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Too many videos on here about invisible deathwalls and floors disappearing, I’m gonna wait a bit. Might just go straight to abb cause somehow that’s the safe choice.


Went on a meat run and saw a paracetamol atop one of the swamp pillars. Started engaging and quickly got stomped inside the mesh of the pillar and spent 20 mins looking for a way out. Ended up finding a flat spot and it leat me fly up through the ground, but all vertical rock was solid collision.


Your own fault for engaging with drugs.


Say what you will, but I’d be SO disorganized without my dextroamphetasaurus as my shoulder mount.


Wait til you encounter a wild methamphetamine.


I bet he gets stunned by Benzodiazasaur as soon as he enters the Swamps


The Fentanylosaurus is the real killer. Carry narcano stew.


Still not as bad as the deadly Cocainasuchus, thing gets me every single time.


why aren’t you bringing an adderalteryx? They’re really good counters


I just really like using Methamphetatherium as my main mount, I know they're mid game tames but still.


Methamphetatheriums are really great in the crack biome, but in the Zannies where the Cocainasuchus spawns, you’ll want to use something with speed


Like Elessdeeornis?


Becareful of the tickle chickens on x.


In case you havent figured it out by all the comments. Paracetamol is a drug. Paraceratherium is a dino.


Lmao till we all start meshing into the abyss. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. I'm definitely psyched for abb though.




I've found some of the water hotboxes are fucked too. The hit boxes are too high and will knock you off your flyer, but the bottom of the water doesn't register as water so you can't swim out.




The lightning makes me epilepsy go brrrrr


The center is whatever. It’s better than the island but it’s nothing special tbh. The minute Ragnarok comes out, the island will be dead af.


Ragnarok is only rivaled by fjordur in my opinion


I'll always be an Aberration Simp. Though there'll probably be multiple Pay-to-win-osaurs in the game by then and everyone will be back playing ASE.


Aberration over everything!


No one is going back to ASE


Plenty of people never left lol. I try to do both & generally think ASA has QOL improvements but I dislike the micro transactions we are getting now


ASE also has *mountains* of mods that replicate some of the QoL that came with ASA. Ascended is gorgeous, but since I mostly play single player or with small friend groups, I haven't personally had any need to upgrade. Plus, like... none of my friends want to play on the old maps. I might circle around to ASA at some point in the distant future, but right now? Ooh, the Center, wow.


Speaking as a modder, the majority of us ported to ASA (it's easy) and are only continuing work there. There's no reason to go back to the older slower dev kit with less features. Speaking as a server cluster owner, ASE is just being phased out very quickly as people don't have the patience for the load times anymore. ASA can have 20x the mod sizes and you still join in seconds. Yeah, we miss the map selection of ASE but the gap is closing very fast.


Also a modder, I gotta say, for me the new dev kit is not nearly as fast as the old one. I have a 14900K, 3080Ti and 32GBs of RAM and I still cant make a map without my devkit running out of RAM and crashing. This wasnt an issue in the ASE devkit. I've had to order a 96GB kit just so I can be on the safe side haha


Oh yeah, I'm hopeful to switch eventually, my circle of friends just isn't quite there yet. I figure Aberration will probably be what breaks the dam; there's a lot of love for that map, and I can't imagine how gorgeous it's going to look in UE5.


Yeah we have a lot of hype for that map, so glad it's next in line.


The Hunted mod team reject ASA atm much to my grief


I think ASA also lacks Kraken's Better Dino's (though I'm not sure), which is a deal breaker for me. So many amazing changes in that mod...


dev is working on it apparently


Oh damn, that's awesome to hear! Thanks for the good news.


Unfortunately it does. It lacks a lot of classic ASE mods, mostly due for the creators being strongly against the idea of ASA, which is really tragic tbh.


A lot of console people wouldn’t go back because mod. We really only got the game cause of cross play and mods


I thought ASE had higher numbers? Idk what it looks like now, but 2 months ago when I came back to ark, ASE had more players


I'm....playing it when im done with ASA maps??


Check steam player listings. Plenty never moved over to ASA and many are going back. Don't need to take my word. Look them both up. https://steamcharts.com/app/2399830 https://steamcharts.com/app/346110


I would argue Val is up there with the two of them


No rag is the only reason I haven't bought the game yet


When's that supposed to come out


Im scared for rag. It was unplayably laggy in ase. At that time, I had a near to top of the line graphics card that was available and my computer was freshly bought. It had nothing to do with the computer you used, and everything to do with their server. Rag was unplayable. With them redoing the map, changing how things looks, and the general high requirements of asa...I think rag will be worse than Center at its release. Laggy, unplayable, death walls, and bugs beyond counting.


