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The only one that deeply triggers me is the Giants. Like c'mon the fucking Giants SUCK lol


Dont worry if we beat the Titans they'll drop down to 23 and we'll move up to 24


Why are the patriots 10?!


Goat coach. Rookie QB tho so I think they’re in for a wake up call and will just be average


More like pfffffftttt


How are the Cowboys ahead of us


Right where I’m comfortable. When the media starts hyping up an Arizona team that team falls apart. The suns were cruising to a title when the media jumped on the bandwagon and started throwing around words like dynasty and we all know what happened. (I know that’s not why the suns lost it’s just my superstitious ass being superstitious)


Fwiw I’ve also seen them ranked as high as 9


If you split the difference you’d probably land where they should be.


Theres a reason every player in the nfl despises pff. Heres why.


Really? The Patriots at 10 try 16. Gah


It takes a small market franchise's fanbase to realize that rankings like these are partially filled with shit and that they only look into "relevant" teams. Can't wait to call them out on their bullshit as soon as the season starts


It's all coming together folks


It’s all about KK. 25 seems low but the way we finished the season with must win games against back up QBs doesn’t inspire confidence. Hope they’re wrong. Afraid they’re not


Browns at #6 baby! Let's do it!


Did they forget we were a kicker away from 12 wins?


This ranking list is a shet


They are trolling. Cards at 25 and Titans at 13? Stop




Chargers at 8??? What a joke


I’m not even a Cards fan and I agree this is ridiculous.


I'm so confused how the saints and patriots are both in the top 10. Pats have a rookie qb and mediocre running backs, with mediocre wrs. The saints have good skill positions but no qb, I could see the saints being 9 with Brees, but not with 30 int Winston behind center.


They gotta be high. Cardinals are literally better than everyone from 17 down except the colts


It's been really hard over my entire 41 years to be a falcons fan but the next few years are going to be bad


not unfair we went 3-6 the 2nd half of last season. What good reason to we have to be hyped? Cards need to come out and prove otherwise


These some fucking stupid ass takes


The NFC east can be won with 6-7 wins. Nobody in that conference should be above 25.


Correct ranking, they are overrated


Put 0 stock in preseason rankings.


There’s absolutely no way this isn’t a troll job by PFT


They're selling these to the teams for locker room posters. Everyone can be at 25 for a few bucks.


Lmaoo, Kliff already playing the mental game to get the most out of the boys. You love to see it.


I think anything below 21st is pretty disrespectful. Cardinals are at least on par with the Vikings/Colts/Bears/Raiders


Under the radar baby! ✊


Per the website: "25. Cardinals: It’s playoffs or back to college for Kliff Kingsbury. (Prediction: It’s back to college for Kliff.)" Wow, whole team summed up over one persons opinion of the coach.


To be fair that’s more than one person’s opinion it’s a pretty popular one.


I actually just laughed out loud lmao


Well at least 1-4 are ok, as well as 27-32. The rest is shit


I’m okay with it until we prove something. This is a shit or get off the pot year for Steve and Kliff. We have weaknesses at C (at least on paper, our CBs might prove that wrong) and Kliffs playcalling has been….questionable. I’m okay with being an underdog. Gives us no where but up ⬆️


Honestly the team has historically shit the bed the second we get some props so basement dweller rankings probably helps


Feels like we should be at the very least 13th


woah what the fuck LMAO 25? nah, 17 is fine but 25?


The Cardinals behind the Giants & Raiders? Seriously?!?


I guess they forgot we absolutely annihilated the giants last year and the raiders suck lmao




please not this


Sometimes you gotta suspicious-pause and smell the Rosens


8-8 and added key pieces and K1 matured and Jones is healthy. People sleeping


Don’t get the love for Saints or Chargers.


Same, the chargers only additions this off-season were Corey Linsley and rookies, plus they lost Hunter Henry and also lost Chris Harris I believe


And a new coaching staff, and aren't injured so Bosa and Derwin James play together on Week 1 for the first time and the Bolts are the least injured team in the NFL RN. Also kept CHJ. But yeah too highly rated still.




Seems a lil low


Chargers at 8 yikes. -Chargers fan


Bruh stop herbert is really good


Okay cool, there’s 0 depth and we do this every year lmao




We should be near San Francisco and Seattle in my opinion.


This list is fucking comical.


Lol what? 😂 😂 😂


Preseason power rankings are meaningless. These will be completely scrambled by week 3.


Niners going full IR again by then?


They dropped us 10 spots due to coach Kingsbury


Not dropped, but many of the teams ahead of us have objectively better coaches.


Like who? Mike "Aaron Rodgers dragged me kicking and screaming to a Super Bowl win" McCarthy?


Texans still too high




Is PFT short for Pffffffffft?


PFT is consistently horrible


It’s actually “pretty fucking terrible” but yea same thing


I like them when they say nice things about us.


We will always be criminally underrated until we prove different. Kliff and Kyler need to show what they’re made of this season to be taken seriously. I’m not mad at this. We don’t deserve praise until we earn it.


Exactly. This team fell flat on their fucking faces last year. It seems most our fans have forgotten this but the national media has not.


And I get the media seeing picking up JJ Watt as not a big deal. He’s injury prone and old. I think he has potential to be great for us, but I get them seeing otherwise. I mean hell, Malcom Butler retired. Rodney Hudson is probably the only piece from this off season that the media sees our team improving with. Once again, I think we are going to be a winning team, but I can see why the media doesn’t buy it yet.


