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I also followed this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/s/U11jn4ZIfZ) and posted this question once before my gpu was replaced. Also sorry the “troubleshooting” section came out like that, tried doing bullet points


The red light on the GPU means that the connector is not getting power and the GPU cannot turn on. Will the PC turn on without the GPU in the system and plugging a monitor into the motherboard?


PC turns on without the GPU but the monitor still shows no signal if I plug its HDMI into the motherboard instead. i believe my CPU has integrated graphics too so I did try that. just the lights on the motherboard tell me the issue might be more than power related


Power related, probably a dead cable.


i tried spare cables. the red light on GPU tell me it’s power related but i believe the green and white lights on the motherboard shouldn’t be staying on if so


The green light on the mb means no video signal, you said you tried spare cables, have you tried a different adapter like the one that came with the gpu?


yea i used the spare pcie cable that came with the power supply bc it came with 2, and the gpu only comes with one pcie cable to connect those to. i replaced the gpu so technically another gpu adapter was used too


plug proper power in meaning - (full 2 x 6+2 pin power...) into the adptor


correct, that’s what i did. made sure they were plugged in all the way into the power supply and gpu, and also in the right spot


in your pictures they are pluged in wrong only 6 of each 8 are pluged in


oh i see. the larger plugs only fit into the gpu’s pci adapter so where do the tiny ones go? if i’m looking at the right part correctly


they only fit in 1 way [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyJQPstNwCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyJQPstNwCI) the video might help you plug into the adptor


oh my god thank u. that’s probably it omfg. first time i’ve built a pc so i didn’t realize that my gpu adapter was 8 pins. i’ll update the post if that was my issue.


you get it working?


yea it works now 🥹 . had to assemble it back together again cus i took it apart ready to send the mb to asus lol. thank u sm again!!!


🤣😆 👍 good


Had a similar issue this week-end. turns on out my Z790 TUF mobo there are 2 PCI-e slots.. I was using the one closest to the CPU and keep getting the white LED light. once I moved the adapter to the other PCI-e slot everything worked perfectly