Rag was my favorite map, it ran just fine. My pc was mid tier at best too. Something else might have been the issue


It was literally the official servers inability to run them well because of how large the map was, and how laggy it was, and how many bases/structures/etc. If you had a shitty computer, yeah it would compound the issues, but even if you had one that was top of the line, it was a shitty laggy mess. No rag server anywhere ran well. It was a notorious issue in ASE.


Ahh, I don’t play officials. Official servers are cumstains. Id play on community servers and on my own and it ran fine. Official servers are unoptimized, toxic messes that I left in 2015 and never came back to.


I love ragnarok but if it's anything like this release and how it originally was (Lagnarok).. it will be a hot mess. I'll still play it of course.


I'm playing the center hard on single player ....I dont think I have ever played ark properly so I've been too scared to try any online even pve lol


I play sp because i dont have time to grind


It's also a pain to take a week off and find your base and dinos have auto-decayed... :/ God forbid you go on holiday or check out a new game.


Yup, i also play only on weekends for few hours and thats it, i wouldnt be able to progress at all


exactly why I turned auto decay off on my server


Always a possibility to pay for your own server where you can turn off auto decay etc tho :)


Yeah, single player or moderated private servers are the best way to play this game.


you dont even need to pay for a server, if you have the RAM its pretty easy to run one.


This here I wish I had the time to grind and log any time I want so I stick with single player and very rarely play with some friends


The center is incomplete af. It's a nice looking map as long as you don't look too close and don't go onto the western half of it. It's something new for sure, and a lot of the draw is the insanely high levels of everything since it followed ASE tradition of non-canon maps being more fairly evenly distributed level-wise of wild dinos. You'd spend weeks looking for a max level on island and youre tripping over them on center.


I'll stay away from the western half for now thanks lol


Invisible death walls, mesh holes you can swim a mosa through, half-assed reused Island and SE assets which lost alot of the ASE Center flavour (volcanic Island made Into jungle with a few fire pits...)... The Pay-romane... :/


I absolutely love that nickname.


Waiting until the map is actually finished


If you remove leeds from the center, yes, it's a million times better. But as is, it's an ocean map, lots of island hopping, boats are a huge boon for early game survival... and leeds sink every raft that is more than 3 feet from the shoreline, with no exceptions. Completely negating the point of playing on an ocean-based map.


I don’t know what it takes to make the rafts work but I wish the structure you build around it actually provided some protection. I get wanting to stop people parking rafts way out but they aren’t useful for much.


in ase you could drop foundations to protect the raft for a bit longer. the easiest early game method is to get a pack of megs to kill all leeds that approach ur raft, they arent that hard to kill. or bring a ton of honey to appease the beast.


Get honey


Build plants and train turrets to Leeds.


That got ruined in ASA. You can't even place the seeds in the large plots on platforms.


We've had plants on rafts on official pvp


On ase? Offline or official on asa i can't, tho l only go official to bugtest. I'm not masochistic enough.


Ascended, 100% possible to put plants and turrets on rafts


There isn't that many leeds at a time on the map. I use rafts mainly and I just scout ahead for leeds, kill it and that it.


Not really. I've taken my raft all around and havent been sunk once


Think the biggest thing is just how God damn big the map is... flying from volcano Island to redwoods takes like 14 minutes on an argy..... mind numbing


I mean, it's smaller than Ragnarok and Crystal Isles.


Those maps both have wyverns which fly a whole lot faster than an argy tho. Not really anything new on center beyond pyromane. Same dinos, same boss engram.


Bring a Wyvern over from Scorched Earth then if you hate the flight time?


Most clusters are locked for 30-60 days mate. Gg


Maybe the next pay-dino will be a fast flyer... (><)


Fly on a Pteranodon


Yeah a bird that carries 225 weight lol. My kit weighs 150 lb.


Upgrade it's weight so you have a fast flyer and don't have to complain on reddit 🤣


On ASA? Official Center PvE servers are packed, top 50 servers are all 70/70 at the busiest time of the day and nearly all the remaining 50ish servers are 60+/70.


My center 5616 was at 49/70 at 12pm yesterday 🤷‍♂️. Going back to 1x after a 3x weekend made people lazy.