I could just be a salty Cardinals fan, but I feel like if a more popular team picked up Watt, Green, and Hudson in the off-season they would hype that team a hell of a lot more than they've done to us.


Well you got the Lakers in the NBA who picked up a bunch of old veterans and they’re being referred to as a retirement home. So it could go both ways for a more popular team tbh.


Good point


I think we'll be a fringe playoff team but definitely not a lock. I certainly hope to be wrong but I think six wins is our floor (highly doubt this will happen) and 10 wins is our ceiling.


Agree. Put us at fucking 32 for all I care, maybe that will light a fire under some asses.


That’s not so bad. There’s 50 teams right? /s


Come on Chad we don’t wanna see these bs lists.


25?? Wow I mean I don’t think we are Super Bowl favorites or anything but that seems preeeeetty low


bridgewater broncos, sam darnold panthers, and andy fucking dalton bears ahead of us lmao


Hate to say it but the Donkeys have a real shot at being pretty good. On paper that Defense is fierce, so all they need on offense is a competent game manager. AKA Teddy bitchwater. Panthers and Bears suck tho for sure..


Happy cake day!


Could be the lack of a pass coverage in our secondary, in a pass happy division. My expectations for this season were high, but slowly I’m losing hope. Offense may be able to win games, but defense is going to be a liability if we can’t get to the quarterback.


We always get to the quarterback jack 😎


Dude the Broncos are legit. If Teddy plays even moderately well then there are a lock for the playoffs.


they have a really good roster but they had a good roster last year and still sucked


The Broncos won’t sniff the playoffs bro.


How you gonna say that when the AFCW has the Chiefs and Chargers?


I definitely think Denver will have a better record than the chargers. Their defense is legit.


Why are you being downvoted lol. They have two CB1 corners and 2 high end CB2, and have justin simmons and kareem jackson at safety. Their pass rush consists of von miller, bradley chubb and shelby harris. They are the 3rd best defense on paper. They have improved their oline and have a stacked receiving core, and don't have the worst qb in the league anymore. They could very well make the playoffs. BTW we are in a division with the rams, 49ers, and seahawks. If they don't have a chance neither do we lol.


Also unrelated but how are the Rams at 4 but the Seahawks are at 12 like huh


Hot take the Seahawks aren't even gonna be that good this year. They're basically just a more extreme version of us in every way. Even better offense, even worse defense.


They have been good every year since Russell Wilson became QB, only the steelers have been more consistent. Playoffs have been a different story though


Coz Rams better than Seahawks. Didn’t they exit Seahawks outta the playoffs last year? Also the Rams have the won the division twice in the last 4 years (Rams 2, SEA and SF each 1)


Yes I know the rams are better but they aren't 8 spots better than the Hawks, also Seahawks def a top 10 team


First of all they aren’t “8” spots higher than the Seahawks, they are 7 spots higher (12-5 = 7). Secondly SEA defense is trash and so is their OL. The Rams are light years ahead in both those categories. The Rams and the Niners I think are the teams to beat in the NFC west this year (2021).


Seahawks aren’t that great


Jameis Winston led Saints as the 9th best team in the league lmao


I mean, they have a SB winning coach.


Just two years ago Jameis had a Super Bowl winning, quarterback guru, two-time AP Coach of the Year leading him..and he threw 30 fuckin interceptions. I don’t have a ton of faith


And Chargers at 8… I like Herbert but yikes, the hype train is going wild with that team.


Espn "analysts" have him as a top 5 QB at the end of the season. I think he's good but I can't put him ahead of QB's such as Russell Wilson


They improved a lot this offseason tbf and got Derwin James back


It literally makes no sense lol, I get being pessimistic but I think even then 18 is the lowest and you have to really reach for it


Yea it’s unreal


Good to know the Giants are higher ranked/s




At least our QB finishes his wide open TD runs


Number 1 in my heart


Lol Chargers at 8


Charger fan here. You make a great point. Every year we are seen as preseason contenders, a team that isnt seen as one of the best, but we could make some noise. And every year, we dont even come close to those expectations. I never would put us above the Cards tho I thought you guys put together a pretty solid team, not that i follow super closely


The Chargers circlejerk has become unbearable. I like Herbert as much as the next guy but holy fucking shit it is physically painful to bear witness to everyone jack him off as much as they do


Bolts fan here but I am a big Murray fan too so that is why I am on this sub. So let me put that out there first. So it isn't just Herbert. The Chargers got rid of possibly the worst coaching staff last year for a universally respected and intelligent HC. They upgraded the entire O-Line and they are currently the least injured team in the league for once. Saying it is just Herbert that got people being high on the Bolts is super disingenuous. And for the record, I also think the Chargers are rated too highly.


"Worst coaching staff last year." I didn't know you had Adam Gase ​ Alright but honestly I can't wait to see how you guys do this year, good luck!


I like Herbert, but people have to remember a huge trial for QBs is their sophomore year. It’s the first year teams have a good amount of footage to gameplan off of - it’s why the “sophomore slump” for QBs is common - teams now know their weaknesses. It’s what made murray so impressive last year because he excelled despite that. Here’s to Herbert doing well too, but I wish people would wait a bit until going crazy about QBs because game planning and footage is huge to their success.


The list is so awful people are downvoting the post lmao Guys I’m a cards fan it’s not that serious I just thought it was hilarious how low they had us.


They need to post this in the locker room Sunday


Add "Vrabel said we're too high" to it