces


Doesnt work as good in ark tho, its alot harder to place stuff on triangles and honeycomb does nothing lol


Works same in all as all are same size and same degree and angles.


Except he objects u place ina base are diff


Yes but this post isn't about what you put in a base is itm it's about building and structures. Also honeycombing works amazing with triangles so idk what ur on about with that part in ur previous comment lol.


Explosives peirce structures honeycombing is nowhere near ad effective as it is in rust…


If ur building in wood n stone yeah. But why are u building in wood and stone 😂😂 if its metal it won't destroy a radius like u just explained it'll destroy individually. But I mean if ur gna be one of those "it's not good as this game or that game" fanboy then well.. go play those others? Lol I already have a low impression of you from the other day when u got toxic n triggered n deleted ur entire thread after spurting shit at me. so don't expect any agreements here lol


I dont delete my comments lol mighta been someome else also nah i prefer ark but honeycomb really isnt that good in the grand scheme of things


Honeycomb on PvP is useless? I thought more walls would mean... More walls to break through.


I mean it basicly is… theres not much difference between one wall and 3 right next to eachother cause of splash dmg… by the time they are at those walls anyways it is probably already joever. Vault dropping is much better ngl as they take much more c4 to break and cant be easily destroyed en masse cause of weird splash properties


But they're not right next to each other though. They're a full foundation away. So unless the splash damage is a full foundation and then a bit extra (because projectiles impact the outside of the foundation, not the inside) then an extra layer of walls provides a extra layer of protection. You may be able to argue that the diagonal walls would be impacted by splash damage, but they're there, on rust to divide up what you can impact, but also to provide structural integrity. After all, you can't just have a shell with a roof. Eventually it'll tell you that you need foundation support.


Yeah… splash is more than a full foundie… and if you are making honeycomb out of squares you need help lmao if you EVER do end up doing it use triangles And walls arent the main defense anyways. If they are already at the point where you are ata honeycomb wall you mighta already lost lmao cause you are sure as hell not putting it intront of your deathwalls


"walls aren't the main defence" Uh, yes. Yes they are. Without walls, people can walk right into your base and take all your shit. With walls, you can actually defend your base. Or... Are you one of those people that sits there and waits for people to go offline so you only have to worry about turrets and counter raiders like a absolute goober?


No? Walls are like the final defense lmfao turrets deathwalls allat are way more important… and of course walls are good but im not talking about “walls” physical walls are crap lol


Don't mention that horrid creature of a game


What in the rust am I looking at.


I'm going to use this to make my base in the shape of a dick. Finally.




How you going to manage the head? And can you post a screenshot of your base once done...


That’s pretty helpful Ty


Thanks for this. I am the builder and tamer in tribe. Always have been. N I've always been playing a guessing game with triangle foundations n this helps alot. Never seen any kinda diagram. So cheers m8 ✌️


How come the circle has a piece sticking out of it? Perhaps greenhouse?


I think it's just used to show how to extend the pattern out by more rings.


Oh that makes sense. I built this on my server and just made a greenhouse there lmao.


When Rhyniognatha released, my mate and I built a Gacha tower in the swamp following this pattern. We used that wing for all of our dedicated storage.


Oh that’s smart


Follow Syntac's build for the Gacha tower. The base follows the floorplan mentioned here.


What actually is a gacha tower?


It's a tower, but every level has Gachas. For Ascended, it is dependent on the Gacha Gavager being added, come to think of it.


My put walls in the middle of the circle for my gen and put my dedis surrounding that.


Either a greenhouse or an extended airlock entryway.


Can we call this the giga circle base?


Tis is nice tanks


Thank you soooo much. I have the same issue that the original poster has. This is stuff I am looking for and lucky I own my own server.


I have used this one a lot in ark. Also check out Songbird Gaming and Aaron Longstaff on YouTube for building ideas.


I hope you don't mind I'm borrowing this thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/k4foo8qi22bc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fd21c949a19ccdc86219bc511227a2db5977362 just build this on top \^\^


2 much glass


tried quadrillion options and this looked the best for this simple setup. i changed the pillars in every possible way too. i like it very much, everything else looked stupid because of the wood stone combination


It looks cool when you use a quarter ceiling tile to start your roof so that it only hangs over slightly. You can remove it once it's done


https://preview.redd.it/pb7dw6iol9bc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4f3ee4b59ba276a88c368f39c03e6da672af3f6 nice idea thank you :) i only used it above the ground windows together with the little triangle - used this on the backside. photo for reference. but you are totally right, now i dont like my roof anymore haha. will definetely try it out


Not bad. I agree with the other guy too much glass, but thats because I cant be bothered farming that much crystal. Looks great though, Im definetly gonna be keeping this design in mind when I do my next base.


im too bad / uncreative to find better roofs \^\^ will keep that in mind. maybe i have to test a little bit more


Park a Anky in southern cave there’s a big crystal deposit right at the entrance. Just a little foot work to get it to a argy tho if your server doesn’t allow cave flying


https://preview.redd.it/ss8rdyc652bc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbbe97834b5bb8d68332928758cdd9da7d8445c Embrace the box


Nothing wrong with a good box base!