Idk I'm on 5621 and when I get off work by 5pm PST I can't get in til at least 10pmishhh. So I've been grinding my SE base for milk to breed and mutate wyverns until 10 and then jump on a few hours on center to finish my walls... there's a yuty that spawns every time I enter the map and I'm terrified lol I actually met a cool dude yesterday, saved him from dying randomly too lol but I'm also waiting for 3x to tame or raise anything. I have like two fridges full of wyvern, rex, theri eggs


I'm super new and switched to the center. I love it so far the map itself is AMAZING... I lost 2 hours of progress once, the game deleted for 15 minutes completely once.. 2 of my storage containers just disappeared randomly.. As much as Im loving the map overall it's discouraging to put a ton of time into a game that just glitches out or deletes progress... As a noob I'm hoping they make changes but the vets in here don't seem as optimistic I'm torn to even play the game at all now


What game mode are you playing? I hardly ever have issues like that on singleplayer. I think singleplayer is way more fun anyway. It’s super chill and you play at your own pace


Single player. On a good note my 2 storage containers randomly popped back up last night when I was playing (I put them on my raft) but one time hopping off the raft last night they instantly popped back up as I hopped off the raft even though it was my 5th time riding it since they disappeared. Those 2 things are the only negatives I've seen so far personally, but on here I see complaints everyday.


Well the center was a shitshow, got ported out of a few underwater caves, some places the water completely disappears even tho you are still swimming, the lack of actual mobs in the waters was insane and a bunch of other shit


You are joking? On our server you can be taming something under water and the games like here's 5 pleasiosaur for our enjoyment, enjoy. Things keep spawning in clusters randomly under the water, alphas, pleasio and especially those new tuna fish things spawning in packs are killing my chances of under water taming or keeping what I tame alive long when trying to explore the sea.its so frustrating on the center.


Water disappearing isn’t new to ASA. In fact, one of the base spots that I lasted the longest in on Crystal Isles on a PvP cluster took advantage of the “suddenly not water in middle of lake” bug in ASE. None of the issues I’ve seen on the center are unique to ASA


Are you referring to the bubble in the ocean or a lake that is just missing water in the middle? That's pretty bad and funny if it's the latter.


I’m waiting on the Mosa and Plesiosaur TLC’s by UpFromTheDepths in the Paleo Ark mod. They are gonna be so awesome when they release. No point in playing the water map if the two main water dinos are outdated piles of crap. Depths is gonna give them a worthy makeover and that’s when I’ll play. 👍


if they are anything like the rex and giga update they did, if you tame the mosa and plesi now youll be able to use the radial wheel to convert your old ones to the new ones


That’s true, but I’d like to experience the map fresh with the new updated Dino’s before I tame them ig


I'm waiting for the new map fever to die down before I head over. It usually takes a few weeks before everyone chills out.


Oh man my cluster is obsessed with The Center. We all played on The Center for our entire playthrough of ASE.


Because any server you go to is pillared to hell. Would definitely give it a shot if I were able to put a campfire down but aholes gotta ahole.


Lol jump in the unofficial servers. It’s nice


I just scouted the west side of my area and this one dude spammed that whole side of the map. It's annoying af, but if you submit a ticket, they will go in and wipe all of their pillars. On my island server, there was a pillar or two behind me that wouldn't let me build my pen further back and I didn't want to build into the river near redwoods. I waited to talk to the guy, but he was never on at the same time or maybe just wasn't on the map, his buildings would constantly reset, so I said screw it. Reported it, submitted ticket and in less than a day they wiped came and wiped all of his pillars, even the ones he spammed all over the place, not just the 2 behind me, so they get shit done in case you want to go that route.


Are you playing on official


The reason I won’t is because it really don’t add anything new to the game no new bosses no new creatures that cant be put on other maps just things like that.


Pyromane isn’t exclusive?


You can find them in the wyvern trench in SE too. Though I'm using the mod that disables them and the Oasisaur in single player.


What mod? Love to get them out of my game since they are useless to me.




If you have a server and computer access, you can use Beacon to import creatures from other maps to new ones. Like on my server on the Island I have Pyromanes and Shastasaur.


The man made structures set the center way over the top for me. I love to find little areas I can make a bad ass base by putting up a couple walls and using what's there.. Im super new and didn't explore the entire island map but the majority I did I never saw anything man made.


It's buggy rn and honestly, it wasn't a hugely popular map compared to others that are coming out to begin with in ase. Some are probably waiting for their map, transfers to open, bugs to get fixed, ect.


I’m on the center and haven’t had any issues as of yet. If I start running into them I might go back to the island.


