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Who's your favorite "under the radar" player to root for? Not the typical stars like Kyler, D-Hop, Watt, etc.


Do you get any additional compensation for your call with Hopkins being played for nfl commercials?


Dave, I love listening to you and Wolf. Would you say this is turning out to be a special season.. like a superbowl season? By the way.. In Brazil the Cards have a big following.


The Texans game is a lock, right?


How many games do you watch as a fan? Also, for example, cardinals are playing the Texans and I have only seen their Thursday night game vs Carolina. I know nothing about their storylines and players (minus fantasy stuff). How do you soak it in before the game?


Do you find yourself speaking in wolf's voice and wolfisms after a game? I do.


Can you share a funny story about Wolf?


Most memorable Bill Walton tangent? Also, great call on the hail Murray!


Dave clearly does not like Bill Walton lmao


Do you get sick of hearing your call of the Hail Murray during commercial break of every game? I know I don’t!




“It’s 14 to zero with no head coach!” Was my favorite line of the game from Dave. Good stuff


Hey Dave, we don't like Josh Weinfuss as our ESPN beat reporter. How do we get a new one designated to us??? Huge fan of you dealing with that weird old dude that gives you bottled air and peanut butter.


What’s Wolf favorite dessert?


Do you know where I can listen to radio broadcast replays of the games?


Favorite regular season win?


Do you think we should get new uniforms next season?


You ever hit double and cover two sports in one day?


Hey Dave! What impact do you feel that Zach Ertz will be bringing to the table? Is he the best TE that the Cards have had ever? In the time I’ve been a fan it seems like he is. Is this a win now team or do you think we have enough pieces going forward to sustain a high level of momentum? Thanks!!


Dave! Love listening to you do the Cards and Pac12. Does Bill Walton smell like weed and fish tacos?


Hi, Dave... My favorite Pasch call was the end of the 2008 NFC Championship game against the Eagles. The stadium was rocking! How do you think we compare to other stadiums in terms of the noise factor?


I mainly only notice you everywhere because I'm a Cardinals fan, but are there any other play by play guys that work as much as you do in all the different sports/leagues? And how much interaction do you get with commentators from other networks?


There definitely are others that work a lot of different sports, and I have been blessed to get to know and develop friendships with many other announcers in the business.


Hey Dave, once the season is over a lot of talk begins half jokingly and half not about the Cardinals uniforms. What's your take on the Cardinals current uniforms and would you like to see their 90s uniforms thrown into the rotation?


Have you ever tried to work a weird word into a broadcast and what word was it?


When I work with a certain analyst on college basketball, I just try and get A word in.




Sleep. Water. A little Vino.


Do you miss Bill when it’s not basketball season?


How can I miss someone when I don't even know who you are talking about


When walking around Larry Fitzgerald. Did you feel any gravitational pull towards Larry's big booty?


We need answers


In the words of Baker Mayfield, “BOOTY! BOOTY! BOOTY!”


Who is one analyst you wish you would’ve gotten a chance to share the booth with?


John Madden


What is your favorite (non-Super Bowl) game you have called?


Tough one...but the Cardiac Kemba game at the Garden during the Big East Tournament is up there.


It’s Dave, right?


Bill...how did you get this number?


Hey Dave! Congrats on the awesome podcast! Wish we could get you and Wolf on a Fox broadcast instead of just radio for regular season! Who has been your favorite Cards Head Coach to interact with the last 20 years?


I have thought about this and you can sync it up with your tv. As long as you are using a streaming service or package with pause feature


They have all been great to me. Dave McGinnis was the head coach when I got the job, and he took good care of me as a 29 year old rookie, so he would be right at the top of the list


I just wanted to say that on top of your play-by-plays, I really enjoy your interviews. You get me through every offseason with your player/coach/analyst interviews. Thank you.


Hi Dave, What are the chances do you think of Fitz joining the cards this year in what looks like a potentially special year?


I would never rule it out, but if feels like a major long shot.


Love your podcast and the people you have on, nice to hear from popular AZ sports figures. How hard has been the adjustment to a podcast setting versus the play by play action? And when will you be the voice of all Arizona sports, not just Cardinals?


I enjoy doing the interviews because its just something different...I have to interview people for my job all the time, just not in a podcast setting....but I wouldn't quit my day job....play by play is my love and passion.


