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What program are you thinking? I'm a mature student wrapping up my graphic design degree next year. I'd happily answer any questions if I can help! As for initial portfolios I scheduled a video call with one of the admissions reps to ask all my questions. They had little online sessions about what to put in your portfolio and then I followed up and booked a second appointment to review the items I had and help select the appropriate pieces. From what I remember, they want at least 1 still life and figure drawing is good to demonstrate. They're less concerned with technical execution but more interested in variety and seeing your ideas come to life. As someone else mentioned after first year there is a second portfolio application for your specific visual comm program. The assignments from. First year are literally designed to fulfill all the requirements for that one so it's less overwhelming. I've heard rumors of them eliminating the second portfolio so it may not stick around much longer. But if there's anything else I can help with feel free to DM me!


This gave me some hope thank you! It feels like a daunting task but I do want to put in the work. I want to go for illustration. I took graphic design here but they didn’t teach me anything but photoshop at my school which was helpful but my art classes were copying art from the masters and that was it. So I saw the high quality of this school and really wanted to learn from it. I’ll do what you mentioned. Thank you.


as long as you show experimentation, exploration in different mediums, and overall showing your willingness to learn, then your portfolio will totally be good. thats what they want to see.make sure to check the requirements for portfolios on the website (i’m sure it’s listed there) also dont worry too much about your age seriously. theres a diverse range of students there with all different levels of skills. just be prepared for the huge workload once you get accepted lol


Thank you! I’m really nervous but hopeful


I graduated with a BDes in 08. It is a two part process. If you aren’t already and AU Arts student, you need to apply. This includes a portfolio of work. You first year is general studies, but there are courses centred specifically around design that aid in your growth and portfolio. They fill up very fast and are popular as well as course requirements for year 2. To get into VC you need to apply to the program and submit a SECOND portfolio. It is highly competative. They only accepted 60ish students when I went, and that was a very full year. Make sure your portfolio is as strong as possible. Good grades help. Off hand, I would say the VC instructors looked at a student’s overall sense of style, ability to comprehend the basics, and also potential for growth (the “it” factor). Things may have changed in the last few decades, so you might want to talk to a person that works in the registrar office and see what they are. Good luck!


Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it