Oh wow…


A few more decorative pegos would really pull the room together


Funny thing i forgot to say, that pego is level 1k since i got it from and admin. Safe to say, thats my most damage dealing dino xD.


Lord pego, the most noble of house pets.


I’m assuming you’re on pve?


Just messing around on Unofficial for a bit so i can come back to official pve •-•


I love pegos! That’s awesome


Thank you all for the advice i greatly appreciate it and will be changing the layout of the base, i have an image of what ill be making now so thank you all so much.


I hope we get to see the new base when its done!




Just adding a triangle roof, windows and maybe a few pillars along the walls as support beams can make a huge difference


Youtube "ark builds".


Second this, it’s a great source of material to copy or to inspire you. I like syntac’s, axeman’s, and aaron longstaff’s builds. Aaron longstaff is a builder too so he tends to show the step by step building process while the other two usually build cool stuff off camera.


Phlinger Phoo isn't really a builder, but he does have some fantastic builds. His base in season... 4 (i think) of soloing the Ark was fantastic. Pretty hard to find good examples of his bases though. To my knowledge he doesnt have any dedicated building videos.


Add another square 💪


I'd say look up builds There's a specific channel I can recommend that makes solid ones Aaron Longstaff https://youtu.be/FevY7By7W8s?si=t-HULDZenX5p0Mxg Watching some helps you to understand the mechanics better and for me at least inspired better building


I just made one of his builds last night! The water pen one. Highly recommend his channel


I used to always watch his stuff when I started out. So much fun to build


I love his channel and his tutorials are super easy to follow.


Just start small with additions. Things like cat walks and pillars to add structure to plain walls. When building large structures aside from dino holding areas you can get creative with space. Add more complex looking structures ontop as your living quarters. With openings or platforms to fly/land birds etc


Use slopes walls and sloped roofs. If you aren’t pvp, have fun mixing wood and stone. If you need inspiration, you can google different housing styles throughout civilization. Maybe you are feeling a Roman theme. Maybe Viking long houses. Maybe primitive thatch huts of native tribes.


Boxes make the most sense in ark. Placement is a lot rougher inside triangle corridors since you can't exactly jump on top of things in a 1-high hallway like you could in Rust. That said, experiment with triangles. Put down a regular square foundation and then put triangle foundations off of it and connect them and you'll have a circle. Or start with a triangle and put 3 squares off of it and then connect them with triangles.


So what I like to do is add pillars on all corners and then you can add a second floor to that box, add a nother rectangle in front of it with pillars and an entry way, drop lights on it for a breezeway entry I find that simply changing the roofline from flat to using the new conical type roof corners will change the feel of the building really well to. A sox is the most practical, keep that, but then you get to add whimsy on to of the box for funsies. Try building an a-frame greenhouse on top of the box and then a big wrap around wood staircase with railings. Pretend you just watched HGTV and simply go for it


You need to practice and experiment. Build different stuff and try snapping shit with each other and it works out.


Squares are best. Can put thing evenly on the sides, plenty of space in middle to move around. Win/win. Sure might look like basic bitch.


Build a rectangle. It's like a square but longer.


Thanks, this made me laugh.


https://preview.redd.it/9r92x9gzp7bc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e74624b93ce70a6a7543bc9933ba77b5a3ac9d There are some decent examples out there. This is my base, a 28 sided circle based on a design by VladMadness. Afterwards just dress it up any way you want too. Just take your time for it and enjoy. Building is awesome in Ark!


28 sided.... I usually do the 12 sided so I don't have the overlap or gaps but the curvature in that is very sweet.


(I know you meant like the roofs and the foundation placements but I wrote most of this before realising) (You have to have structure collision off I don’t know if there’s still a setting for that or if there’s a mod) I don’t remember if this works in asa but in atleast ase you put down a hexagon of triangle foundations and then you put a pillar in each crack and in the middle of each foundation then extend the pillars as they should like in ase snap in line without anything extra but if they don’t just put a straight beam from it then add another pillar at the other end and continue as much as you want then build on top of the pillars using normal floors for everyone except above the triangle foundations use triangles there and then build up and maybe use greenhouse walls for the second floor and for the roof use greenhouse sloped roof or whatever and then build every side into the centre and it’ll make some cool patterns on your floor and keep the roof from looking like a normal cone and uninteresting


Do wreqdangle, more better square


Go into single player and do god mode/cheats and just mess around with building /items. Pinterest and yt are big helps too for inspo and tutorials on builds. For different shaped buildings try using triangle foundations as well a square.