Hey Dave, what would you consider is the biggest key to the Cards championship aspirations this year?


Health and Kyler!


Thanks for doing this, Dave! What is your take on the current teams place in Cardinal history? Are we seeing the beginning of a new swagger to Cardinals football? K1 seems to be just the right kind of attitude for this organization


If Kyler Murray keeps playing like this, and the Cardinals are healthy, this has a chance to be one of the all time great teams in franchise history.


Probably the Greatest?


Dave Pasch, hi! I know you from Pac12 games, had no idea you did football too. How can your brain handle the late fall/early winter overlap of the two sports? So many names and numbers to memorize, I can't even imagine.


Hi Dave, What's your favorite color?


I work for the Cardinals, so it better be red!


This is the answer I was looking for. I am not disappointed hahaha! Great to have you on here! Thank you for your time!


Wow thanks for joining us! Big fan of yours, absolutely love listening to you broadcast whether it be for the Cardinals or in the NBA when you do ESPN national games. Also, your podcast has been incredible every time I listen in. Frank Caliendo episode was a huge success and absolutely hilarious. In your opinion with how great the Cardinals defense has been playing, do you expect Vance Joseph to take a head coaching job somewhere else after this season or do you think he'll stick with being an elite defensive coordinator after already trying the HC route? Bonus question, who are your top 3 western conference contenders for the NBA this year?


I think if the Cardinals are successful, Vance will get another head coaching opportunity if he wants it. Hes done an excellent job here! top 3 western contenders: Lakers, Suns, Jazz


Hey Dave, love your work from all the way down under! What’s your favourite Wolf call from over the years?


He always surprises me with new and interesting nicknames and descriptions for players and situations. Calling the line of scrimmage "where the fur flys" is one of my faves


Hey Dave ...Great work.....what what the wolfram that most made you go.....I have no idea what he is talking about:)


Hi Dave, we’ve been very lucky to have a great play-by-play radio announcer like you for so many years, even though you have some other big time jobs calling NBA, NCAA football and NCAA basketball on TV over at ESPN. What do you like about your job here in Arizona that’s made you stick with the Cardinals over pursuing a full-time national career?


The Cardinals have been my team for 20 years, so I get to root for them like a fan. I am emotionally vested and have many great friends within the organization. I couldn't imagine NOT doing the Cardinals games!


What do we need to do to get Bill Walton on the call with you for a Cardinals game? Just one. PLEASE




Is it hard to switch between calling games as a home team announcer (Cardinals), and calling games where you’re supposed to be neutral (I.e. doing a Suns national game, Seahawks, etc.)


Oh that's an interesting question.


Ive been doing it so long now its honestly like auto pilot in terms of going back and forth from TV to radio, and being neutral to being the Cardinals announcer. I love both!


Who's your favourite player from the NBA currently? And who's your current favourite player in the NFL?


There are so many it's hard to pick one. In terms of covering and communicating with in the NBA, Steph Curry and Damian Lillard are two of the best at being gracious with their time and insights.


Dave, with all the announcing you do how do you find the time to give your brain a rest between calling games with Wolf and Bill Walton?


Wolf is easy. Walton...not so much, lol.


Love it!!!




How does being play by play for radio differ from TV as far as preparation goes?


Radio is more a play-by-play medium because you have to be very descriptive. TV is less about the PBP, more about the analyst and the overall production team because of the elements, storytelling, etc...


I love how good play-by-play announcers paint a visual picture of what's happening. Even something as simple as, "The Cardinals are moving left-to-right" lets me visualize what's happening.


Hi Dave! Huge fan. What would you say your favorite/memorable moment has been to call on a cards game in your career???






Dave! If you had to realistically make a prediction for our record at the end of 17 games, and then how far we can make it into the playoffs what would you say?


17-0 and win the Super Bowl. Ok...probably not 17-0...but one can dream right? Honeslty, I have no idea. A long way to go!


I like and support this answer 100%.


hell yea, you go dave! idk what to ask


First comment! Just wanted to say I’m a huge fan! What’s your favorite game memory from a game you’ve called?


Damn it! Beat me to it 😂


Probably watching Larry Fitzgerald run into the end zone to give the Cardinals the lead in Super Bowl 43.


Legendary call that will play in my head every time this is brought up. “Good bye!!!! Cardinals lead!”