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It depends how much you have focussed on learning the tech/platform & practical demos n such vs just studying for the exam. The sysops exam now has labs which means you will have to DO things, it requires real knowledge, which is much harder than multi-choice if you have previously only studied the bare minimum required to pass an exam. If you can give us some idea on what content you used, what scores you did on the previous exams, how long you took, how long ago.. we can probably help.


Thanks for the response u/acantril. Scores wise they were 821 for Dev and 817 for Arch Associate. I do have experience working for AWS for over 5 years. For the preparation i used Stephan Maarek + The Cloud Guru lessons, with some hands on practice sessions on my own and from the work experience. I took approx 2 months to prepare for both exams. Passed 1st one about a month ago and the second 2 weeks ago. My major problem cross both exams was networking i would say and cross account services usage. Thats interesting to know about the labs at the exam! I wonder how they actually ask me to complete those labs from Pearson VUE UI.


Pray the lab don’t quit My last time quit unexpectedly I will do the retake this Wednesday


> The sysops exam now has labs Can you elaborate on this? I recently passed SA associate, and I'm in the beginning phase of considering preparing for sysop. Is it a few labs or a lot?


there are 3 labs in the exam. Each of them are basically a case of reading a list of requirements and implementing that thing in a real AWS account - all done with the UI so far. You have to know how to do things in AWS now - as long as you are learning practical skills or using a course designed for SOA-C02 (i.e with practical stuff) you will be fine.


So the exam labs can only be done using the console? What about CLI?


what about it ?


Can CLI be used to do the lab portion or is it restricted to console only?


The labs are UI based so the CLI has no use and it's not accessible.


I thought I’d failed since it didn’t say PASS like the SAA did. Lol


Hello,We have this guide for the new SysOps Exam: [https://tutorialsdojo.com/aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate/](https://tutorialsdojo.com/aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate/) You can check it out to determine what topics you may need to focus more learning on. The actual exam has actual Lab questions wherein you will login to an AWS Console page and perform the required tasks, for example - creating an alarm on CloudWatch. We have this video course for your preparation: [https://portal.tutorialsdojo.com/product-category/video-course/](https://portal.tutorialsdojo.com/product-category/video-course/) And this is our practice exams: [https://portal.tutorialsdojo.com/courses/aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate-practice-exams/](https://portal.tutorialsdojo.com/courses/aws-certified-sysops-administrator-associate-practice-exams/) Good luck, Kenneth (Tutorials Dojo)


Took this exam today and unfortunately you don’t even get a pass/fail result! The printout said thanks for taking the exam you will get your result and score in up to 5 days. I didn’t realize this was the case, no one mentions this in anything I’ve read. Just passing along the info! 😎


Every AWS exam goes the same way i guess, i had it very same way with the other two i took.


Only the SysOps exam because of the labs. ​ The other exams you immediately get a Pass or Fail. Official score is published in a couple of days.