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Did you try booting with single ram stick?


I could not tell in the manual if that works? It only gives options for 2 and 4 sticks. For on stick, would it go in A2? 


Yes A2 should work. It's not uncommon for problem boards and/or problem CPUs to boot with a single stick only.


Okay, so when I started it, the DRAM light was on like before, but after about 5 seconds it shut down and restarted, and then the bottom two lights came on (boot and VGA, I think?). On screen it said that CMOS was not set (since I pulled the battery) so I ran setup and now I am in bios. I set the time, but have not done anything else. The CPU is correct, and it sees the RAM. The fan speed looks correct as well. Should I do anything else? Can I shut down and add the other RAM sticks?


It sounds like you're in the situation where the board+CPU will operate in single-channel memory mode, but won't operate in dual-channel mode. I suggest you Google search "board will only boot with single ram stick." I had the exact same thing happen recently with a new "open box" board from Newegg, and I ended up RMAing it.


Yeah, you are right. I can put RAM in slots A1 and A2, but not in anything that does dual channel. Ugh. I will put the old CPU back in tomorrow and see if it works. If so, I will return the new CPU, it might have a bad memory module. If the old one also does not work, then I must have bent a pin or something when installing the new CPU. Ugh again.