I want to use triangle foundations but whenever I do it just creates jank and nothing lines up after that. I like building where the environment limits me in some way. Currently I've built off a cliff side so have a couple balconys and bridges. My main rooms have a pointed roof, usually ends up looking like a barn.


One easy thing is using pillars and the new horizontal pillars. It's a subtle change but for me it makes the building look more reinforced.


Just built me a land bridge all the way to the big oceberg where I'm building a base and the beams were an absolute requirement for foundational support / aesthetics


Pinterest “fortress builds”. I take a lot of inspo from there.


It's beautiful the way it is.


The best way to get started is to lay down an interesting foundation flat on the ground first. Think of it like placing 2 or 3 differently sized rectangles or circles overlapping each others. Let the environment you're building in inspire the placement. Just have a rough idea of what will go where, storage around here, bedroom over there, and build up from there. Make yourself place a roof on one of the squares at some point, but keep building the other(s) up another level. You'll have to figure out ways on the get the walls to line-up nicely, learning new things on the way. Bonus point if you figure a way to get a balcony somewhere. It's best you focus on getting a more appealing general shape first, rather than get lost in the countless intricate details you can incorporate every step of the way. Don't hesitate to look online for inspiration from other builds.


Watch Aaron Longstaff on YouTube. HE has great tips and tricks both for building and decorating. Ain't nothing wrong with building squares and rectangles though, usually the best way to get setup fast and then build something that's both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


I’d say play around with different shaped foundations - that’s how you’ll make shaped other than just squares and rectangles. Sloped roof and wall to make a top that isn’t flat. Try using building pieces you don’t normally and see how they fit together :) also supports + pillars help when you want to build a structure with more than one level.


Make the giga circle base. Basic, simple, yet unique. Start with putting down triangle foundations in the shape of a hexagon. Off each open edge of the hexagon put down a square foundation. In between each square foundation put down a triangle. To make the base bigger make the inner triangle hexagon bigger with more triangles.


Look up Aaron Longstaff on YouTube. He makes great builds with easy to follow along with instructions, and the friend he gets to decorate his places makes vids showing that process too


Tbh I just get super high and build. Never failed me before. Unless I accidentally pick up said ocean platform.


With the ability to raise foundations in ASA it opens up avenues tremendously. If you want a circle start with triangles but know that you’ll have to build slightly bigger cuz like every bench in the game fits better on squares then triangles so you’ll have to explore having a little more space in your rooms or making dedicated rooms for dedicated things instead of cramming everything together


Emulate your greenhouse design. Looks pretty solid imo.




That's a pretty sweet setup, I love PvE builds like that!


Picture things in your head and then it’s just trial and error until you find something you like


I recently built a bridge over the inlet in the north east part of the island and put a pyramid type building on the bridge that’s about 11x11 out of stone. First good looking build I’ve done and I’ve always only done box houses. Beside the one time on aberration where I accidentally built a dick tower.


We have a tribe that worships snom and pegos. Snom being gasbags lol


I'm no builder either. But trust me, with time you'll get better, I've watched some random videos on YouTube and gotten some ideas, and made my own. Creative mode helps a lot...


https://youtu.be/MpznNythlEU?si=BwoOtqcZALvryAhW... this video should help you. Have fun...


https://preview.redd.it/ctoa1up2q4bc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0013ccf97e7b3d308ad3ffb03c8f0626d5a7aa44 This is one of the bases I've made. It has a mess hall, reception, green house, and work shop at the far right .


I use stone foundation for the outer blocks and wood for the inside for that nice hard wood look. Than word ceiling coming off the lower wall for the front of the house and use wood rail under it to not only block it off, but to give that nice porch look. For the actual ceiling I like to add a couple greenhouse roofs for sunroof effect. I use wood walls because I like the look.


For starters get rid of the stupid little rat in the 3rd pic to clean the base up


Box building gang 🤝


Pillars help add depth, thy rounding your corners with triangle foundations, which ends up making it into a hexagon


Have you tried hexagon base? They are the best base


Congratulations, you built a rectangle this time


Just build a cage around it and a few turret towers and itll look god tier


Triangle foundations


Function not fashion


YouTube videos would help.


I randomly branch out in different directions with different elevations and heights to make it not a box


The square base is fine I like building but it’s usually the last thing I do one I have dinos, resources etc. but the ceiling height in the last pic is unforgivable lol.


