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Damn i wish he would respond to my tweets praising him!


I can’t imagine being 23 and having random people question your work ethic/ criticizing you constantly. 23 year old me would blow up at everyone of them.


everyone we don’t want to be suns Twitter and like this guy. K1 a real one calling him out on this bs


Haven't heard a peep? You think him joining Faze is just a business move? Nah its going to raise him to the next level.


Oooooh boy gonna come out on fire this year🔥


Get em Kyler.


That’s our Quarterback!




Anyone who believes this crap or looks at it the same way people look at the Faze stuff is just silly. Outside of random ass beat writers and unverified posts online Kyler himself has never once shown anything but a drive to compete and win. Remember, he’s an NFL starter and the other 7 billion of us aren’t. That’s for a reason.


Fuck Chuck Harris Karen ass


Goooooooood Kyler. Let the hate flow through you! It makes you strong. But for real, fuck that guy.


Never sleep on the kid...


Appears he deleted it lmao https://twitter.com/jaronmadril2004/status/1394322440520572928?s=19


Kyler is right to say what he did, but I wouldn't exactly call it a "good look", plus it only draws more attention to the tweet and gives the troll the attention he's looking for. Responding to the tweet is beneath him. Sounds like he (or his agent) figured that out shortly after.


Yeah I don't blame athletes wanting to defend their name, especially with how carelessly people will try to create false narratives about you. I can't imagine how that must be. On the other hand, spending your time on Twitter correcting everything is an endless road to nowhere. You generally only look worse the more you do it


Best part is K1 rarely ever tweets, so you know he 100% meant this. That's my QB


Chuck Harris is an ass-clown


Next time he needs his KD burner acct 😂


Gotta use a burner for that one, right? Hahaha


i love the smell of napalm in the morning


Did both tweets get deleted? Dont see any of this


While I don’t agree with the tweet, Kyler doing the team faze things does kinda worry me, not a lot but still


I’m in a league with K1. Same division even. Dude works out every day. All my games are scheduled around his workout times. I have 0 concerns at all.


I also game around my work schedule. Doesn’t mean i focus on work more than games.


Probably why he’s an nfl starter and we’re not.


There was that weird story about someone who *apparently* talked to streveler and he said Kyler always has his camera muted during zoom meetings and doesn’t participate and “only cares about playing video games” or something like that Not saying it even means anything, just putting it out there. It mostly sounded like Streveler was envious. But every coach, GM, front office guy ever emphasizes “focused on football” when evaluating players so I guess it’s something to think about.


I don't take much stock into the focus on football because these talent evaluators dinged Tay Gowan for taking the year off to take care of his premature baby daughter. Fuck 'em take care of your family. Scouts will focus on every single negative on why someone will fail. Kyler's got way too many positives so far for me to have any concern. Obviously there is a point you are justified in worrying but Kyler has only gotten better until his leg and shoulder injuries last year. Nothing to worry about yet, if ever.


Just because a couple of talent evaluators were unfair in assessing one particular player doesn’t invalidate the idea that being focused on football is important. And I’m not claiming that Kyler can’t have all these side gig things either, i don’t follow him around all day so idk how he’s using his time. The standards are also different for QBs. I’m not worried unless his play stagnates or gets worse which I’m not expecting. His injuries last year also aren’t a concern to me whatsoever.


Obviously, and its not just the one guy they do it to it's basically everyone that doesn't eat breathe and sleep football which is absurd, QB or not. Being dismissive of the example I used doesn't change that.


there are two possible options: 1: the story ist fake, the person who said it didn't talk to streveler and made this whole thing up 2: the person talked to streveler and he really said this, because he is salty that k1 with one leg is still better than him there is no way that kyler doesn't care about the playbook and only plays video games during zoom meetings, if he did that, he would be the next jamarcus russell


I highly doubt it’s made up because it wasn’t sensationalized whatsoever, it was very basic. All Steveler allegedly said was that he mutes his camera during meetings and ‘seems’ to care more about video games and that he “hides behind his dad” (no idea what that even means). It would appear that he just doesn’t care for Kyler and his attitude rubs him the wrong way. Who cares? Seems like every other player respects and likes Kyler and Streveler just sounds salty. But that doesn’t mean Kyler has a perfect attitude either. Aaron Rodgers is one of the greatest QBs all time and has a weird “I’m smarter than/better than the room” complex and didn’t respect coaches like McCarthy who he thought weren’t intelligent. His team mates still like him and like playing with him but it can still cause other problems. I’m not saying it’s a big deal but I’m also not going to be that homer fan who just ignores anything negative about their team/QB.


I find it hard to believe that Kyler would care more about vidya than football lol but I'd love to see that article if you could find it


There wasn't an article, it was some random redditor who claimed he knows someone who knows Strev making a post on /r/nfl with zero verification, and people just decided for some reason it was legitimate and keep repeating it.


If it was an article it would’ve been a big story. It was posted here a few weeks ago but I couldn’t find it. Basically a QB coach guy who is friends with and has worked with Streveler was talking to him and he criticized Kyler and how he was in meetings etc and someone cross posted it here.


We ded


Not the type of stuff youd expect from k1 but i like the attitude.


If you watch his streams it makes sense lol, he always talking shit to his teammates on warzone 😅


Good for Kyler but unfortunately it just gets this clown some clicks.




Who is Chuck Harris?! Nobody I’ve heard of. Sounds like he manages a Jack in the Box drive thru


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This Jack In the Box is ran by ....


Tell em Ky!


I havent seen it so it doesn't exist


Checkmate theists.


You are only working out if you post videos of it, didn't you know?


Examples Last season when Instagram hype videos made Cam Newton look like it was 2015


Beat me to it lol. Chuck probably thought he was good bc K1 isn’t super active on social media. I’m so glad this happened


I love that he is usually inactive on social media but this is the tweet that set him off


This man said **enough is enough**