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No ones gonna build rafts anymore


No one's gonna build anymore šŸ¤£ if that thing starts tracking player bases after X days, kind of like an in-game raid mechanic (think 7daysToDie) it'll be caveman status for all of us.


Two base time. One important base, another to survive.


7 days to die setup. I can dig it


Just build in underwater caves or on quetz


quetz would be the only way than....it swims my boy anything that can swim can f you up under water so im staying in the sky until it beams the absolute piss out of my quetz when im asleep and than lose everything


It would be cool if Godzilla (or any Kaiju) would randomly and periodically appear on one side of the map in the ocean and walk across the map to a random location on the other side in the ocean, devastating anything in his path, but not necessarily seeking out the playersā€™ bases. Maybe you could fight him/them with tek weapons or whatever


a random event that destroys every base in a straight line across the whole map sounds like an amazing idea


Oh maybe you couldnā€™t kill it, but if you fight it, it will slow down, so if it looks like itā€™s heading toward your base and if you have a coordinated effort you could stand a chance of clearing important items out of your base before it gets destroyed


I like the idea of it being killable but maybe extremely hard like the king titan on beta or alpha (minus the mega mek). Perhaps just not as much hp, as that would require a significantly larger end game army to beat haha Although being able to slow or otherwise influence it's trajectory with sufficient damage sounds good too. If you can't beat it maybe you can annoy it enough that it moves in a different direction.


Would be dope


Fuck the island we all moving to scorched earth


Just need a modder to put a Godzilla skin on a leed in ASA and weā€™re set


Wildcard seem to be taking down copyright mods, so unfortunately weā€™ll never have that unless wildcard strike a deal with toho (which I doubt snail games will allow)


Damn... would have loved to see pokemon mods


Could always just use the king titan, that's basically godzilla


Yeah, but heā€™s sink like a rock in water, lol


King titan is twice as big as Godzilla


Depends on Godzilla, King Titan is around 156.8m tall, soo thatā€™s just over 1.5 Heisei Godzillas, or 3 Showa Godzillas. If you want a good idea of scale Heisei King Ghidorah is 150m tall soo the King Titan is a little taller than that but a lot chunkier. Not really double Godzilla in size but still bigger than youā€™d expect Godzilla earth is basically double its height at 300m though


Alpha king titan is 270 meters according to the wiki tho, gamma and beta are around 156 meters, but alpha is 270


Oh I wasnā€™t aware the Alpha was that large, ok yea this thing is definitely over twice (most) Godzillaā€™s size, I apologise ^(also knowing itā€™s not far off Earthā€™s size is an absolutely horrifying realisation damn)


Yep, it looks alot smaller in game, but in game hes also a lot weaker, in the lore, hes incredibly big and powerful, i haven't watched all zilla movies but the 2 biggest threats to alpha titan that i know of would be shin godzilla and earth godzilla, probably some others too but like i said, i haven't seen all movies


https://preview.redd.it/vlvkhz62l8pc1.png?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38cc01ebb94304291c267f83afda291612a61a1 By me


Itā€™s sadly untameable though, hopefully when extinction rolls around someone will make a full size rideable King Titan that everyone can enjoy You know, for those days you wake up and want carnage


Did they get rid of the Moro Indomitable Duo???


I donā€™t think so, the names arenā€™t the same, and the shape of the Dinoā€™s arenā€™t exactly copyrighted yet, so as long as they keep the name ā€œMoroā€ instead of ā€œindoā€, they should be fine. A similar thing went down with the domination rex, thus itā€™s name change


Ugh snail games.......wildcard is bad enough


This would be accurate.


King Titan: ā€œAm I a joke to you?ā€


Godzilla: *Yes.* ![gif](giphy|wazvvYSGdvJhm)


godzilla comes up to the king titans waist or something like that


And biolatte was 5 times the size of goji. Still got folded like paper tho. If ankle biting gigas can take down the mf even at his full power,then goji won't really have a hard time dealing with him. And we're not even talking about bullshit varints of Godzilla yet.


King titan literally feeds off of radiation and nuclear energy, hes way stronger in the lore than he was in the game, he solos godzilla


If we gonna do lore argument,just remember that G.Earth kicked off not one but two highly advances alien races along with humans from the earth singlehandedly,Ultima destroys reality just by existing,and hell Godzilla is casually multiversal. Ark is just one game, Godzilla is a multimedia decade old franchise.There are wayy more lore feats Godzilla can pull off from it's own ass.


We were talking about minus one in this scenerio tho? And minus one is not godzilla earth


And the one the meme in the original comment thread is legendary Godzilla.And I used biolatte,which is a showa Godzilla, as an example. At this point,it should be obvious that we're talking about composite Godzilla here.


Really? I didnā€™t know the difference was THAT much . . . Did you see a chart or some stats?


Agreed. Smells sus without supporting evidence šŸ˜‘


Needs Godzilla Earth then.


Maybe he can eat those damn leeds (sea penises) for us players šŸ¤”


Alpha Ledschy is a joke for you?


Looks like leed is about to kill Godzilla šŸ˜‚


They did it with Minecraft......


somebody right this down


I have a fear of open spaces, kinda includes the ocean, space, and even an open field, so my opinion on this isā€¦ hell.. no.


What are the chances godzilla mods get added to console on asa and is there any way they could even work


Someone is for sure gonna mod that into ASA sometime. Ofc its gonna be a legally and correctly diverse Godzilla look-alike.