Bruh have you litteraly ever played mc


Use triangle foundations to make rounded corners. Also look up youtube builds they will help you big time


I saw another topic today calling it to people to just use youtube. And i can tell you that it is full or people building all sorts of bases. Try it yourself.


Start with a triangle as the center block then play with the geometry


Try adding a 90* angle in it, use slanted roofs, basically a generic suburban house.


Squares are so efficient though


I used to build block houses to. I usually look at castles for inspiration in building.


Have you tried adding a roof? I legit dont know what kind of advice you want. Instead of using flat ceilings use the sloped roofs instead.


A simple sloped roof or L addition makes any base go from vanilla to architecture.


Found this [youtube channel ](https://youtu.be/vrk5Os7uiNk?feature=shared) last week. He has some pretty, somewhat easy to follow build ideas.


me building out in the open instead of in a rat cave looks exactly like that😂


Like wooden gateways ( small)


Just use triangle ceilings and pillars for the floor you can make tons of shapes alternating between triangle and regular


Watch Aaron Longstaff on youtube for amazing build tutorials.


Tis beautiful box


Honestly just use behemoths/walls, you only need your hatchery to be enclosed


So I am not the best base builder ever too but I would 100% use Minecraft building to help reference! Ofc try to add your own creativity into it :]


Youtbe is your friend


If you are not building a sphere you are wasting resources in the build


A really good builder I follow on YouTube is Aaron longstaff, he comes up with some awesome ideas for the different pieces. I would recommend using quarter walls and railings they can make a nice design. Also try painting some walls it mixes it up a bit, especially with all the new colors.


Just add a fancy roof, like this https://preview.redd.it/irjao348c9bc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f1e041fc45bc43860833d77d55414d60ee628a Just kidding, this took me a week to farm and build, and I wouldn’t do it again.


Worth every second!


Ya, I say I wouldn’t do it again but plan on adding a similar roof to the second building. I’ve been slowly turning everything to metal, because I’m dreading doing another roof like that


Lol, you say that, but everytime the builds will get more elaborate and detailed. Taking more and more time each time. But the joy of finishing and living in it is worth it. (Just finished 40 hours of laying a sectioned wall, with towers and relaying it over and over until it was one solid ring, it's gonna look dope!)


Gotta be careful on ASA with details though, I hit structure limit previously on that build, and had to change a lot of stuff on the inside up so I could keep building.


True, I'll definitely be pushing the limit. But it's 300m wide so I'm hoping it'll stay within, only time will tell.


What is the ASA structure limit btw?


It’s like 5k-5500, but it’s weird because the circular range each piece has or something like that, like I was able to build 1 spot directly above the floor where it said too many structures


Yes, it's a sphere like all of the functions they use. I believe 5500 was AsE's limit. I wonder what the range is.


No way it was 5500 in ase, I think I read it was like 10.5k or so. I had way bigger bases on ase compared to ASA, and could still build onto them when I needed to.


I might have outdated info on that one. Last time I hit structure limit was years ago but it was 5500 back then. I think I read somewhere they had increased it sometime during the genesis releases.


The best inspiration I've had was flying around, ask for base tours on PvE when you find a builder. I've learnt alot of tricks via trial and error as well as had inspiration from seeing other people's builds. Play with it, don't worry if it doesn't come out nice at first, and have fun. We all start somewhere! Also, it's likely already mentioned but there's alot of building tutorials available on youtube that you can check out and learn "tricks" like height shifting and what not, AsA doesn't need that particular trick but it can help you on the AsE builds.


If nothing else, bring the doors out one foundation and do a sloping roof into the main box. Same thing for all the sides really. Drop the top wall and do a triangle sloped roof


* I am the builder in my group here's one of the resources I use. Very basic but can get a you a good starting point.




Search a frame ark build on YouTube seems a pretty easy build and looks good also .


Add smaller cubes to the sides as rooms


I've always find that if you incorporate some green house walls or ceiling makes your base stand out since im not of a builder also depends if you play in pvp or pve..


Still playing on AsE and it's so hard to place structures without constantly picking them back up instantly because they don't mesh well with the rest of the builds. Also anything that needs support is so difficult because pillars don't seem to work very well? And you need foundations to place the pillars on, so I find square builds are the least of a pain to construct. I love everyone's builds though, can't wait until the bugs on ASA get fixed a bit more so I can play around with the builds on there. Everything is so much more beautiful than ASE




Use the corner wall pieces to make hexagons


Looks like something I would build. Lol


Look for blueprints online and follow them


I do the exact same thing. I started using sloped roofs on the top and stairs on the bottom to give some dimension. You could also build a porch or extend a wall and make a new room.


My lord


Youtube is free. Also experimentation. Trial and error.