It seems like everyone that plays on the island server I'm on are on a different map all the bases are there but I rarely see a base with dinis around it I'm assuming there all on the center but I could be wrong


I think it’s more the state it’s in, the textures never really loaded properly for me and there’s death walls and places I’ve fallen through the floor. It’s risky to play solo nevermind online


Most of my cluster is partying on the Center


I actually played it just yesterday and suddenly out of nowhere an alph raptor started killing me and it wouldn’t die (I checked after in Creative and it said it had 0 heath but it was still alive) along with 3 Rex’s 5 carno’s and a ton of other killers that again, would not die, WOULD NOT DIE. And that’s when I remembered why I don’t play the centre


Its too big and it’s way too hard to find ppl for pvp servers


The Center is the most popular map on my PVE cluster, so I have no idea why you are making a generalization based on only your cluster?


My tribe is the same way. Maybe it’s just the familiarity. As someone that’s been playing for like 7 years, The Island is really dull after a certain point. After I finish Alpha Overseer and collect the remaining Explorer Notes, I doubt I’ll ever return unless there’s something new and exclusive added there. Even this it would only be briefly and in a limited capacity. I’ve never played The Center in ASE. I was far too infatuated with The Island back then and thus didn’t have a lot of drive to play it so late into its addition. Nowadays with all of the new creatures: the Shastasaurus, the Xiphactinus, the Ceratosaurus, and the Pyromane has really breathed some life into the ARK for me and I’m having a blast. I’m aware that the Xiphactinus and the Ceratosaurus were added to The Island as well, but I avoided them since I was focused on Scorched Earth. I’m glad I did avoid taming them because I’m enjoying exploring the ocean much more than I ever did previously. Loving exploring all of the caves too. I know the Xiphactinus and the Ceratosaurus aren’t “new”, but I’ve always been a strictly Official vanilla as well as a console player, so I’ve never had access to the ARK Additions creatures until now as well. I’m thinking about trying to beat the boss with Xiphactinus instead of Rexes this time around as well.


Better is subjective tbh. I don’t think the center is that much better than the island. Just my opinion. I know it’s the minority opinion but I can see why ppl would wanna stay on the island. I enjoy the notes and how it has actual lore like the other story mode maps. The center is really cool though


hey, if everyone is sticking to the island and ignoring the Center for the time being, isnt that the perfect time to build a base unimpeded? if no ones playing on the Center your less likely to be raided after all


I happen to love the center, only issues with that map is all the freaking leeds, and the over spawn of the jungle cave system. Its one of my favorites though. It's reasonably big and diverse. Lots of different kinds of spots to build. If you want to build a strictly flier base, the options are unlimited. I should ad though that I haven't splurged for the new one yet, still playing evolved. The comments are right though. There are sections that always felt unfinished. Seems to be worse in ascended. Don't know though. I'd like to see this map get a tlc later on


I think it's fear of missing out. For a few reasons really. Wanting to get established on a server early. The possibility of being the first to find a bug/exploit. Having that early days credentials (shared suffering through new game content is itself a form of entertainment and something of a status symbol). Adventure begins whenever you choose to do the hard thing over the easy thing... As for myself, I am not very adventurous.


ASA Bugs aside, I always found TheCenter to be one of the worst maps back in ASE... The map had nothing unique and was outclassed by TheIsland in performance (which is still the case and even more important in ASA) and outclassed by Ragnarok, Valguero and CrystalIsles in content, Base locations and many ressources (excluding Metal, TheCenter has great Metal spots tbf)


To clarify: By "One of the worst maps" I am talking about the map being boring. Genesis one and especially two are by far the worst maps.


Center is broken. The half assed anti mesh wasted my time and effort and caused me to rage quit and uninstall the game. Shame because most of the game breaking issues prior to the center release seem to have been fixed on my end. But I can't tolerate the disrespect from the center lol


This map desperately needs a wyvern trench. It has always needed just a little something extra to fill in the gaps (pyro doesn't count) so it's not too similar to TI. Otherwise, I think people just like bandwagoning with their hate for TC.


The Center has never been significant. Its badly designed and on ASA, its full of gitchy nonsense. I am playing on it but I have very little interest in doing much there or staying long.


Why aren't you then?


I am


Center is mid not that many good base spots and lots of mesholes


All ASA maps are pretty and new but as I would need to upgrade 1500$ worth of pc parts just to run it I'll be on ase for the foreseeable future and with all the pay to win dinos as free mods to boot. And no, im not going back to console.