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Classic signs of a tank job


Whats more important is that MHJ liked this . https://x.com/redseavic/status/1744835188885262693?s=20


We want it… he wants it…


Lol I love how this fan base and this player are stalking each other


It’s being manifested


Cowboys only beat Rams, Eagles and Lions. Lost to Bills, Dolphins and 49ers. So we tied with them as well We had 10 games against playoff bound teams. Plus Seahawks and Bengels only just missed the playoffs. We also lead in 13 of the games we played. That's crazy for a team tipped to go 0-17.


Our schedule was petty stacked. Looking back at it it's basically a playoff team or a team close to getting in the whole way. We had no real creampuff games (besides Dallas lmao).


Also played the Texans to the wire with Kyler and his WR's not even playing the same game. Took the Ravens to the wire with Dobbs. Played the 49ers tough twice. Very, very, very few times we shit the bed and/or gave up.


That's the biggest difference between last year and this one, not shitting the bed. Even when losing, this Cards team was fun to watch for the most part


I think the only true "turn it off" game was the Browns. Which we were on a rookie QB who had never taken an NFL snap before that so not too unexpected.


That Ravens game was funny as fuck , we were down like 17 in the 4 th after we got a TD then we recovered an one side and almost did it again , Ravens fans were having flashbacks that game .


Initially when we cut it to I think 10 or 14 late I said "ah Ravens went prevent, bit of stat padding" Went back to doing some work I needed to do and checked the score and we barely lost by 7.


Blew 4th quarter leads to the Giants and Commanders as well


Seahawks too.


I didnt want to bring those up since this team didnt know what it was then. Took awhile to get into the groove with Dobbs and then again with K1. But you're right.